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Detection of Listeria spp. in liquid egg products and in the egg breaking plants
environment and tracking of Listeria monocytogenes by PFGE

Article  in  International Journal of Food Microbiology · June 2013

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2013.06.014 · Source: PubMed


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6 authors, including:

Katell Rivoal Aurore Fablet

Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'Alimentation, de l'Environnement et d… Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'Alimentation, de l'Environnement et d…


Céline Courtillon Stéphanie Bougeard

Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'Alimentation, de l'Environnement et d… Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'Alimentation, de l'Environnement et d…


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International Journal of Food Microbiology 166 (2013) 109–116

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Detection of Listeria spp. in liquid egg products and in the egg breaking
plants environment and tracking of Listeria monocytogenes by PFGE
Katell Rivoal ⁎, Aurore Fablet, Céline Courtillon, Stéphanie Bougeard, Marianne Chemaly, Jocelyne Protais
Anses, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety, Ploufragan/Plouzané Laboratory, BP 53, 22 440 Ploufragan, France
Université Européenne de Bretagne, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Human listeriosis, caused by Listeria monocytogenes, is a severe bacterial infection that can lead to meningitis,
Received 21 March 2013 cerebromeningitis, bacteremia or septicemia, with acute lethality and potentially leading to death. A study has
Received in revised form 14 June 2013 shown that 29.5% of the caged laying hens in France are contaminated by L. monocytogenes (Chemaly et al.,
Accepted 15 June 2013
2008). However, very little information regarding egg and egg product contamination is currently available.
Available online 20 June 2013
The objective of this study is to determine the sanitary status of egg products and egg breaking plants in
France regarding Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes contaminations. The sampling scheme performed in five
Listeria monocytogenes egg breaking plants in Western France during one year have revealed that 8.5% of raw egg products were
Egg products contaminated by L. monocytogenes. No pasteurized egg products have been shown to be contaminated by
Environment L. monocytogenes. However, a high level of contamination by Listeria spp., and particularly by L. innocua, has
PFGE characterization been shown with 26.2% and 1.8% of raw and pasteurized egg products contaminated, respectively. This work
has also revealed the presence of Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes in the environment of egg breaking plants
with 65.1% and 8.0% of contaminated samples, respectively.
The typing of 253 isolates of L. monocytogenes by PFGE using ApaI and AscI enzymes has revealed a high diversity
with 46 different pulsotypes and has shown that the raw material is a source of contamination of egg breaking
plants. One L. monocytogenes cluster was dominant in the 5 egg-breaking plants during the four seasons studied.
The issue of which strains are better adapted to egg products must be considered and studied in depth by com-
paring them to pulsotypes from strains of other chains. However, the traceability of L. monocytogenes in plants
during the various seasons has also made it possible to highlight the presence of strains that are specific to egg
breaking plants. The study of cleaning and disinfection methods in these plants as well as the recurring bacteria's
resistance to disinfectants could provide answers to the egg product industry.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Frequently contaminated foods include milk and dairy products,

meat and meat products, plant products, fish and fishery products;
Listeria monocytogenes is a food-borne pathogen of serious public however, eggs and egg-products have never been involved in out-
health concern (Schlech et al., 1983). This pathogen can cause listeriosis, break or sporadic cases of listeriosis.
an illness that may result in encephalitis or septicemia in adults. In preg- Data concerning egg product contamination by L. monocytogenes
nant women, the infection can lead to miscarriages, premature births or was obtained in France by a study on the detection of pathogenic
neonatal infections. In France, the disease remains rare with less than 4 bacteria and alterations in the liquid matrix of eggs (Protais et al.,
cases per million, but the mortality rates can raise up to 30% (Vaillant et 2007). L. monocytogenes was found in 17.4% of raw whole egg products
al., 2005; EFSA, 2012). In the European Union (EU), a total of 1601 con- and 2.1% of pasteurized egg products (Rivoal et al., 2010). The contam-
firmed human cases of listeriosis (0.35/100,000) were reported in 2010 ination of raw egg products could be explained by the use of eggs with
(EFSA, 2012). Since 2006, an increasing number of listeriosis cases have shells which were contaminated by L. monocytogenes in the hen house
been noted in several EU countries, including France, predominantly in el- environment. In fact, Chemaly et al. (2008) found L. monocytogenes
derly people (Goulet et al., 2008; EFSA, 2012). in the dust samples of 31 laying hen farms out of 200 (15.5%).
L. monocytogenes seems to show a relative resistance to storage condi-
tions and handling of table eggs (Brackett and Beuchat, 1992).
L. monocytogenes is able of surviving shell egg cleaning procedures
and can be present in the water used for cleaning (Laird et al., 1991;
⁎ Corresponding author at: Hygiene & Quality of Poultry and Pig Products, French Agency
Jones et al., 2006). In fact, this pathogen, which is ubiquitous and fre-
for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety, BP 53, F-22 440, Ploufragan,
France. Tel.: +33 2 96 01 62 22; fax: +33 2 96 01 85 38. quently encountered in food industry environments, could be found
E-mail address: (K. Rivoal). in egg breaking plants (Gudbjörnsdottir et al., 2004).

