Electric Potential and Potential Difference: Lesson 3.2

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Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Lesson 3.2 
Electric Potential and Potential Difference 
Introduction 1 

Learning Objectives 2 

Warm Up 2 

Learn about It! 4 

Electric Potential 4 
Potential Difference 5 
Charge and Electric Potential 6 
Applications of Electric Potential Difference in Circuitry 7 

Key Points 13 

Key Formula 13 

Check Your Understanding 14 

Challenge Yourself 16 

Bibliography 16 

Key to Try It! 17 


Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Data Table 
Table 3.2.1. Electric Field and Potential 

Point  Voltage 





Guide Questions 
1. What  do  the  colors  of  the  electric  field  vectors  (black  and  white)  in  the  simulation 
2. At which point was voltage at its highest value? At which point was it at its lowest? 
3. If  the  green  dot  represents  electric  potential,  what  can  you  deduce  about  the 
relationship of the charge to the potential energy and potential of a given system? 

  Learn about It! 


How will you differentiate electric potential from 

  potential difference?  
Electric Potential 
Electric  potential,  also  called  potential,  is  defined  as  the  potential  energy  contained  in  a 
single  unit  of  charge.  The  electric  potential  located  at  any  given  point  in  the  electric  field 
refers  to  the  potential  energy  U per unit charge in relation to the charge q0 at that particular 

3.2. Electric Potential and Potential Difference  4 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

The  SI  unit  of  electric  potential  is  volt  (V),  which  is  also  equivalent  to  1  joule  per  coulomb 
(J/C).  The  relationship  between  charge,  electric  potential,  and  electric  potential  energy  is 
mathematically expressed as follows: 

where  V  is  the  potential,  k  is  Coulomb’s  constant,  q  is  the  magnitude  of  the  charge,  r  is  the 
radius, and U is the electric potential energy . 

Did You Know? 

The SI unit for electric potential is 1 volt (1 V), after the Italian   
scientist Alessandro Volta (1745-1827). 
An instrument used to determine the difference of potential  
between two points is called a voltmeter.  

Potential Difference 
Recall  from  the  previous  lesson  that  the  electric  force  must  do  a  given  amount  of  work  to 
move  a  charge  from  one  point  to  another.  If  we  apply  the  concept  of  electric  potential  to 
this concept, the charge q0 must be divided to work, hence, the definition of potential as “the 
amount  of  potential  energy  per  unit  charge”  holds  true.  It  is  further  verified  by  the  general 
equation below: 

Equation 3.2.1 


3.2. Electric Potential and Potential Difference  5 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

The  difference  of  Va  and  Vb,  or electric potential difference, is referred to as the potential 

of  a  in  relation  to  b  (Vab).  Thus,  Equation  3.2.1  may  be  stated  through  the  following 
“The electric potential Vab of Va with respect to Vb is equivalent to the work (expressed 
in J) done by the force when a charge moves from one point to another.” 
This  potential  difference  between  points  a  and  b  is  also  called  voltage,  expressed  in joules 
per  coulomb.  This  implies  that  if  the  Vab  amounts  to  1  V,  1  coulomb  of  charge  that  moved 
from one point to another will increase its potential energy by 1 joule (J). 

What is the difference between electric potential 

  and potential difference? 

Charge and Electric Potential 
Recall  from  your  lesson  on  electric  potential  energy  that  as  the  charged  particle  moves,  UE 
decreases.  Hence,  the  electric  potential,  or  the  potential  energy  per  unit  charge  also 
decreases. Since Vb is less than Va, Vab becomes positive. 

The  simulation  you  have  interacted  with  at  the  Warm  Up  activity  excellently  illustrates  this 
relationship  between  a  charge  and  electric  potential.  If  there  is  a  positive  point  charge,  the 
electric  field  is  understood  to  be  heading  against  that charge, and the potential V is positive 
at  any  point  from  the  charge.  V  decreases  as  you  move  away  from the point charge and 
increases  as  you  move  closer  toward  it.  The  opposite  is  true  for  any  given negative point 
charge, as illustrated in Fig. 3.2.2. 

