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Ivanova Olga IURR MO-21

1. Which are current trends in your country?
 distance learning/work: among young people it is becoming more and more popular to
study or work without leaving home. This has become very convenient because they
only need a computer or even a phone to work online. They also don't have to waste
time on the road.
 tik tok trends: Recently in Russia, trends have been set by Tik Tok. tik tok is a social
network where there are trends in dance moves, fashionable clothes and lifestyle in
 reality TV shows: in Russia there are many reality shows related to survival. A group of
people are sent to a certain place where they will be tested
2. Which are trends in other countries?
 struggle for the rights of national minorities: for example, in America there is an
active struggle for the rights of black people, LGBT communities organize rallies
and this is all promoted even in the state media
 looking after environment: In Western countries, more and more attention is
paid to environmental protection. People use recyclable materials, do not waste
water, protect animal reserves and so on.
3. Which could become trends in your country in the future?
It seems to me that soon it will become a trend among Russians to take care of nature,
because environmental pollution can become a serious danger to the whole world.
4. Which are old-fashioned trends which you think could return?
Everything new is well forgotten old. Time is cyclical, so all trends come back
periodically. Most likely, the return of trends in clothing and appearance from past
times. For example, the fashion from the 90s has already returned to wide jeans and

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