0168-1605/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
110 K. Rivoal et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 166 (2013) 109–116

The contamination of pasteurized egg products is more surprising. Briefly described, the egg product samples (10 ml) are diluted to
Pasteurization should ensure the total inactivation of Listeria spp. in the tenth in half-Fraser broth (AES) and then incubated for 24 h at
the whole egg, especially when found in small quantities in the raw 30 °C. This first enrichment is streaked onto two selective agars
egg (Moore and Madden, 1993). Parameters relative to the resistance which are incubated for 48 h at 37 °C. A second enrichment is then
of L. monocytogenes could intervene, such as the physiological state of performed using 0.1 ml of the pre-enrichment into 10 ml of Fraser
L. monocytogenes cells (age, stress…) present in the egg product broth (AES) for incubation at 37 °C for 48 h. Isolations are then
before applying any type of sanitary treatment, the ability of the performed on Palcam and Aloa (incubation at 37 °C up to 48 h).
bacteria to revitalize after non-lethally damaged in normal or abusive A second dilution is performed to 1/40 in half-Fraser broth on the
preservation conditions (Augustin, 1996). Finally, post-pasteurization egg white products in order to reduce the action of antibacterial com-
contamination of the samples cannot be ignored, particularly in view ponents contained in the egg whites.
of the ability of L. monocytogenes to persist in the environment of food For environmental samples, 150 ml of half-Fraser is added to each
industry plants and to grow at low temperatures, which poses a real dif- swab. The protocol of isolation previously described is then applied.
ficulty for the food industry (Tasara and Stephan, 2006; Warriner and Five characteristic colonies were isolated from the selective agar
Namvar, 2009). plates, and genus confirmation was then performed (catalase, Gram
Discriminative molecular subtyping methods have been used to staining, mobility) prior to species identification (hemolysis, use of
characterize L. monocytogenes in order to understand the routes of con- sugars, Camp test).
tamination in plants (Wiedmann, 2002). Phenotypic typing methods Quantitative assessment of L. monocytogenes was also performed on
such as sero- and phage-typing have low discriminatory power. Molec- all raw egg products at their arrival in the lab. Quantitative analysis was
ular subtyping methods have been extensively applied for tracking performed by preparing tenfold dilution from half-Fraser broth enrich-
L. monocytogenes (Giovannacci et al., 1999). Although new methods ments before incubation performed for qualitative analysis. One ml of
are being investigated, Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis is still currently undiluted enrichment and 0.1 ml of each dilution were spread on Aloa
the ‘gold standard’ subtyping method for L. monocytogenes, due to its plates. After incubation at 37 °C for 48 h, characteristic colonies of
high reproducibility, robutstness and high discriminating power L. monocytogenes were counted. The detection threshold for the method
(Graves and Swaminathan, 2001). used was 10 CFU/ml. When a thermally treated sample of egg product
The objective of this project is to describe Listeria spp. contamination, or a sugar and/or salt sample was positive, an enumeration was then
particularly L. monocytogenes contamination, in French egg breaking performed on this product stored at 4 °C.
plants during different seasons, and to characterize L. monocytogenes by Finally, one to 6 isolates per positive sample were identified, for a
PFGE in order to describe plant contamination and to trace the origin of total of 4119 Listeria spp. isolates collected.
the contamination.
2.3. Selection and typing of L. monocytogenes isolates