3.2. Electric Potential and Potential Difference  6 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Fig. 3.2.2. Point charges and their electric potential 
Applications of Electric Potential Difference in Circuitry 
Potential  and  potential  differences  have  indispensable  applications  in  circuits.  Analyze  the 
illustration in Fig. 3.2.3.  

Fig. 3.2.3. Voltage in a battery 

The  voltage  present  in  this  battery  is  equivalent  to  the  difference  in  potential  Vab  =  Va  –  Vb 
between the positive and the negative terminal points of the battery. 

3.2. Electric Potential and Potential Difference  7 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Circuitry  relies  heavily  on  the  gain  and  loss  of  energy  that  results  from  the displacement of 
charges  across  different  locations.  In  battery-operated  electric  circuits,  work  must  be 
applied  to  a  positive  charge  so  that  it  can  move  from  the  negative  terminal  to  the  positive 
terminal.  This  increases  the  charge’s  potential  energy,  thus  increasing  electric  potential. On 
the  contrary,  as  the  positive  charge  transfers  through  the  external circuit from the negative 
to  the  positive  terminal,  electric  potential energy and the corresponding potential decrease. 
For  instance,  for a battery that has 20 volts, every coulomb of charge gains 20 joules of UE as 
it  travels  through  the  battery.  Furthermore,  it  loses  20  J  of  UE  as  it  moves  through  the 
external  circuit.  This loss in UE in the external circuit brings about a gain in different forms of 
nonelectrical energy such as light and heat energy. 

How are the concepts of potential and potential 

  difference applied in circuitry? 

Always be mindful of the relationships among electric potential, 
electric field, and electric force. The field always flows from regions of 
high to low voltage, and the direction of the force on a charge is in the 
direction of the field if q > 0 and away from it if q < 0. 

  Since both charge and potential energy are scalars, electric potential 
is also considered as a scalar.  
Electric potential and potential are two different concepts, and are  
thus expressed differently in mathematical terms. Electric potential  
energy is expressed in joules, whereas potential is expressed in volts. 


3.2. Electric Potential and Potential Difference  8 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

  Let’s Practice!  

Example 1    
Determine the electric potential 4.3 ✕ 10-14 m from a fragment that contains 10 protons. 

Step 1:  Identify what is required in the problem. 

  You are asked to calculate the electric potential. 

Step 2:  Identify the given in the problem. 

The radius 4.3 ✕ 10-14 m, and the number of protons, 10, are given. 
Total electric charge is identified by multiplying 10 to 1.6 ✕ 10-19 C. Thus, q = 
1.6 ✕ 10-18 C.  

Step 3:  Write the working equation. 

Step 4:  Substitute the given values. 

Step 5:  Find the answer. 

Thus, the electric potential is equivalent to 3.35 ✕ 105 V. 

1  Try It!  
Determine  the  electric  potential  1.2  ✕  10-14  m  from  a  fragment  that  contains  50 

3.2. Electric Potential and Potential Difference  9 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Example 2  
A  sphere  has  a  point  charge  of  6.43  μC  at  its  very  center.  At  what  distance  from  this  point 
charge will the potential be 2 MV? 

Step 1:  Identify what is required in the problem. 

  You are asked to calculate the distance with which the charge will receive a 
potential of 2 MV. 

Step 2:  Identify the given in the problem. 

The magnitude of the charge 6.43 μC and the potential 2 MV are given.  

Step 3:  Write the working equation. 

Step 4:  Substitute the given values. 

Step 5:  Find the answer. 


Thus, the distance from the center is 0.0289 m.  


2  Try It!  
A  sphere  has  a  point  charge  of  1.21  mC  at  its  very center. At what distance from this 
point charge will the potential be 1.77 MV? 


3.2. Electric Potential and Potential Difference  10 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Example 3  
A  Van  de  Graaff  generator  has  a  200-cm  diameter sphere containing a charge of 5.00 ✕ 10-3 
C  at  its  center.  Determine  the  potential  near  the surface and the distance from the center if 
the electric potential is 1.00 ✕ 106 V. 

