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Ra eal CCTM cs: KILL TEAM ENGAGE! ae rage on thousands of worlds 5s the galaxy. Yet amidst the camage and on of planet-spanning warfare, there ar smaller ~ but no less important — battles taking place. Covert teams of highly skilled operatives are sent cn dangerous missions deep into hostile tertitory. Som are sent on sions to scout out the enemy's positions in preparation for a major offensive. Others sabotage key facilities, disrupt vital supply line ure important strategic assets. The more bloodthirsty violent teams are sent ate enemy commanders ¢ ps, revelling in the fear and confusion they cause. act as terror Whatever their mission, these operatives can have a ignificant impact on the outcome of a battle, campaign or ven an entire war; And five such kill teams have just been deployed! 10 haan ‘ATALE OF FIVE KILL TEAMS This series follows five members of the White Dwarf tearm as they build, paint and play games with their kill teams, their ultimate goal being to complete a Spec Op from their chosen narrative campaign, Managing editor Lyle is fielding a highly (clovert and while designer Sophie has hand-picked a Void-dancer Troupe Harlequins to terrorise her foes. Designer Matt has summoned a Warpcoven of sorcerously inclined Thou: igner Ben (the third in thi designer triumvirate) has created a Veteran Guardsman kill team ~the Hutanian Bullsharks. Last is writer Dan, who to explain the f the galaxy mmander? But who will be the most successful kill team Let's meet them! LUT OCU RUG WCU aCe Iau Ret UCR SS UE crack team of operatives and embarked on a series of covert missions. Who will be the ultimate Kjll bo Cg EUR) eS Pe) ieee eg a 4 ‘ ss THE SPECIAL OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE For this series of articles, the White Dwarf team will be using rules from a selection of source materials. Ben's and Lyle's rules are featured in Kill Team: Octarius, while Dan's are found in Kill Team: Chalnath. Matt's ‘Thousand Sons and Sophie's Harlequins were featured in White Dwarf issues 469 and 474 respectively. Cra i ORK KOMMANDOS SNEAKY LADZ Da Sneaky Ladz have donned their super-stealthy red camouflage, reloaded their loudest silenced shootas and blackened their already filthy blades. Covert violence is very definitely on the cards. We ‘LOWERY Is ustenoter dy ho bro yf as basterus ‘brs, rh We fe kit teom. of Lyle: The Ork Kommandos are just fantastic models, full of character and personality Naturally, I called dibs on them Take that, Dan! One of the first units [ ever painted was a unit of Kommandbs in the red-and-black camo suits they were featured in back in Warhammer 40,0005. dition. In homage to that classic scheme, mandos have red trousers daubed with black camo, and the Nob has a camo jacket. Their black tactical tees update the look a bit, and many of the ladz have night-vision goggles painted with Tesseract Glow, so they glow in black-lit darkness! Some of their blades are blacked for extra sneakiness, but they haven't entirely grokked the principles of stealth and camouflage, so there are still some areas of brighter colour and metal here and there. The team’s Nob, Grok Throatslita, is a thinker, or so he fancies himself thence the name). The r of the team more or less runs around play Kommando, being sneaky or loud depending on their mood. I's the Grot Zippa, though, that might truly be the brains of the operation. While the others skulk, shoot and chop, Zippa silently but iftly darts around the battlefield with his ‘grappling hook to secure objectives and complete Tac Ops. And Pop, well, he pops. My starting kill team is equipped with a wide -cause why not? Pop might be my favourite model of the bunch, so he’s in. Zippa can get pretty much anywhere at any time, making him really good at getting the job done. Ragga can shoot from a Concealed position while the rest of the ladz get stuck into the fight Prd Ca Peer cerry rer eo rris Da eerie od eats een ores ceed prints eer Penns es baronies ne rarer permeenunrtatay aces aa ets ern Tra eer ere nat coerce terme ire rns esiceemeniennnt ey eer er ieee reno ee ee cece Le cues Steg Cr ord ere? Nob ok Sd co cy cm ree Area pee acisentiis + DeSthitomb eee Pad erty CME ee a ILL TEAM EN-GAUGE! der he playing games wth ursintd made saupes, | prinad thm th Paired tenses ote that ltt Kile cor a con fl Pema! Sec ie ere Pd od od emits Pry ere ome ie, pred the tim thot ies my carat n atacon Black then ry Een en 2 Deen ny ASSET CAPACITY ca aa HARLEQUIN VOID-DANCER TROUPE CAST OF THE CRIMSON SUN Having ventured deep into the webway, the Cast of the Crimson Sun have emerged into the abandoned halls of a Blackstone Fortress. They now use it as a base of operations for their covert missions. rte of Magu for ths chalenge a Sophie: | really like the Harlequins models, and | especially enjoy the Kill Team game system, so it brainer combining them for this series It would also be an opportunity my painting skills with those infamous diamonds. articl I generated the background for my kill team using e tables in the Void-dancer Troupe artic ‘While Dwarf 474, I rolled W bur for the! base of operations, Fate's Messengers for their background and Like Shac their quirk. Their name ~ the Cast of the C ‘Sun ~ comes from the same article. | like idea of them exploring the furthest reache: webway, and that gave me the idea that they uuld have emerged from it inside a Blackstone Fortress, They have now made part of it into a labyrinthine nightmare their deadly dances, I built my Harlequins straight out of the box. except for their bases. As they've taken up residence inside a Blackstone Fortress, | di to give them fitting bases, which | made out of hobby clay and chunks of mm pi ut and painted to resemble shards of blackstone. painted my Harlequins to match their sombre environment, with black bod nite masks and a splash of red for their coats to match their name. To make my new troupe more interesting and identifiable, | decided that they would only weara pattern of golden diamon¢ they had proven their abilities as a performer on the field of battle. This would also make them mo visually distinct from each other and easier to identify on the tabletop. My plan is intricate patterns to my operatives (MD eH Saray bad gt Lepearrseere teens bemiadich ee | bCmeae ea helen rr om oreneenaer ays einer ety reir “hese and Adeptus Titanicus parts. The goal is to pon eee ee cic are soe hati ot) pene ta ers eae ier aw to agate te hepa en Peri Perr ee panei een section! ws bang Por ead eenren ke CON eS] Oren Ce CeCe rey ed occ a eee ocean al teal It 2 ete ae ey ec ae ern a ASSET CAPACITY Y Aaa Cue! burner oa ee Reece erences : i Pera ae acu Sra (peat 2| Py Fl CS