2. Materials and methods
After speciation of Listeria spp. isolates (n = 4119), 595
2.1. Sampling
L. monocytogenes were identified and serogrouped using the PCR
method perfected by Doumith et al. (2004). A selection of 253
This study was carried out over a one-year period in 5 egg breaking
isolates was performed among these 595 isolates collected from 87
plants in North Western France. The five plants, distant from each other
samples positive for PFGE typing. For each positive sample, one
by 200 km, belong to five different companies and account for the
isolate was collected per positive enrichment media and per positive
production of 75% of French liquid whole egg products. Each plant was
selective media. Moreover, if different serotypes were revealed in
visited and sampled 4 times, one visit per season.
a single sample, one isolate of each serotype was typed, for a total
The presence of Listeria spp. was investigated in 4 different types
of 253 isolates. These isolates were subjected to PFGE using the
of samples, represented by:
restriction enzymes ApaI and AscI (BioLabs, Beverly, MA) according
a) egg shells (one or several egg batches) by rubbing (about 300 eggs to the protocol described by PulseNet (Graves and Swaminathan,
by wet swabs) and after breaking (25 g of about 300 egg shells), 2001).
b) environment of the egg breaking plant (wet swabs were done in The profiles obtained were analyzed using BioNumerics software
reception room including cells, doors, the parts of egg breakers version 6.5 (Applied Maths, Gand, Belgium) considering maximum
in contact with the egg product, piling and crushing of the shells), optimization of 1%, and based on Dice similarity of bands, with max-
c) raw egg products (whole egg, egg white and egg yolk; natural, imum position tolerance of 1.5%. Unweighted Pair Group Method
sweetened and salted) corresponding to the egg batches previously using Averages (UPGMA) was used for profile clustering and dendro-
sampled (see point a), immediately after breaking and shell filtering. gram construction. Two profiles were considered to be different if
The egg shell filter was also analyzed; they differed by one band. Profiles with an overall level of similarity
d) pasteurized egg products, matching the batches of eggs and raw egg >80%, calculated using BioNumerics software, are grouped into cluster
products previously sampled (point a and c), although correspon- (Gianfranceschi et al., 2009). The Simpson index (D) was determined
dence cannot be entirely exact due to high volumes. (Hunter, 1990) to assess the genetic diversity of Listeria monocytogenes
populations (Boscher et al., 2012).
Samplings of salt, sugar and other additives to egg products were
also analyzed.
A total of 1557 samples were collected, consisting of 564 egg 2.4. Statistical analysis
products, 260 egg shell samples and 733 environment samples.
Samples were kept at 2 °C ± 1 during transport and temperature Results of egg products contamination were analyzed by performing
was checked upon arrival at the laboratory. two logistic regressions to explain the following variables: Listeria spp.
and L. monocytogenes using 3 main effects: egg breaking plant, season
2.2. L. monocytogenes isolation and identification and matrix (whole egg, egg yolk or egg white).
For environmental samples, several models were tested. Two logis-
Detection of Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes were performed in tic regressions to explain the different variables (contamination by
accordance with the NF EN ISO 11290-1-February 2007 standard Listeria spp. and by L. monocytogenes) using 3 main effects: egg breaking
using two plating media (Aloa and Palcam; AES, Combourg, France). plant, season and sampling type (environment, machine or shells) were
K. Rivoal et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 166 (2013) 109–116 111