Step 1:  Identify what is required in the problem. 

  You are asked to calculate the potential near the surface and the distance from 
the center with the given potential. 

Step 2:  Identify the given in the problem. 

The diameter of the sphere (200 cm), the magnitude of the charge 5.00 ✕ 10-3 C, 
and the potential (1.00✕106 V) are given. 
Convert 200 cm to m. 
Convert diameter into radius. 


Step 3:  Write the working equation. 

To find the potential near the surface: 

To find the distance from the center: 


3.2. Electric Potential and Potential Difference  11 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Step 4:  Substitute the given values. 


Step 5:  Find the answer. 


Thus, the electric potential near the surface is 4.5 ✕ 107 V and the distance from the 
center with the given potential is 45 m. 

3  Try It!  
A  Van  de  Graaff  generator  has  a  1500-millimeter  diameter  sphere  containing  a 
charge  of  7.50 ✕ 10-3 C at its center. Determine the potential near the surface and the 
distance from the center if the electric potential is 6.4 ✕ 106 V. 


3.2. Electric Potential and Potential Difference  12 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 
Lesson 3.3 
Calculating Electric Potential and Potential Difference 
Introduction 1 

Learning Objectives 2 

Warm Up 3 

Learn about It! 5 

The General Equation 5 
The Electron Volt 5 
Calculations of Electric Potential 6 
Electric Potential Due to a Point Charge 6 
Electric Potential Due to a Collection of Charges 7 

Key Points 12 

Key Formulas 12 

Check Your Understanding 14 

Challenge Yourself 16 

Bibliography 16 

Key to Try It! 17 


Unit 3: Electric Potential 

3. Based  on  the  data  you  have  gathered  in  Table  3.3.2,  what  is  the  relationship 
between charge and potential difference? 

  Learn about It! 


How will you differentiate electric potential from 

  potential difference? 
The General Equation 
You  have  learned  that  potential  refers  to  the  electric  potential  energy  UE  per  unit  charge 

and  is  solved  by    or  .  Potential  difference,  on  the  other  hand,  is  the 
change  in  potential  energy  UE  of  a  charge  displaced  from  point  A  to B and is solved by VAB = 
VA – VB. 
Electric  potential  difference  is  most  commonly  referred  to  as  voltage.  Its  relationship  with 
electric potential energy UE is given by: 

  Equation 3.3.1 

where  ΔU  is  the  change  in  electric  potential  energy,  VA  is  the  potential  at  point  A,  VB  is  the 
potential at point B, q is the magnitude of the point charge, ΔV is the potential difference. 
The Electron Volt 
In  electrostatics, the value of electric energy often results in extremely low amounts of joule. 
To  deal  with  the  tedious  task  of  writing  these very small values, an easier way of expressing 
electrical  energy  and  work  was  devised.  Physicists  call  this  unit  the  electron  volt  (eV).  It 
refers  to  the  quantity  of  work  done  to  displace a charge through a potential difference of  1 
V. 1 eV is thus equivalent to the product of one volt 1 V and 1 elementary charge, hence: 
3.3. Calculating Electric Potential and Potential Difference    5 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

What is the relationship between potential 

  difference and electric potential energy? 
Calculations of Electric Potential 
Electric Potential Due to a Point Charge  
Recall  that  when  the  point  charge  q  is  positive,  the  potential  is  also  positive  everywhere. 
Similarly,  a  negatively-charged  q  will  have  its  potential  negative  at  all  points.  To  determine 
the electric potential due to one point charge q, the following equation is used: 

Equation 3.3.2 

where  V  is  the  electric  potential  due  a  point  charge  ,    is  the  electric  constant,  q0  is  the 
magnitude  of  the  point charge, r is the distance where potential is measured with respect to 
the charge. 
In  this  equation,  the  electric  potential  V  is  set  arbitrarily  at  0,  and  r  is  at  an  infinite distance 
  from  the  point  charge.  Therefore,  the  electric  potential  V,  with  respect  to  the  point 

charge,  decreases  with  distance,  and  the  electric  field  ,  with  respect  to  the  point  charge, 

decreases with distance squared. In such case, the electric field is given by: 