ass KILL TEAM THOUSAND SONS WARPCOVEN PRODIGAL SONS The Prot yal Sons are Ahriman’s warband, and like their master, they are always on the hunt for valuable artefacts and forbidden knowledge. They are currently hunting for the fabled Black Library. MATT wursoM at wa the fs tothe ean whch san eter of ie etn Tnsand Soran Hehas rae it msin twextacthe ey’ sare austen | insite Uivary. We ik Guogle Mags mai besa Matt: | chose a kill team from an army | already have ~ the Thousand Sons. My army is led by Ahriman and is based around his Prodigal Sons, so it made sense that my kill team was a special operations force from that warband. I didn’t take models from my existing collection, though ~ every model is converted and painted fresh, Eventually, when I hire enough operatives (by which | mean paint enough models}, they will enter the army proper. I heavily converted several of my Thousand Sons to mark them out as special operatives. What wanted was slightly grander Rubric Marines and slightly less grand Sorcerers. That may seem odd but Tzeentch has a strict hierarchy — Aspiring Sorcerers, Sorcerers and Exalted Sorcerers. To represent this middle-tier Sorcerer, I combined parts from the Exalted Sorcerers and Rubric Marines kits. His body, head and backpack are from the Exalted Sorcerers kit, while his shoulder pads and pistol are from the Rubric Marines. The unit's Icon Bearer uses another Sorcerer's robed. body and shoulder pads, but the rest of him ‘comes from the Rubric Marines kit, There's a deliberate bird motif to the force, too. lonly used bird-head backpacks and feathery trinkets, and | picked the avian head and force stave top for my Sorcerer. Other conversions include giving the ‘Tzaangor Hom Bearer a chainsword For my colour scheme, | painted my Thousand ‘Sons just like the rest of my army but with green horizontal bands on their headpieces instead of yellow or pink ones like my existing squads. | chose the pink spot colour | used on my Sorcerers’ robes as the skin colour for my ‘Tzaangor, helping to tie them in with the force. Pons Paes or Boned Awake eee ea een) een ecu eens thiny Tero and eters aaa ae een eee ci, pee eer eee peered aes is eee eee een ees) Ca tt! bineeline res ed TTS LS Cr a ad eee eed Swaine Sati Soar Se SPEC OP: ARCANE ARTEFACI Ca TH Ty Following my first battle against Dan, 1 salised how awesome Sorcerers were. So I Pere eee ncaa es RE oer acd Sorcerer parts combined with Rubric Marine pieces to create a mid-tier Sorcerer. cory ps Dein Ds, mse ight, Sued Strength roy Deni i eacorid 2 oe ee ee Demers! cc Lee See Ce Ce ey eee foment} fo Ey een Cie Ta nV ASTRA MILITARUM VETERAN GUARDSMEN HUTANIAN BULLSHARKS The Bullsharks hail from the jungle world of Hutan, so they are no strangers to close-quarters fighting and carnivorous vegetation. For this deployment, they brought all the big guns. BEN HUMBER en an peril ean tou tn throug, ing Space ther ize and the at He ides te exe aim vel Ben: I've always had a soft spot for the Astra Militarum and, having recently started working on an army of them, decided to add a kill team to their ranks, Thus, the Hutanian Bullsharks were bom! Named for the aggressive, adaptable and ancient Terran apex predator, the Bullshai no-nonsense crack team of the toughest, most, able-bodied and most adequately trained the Hutanian 91st could muster at short notice. Right from the start | knew I wanted to includ one of each Gunner type in my force to help me deal with tougher targets. They are better than regular troopers after all, and there's always the Ancillary Support option to boost my numbers for objective taking. | also wanted to include Sniper (because why wouldn't you?) and a Comms Veteran, who will ensure my Serge th the whole kill team used Cadian kits for my Veteran Guardsmen to tie them in with my Hutanian regiment, which is, ave forests and jungles. I tried to model to represent their specific roles and charact the experienced Sergeant has a beret and a fanc moustache, while the Zealot is scarred and looking. They all have plenty of kit ets, utility pouches and backpacks ut on a mission behind enemy Except for the plasma gunner, that is, who never survives long enough to need them. He has his arm in a sling instead I paint me colour s rest of my army but with the addi orange shoulder stripe - a ‘many of my models. It also ties in nicely with the Kill Team design aesthetic. Cet og MEMORANDUM | BULLSHARKS NEED You! ced eed ao ninen pyre orate ier hearers ches ef rtrsererineprtierset ia dry 9 An Ive been working on some killzone scenery for my kill team to fight over in future issues. ream ree Soret Rae ed Cane hor eee) Sanctus Green H44. It was lost to the jungle See eee eed Cee Caan Sone een ea es ote se ace Ce ad interest and character, I've made a few tiny eee ee ence ced eee eis HUTANIAN BULLSHARKS Li Su eam per Cm Aaa ‘Soy Melia Med Veteran ivericr Coat) frat eid a eed et nr 7 cra Pert qj iy sa es ae Acca CTT) carey acca en Berio sa rete eee Wy et yoy EZ Se ee Set een Ty % ‘ Re ts a een eeet ene et TAU EMPIRE PATHFINDERS DESIGNATION: DARKLICHT The Pathfinder team designated ‘Darklight’ hail from D'yanoi Sept. They are currently stationed in the Damocles Gulf, where they have been deployed against the forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus. AN HARDEN Dan fas colt Tu ice they fist came ca ard he's now on i for ainy of be let guys. Ereything he des ifr the Groat Good be thang the set or ctne the ae of cake tohapoters ‘ato eptation, Dan: When it came to choosing a kill team, I was initially going to pick Orks, but Lyle jumped on that Battlewagon before | got the chance, So | tured to my other favourite alien race - the Tau, already have a T’au army but no Pathfinders, so this was the ideal opportunity to add some to my collection. Enter kill team Darklight. {built my kill team using the parts in the kit that thought looked coolest (which, to be fair, was a hard choice). 