Table 1
Contamination of raw and pasteurized egg products by L. monocytogenes and Listeria spp. during the various seasons.

Egg products Winter Spring Summer Fall Total

Raw L. monocytogenes 5/76 (6.6%) 9/71 (12.7%) 8/72 (11.1%) 3/74 (4.1 %) 25/293 (8.5%)
Listeria spp. 17/76 (22.4%) 19/71 (26.8%) 23/72 (32%) 18/74 (24.3%) 77/293 (26,2%)
Pasteurized L. monocytogenes 0/67 0/70 0/65 0/69 0/271
Listeria spp. 3/67 (4.5%) 0/70 1/65 (1.5%) 1/69 (1.5%) 5/271 (1.8%)

performed. Interactions were then tested. Only significant interactions The effect of the matrix is also significant (p b 0.0001) on the
were kept for the final model. Listeria spp. contamination risk (Table 4). Liquid whole egg products
Processing was performed using SAS software (SAS Institute Inc.). show a contamination risk 3 times [1.5–6.1]95% higher than egg yolk
and 9.8 times [4.2–23.2]95% higher than egg white (Table 5). Contam-
3. Results ination risk of egg yolk is 3 times [1.3–7.9]95% higher than egg white
(Table 5).
Out of 1557 samples analyzed, 646 were positive for Listeria spp. As for L. monocytogenes contaminations, seasons have no signifi-
(41.5%) and 87 for L. monocytogenes (5.6%; Tables 1 and 2). From these cant effect (p = 0.1316, Table 4) on egg product contamination by
samples, 4119 isolates were collected and identified. Four species were Listeria spp.
found: Listeria innocua (3515 isolates), L. monocytogenes (595 isolates),
Listeria seeligeri (8 isolates) and Listeria ivanovii (1 isolate).
Three serogroups were observed among L. monocytogenes isolates: 3.2. Environmental contamination of egg breaking plants by Listeria spp.
IIa for 461 isolates (77.5%), IIb for 82 (13.8%) and IVb for 52 (8.7%).
Table 3 shows the distribution of these serogroups according to the Sixty-two (42.2%) eggshell samples were positive for Listeria spp.
type of samples. detection, while only 3 (2%) were positive for L. monocytogenes
(Table 2).
3.1. Egg product contamination by Listeria spp. In the plant environment, 477 samples (65.1%) tested positive for
Listeria spp. (Table 2) and 59 samples (8.0%) for L. monocytogenes
Twenty-five samples out of the 293 raw samples (8.5%) were (Table 2). The three tested effects (plants, sampling types and sea-
positive for L. monocytogenes (Table 1). Less than 10 CFU/ml of sons) were shown to have a significant impact on contamination by
L. monocytogenes were found in 60% of these samples. Twenty-five L. monocytogenes and Listeria spp. (Table 6).
percent of the samples were contaminated at concentrations varying Environmental contamination by L. monocytogenes is significantly
between 10 and 100 CFU/ml. Only 5 samples showed contaminations (p = 0.0003) higher in the plant 2 (14.7%) than in the plants 1, 3, 4
higher than 100 CFU/ml. L. monocytogenes was never found in pas- and 5, in which 4.8%, 7.1%, 3.1% and 3.2% of the samples collected
teurized egg product samples. from the environment were contaminated, respectively. With regard
L. innocua was found in 68 (23.2%) and 5 (1.8%) raw and pasteurized to contaminations by Listeria spp., plant 5 indicates a lower contami-
samples, respectively. Among these 5 pasteurized samples contaminat- nation than the other 4 plants with a contamination level of 26.5%,
ed by L. innocua, 3 egg products (1 natural whole egg, 2 natural egg while the plants 1, 2, 3 and 4 show respectively 66.9%, 86.7%, 60%
yolks) were sampled in the winter, one (natural egg yolk) in the sum- and 66.9% of contaminated samples.
mer and the other one (natural egg white) in the fall. The statistical analysis also reveals that the environment, whether
No significant association of egg product contamination by of the plant's premises or the egg breakers, is significantly more
L. monocytogenes with egg breaking plant (p = 0.7251) or season contaminated than the egg shells, whether that contamination is
(p = 0.2562) was revealed (Table 4). caused by L. monocytogenes (p = 0.0004, Table 6) or by Listeria spp.
However, a significant difference in contamination (p = 0.02, (p b 0.0001, Table 6).
Table 4) between the matrix has been shown: the whole liquid egg A seasonal effect on the environmental contamination by
and the egg yolk products have 12 [1.5–97.6]95% and 18 times [2.3– L monocytogenes and by Listeria spp. has also been highlighted. There-
144.2]95% more risk of being contaminated by L. monocytogenes than fore, whether contamination is due to L. monocytogenes or to Listeria
the egg white, respectively (Table 5). There is no significant differ- spp., the environmental samples collected during winter showed
ence between the whole egg and the egg yolk (p = 0.097). a higher level of contamination than those collected during the
A significant difference (p = 0.0008, Table 4) in Listeria spp. con- 3 other seasons. The risk of discovering positive samples for
tamination was shown between the egg breaking plants. In plant 5, L. monocytogenes in the environment during winter is 5.2 [2.2–
the contamination is significantly different from that observed in 12.5]95% times higher than in fall, 2.7 [1.3–5.5]95% times higher than
plants 1 and 4 (p = 0.0001 and p = 0.0014; data not shown). Plant in spring, and 3 [1.5–6.2]95% times higher than in summer. Similar
1 has shown the smallest risk of contamination by Listeria spp. results were observed for Listeria spp. contaminations.

Table 2
Contamination of eggshells and environment by L. monocytogenes and Listeria spp. in egg breaking plants during the various seasons.

