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Progress Test 3A – Year 7

Name: ___________________________ Class: ______ No.: _______ Date: _______________________________________

Teacher: _______________ Mark: ____________________  Enc. Educação: ______________________________

I – Reading (20 minutes)

Read the text.
Inside the bedroom where the magic happens!
Billie Eilish's story is famous by now. In 2016, she recorded the song “Ocean
Eyes”, written by her brother Finneas, in his tiny bedroom studio. They uploaded it
to SoundCloud. They went viral. Two years later, Eilish has an entire album
recorded mostly while sitting on her sibling’s bed.
Now we can see where the magic happens. As part of a TV series, Finneas
recently gave a tour of the house in Los Angeles where he lives with his 17-year-
old sister, his parents, their dog and a cat. The house has just two bedrooms – their parents sleep
on a futon1 in the living room – but three pianos. Finneas and Eilish say they had plenty of time and
freedom throughout their childhood to be creative because they were homeschooled2.
10 Finneas recalls3 how he and his sister started making music around the house they grew up in. He
says that there’s a “crazy intimacy” to bedroom recording, and that the songs tend to be “really honest”
reflections of who he and Eilish are as people. We can even see a height growth chart4 on a wall in his
bedroom. Finneas shows the viewers his bedroom. In fact, it looks more like a music studio because it’s
where he and Eilish have all the music equipment. It’s where it all started!
in (abridged and adapted), accessed in November 2019

VOCABULARY: 1 futon = tipo de colchão; 2 homeschooled = escolarizado em casa; 3 recall = recordar; 4 height grow chart = régua de crescimento

A. Read the clues. Answer in note form. There is one example.

• Who wrote the song “Ocean Eyes” Billie Eilish’s brother, Finneas s
1. Place in the house where Billie recorded her first song ____________________________________
2. Where Billie and Finneas uploaded the song ____________________________________________
3. Billie Eilish’s age __________________________________________________________________
4. Where the house is located _________________________________________________________
5. Who lives in her house _____________________________________________________________
6. Number of bedrooms in the house ____________________________________________________

B. Answer the questions according to the text. Write full answers.

1. When did Billie record the song “Ocean Eyes”?_________________________________________
2. Where do Billie’s parents sleep? ___________________________________________________
3. What is there on the wall of Finneas’s bedroom? ______________________________________
4. Why does Finneas’s bedroom look like a music studio? _________________________________

Inglês – 7.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2020)
II – Language (15 minutes)
A. Label at the pictures of Billie Eilish’s detached house and bedroom. There is one example.

4 8
 7

2 3

• window w

1. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________

2. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________

3. ___________________________ 7. ___________________________

4. ___________________________ 8. ___________________________

B. Look at the picture. Read the sentences and write YES or NO.
1. There are two sofas. ___________________

2. There is a mirror. ______________________

3. There is a table with four chairs. __________

4. There is only one armchair. ______________

5. There is a laptop. ______________________

6. There are some lamps. _________________

7. There are two beds. ___________________

8. There is a TV set. _____________________

C. Write a, an, the or ----.

1________ Maria Santos is a fan of Billie’s songs. She lives in 2___________ Portugal. She has got a

brother and 3 ________ two sisters. They live with their parents in 4 __________ semi-detached

house. Their house has got 5 _______ excellent view, but it hasn’t got 6 ________ garden. Maria is

7 _______ interesting girl and all her family, 8 ______ Santos, are very friendly, too.

Inglês – 7.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2020)
D. Look at the picture. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition of place.
1. There is a lamp _______________ the piano.

2. Finneas is _______________ the two pianos.

3. There is a jacket _______________ the chair.

4. The two screens are ______________ Finneas.

5. Finneas is ___________ the window.

6. Finneas is sitting _____________ the chair.

E. Fill in the gaps with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I ____________ (listen) to Billie Eilish’s songs yesterday.

2. The children _____________ (not play) football yesterday because of the heavy rain.

3. _________________ (you / love) Finneas’s concert last week?

4. When ____________________ (Billie / compose) her first song?

5. We __________________ (not enjoy) that football match.

6. Jackie _______________ (study) hard for the exams.

F. Rewrite the sentences in the past simple.

1. My father and I are at home. ________________________________________________________

2. We go to visit our grandparents. _____________________________________________________

3. Edith doesn’t leave home early. ______________________________________________________

4. My friends have lunch at the shopping centre. ___________________________________________

5. Who do you see in the park? ________________________________________________________

6. They don’t eat popcorn at the cinema. _________________________________________________

III – Writing (15 minutes)

This is a tweet from Billie Eilish. Tweet her back and answer her question. Describe your bedroom
(35-50 words).
Follow the guidelines:
− mention the furniture / objects you have there;
− say where the furniture / objects are in the bedroom; My bedroom is the place that
− mention the activities you do there; really makes me feel how I am.
− say if you like your bedroom or not and why. What about yours? Tell me all
about it…

Good work!

Inglês – 7.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2020)
Answer key

I – Reading
A. (6 x 3 = 18%)
1. Her brother’s (Finneas’s) bedroom studio | 2. SoundCloud | 3. 17 years old | 4. Los Angeles | 5. parents, brother,
dog, cat | 6. 2 (two)

B. (4 x 3 = 12%)
1. Billie recorded the song “Ocean Eyes” (it) in 2016. | 2. Billie’s parents sleep on a futon in the living room. |
3. There’s a height growth chart (on the wall of his bedroom). | 4. (Finneas’s bedroom looks like a music studio)
Because it’s where he and Billie have all the music equipment.

II – Language
A. (8 x 1 = 8%)
1. garden / lawn | 2. door | 3. chair | 4. roof | 5. table | 6. bed | 7. picture | 8. bookcase/bookshelf

B. (8 x 0,5 = 4%)
1. Yes | 2. Yes | 3. No | 4. No | 5. No | 6. Yes | 7. Yes | 8. Yes

C. (8 x 1 = 8%)
1. ---- | 2. ---- | 3. ---- | 4. a | 5. an | 6. a | 7. an | 8. the

D. (6 x 1 = 6%)
1. on | 2. between | 3. behind / on | 4. on the left of / near / next to | 5. in front of | 6. on

E. (6 x 2 = 12%)
1. listened | 2. didn’t play | 3. Did you love | 4. did Billie compose | 5. didn’t enjoy | 6. studied

F. (6 x 2 = 12%)
1. My father and I were at home. | 2. We went to visit our grandparents. | 3. Edith didn’t leave home early. | 4. My
friends had lunch at the shopping centre. | 5. Who did you see in the park? | 6. They didn’t eat popcorn at the

III – Writing (20%)

Personal answer.

Inglês – 7.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2020)

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