1 knew | wanted a leader, a Marksman (for cinematic sniping) and a Transpectral Interference Pathfinder (because it sounds cool). Aside from that, I just built a team Cf Pathfinders that looked like they were all up to sneaky stuff: looking round corners, running and ducking into cover, preparing to fre, and so on. 1 used bare heads for all my operatives, as | think it gives each of them their own personality In the background for my army, my D'yanoi force is fighting on a world where most of the light is ultraviolet, hence why my colour scheme is dark purple and blue (the sept colour). | think it fits the covert style of the T’au, especially as '™m an avid practitioner of the Kauyon ~ the Patient Hunter. And that’s how I'll play my games, keeping everyone concealed until the last moment, and then ... BAM! Rail rifle, pulse carbine and ion rifle death. Overcharged, of course! My starting force consists of a mix of regular troopers and specialists. My Shas‘ui, Blooded and three Pathfinders make up the core of my force, with a Marksman and Weapons Expert providing fire support. The Medical Technician and Transpectral Interference Pathfinder are there to help and hinder, while the Drone Controller looks after the team’s faithful helpers, mri PISS es er) Canes ies ti eee Pre ene ey een ree aie artic rete coe cers eee agonst Soe She erie ee renee Perens reer rc Ponaeett ree Seed ea Coe comaere ites) eet ry hE ee CSS Ym currently building a killzone for my Pathfinders to represent the terrain they're De eee ey Nee ea Ce eee near Serine SITU BUTT CMC Crd Tema co cr cir) co ores av Pits) STRATEGIC ASSETS Barer Seco Sue ea iieeeea ices eras Coons cee Den Sioa 3 ears ee ee eaeaeud Pees on il rete Y Domus} ace Serer eee) ere) eee ets er Pee rTM CREATING Kill Team games are fought in killzones - d with all manner of things to climb up, run al provides rules and inspiration for creating A KILLZONE ramatic and awe-inspiring battlefields packed long, hide behind or detonate! This article your very own immersive killzone. ML he war zones and battlefields of the dist Millennium are treacherous places at the best of times — sectors, cities, even entire planets are reduced to little more than rubble and ruination by cataclysmic battles, Once-proud mega-structures are now bombed-out shells. Industrial complexes have been turned into wastelands of wrecked factories and twisted machinery. Fortifications are left derelict, pipes and fuel lines are ruptured, and vital supplies are left forgotten amidst the destruction. Shrines, statues and other such holy places are defiled, pulled down and ransacked. Yet still these places are fought over, for every scrap of fuel, every holy relic and every inch of ground is valuable to one side or the other in the wider theatre of war. It's on these battlefields ~ these killzones ~ that kill teams truly excel, for they can move through the wreckage of war unseen and undetected to carry out missions that far larger armies would not be able to achieve, But such landscapes are not without their dangers 28 ‘THE KILLZONE REGISTER Over the next eleven pages, you will find a host of useful and inspiring rules to help you create your very own killzone (something that several members of the White Duurf team are alzeady doing!) The rules presented here are shown with examples, but they can be applied to numerous kits from the Warhammer 40,000 scenery range For example, parts ofa plasma conduit are considered dangerous (no, really2), but you could apply the Dangerous trait to any bit of scenery, lke the massive claw-limbed servo-skull on the Galvanic Magnavent kit. Or perhaps the sewer vent with the tentacle sprouting out of itin the Necromunda Barricades and Objectives set. A Noctlith Crown could be just as Inspiring as an Adepta Sororitas Battle Sanctum, Or ust as Strategic as a Necron Starstele. Or both Inspiring and Strategic at the same time! Now all that remains is to build your killzone, complete with all the hazards, pitfalls and hidey-holes you'd expect to find on a war-ravaged world, So what are you waiting for? Get gluing KILLZONE ‘Whether you are looking to create kileones using your existing terain collection or begin a hobby project to build a thematic and customised killzone, Kileone Register provides a selection of train tai for you to use, along with guidance and examples of their application (shown in tlc). These should be used in conjunction with the traits inthe Kill Tam Core Book - namely Heavy Light Insignificant, Traversable and Vantage Point. These traits are flexible in ther application and are intended to be applied as you wish, so ony use them if you feel i's suitable for your Vantage Point Daa REGISTER customised killzone. For example, not all exposed plasma coils need ‘the Dangerous trait (some may be inactive). Just make sure you decide all traits before the battle. Remember that a terrain feature may have multiple tats. For ‘example, the most effective defensive postion would have the Heavy, Defendable, Fortified and Gun Emplacement traits. Also remember that Kill Team has a large degree of specificity, traits ae often applied to speciic parts and not to others, as shown in the diagram below. ai ‘Some traits require an operative to control a part of a terrain fe endl operatives within A of ts greater than that of enemy operatives within oft APL characteristic of Each time a shooting attack is made against an operative within a specified distance ofthis part ofthe terain feature, the ranged weapon gains the Lethal 5+ special rule for that shooting attack. Ifit already has the Lethal X special rule, improve the X by 1 for that shooting attack (eg, Lethal 5+ becomes Lethal 4+) This rats suitable for creating area that ae risky to be round when the enemy shoots. The specified distance must be clearly defined befor the battle. This could be os sa os for things io promethium bare. coud be os lange as Wil for things lite promethiam machinery. Operatives cannot be set up on this terrain feature. They cannot move over or through it unless they can FLY. This trait is suitable for tern that operatives would be tunable to novigate over or through, such as a destroyed Vehicle or wrecked building. tis also suitable for areas of the kilzone operatives cannot move across, such as chasms and lava flows. ive controls it while within A. of it and the total ture. A friendly op This part ofthe terrain feature is a Vantage Point Each time a friendly operative makes 2 shooting attack while on a Punishing Vantage Point agains a target that is not in Cove, inthe Roll Attack Dice step ofthat shooting attack, before rolling your attack dice, you can retain one attack dice as a successful normal hit without rolling it Each time an operative makes a shooting attack against a friendly operative that is on a Punishing Vantage Point, in Cover and at least 2.) higher than them, in the Roll Defence Dice step ofthat shooting attack, before rolling your defence dice, one additional dice can be retained as a successful normal save as a result of Cover. This trait is suitable for particulaly high Vontage Points (eg. more than X tall) that offer a commanding positon ofthe killzone. ach time an operative makes a shooting attack, iF a Cover line drawn to the intended target crosses more than one terrain feature with this trait, the intended target is Obscured, This traits suitable for abstract increasing the siz of certain train features to block Line of Sight. Is especialy suitable in heavily wooded Iileares where Cover fines would cross