Winter Spring Summer Fall Total

Egg shells L. monocytogenes 0/34 2/41 (4.9%) 1/35 (2.9%) 0/37 3/147 (2.0%)
Listeria spp. 17/34 (50%) 15/41 (36.6%) 11/35 (31.4%) 19/37 (51.4%) 62/147 (42.2%)
Ground shellsa L. monocytogenes / 0/41 0/35 0/37 0/113
Listeria spp. / 8/41 (19.5%) 5/35 (14.3%) 12/37 (14.3%) 25/113 (22.1%)
Environment L. monocytogenes 28/181 (15.5%) 13/191 (6.8%) 11/188 (5.9%) 7/173 (4.0%) 59/733 (8.0%)
Listeria spp. 125/181 (69.1%) 122/191 (63.9%) 115/188 (61.2%) 115/173 (67.1%) 477/733 (65.1%)
Following the initial sample collection performed during the winter season, none of the samples collected by shell rubbing were contaminated by the bacteria. In order to in-
crease the L. monocytogenes detection probability, we added analyses on ground shells (previously rubbed) during the following three seasons. However, this sampling mode was
shown to be significantly less effective (p b 0.01) to detect the presence of Listeria spp. on eggshells.
112 K. Rivoal et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 166 (2013) 109–116

Table 3 Table 5
Distribution of the number of samples as a function of the serogroup and its origin. Value of odd-ratios according to matrix.

Serogroups OR IC− IC+

IIa IIb IVb L. monocytogenes Whole vs white 12.119 1.505 97.559

Yolk vs white 18.320 2.328 144.199
Egg shells 1 1 1
Listeria spp. Whole vs yolk 3.057 1.521 6.144
Production line 15 3 3
Whole vs white 9.896 4.227 23.165
Egg products 25 1 1
Yolk vs white 3.237 1.326 7.901
Environment 25 9 11
Totala 66 14 16
Some samples are contaminated by 2 or 3 serogroups of L. monocytogenes.
in winter and summer and strains of cluster 5 (P16, P17 and P18) in
spring, summer and fall. In plant 4, all positive samples (egg products
3.3. Genetic diversity of Listeria monocytogenes and environmental samples) were contaminated by strains of cluster
3 (P7 and P10) and in one egg product pulsotype P20 was also isolated.
Macrorestriction of L. monocytogenes isolates with ApaI and AscI In plant 5, strains of cluster 3 (P9 and P11) were found in winter, spring
generated 46 and 34 different profiles, respectively. The observed and fall, in egg product and environmental samples. Strains of cluster 8
Simpson index was 0.9652 for ApaI and 0.9572 for AscI. (P28 and P31) were collected in winter, spring and summer. Pulsotype
Forty-six combined pulsotypes (named P1 to P46), grouped at P36 (cluster 10) was also isolated in spring and fall.
54.9% similarity level, were observed (Fig. 1). The combined ApaI– Moreover, some identical strains or clusters were collected in differ-
AscI Simpson Index was 0.9652. Isolates were grouped by serogroups ent plants. Thus, strains of cluster 3 were isolated from egg products and
(Fig. 1). Twelve clusters were identified, grouping all pulsotypes ex- environmental samples in the 5 plants during all the year. Clusters 9 and
cept three (P13, P24 and P25). Isolates belonging to serogroup IIa 11 were found in all plants (except plant 4) and cluster 8 was isolated in
were divided into 8 clusters. Cluster 3, grouping 6 pulsotypes (P7 to plants 1, 2 and 5. All the others clusters were found at least in two dif-
P12), includes 26.8% of all analyzed isolates (n = 68) collected from ferent plants except cluster 5 and pulsotype P24 that were only isolated
23 different samples. This cluster is also the only one to group from plant 3.
pulsotypes that were observed in all five studied plants during all Our results showed that eggs in shell are one of the sources of con-
the seasons (Table 7). Cluster 8 groups 12.2% of isolates (n = 31), be- tamination of the plant's environment and of the egg product. Thus, in
longing to 6 pulsotypes (P26 to P31), observed in 3 different plants. plant 3, pulsotype P17 (cluster 5) was isolated from shell at the arrival
Clusters 4, 5 and 6 gather 7.5% (n = 19), 7.1% (n = 18), and 6.7% in the plant during summer and in the egg product during fall. Similarly,
(n = 17) of typed isolates, respectively. Clusters 4 and 6 included iso- in plant 2, pulsotype P40 (cluster 11) was found on shell during spring
lates that were found in different plants, while cluster 5 is the only and in the plant's environment during the same season. In plant 5,
cluster that groups pulsotypes found in a single plant (plant 3). Clus- pulsotype P36 (cluster 10) was found on the shell during spring and
ters 1, 2 and 7 group the remaining isolates of serogroups IIa. Isolates in the plant's environment in fall.
belonging to serogroup IIb were divided into 2 clusters. Clusters 11 Moreover, we observed cross-contaminations between the environ-
and 12 group 11.5% (n = 29) and 1.6% (n = 4) of typed isolates ment and the egg products. For example, in plant 1, during summer,
collected from 12 and 2 samples, respectively. Isolates belonging to pulsotype P14 (cluster 4) was isolated from the environment, the egg
serogroup IVb were divided into 2 clusters. Clusters 9 and 10 group breakers and the egg products. In the same way, in plant 3, pulsotype
10.7% (n = 27) and 2.4% (n = 6) of typed isolates collected from P24 was collected in several environment samples and in egg products
14 and 4 samples, respectively. during winter.