3.3. Calculating Electric Potential and Potential Difference    6 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Electric Potential Due to a Collection of Charges 

Consider  a  system  that  contains  a  certain  number  N  of  charges:  q1,  q2,  q3,  …,  qN.  Each  of 
these  charges  produces  its  own  potential  at  a  certain  point.  Point  P,  for  instance  has  a 
potential  equivalent  to  VP  =  V1,  V2,  V3,  …  VN.  The  test  charge  may  be  brought  from  its 
reference  point  at  infinity  to  point  P.  The  net  potential  VP  is  the  summation  of  all  the 
potentials given, and may be expressed as follows: 

Equation 3.3.3 

where  V  is  the  electric  potential  due  a  system  of  charges,   is the electric constant, q0 is 
the  magnitude  of  the  ith  point  charge,  r  is  the  distance  where  potential  is  measured  with 
respect to the ith charge.  

How do we determine the electric potentials due to 

  a point charge and due to a collection of charges? 

The resulting electric potential at a given point (P) is the summation  
of the potentials at that point due to each of the charges. You  
need not take direction into consideration since potential is a scalar. 
Be mindful, however, of the charges’ signs. 

A negative voltage implies that the positively charged particle will 
be attracted from a greater distance and the potential will be lower. 
The opposite is true for a negative charge. 

3.3. Calculating Electric Potential and Potential Difference    7 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

  Let’s Practice!  

Example 1    
Solve the potential at a point 18 m away from a 17.14 μC (A) and a -17.14 μC (B). 

Step 1:  Identify what is required in the problem. 

  You are asked to calculate the electric potential due to point charges A and B. 

Step 2:  Identify the given in the problem. 

The distance from both charges, 18 m, the magnitude of charge A, 17.14 μC , and 
the magnitude of charge B, -17.14 μC are given. 

Step 3:  Write the working equations. 


Step 4:  Substitute the given values. 

Step 5:  Find the answer. 

3.3. Calculating Electric Potential and Potential Difference    8 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

The potential due to point A is 8.57 ✕ 103 V, and due to point B is -8.57 ✕ 103 V. 

1  Try It!  
Calculate  the  electric  potential  at  a  point  32.16  m  away  from  a  55.67  μC  (C)  and  a 
‒55.67 μC (D). 

Example 2  
Consider,  for  instance,  that  during  a  thunderstorm,  the  magnitude  of  the  change in electric 
potential  energy  ΔUE  of  an  electron  that  has  moved  between  a  thundercloud  and  the 
ground  is  1.33  ✕  10-28  J.  Determine  the  electric  potential  difference  ΔV  between  the  ground 
and the cloud.  

Step 1:  Identify what is required in the problem. 

  You are asked to calculate the electric potential difference between the ground 
and the cloud. 

Step 2:  Identify the given in the problem. 

The magnitude of the change in electric potential energy, ΔUE = 1.33✕10-28 J, is 
given. The charge of one electron is 1.6 ✕ 10-19 C. 

Step 3:  Write the working equation. 

The electric potential difference is hence given by: 


3.3. Calculating Electric Potential and Potential Difference    9 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Step 4:  Substitute the given values. 


Step 5:  Find the answer. 

Thus, the electric potential difference between the ground and the cloud is 8.31 ✕ 10-10 V.  

2  Try It!  
What  will  be  the  electric  potential  difference  ΔV  between  the  ground  the  cloud  if the 
magnitude  of  the  change  in  electric  potential  energy  of  two  electrons  becomes  4.13 
✕ 10-28 J? 

Example 3  
A  positive  and  a  negative  charge  are  found  on  the  corners  of  a  rectangle  with w = 0.15 mm 
and  l  =  0.35  mm.  The negatively-charged particle, found at the upper left hand corner, has a 
magnitude  of  ‒8  ✕  10-6  C.  The  positively-charged  particle  at  the  lower  right  corner,  on  the 
other  hand,  has  a  magnitude  of  4  ✕  10-6  C.  What  will  be  the  electric  potential  at  the  upper 
right hand corner (point P) of the rectangular region? 