multiple tees. Note that the trait ‘applies to the whole tena feature, 50 in the image tothe let, the parts that extend out fom the tre have this trait too. Tis means the terain feature will ‘more effectively simulate the feeling of a dense wooded area, While an operative is within MA of this part of the terain feature, rll one DS each time it would lose a wound, On a 54, that wound is not lot. This wait is suitable for terrain features (or specific parts of them, if necessary) that would have a significant psychological effect on operatives Examples include a stotue, banner or ‘ancient relic. Note that it i fine for ‘both kil teams to be inspired perhaps the enemy is motivated to destroy it! WHITE DOME 37 aie ar aaa FORTIFIED Each time a shooting attack is made against a friendly operative that is in Cover as a result of this par ofthe terrain feature, in the Roll Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, you ‘an reroll one of your defence dice. This traits suitable for reinforced defensive positions such as defence lines and bunkers. PROTECTION Each time a shooting attack is made against a friendly operative that is protected by this part of the terain feature, inthe Roll Defence Dice step ofthat shooting attack, it has a 4+ invulnerable save. This titi suitable for creating areas that offer advanced and esoteric protection. The area must be clearly defined before the battle, This could ‘ea part ofa eran feature an operative can be placed upon, such as ‘skull altar. I could be @ part ofa terrain feature the operative must be within a certain distance of (e.g. Mil) such as a shield generator. 32 wWMTE pune SMOKE HAZE This part of the terain feature creates an area of smoke ( horizontally from it and to an unlimited upward and downward height. An operative is Obscured if every Cover line drawn to it crosses an area of smoke. This tat is suitable for abstractly increasing the size of certain terain features to block Line of Sight. ts especialy suitable in industrial Killeones with chimneys and vents, or destroyed kilzanes with buming buildings ond vehicles While an operative swith ll ofthis par ofthe tein feature, its treated as being injured (only subtract from its Movement characteristic a a result of being inured fits activated within ll of this terrain feature). This traits suitable for poisonous and toxic terrain features, as well as terrain features corupted by the Chaos God Nurgle SCALABLE ach time an operative climbs this part ofthe terain feature, the final incremental distance of less than (is ignored, instead of being rounded up to This trait is suitable for tenain mere than 2) tal, such as tll runs or {gantres, when you want your operatives t be climbing onto the train features Vantage Point during the bate Its also suitable for ladders INVENTORY : Operatives can perform the following mission action: Search 1AP ‘An operative can perform this action wile it controls this part ofthe ‘terrain feature, Roll one D3 and add 1 to the result. You can equip the operative with an item of equipment with an equipment point that is equal to or less than the total It must be an item of equipment from your faction’s equipment lst that they can be equipped with. It cannot be an item they are already equipped with, or an item that can only be selected once that you have already selected forthe battle, An operative cannot perform this action if it cannot be equipped with equipment, or if any ather operative has performed this action at this terain feature during the Turning Point This traits suitable for collections of supplies stackpiled in certain {areas ofthe killzone. For things like munitorum containers, remember to specify the part that has this trait so it's clear where operatives must perform this action (e.g. atthe door) eT If an operative is activated within d& or moves within A of this part of the terrain feature (whichever comes first during the activation), roll one D6: Ona 1-2, nothing happens. Ona 34, it suffers 1 mortal wound. Ona 56, it suffers 3 mortal wounds. This wats suitable for res ofthe kiln that are hazardous to operatives, such as overheated plosme cols Ihe tain feature has cea dened ceo that an operative canbe placed upon (eg, atxi pool, you cam change the within dao part ofthe nl to it ts base touching’ Each time a friendly operative within this pat of the terain feature makes a shooting attack (including Overwateh), if it has not and will not move during the current activation, in the Roll Attack Dice step ofthat shooting attack, you can reroll one of your attack dice. This tits suitable or creating power soaing creas. The area mus be cary debe before the ate Tis cold bea pot of ¢ tera feature on operative Can be laced upon such fing poston in a ench line cou beo part Of tein eae te operative must be within dof ad of height side of, Such a braced rompar fr weapons to be placed upon Each time an operative fights in combat, iit isnot the active operative but is defending this part ofthe terrain feature, itis always the Attacker, regardless of any rules the enemy operative has. For an operative to be defending this terrain feature, all ofthe following must be true Ithas an Engage order. The active operative performed a Charge action during this activation The active operative'scontolling player cannot draw any Cover lines tothe target operative without them crossing this terrain feature. This traits suitable for baticades and barriers where a Defender would be at an ‘advantage from anyone attempting to Charge and fight them over it ‘An operative can move through this part of the terrain feature as if it were not there, and can do so even if i's too large to fit through this part ofthe terain feature. Remember that an operative must finish a move in a location it can be placed, therefore it must finish the move wholly on one side or the other. This tarts suitable for pars of tertain features that physically block an ‘operative's movement, but they should stil be able to move through them, Examples can include dears or smal! windows. Note that such parts do not always need this trait ~ doors and windows can be baricaded and locked after all, Also note that windows would stil need an operative to climb or traverse to {get to them and down the other side, this tat simply allows operatives to ignore things like window panes and the walls either sie of the window ifthe operative fs too lage. 24 In the Generate Command Points step of the Strategy phase, if fiendly operatives control this part ofthe terrain feature, you gain 1 additional Command Point. This trait is suitable for terran with greater strategic potential, It could be @ unique artefact or structure ora key terminal or interaction point 36 rTM 1 Over the