3.4. Listeria monocytogenes traceability in the various plants 4. Discussion

The distribution of L. monocytogenes pulsotypes according to the In our study, none of the pasteurized egg products were contami-
egg breaking plant, the type of samples and the season is described nated by L. monocytogenes, nevertheless 8.5% of the raw egg products
in Table 7. were contaminated. Thus, our findings indicate an improvement over
Our results showed that some strains or clusters are persistent what was observed previously in France (17.4% and 2.1% of contami-
within each plant. Thus, in plant 1, pulsotype P9 was isolated from nated raw and pasteurized egg products, respectively; Rivoal et al.,
egg product during winter and summer. Strains of cluster 9 (P32 and 2010). The observed contamination levels are higher compared to
P35) were found in environmental samples during winter and spring. what was observed by Ohkochi et al. (2009). In Japan, 0.5% of 803
Similarly, in plant 2, pulsotype P3 was found in the environment during raw egg products analyzed were contaminated by L. monocytogenes.
winter and fall. Strains of cluster 11 (P39, P40 and P41) were collected Similarly, Leasor and Foegeding (1989) indicate a contamination
during winter and spring, strains of cluster 9 (P33, P34, P35) and of level by L. monocytogenes of about 5% of egg products analyzed in
cluster 3 (P8, P9, P11 and P12) during winter, summer and fall and the United States. Concerning Listeria spp., both studies reported rel-
strains of cluster 8 (P26, P27, P29 and P30) during winter, spring and atively high levels of contamination in raw egg products with 30% and
fall. In plant 3, pulsotype P9 (cluster 3) and strains of cluster 11 (P42
and P43) were isolated in winter and spring. Pulsotype P14 was found Table 6
Influence of various factors on the contamination of the environment.
Table 4
Influence of different factors on the contamination of raw egg products. Variation factor DF Fvalue Pr > Fvalue

L. monocytogenes Egg breaking plant 4 21.39 0.0003

Variation factor DF Fvalue Pr > Fvalue
Typea 2 15.42 0.0004
L. monocytogenes Egg breaking plant 4 2.05 0.7251 Season 3 19.56 0.0002
Matrix 2 7.78 0.0205 Listeria spp. Egg breaking plant 4 144.27 b.0001
Season 3 4.05 0.2562 Type 2 72.14 b.0001
Listeria spp. Egg breaking plant 4 18.83 0.0008 Season 3 9.70 0.0213
Matrix 2 29.80 b.0001 a
The different environment sample collections were differentiated into 3 types: egg
Season 3 5.62 0.1316
shells, egg breaker and more global environment (wall, boots,…).
K. Rivoal et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 166 (2013) 109–116 113

No.of samples
No.of isolates









P1 1 1
88.9 P2 2 1
80.1 P3 4 3
Cluster 1
74.1 P4 2 1
P5 1 1
92.9 Cluster 2
P6 4 1

P7 16 6
95.3 P8 2 1
92.3 P9 20 6
Cluster 3
89.5 P10 16 3
P11 12 6
P12 2 1
75.3 P13 2 1
P14 14 6
Cluster 4
P15 5 1

P16 4 2 Serogroup IIa
86.2 P17 13 4 . Cluster 5
P18 1 1

P19 6 1
83.5 P20 6 1 Cluster 6
78.9 P21 5 1
P22 2 1
Cluster 7
P23 2 1
P24 12 7
P25 2 1

P26 6 2
P27 1 1

P28 4 1
Cluster 8
P29 1 1
54.9 86.1
P30 3 2
P31 16 4

P32 5 2
P33 10 5
Cluster 9
P34 7 4
74.9 P35 5 3
Serogroup IVb
P36 3 2 .
97.8 P37 1 1 Cluster 10
P38 2 1

P39 3 2

P40 6 3
P41 4 2
Cluster 11
P42 6 1
P43 8 3 Serogroup IIb
77.9 P44 2 1

96.9 P45 2 1
P46 2 1 Cluster 12

Fig. 1. Dendrogram of the ApaI–AscI profiles of L. monocytogenes. The four major clusters are indicated by colors that are also used in Table 7. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