Step 1:  Identify what is required in the problem. 

  You are asked to calculate the potential at the upper right hand corner of the 

3.3. Calculating Electric Potential and Potential Difference    10 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Step 2:  Identify the given in the problem. 

The  width,  w  =  0.15  mm,  and  length,  l  =  0.35  mm,  of  the  rectangle,  the 
magnitude  of  the  negatively  charged  particle (‒8 ✕ 10-6 C) and the magnitude of 
the positively charged particle (4 ✕ 10-6 C) are given. 

Step 3:  Write the working equation. 


Step 4:  Substitute the given values. 


Step 5:  Find the answer. 

The potential at the upper right hand corner of the rectangle VP is 3.43 ✕ 107 V. 

3  Try It!  
A  positive  and  a  negative  charge  are  found  on  the  corners  of  a  rectangle  with 
w  =  0.254  mm  and  l  =  0.741  mm. The negatively-charged particle, found at the upper 
left-hand  corner,  has  a  magnitude  of  ‒15  ✕  10-6  C. The positively-charged particle at 
the  lower  right  corner,  on  the  other  hand,  has  a  magnitude  of  24  ✕  10-6  C.  What will 
be  the  electric  potential  at  the  upper  right  hand  corner  (point  P)  of  the  rectangular 

3.3. Calculating Electric Potential and Potential Difference    11 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 
Lesson 3.4 
Equipotential Surfaces 
Introduction 1 

Learning Objectives 2 

Warm Up 2 

Learn about It! 3 

Equipotential Surfaces 4 
Field Lines and Equipotential Surfaces 4 
Equipotentials and Conductors 5 
Calculating Equipotentials 6 
Work Done on Equipotential Surfaces 6 
Determining Equipotential Surfaces 6 

Key Points 12 

Key Formulas 12 

Check Your Understanding 13 

Challenge Yourself 15 

Bibliography 16 

Key to Try It! 16 


Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Fig. 3.4.1. Potential uniform field simulator  
3. Click  the  “horizontal”  button  and  watch  how  the  potential  is  affected  when  you 
displace a test charge horizontally. 
4. Then,  click  the  “vertical”  button  and  watch  how  the  potential  is  affected  when  you 
displace a test charge vertically. 
Guide Questions 
1. In which direction is the electric field heading towards? 
2. What  happened  to  the  electric  potential  of  a  test  charge  when  you  displaced  it 
3. What  happened  to  the  electric  potential  of  a  test  charge  when  you  displaced  it 
vertically from its initial position to its last? 

  Learn about It! 

You  have  learned  that  electric  field  lines  enable  us  to  illustrate  electric  fields.  Similarly,  the 
electric  potential  present  in  different  locations  in  an  electric  field  may  be  visualized  by  the 
two-dimensional  parallel  lines  in  the  simulation  used  in  the  Warm  Up  activity.  In  a 
three-dimensional representation, these are what we refer to as equipotential surfaces. 

What is an equipotential surface?   


3.4. Equipotential Surfaces   3 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 
Equipotential Surfaces 
The  analogy  established  between  equipotential  surfaces  and  a  topographic  map  in  the 
beginning  of  this  lesson  will  help  you  picture  how  the  electric  potential  has  the  same  value 
in  each point from a three-dimensional representation. Wherever an electric field is present, 
an  equipotential surface may be drawn therein. Consider, for instance, a charged particle q0. 
As  it  gets  displaced  across  each  point  of  an  equipotential  surface,  the  potential  energy  q0V 
remains constant. Thus, an equipotential surface is defined as a three-dimensional surface 
where the electric potential is similar at all points.  
Field Lines and Equipotential Surfaces 
As  a  general  rule,  remember  that  field  lines  and  equipotential  surfaces  are  always 
perpendicular  to  each  other.  Since  electric  potential  energy  remains  constant  even  as  a 
test  charge  moves across an equipotential surface, the field does no amount of work on this 