folowing pages, you wil find some examples of customised kileones created using Games Workshop kits, Remember that the Killaone Register is guidance, so you can use these examples as presented or tweak the traits to suit your killzone. Killzone: Wall of Martyrs isa kilzone with an abundance of trench lines and defensive emplacements, as well as scattered supplies. A well positioned team can look to dominate with ranged attacks, particularly against enemies in the open. However, the layered nature of the trench lines and the lack of cover once within them provides oppartunity forthe other team to close the distance, get in their midst and punish them The trench floor has the insignificant trait. All other parts of a Tench Line terain feature have the Fortified, Heavy and Taversable traits The tench oor has he isgnficant rat. ll cter pars cf Tench Line Gun Emplacement train feature hae the Fried, Gun Emplacement, Heavy and Taversable tats. To be within the Gun Emplacement part ofthe tein feature, the operative must bein the wench and within ds ofthe fring embrasure 36 “The roof of a Tench Line Bunker terrain feature has the Vantage Point tait. The ramparts on the Vantage Point have the Fortified, Heavy and ‘Taversable traits. Al other pats ofa Trench Line Bunker have the Heavy trait All parts ofa Tench Line Supply Dump terrain feature have the Light, Inventory and Traversable tris cau! rar, REACTOR COMPOUND Killzone: Reactor Compound isa killzone with industrial structures and machines. It has lots of Heavy terrain features and Vantage Points, and the smog and fumes of industry affect how your operatives move around it. Careful positioning will be needed to get good angles to attack the enemy and also to avoid the dangerous and volatile nature of some terran, trial Chimney Al pas of an industrial Chimney terrain Feature have the Heavy and Smoke Haze tats. Thermie Plasma Condui Al pat ofa Theric Plasma Conduit terrain feature have the Light and Taversable tats. The exposed plasma cols also have the Dangerous trait. Note that, in our example, the damaged plasma col doesnot have the Dangerous trait Damaged Plasma Cail plasma coil 38 WHITE Duar Industrial Structure ‘The levels above ground on an Industial Structure train feature have the Vantage Point trait. The ramparts have the Light and Traversable traits. The ladders have the Scalable trait (out no other traits therefore they do not provide Cover. The indusval machine has the Heavy and Scalable traits. HWaemotrope Reactor Al pans ofa Haemotrope Reactor terain feature have the Heavy and Volatile traits. The specified distance forts Volatile traits) WHITE OwnRE 20 THE DEPTHS OF DUTY The 2,302nd Krieg Siege Regiment is locked in a war of attrition against the heretics of the Gundian 4th. In a bid to give Imperial forces the upper hand and hasten the end of the war, Watchmaster Veilgardt leads a team of veterans on a desperate mission. eteran Watchmaster Veilgardt of the 2,302nd Krieg Siege Regiment stood in a storage vault dug into the wall of the regiment's primary trench, flanked by his kill team of regimental veterans, The heavy blast door creaked as it closed. Soldiers on the other side, in the filth of the trench line, pulled on the slab until it shut with a thud. A dun- coloured glow shone weakly from grimy globes in iron cages, their surfaces spattered with the mud that coated every surface ~ including the Guardsmen’ uniforms. Veilgardt glanced sharply at each of his soldiers in turn, He searched for imperfections in their tumout with a veteran's gaze, his posture stiff and a ticking chronometer in his hand. While most carried their las weapons shouldered, Gunner Kahlas bore the weight of a flamer in two hands across his chest, and Sniper Fahlbek cradled her long-las. Young Dovorr's sparse frame was bulked up with the timers, loops of wire, detonator caps and carefully stowed explosives that marked him as the team's Demolition Veteran. In a short time, Dovorr had become an expert at his craft. Between Trooper Trymon and the broad-shouldered Bruiser, Keist, was a plasteel crate upon a bier as long as Veilgardt was tall Cd Crates filled half the storage chamber from floor to ceiling. ‘The room was one of hundreds dug into the steep and high inner sides of the trench outside. Others held munitions, weapons, tools, and resources required to prosecute the grinding wars Krieg was famous for. Veilgardt had been told it was a recent attempt to expand this chamber that was the cause for his mission. The engineers had discovered other tunnels, far older. Veilgardt's chronometer chimed dully, and he pocketed it; the time had come. The Watchmaster steadied the chainsword at his hip as he spun on the heel of his mud-encrusted boots to face the rear of the vault. In the far wall was a ragged breach. Piles of earth marked what looked like a cave-in, and emergency supports framed the aperture where regimental engineers had accidentally broken into an ancient tunnel network No wonder this expansion was never finished, Veilgardt thought: The danger of collapse was something all Krieg soldiers leaned to both fear and live with. As such, the Death Korps worked hard to dig strong tunnels. But they couldn't count on others to do the same, as their engineers had found here. “Trymon, Keist’ he barked. ‘Let's have it up, and let's be off. Veilgardt heard grunts of exertion as the two Guardsmen picked up either end of the bier carrying the long crate. This was followed by a dull clunk and a hiss of admonition from Dovorr, ‘Careful,’ Veilgardt growled. Iwill not be responsible for we demolishing my own trench, he thought. Veilgardt paused before stepping into Be the breach. Recon teams had probed some of the maze-like network, laying strings of lumen globes. According to his briefing, they had detected transmission echoes and been forced to fall back before reaching the traitors’ lines, However, they estimated that the tunnels reached all the way across no man's land. o ‘Zero vox activity from here,’ Veilgardt ordered. The kill team followed Vellgardt into the darker space beyond the breach. Dovorr cleared his throat, and the Watchmaster nodded brusquely over his shoulder in the young Guardsman's direction. -Watchmaster, how deep did the recon teams judge these tunnels to be?’ Dovorr asked, Veilgardt pulled a crumpled sheet from a breast pocket as the squad emerged into a curving tunnel that swept away to ither side. It was a map carefully drawn onto a tattered scrap of stiff fabric. He looked up to orientate himself, against its directions. To the left, the tunnel was swallowed by darkness after only a few feet. To the right, more of the lumen globes had been affixed to the walls, loops of brass wire connecting them and leading back the way they had come. “They estimated 1,500 feet,’ Veilgardt replied, setting off down the lit tunnel. ‘Current thinking is that this network predates the city the traitors are holding by centuries. The captain's intelligencers couldn't find any mention of them in the city’s Enforcer archives.’ Veilgardt stowed the map, confident he had memorised those sections the recon teams had outlined. He glanced behind him as the squad advanced, weapons at the ready, and noted that Trymon and Keist seemed to be handling the weight of the bier and its cargo well. And when each the lit of hose sections, he recalled telling Captain Stigler, we do what needs tobe done, and we find a way, tie te regiment always does. And ft means our lives, they will be aay given fr this chance to strike atthe traitors. This i Ue regiment's chance to brea the deadlock inthe war above ‘The squad passed dark openings as they worked their way ‘ever further from their trenches, A few were cramped side tunnels, leading to places Veilgardl’s map didn't disclose, but most were chambers gouged out of the dense earth. Dim shapes could be glimpsed in some - ill-defined and sagging lumps that could equally have been mouldering crates, piles of uncleared infill or the corpses of those who had once used this network. ‘What is this place, Watchmaster?’ asked Keist, panting as she bore the front of the bier ‘Smugglers’ network,’ replied Veilgardt, tersely. We think, he thought. Captain Stigler had disclosed to him the assumption that the tunnels were the long-since abandoned work of black marketers or other low lifes, ‘Soon, Veilgardt’s team reached the limit of the recon team’s lumen globes. The way ahead became pitch black. ‘The Watchmaster was all too aware that this was also the region in which the recon teams had detected possible ‘enemy transmission echoes. He turned to his kill team, pitching his voice as loudly as he dared. ‘Guardsmen, chem-sticks, and be quick about it. Dovorr, he turned to address the Demolition Veteran as a sickly THT] green glow spread from their chemical illuminators. ‘I want your sharp eyes out front.” Dovorr jogged a few yards ahead, but when Veilgardt turned to follow, he saw the soldier's outline freeze and dart to the tunnel’s side. He strode to catch up with demolition expert, whose head was bent close to the passage wall. Dovorr motioned to the Watchmaster to listen. Veilgardt pressed his helmet against the passage, its external pick-up relaying a faint jumble of noises. From inside the wall? he thought. He could hear thuds, the unmistakable strike of metal on stone and a bass susurrus that he guessed was voices. The implications struck him as the rest of the squad caught up. ‘They were not alone down here, and the noises behind the wall were getting louder. Whoever it was would break through at any moment. Surely we would have fnown of other teams operating fere, Veilgardt thought. ‘The Watchmaster hurried his soldiers ahead of him, even as he saw the first cracks appear in the passage wall. There ‘was no time left to get completely out of sight. Veilgardt knew he needed to find a position from which to hold them off so that his team could complete their mission. ‘Trymon and Keist stomped past as quickly as they could with the heavy bier and its dangerous cargo. Wwilhaff, the kill team’s Medic, rushed past in their wake. Veilgardt turned to follow, the last three Guardsmen on his heels. ‘They were barely a dozen yards past the now bulging wall when it burst outwards in a rumble of debris. Veilgardt saw glints from the edges of digging tools and heard loud curses of blasphemous heresy. It could be nothing but traitors, breaking into the smugglers’ network themselves. He drew his laspistol Yells erupted from beyond the rupture, and heavy-set, figures boiled out into Veilgardt's tunnel backlit by harsh. lights glaring through the newly created aperture. The figures were shadowed, but, glancing back as he ushered his soldiers on, Veilgardt saw the silhouettes of rifles and shotguns. A shout of surprise and anger followed him — the traitors had seen his squad's chemical illuminators. Rearguard!' Veilgardt shouted, gladdened to see the three soldiers assigned to the role react immediately. The rest of you, go!’ He turned once to loose a shot from his laspistol at the enemy before leaving the three Guardsmen tasked with covering the rest of the squad's continued advance. ‘The Watchmaster pushed onwards, the glow from his remaining soldiers ahead of him. Behind him, he heard the crack of displaced air from lasguns, yells and cries in voices he didn't recognise, and the loud retum fire of automatic weapons. As he ran, Veilgardt holstered his pistol and drew out the map again, hoping that they had not lost their way in the confusion. He could barely make out the inked design, but he grew more confident that they were still heading to ‘wae RE 41 ra 11 their intended destination. The recon teams had determined the position of a large chamber that auto- theodolite divination had deemed sat below the ‘outermost of the traitors’ trench lines. There, the device his soldiers carried upon the bier was to be activated Veilgardt glanced back, suddenly aware that the sounds of the firefight — unnaturally loud in the confined tunnels = had ceased. In their place, he heard pounding feet and echoing voices. ‘Ahead of him, Veilgardt saw that his remaining soldiers had gathered at a broad widening of the passage, beyond which he could just make out a honeycomb of age-worn chambers, galleries and apertures. Curse these smugglers and their labyrinth, he thought, ‘We need to draw them away from our route. The mission's too important to allow these filth to compromise it!’ he told his soldiers. ''m staying with the device. Dovor, you're with me. We'll use this warren to our advantage. Veilgardt scattered his troops, sending Fahlbek and Kahlas into a collection of dark passages to the left and. ordering Medic Wilhaff and three Guardsmen to find firing Positions to the right. He and Dovorr pounded after ‘Trymon and Keist towards an obscuring outcrop of rock dead ahead. A smell of damp air laced with stale promethium worked its way past Veilgardt’s rebreather filter. Moisture glistened on the earthen walls, Even as he ran, desperately trying to maintain his orientation in the poor light, his experience told him these were the markers of a sump run-off region. We must be near the city; the traitors forward trenches can't be far. Even as hope rose in his chest, the deafening chatter of automatic fire erupted from behind. Shadowed by Dovorr, ‘Trymon and Keist made it to the outcrop just before Veilgardt skidded around it to join them, The walls of the passages were