26.6%, respectively. In our study, Listeria spp., particularly L. innocua, In fact, several studies have shown Listeria spp. to be relatively
accounted for 26.2% and 1.8% of raw and pasteurized egg products, re- thermo-resistant (Alvarez-Ordonez et al., 2009; Bartlett and Hawke,
spectively. The presence of L. innocua in pasteurized egg products can 1995; Murphy et al., 2002; Palumbo et al., 1995). Additionally, post-
be explained by its ability to resist to different pasteurization treatments. pasteurization contamination can occur within the plant, particularly
114 K. Rivoal et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 166 (2013) 109–116

Table 7
Distribution of L. monocytogenes pulsotypes according to plant, season and types of samples. The colors are the same used in the dendrogram and indicate the major clusters.

Plant 1 Plant 2 Plant 3 Plant 4 Plant 5

Number of
Number of positive samples 13 24 25 10 15 Pulsotypes
Number of typed isolates 38 52 74 38 51

Shell / / / / /

Environment P1 (1-1)a ; P32 (1-3) P3 (1-1) ; P11 (1-1) ; P4 (1-2) ; P24 (4-8) ; P7 (2-7) P11 (1-2)
P27 (1-1) ; P30 (2-3) ; P43 (2-4)
P33 (1-2) ; P34 (3-5) ;
Winter P37 (1-1) ; P39 (1-1) ;
P40 (1-2)
Egg breaking P32 (1-2) ; P45 (1-2) / P2 (1-2) ; P14 (1-2) ; P7 (3-6) /
machine P24 (2-3) ; P43 (1-4)

Egg product P9 (1-3) / P5 (1-1) ; P9 (1-4) P7 (1-3) P31 (1-2)

P24 (1-1) ; P33 (1-2)

Shell / P40 (1-2) / / P36 (1-2)

Environment / P12 (1-2) ; P38 (1-2) ; P9 (1-2) ; P18 (1-1) / P11 (1-2) ; P31 (1-4)
P39 (1-2) ; P40 (1-2) ; P34 (1-2) ; P35 (1-2) ;
P41 (1-1)
Egg breaking P35 (1-2) ; P41 (1-3) / P16 (1-2) / P31 (1-4)
machine 19

Egg product P6 (1-4) P26 (1-4) P26 (1-2) P16 (1-2) ; P19 (1-6) P10 (1-4) ; P20 (1-6) P11 (2-5) ; P28 (1-4)
P42 (1-6) ;
Shell / / P17 (1-4) / /

Environment P14 (1-2) P22 (1-2) ; P33 (1-2) P14 (1-2) / /

P35 (1-1)
Summer Egg breaking P14 (2-6) P8 (1-2) ; P33 (1-2) P17 (2-4) / /

Egg product P9 (1-4) ; P14 (1-2) P11 (1-2) P21 (1-5) P10 (2-12) P15 (1-5) ; P31 (1-6)

Shell / / / / /

Environment / P3 (2-3) ; P9 (1-3) / / P36 (1-1) ; P44 (1-2) ;

P25 (1-2) ; P29 (1-1) P46 (1-2)
Fall P33 (1-2)
Egg breaking 11
/ / P23 (1-2) / /

Egg product / / P17 (1-5) / P9 (1-4) ; P13 (1-2)

Number of
9 19 15 3 11
The first number indicates the number of samples contaminated by the pulsotype and the second the number of isolates typed.