charge.  Thus,  if  the  electric  field    is  perpendicular  to  the  equipotential  surface  at  all 
points,  then  the  force  will  also  be  perpendicular  to  the  charge’s  displacement  across  the 
equipotential surface. 
Fig.  3.4.2  shows  cross  sections  of  equipotential  surfaces  (expressed  in  blue  lines)  and  field 
lines  (expressed  in  red  lines)  for  three  systems  of  charges.  For  a  uniform  electric  field,  the 
field  lines  are  parallel  and  equidistant,  whereas  the  equipotentials  are  parallel  planes  that 
are at a 90°-angle to the electric field lines.  

Fig. 3.4.2. Cross sections of equipotential surfaces and field lines 
3.4. Equipotential Surfaces   4 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Observe from Fig. 3.4.2 how regions that contain a large magnitude of tend to have their 
equipotential surfaces at a shorter distance from each other. This is because the amount of 

work done by the is inversely proportional to the displacement of the test charge.  
Equipotentials and Conductors 

Fig. 3.4.3. Equipotential surfaces on a conductor 
Fig.  3.4.3  shows  how  on  each  point  of  the  equipotential  surface  of a conductor in the static 
case,  the  electric field E and the equipotential surface are perpendicular. Moreover, when all 
of  the  given  charges  are  not  moving,  the  whole  volume  of the conducting material contains 
the  same  potential.  This  is  also  termed  as  the  equipotential  volume  of  a  conductor. 
Interestingly,  this  explains  how  you  may  touch  the  interior  walls  of  a  conducting  material 
unharmed  if  you  are  inside  it.  If  a  conductor  has  a  cavity  without  any charge, it also follows 
that no net charge will be made available anywhere on the surface of the cavity.  

Why are equipotential surfaces always 

  perpendicular to electric eld lines? 

3.4. Equipotential Surfaces   5 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 
Calculating Equipotentials 
Work Done on Equipotential Surfaces 
Since  equipotential  surfaces  are  perpendicular  to  electric  fields  at  all  times,  no  amount  of 
work  is  required  to  displace  a  test  charge  across  an  equipotential  surface.  This  is 
mathematically proven by: 

  Equation 3.4.1 

where ΔPE is the change in electric potential energy, q is the magnitude of the charge, and 
ΔV is the potential difference. 
The  electric  force  is  in  the  same  direction  as  the  electric  field, thus, the relationship of work 
to the electric field is given by: 

  Equation 3.4.2 

where F is the electrostatic force, d is the distance, θ is the angle between F and d, q is the 
magnitude of the charge, and E is the magnitude of the electric field. 
In  Equation  3.4.2,  q,  E, and d may not necessarily be equivalent to 0. Nonetheless, the angle 
between  the  field  and  the  surface  is  90°,  thus  proving  that  displacement  along  an 
equipotential is perpendicular to the electric field.  
Determining Equipotential Surfaces 
Since  it  has  been  established  that  the  potential  V  is  constant  throughout  an  equipotential 
surface,  only  the  variables  q0,  or  the  magnitude of the point charge, and r, or the location of 
the  equipotential  points  around  the  point  charge  are  to  be  taken  into  consideration.  Recall 
from  your  previous  lessons  that  the  distance  r  is  inversely  proportional  to  the  potential  V. 
This is thus mathematically given by: 

3.4. Equipotential Surfaces   6 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Equation 3.4.3 

where  V  is  electric  potential  (constant  along  an  equipotential  surface),  k  is  Coulomb’s 
constant,  9  ✕  109  Nm2/C2,  q  is  the  magnitude  of  the  charge,  and  r  is  the distance relative to 
which potential is measured. 

How are the locations of equipotential surfaces 


Equipotential surfaces for various potentials will never intersect. This  
is because no point can exist at two or more different electric  

The electric field does not always need to be constant over  

an equipotential surface. Only the electric potential will remain  
constant at all points.  
Gaussian surfaces and equipotential surfaces are two commonly-  
confused terms. Remember that Gaussian surfaces are arbitrary  
and may be assigned accordingly, whereas equipotential surfaces 
are determined by charge distribution.  