threaded with hatch-like. apertures, affording limited fields of fire from tunnel to tunnel and giving him glimpses of the green glow that signified his veterans’ presence. Veilgardt guessed, generations of smugglers had carved them — and what he recognised as fire steps ~ to enable defence against rivals or, more likely, inquisitive Enforcers. it pleased him that loyal sons and daughters of the Emperor would now use the rough defences against traitors Lasfire pulsed out from the direction he'd sent Wilhaff and the Guardsmen, illuminating several of the traitors in strobing flashes and felling at least two. In the glare, he saw uniforms almost as mud-streaked as his own, but he glimpsed enough of the crimson tunics to identify them as heretics of the Gundian 4th - the Fallen Fourth, as many Krieg soldiers now called them Veilgardt motioned for Dovorr, Trymon and Keist to move ‘again as the Guardsmen with Wilhaff drew the traitors’ attention. Following them, he looked back in time to see a gout of burning promethium roar from Gunner Kahlas’ 42 wae ouaRr flamer. He heard agonised screams as the sheet of flame subsided, and he knew that Kahlas would already be moving to evade reprisals. One snarling traitor bounded after the Gunner, but she was suddenly pitched backwards, her skull spraying dark blood as the unerring aim of Fahlbek made itself known. Veilgardt’s soldiers had drawn some heretics away through the passages to either side, but many more had clearly spilled into the smugglers’ network. Shots chased Veilgardt’s group, but echoes in the close confines made the enemy's distance hard to gauge. In the glow of his, Guardsmen's illuminators, Veilgardt glimpsed rotting ducts andl corroded pipework overhead, some following the soldiers’ route, others disappearing into dark side chambers. Noisome smells oozed from many, strong enough to penetrate his rebreather mask. Veilgardt saw Dovorr suddenly double back towards him, lasgun raised; the soldier shouted a warning. The Watchmaster spun to see a scarred traitor almost upon him, swinging a thick blade, and a knot of others behind her. He instinctively swayed back against the tunnel wall The blow missed by a hair's breadth, but the traitor had overstretched herself. Veilgardt pushed off from the wall, head lowered, and smashed his helmet into her exposed face. She went down hard as he drew his chainsword and thumbed its activation rune in one movement. He slashed it through the traitors neck in a messy execution. Dovorr fired from Veilgarcl'’s side as more traitors ran at them. The first fell, but Dovorr only grazed another who barrelled into him, the traitors body and arms covered in welts of burning flesh where the Demolition Veteran's shots had clipped him. They collided and went down in a tangle of punches and kicks, rolling into the dark mouth of aside tunnel. Desperate screams came from in: moment later but quickly choked of Veilgardt gutted the last traitor who had reached him, then tuned for the side tunnel’s entrance. Before he could enter, Dovorr lurched out, clutching the doorway. Scarlet vapour trailed after him, and patches of his uniform started to disintegrate before Veilgardt’s eyes, Dovort coughed painfully, his rebreather corroded by whatever lay within ‘The traitors dead,’ Dovorr rasped. ‘Contaminant leak. I've had worse.’ Veilgardt grabbed the Demolition Veteran, supporting him as they ran to catch up with Trymon and Keist. Flashes, screams and the noise of ragged fire followed them. Keep them back, Vellgardt silently ordered. The four of them reached a large chamber, the entrance of which was framed with visibly corroded plascrete. Veilgardt saw vast sections of pipework rising from the floor to the ceiling. In the comer was an obviously broken- down transit shaft. Shots and shouts followed them ina slug hit the chamber's door jamb as Veilgardt ran past, ‘The device, Veilgardt had been assured, was more than and it creaked ominously. powerful enough to reach far above him to the enemy's trench lines. The immense explosion would disintegrate Veilgardt checked his chronometer and ordered the bier _an entire stretch of the heretics’ defences, leaving them ~ to be laid in haste against the far wall vulnerable to a massed infantry advance “This has to be it. We've gone as far as we need. Dovor, _Veilgardt glared upwards. He imagined the foulness of the set the charge, he barked. Ifwe havent reached the enemy _traitors above him — as promulgated by his regiment's lines, he thought, noting the absence of any further exits, Commissars ~ and relished their imminent and we've come as far as we can. unexpected demise. Dovorr jammed his trench shovel into the earthen floor, _‘Krieg sends her best regards. leaning on itas he lowered himself to kneel by the reinforced crate, Trymon and Veilgardt took position near He slammed his fist against the activation rune. the doorway, and Keist guarded Dovorr's back. The noise of battle suddenly became louder, and the Watchmaster saw Wilhaff dragging a wounded Guardsman towards him. From another direction, Kahlas and Fahlbek weaved their way forward, Fahlbek suddenly slumped, twisting. Kahlas ran on, turning when he neared the doorway to unleash his flamer over Fahlbek’s prone form ‘Traitors converged from several directions. Veilgardt shouted at his soldiers to hurry, firing at enemies where he could see them, Trymon ran back out to cover Kahlas as heretics piled forward, starting a brutal melee just beyond the doorway. Veilgardt realised Wilhaff and her stumbling charge wouldn't make it. Ithappened so quickly that Veilgardt didn’t have time to react. Keist streaked past him from where she had been ‘guarding the bier— the Bruiser had snatched up Dovorr’s trench shovel. She pushed Veilgardt back into the ‘chamber before using all her strength to chop into the creaking frame around the doorway. The corroded. plascrete gave way under Keist’s assault. Ifher fellow soldiers in the tunnels beyond knew what she was doing, they would understand. Just as I do, Veilgardt thought. The collapse was shockingly fast. The traitors and Veilgardt’s soldiers vanished in a moment, but the rumbling noise continued for some time. Veilgardt assumed the tunnels were being buried by mud and rock as a result of a chain reaction caused by Keist's actions, He glanced again around the chamber its interior supports didn’t appear much stronger than those that had framed the doorway. When he looked to the bier, he saw Dovorr appraising them himself ‘They should collapse almost immediately, Watchmaster. She'll do her job,’ Dovorr wheezed, laying his hand respectfully on the crate’s casing. Dovorr accessed the crate’s control panel, methodically entering a series of commands