via the environment or contaminated material. This latter hypothesis is with decreasing levels of contamination in the spring, in the summer
supported by the fact that a large part (65.1%) of environmental samples and in the winter with, respectively, 12.7%, 11% and 6% of the egg prod-
was positive for L. innocua. ucts contaminated, the fall remaining the season with the lowest level
Moreover, the high level of contamination of the raw egg products of contamination (4%). Nevertheless, the environmental contamination
by L. innocua must be considered because several authors show that of the plants is significantly more important in winter, and the risk de-
the significant presence of the L. innocua species can conceal the creases significantly from spring to fall.
presence of L. monocytogenes (Curiale and Lewus, 1994; Petran and The statistical analysis of the results has also revealed the contami-
Swanson, 1993). Thus, Carvalheira et al. (2010) showed that the growth nation risk by L. monocytogenes to be more important in whole egg
of L. monocytogenes can be inhibited by high concentrations of L. innocua and egg yolk products than in egg whites. With regard to contamina-
in pasteurized milk. These results confirm those of Cornu et al. (2002) tions by Listeria spp., the whole egg product shows 3 to 10 times more
who showed that the significant growth of L. innocua during the enrich- chances of being contaminated than the egg yolk or egg white respec-
ment process could be due to a double phenomenon: a better growth tively and the yolk egg product has 3 times more chances of being con-
capacity of L. innocua in the enrichment media used but also the growth taminated than the egg white. These results confirm the fact that the
inhibiting production for L. monocytogenes. egg yolk and the whole egg are favorable media for the development
Contrary to what was previously observed (Rivoal et al., 2010), nei- of microorganisms while the egg white has bacteriostatic or bactericidal
ther the egg breaking plant nor the season had any significant impact on effects (Notermans et al., 1991, Schuman and Sheldon, 2003; Wang and
the contamination of egg products by L. monocytogenes. Previous find- Shelef, 1991).
ings indicated a significantly higher risk of contamination of liquid Concerning typing of L. monocytogenes, 77.5% of isolates belonged
whole egg products in the summer and winter, compared to fall to the IIa serogroup. Our results are in line with what was previously
(Rivoal et al., 2010). In the current study, we observed the same trend reported by Rivoal et al. (2010) and Chemaly et al. (2008), who found
K. Rivoal et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 166 (2013) 109–116 115

serotype 1/2a in 94% and 74.3% of analyzed egg products and environ- This study has made it possible to reveal that the contamination risk
mental samples of laying hens, respectively. This is of particular by L. monocytogenes varies with the nature of the egg product. Thus
concern as human cases are linked to L. monocytogenes of serotypes egg white products have relatively less risks of being contaminated by
1/2a, 1/2b and 4b with an increase of cases associated to serotype L. monocytogenes than whole egg products or yolk products.
1/2a (Allerberger and Wagner, 2010; Parihar et al., 2008). This work has also highlighted the presence of Listeria spp. in the en-
A large genetic diversity was observed within the isolates of vironment of egg breaking plants. It is important to note that the shell
L. monocytogenes typed with 46 pulsotypes for 87 positive samples, eggs are shown to be mildly contaminated by L monocytogenes (2%)
which may indicate multiple contamination sources. This diversity despite a prevalence of 29.5% in the caged laying hen farms (Chemaly
is as important in the egg products with 20 different pulsotypes out et al., 2008). However, 42.2% of the shell eggs were contaminated by
of 25 positive samples as in the environment with 35 pulsotypes Listeria spp. Raw material is undoubtedly a source of entry for the bac-
among the 59 positive samples for L. monocytogenes. Furthermore, teria in the plants for egg product productions. The molecular typing
several samples were contaminated by strains of L. monocytogenes has also shown an important diversity within L. monocytogenes present
with different serogroups and pulsotypes. These results confirm the in the environment of the egg breaking plants and in the egg products.
important diversity that was highlighted during our previous study in The presence of L. monocytogenes and of Listeria spp. in the environment
which we had identified 21 different pulsotypes for L. monocytogenes of the plants is a contamination source of raw egg products and certain-
from 31 egg product samples (Rivoal et al., 2010). ly that of pasteurized egg products, notably by cross-contamination.
Our study showed that one of the sources of contamination of egg Strains of L. monocytogenes are found in all the plants, whatever the
products was mainly due to raw material, i.e. the eggs and the shells. season. On the other hand, the presence of strains that are specific to
Actually, thanks to molecular typing, pulsotypes of L. monocytogenes certain egg breaking plants has also been shown. The study of cleaning
identified on eggshell were systematically found later in the plant and disinfection methods applied in these plants and the resistance to
environment or in the raw egg products. The shell eggs are certainly disinfectants of the reoccurring bacteria would make it possible to
one of the paths of entry for the bacteria in the plants, but it is important better control the risk of L. monocytogenes contamination in the egg
to note that the environment can also be a source of contamination of product chain.
the raw egg products. Our study highlighted cross-contamination path-
ways between the plant environment and the raw egg products. Other Acknowledgments
authors have reported the same contamination routes (Strydom et al.,
2013; Borucki et al., 2005). This study was funded by the Pôle Agronomique de l'Ouest
Moreover, we demonstrated that certain strains or clusters seem to (including Région Bretagne and Région Pays de la Loire). The authors
be established in the plants. Thus, some pulsotypes or clusters persist in would like to thank all those who have made this work possible, partic-
the same egg breaking plant. We showed previously, that some strains ularly the five manufacturers who prepared and submitted the samples.
of L. monocytogenes were able to persist in the same egg breaking plant
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