he had been taught by rote by the regiment's Enginseer. Finally, the device activated. He stood painfully, as much at attention as his ravaged body would allow. Veilgardt joined him at the massive bomb's side. 43 i NC aah Te ELLIOT HAMIER Elliot has worked at Games Workshop for almost five years, first in the Events Team and now as.a games developer in the Warhammer 40,000 Studio. He's been absent from the studio recently. He claims that he was engaged in special operations in distant lands. The bottle of suntan lotion and beach towel on his desk reveal Just what a dangerous mission it was. ntel briefing, rookie! P dangerous operatives this side of the Great up on us, | want fo now you've got my bac uick end for te lot of us attention, as it'll you about the most if fone ofthese creeps As the new edition of Kill Team approaches its first birthday, | thought it would be fun to look back on the previous twelve months and pick out some of my favourite operatives dropped into the killzone from the newly released kill teams. There's no particular criteria; I've ju e back at bi whether that’s t ffer useful rules, feel unique extremely cool! I've al ed my Top Op for the operative that’s risen above all the others. So, le ATTRIBUTES ono Forget powerful guns and fancy swords, binoculars Ee sma Ce oe coer ety Cee en ice eee a ‘operative may not get medals and accolades for Sa ace ea nea ability to spot fora fellow operative - allowing them to target a concealed enemy operative - is 2 quality in its own league. This works especially \well with a Sniper Veteran on a Vantage Point, as eee eee) Cee ee ee es though, the Spotter can even callin a mortar barrage while concealed, Oy Ros Sd a) Eee aad UO eC eae ‘most operatives have to move around walls to get ee ery COE eee See eae Cee sree ‘and board control it keeps the Breacha Boy safe ere ‘move through the wall and cause a whole load of Da ee om aru Pe eae eter ed CO eee Tete ue CUE Oe meee od TCU CIRCUS Msn Sn nun OCC RUC’ CRS Ce CE Ruste Ouse eS aL Py Close Combat Assassin ey rg ee eed ‘operative when fighting in combat. However, your Pee gee ee Se ee eed to be patient to get the best out of it: When the Ruststalker Assassin moves sneakily by using Heavy eee ee eed ‘a nightmare primed to pounce. When you get that Peet esac eer tc a key target in one Fight action, i's a satisfying play for a combat assassin specialist. At that point, anything extra is a bonus, so use the Accelerant ee eee) Sy eer ro eee Seeger penance and a really big chainsword! When you absolutely, positively have to charge in and wreak havoc in close combat, whip a Novitiate Penitent ce RUE ence a tip! She'll more than likely go down swinging, but ea ee a Sen ee er ie nice weapon to have at your disposal. Woe betide the poor enemy on the receiving end of it! SS Modular Poe Versatile a Ped operative of choice has to be the Sorcerer - the very operative the kill team functions around, With an APL of 3, fearsome weapons, a selection of psychic Cee Eee oad See eee rue? Pee ace ee eee ee et ea te eee rey Dee eee You can take up to three of them! Ma A Veteran Sey ey eee ee Creer eee ae ae enn ee eee) eee een en ee eer Pee eto ea eens (fora Pathfinder) and a Markelight the Blooded ee ee ee eee eee We can see the propaganda posters already. Sead RILE TEAM ATTRIBUTES ray ong ea When it came to the Wyrmblade, it had to be a Cult Agent, but choosing which one was tough. In the end | picked the Kelermorph. This pistol toting hybrid can blast multiple enemies during CE eee a oar} Cee econ ea ey enemy is too cowardly to face them in a quickdraw, Ce Cec een a ety perform the perfect shot on an enemy concealed in Cover. What gives this operative the edge, though, is its legendary status as an inspirational folk hero. When the Kelermorph does its thing, your regular Neophytes are inspired to emulate its Pear ae ec ree Oy Se cen cea lethally armed shadow just as capable of stalking and toying with its prey as itis of launching an alkout attack. With the FLY keyword and the ability Od ee cae Ce cee en oes ee ae See ed assassin stand out though is its Slicing Attack Se ee eed against an enemy operative that it performs a Normal Move near. Pair this witha silent throwing blade and you've got an operative who can deal ‘out some great damage while safely concealed. Cee ee poe CUTTY ence Distinctive Rules os With the introduction of the Death Jester, the Ce eee cd something they lacked previously - scary ranged firepower. The Death Jester’s distinctive rules are where it really feels different. An enemy operative Cr a eos re ee ra Shrieking Harvest lets you fire with Torrent - the first weapon that can do so at unlimited range! es te Jester though; use its high movement to get in position, then cackle like Cegorach as it mows down exposed enemies. ATTRIBUTES re Wanton Slaughter peteno) Caution advised to enemy operatives! Quite Pe ee ene ec the Butcher is your pick when you need nothing less than outright slaughter. He can carve up lesser Se ee ear ad used the Hateful Assault Strategic Ploy, charging Se eee tence Te ue ee eres the Reap critical hit rule, they'll be tied down by eee eee ee) Engagement Range. Be mindful: when the Butcher Se eet ed tee ec ATTRIBUTES ‘Accurate and Lethal Aim Covert ra Re een Emperor's Angels, once an enemy operative isin ee a eee Lee cas Pee nee oes See ee an Pee eR cd Divinatorclass auspex allows the Incursor Or eats After an enemy operative performs an action, you ee eee eee? Se re eau oe a eur Sey oe orl re Seed Killzone, mighty champions leave a trail of corpses SR oe en ere ee et ee ess ee Kommando Grotis the greatest grt to eve take ee ent eS eR ee err rs clever work your regular Kommandos are too stupid re ee hook! Watching a grt being propelled through Ce ee ey ee er cre ee See ee ea) Se ng eer eae eons Kommando Grotis my Top Op ofthe year Ta Te ATTRIBUTES Pare} Regio es Se Ce RS Le nord Cae ee ae roma Meera Sener teenie) and boosted with the Traitor Corpseman's Stimms. action, launching one of these brutes into the foe ‘mid game will force the enemy to deal with it while Pre ee ee operative is one that will draw a lot of attention to itself, but that's nota bad thing; it can keep Se Een ae) ‘them to score alkimportant victory points. Use this to your advantage and employ the Traitor Ogryn as ete sas round-up of the m« tives to take to the killzone over the past twelve months, What are some of your favourites, and who's your Top Op? Thanks to all of you who have joined usin the ne\ edition of Kill Team. We've had an absolute blast working on it, and we can't wait to show you what we've got planned for the future. Ill see you in the killzone! ii rie re irr Retna pore

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