3.4. Equipotential Surfaces   7 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

  Let’s Practice!  

Example 1    
A  positively  charged  particle  with  a  magnitude  of  2.3  mC  has  moved  0.15  m  across  an 
equipotential surface of 5 V. Determine the amount of work in the given situation. 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to calculate the amount of work experienced by the charged 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The magnitude of the charge, 2.3 mC, the distance, 0.15 m, and the potential, 5 V, 
are given. However, since the motion has transpired along an equipotential 
surface, the value of ΔV is equivalent to 0. 
Step 3: Express the equation to be used. 

Step 4: Substitute the given values. 

Step 5: Find the answer. 
Thus,  the  work  exerted  as  the  charged  particle  is  displaced  along the equipotential surface 
is equal to zero. 

1  Try It!  
A  4.8-mC  negative  charge  has  moved  0.77  m  across an equipotential surface of 25 V. 
What is the work exerted by the charge? 

3.4. Equipotential Surfaces   8 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Example 2  
Determine  the  location  of  the  equipotential  surfaces  with  electric  potentials  of (1) 200 V, (2) 
300 V, and (3) 400 V for a 5-nC charge. 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to calculate the location of the equipotential surfaces r for the given 
electric potentials. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The electric potentials, 200 V, 300 V, and 400 V, respectively, and the magnitude of 
the charge, 5 nC are given. 
Step 3: Express the equation to be used. 

, thus  
Step 4: Substitute the given value/s 

Step 5: Find the answer. 

Thus, 200-V, 300-V, and 400-V equipotential surfaces are located at 0.225 m, 0.150 m, 

3.4. Equipotential Surfaces   9 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 
and 0.113 m, respectively. 

2  Try It!  
Calculate  the  location  of  the  equipotential  surfaces  at  which  the  electric  potential  is 
(1) 111 V, (2) 222 V, and (3) 333 V, respectively, for a 8.88 μC charge. 

Example 3  
A  positively-charged  particle  with  a  magnitude  of  67.9  nC  is  accelerating  in  a  100-N/C 
uniform  electric  field.  The  particle  has  departed  from  an  equipotential  plane  of  7  V  and  is 
found  to  have  displaced to a plane of 3 V after some time. Calculate the distance covered by 
the particle. 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to calculate the distance covered by the particle. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The magnitude of the positively-charged particle, 67.9 nC, the magnitude of the 
electric field, 100-N/C, and the equipotentials 7 V and 3 V are given.  
Step 3: Express the equation to be used. 

The main equation is . 

Derive as the product of E and d, thus, . 
Substitute to the main equation to solve the distance r, we may use the 

equation: , or . 

3.4. Equipotential Surfaces   10 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 
Step 4: Substitute the given values. 

To solve work, use . 


To solve the distance, use . 

Step 5: Find the answer. 
Thus, the distance covered by the positively-charged particle is 0.0400 m.  

3  Try It!  
A  negatively-charged  particle  with  a  magnitude  of  44.8  nC  is  accelerating  in  a 
233.99-N/C  uniform  electric  field.  The  particle  has  departed  from  an  equipotential 
plane  of  10  V  and  is  found  to  have  displaced  to  a  plane  of  5  V  after  some  time. 
Calculate the distance covered by the particle. 


3.4. Equipotential Surfaces   11 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 
Lesson 3.5 
Electric Potential of Conductors 
Introduction 1 

Learning Objectives 2 

Warm Up 2 

Learn about It! 4 

Electrostatic Equilibrium 4 
Electric Fields and Conducting Materials 4 
Electric Potential of Conductors 6 

Key Points 12 

Key Formulas 12 

Check Your Understanding 14 

Challenge Yourself 16 

Bibliography 17 

Key to Try It! 17 


Unit 3: Electric Potential 

  Learn about It! 


What is electrostatic equilibrium? 

Electrostatic Equilibrium 
A  conductor  permits  free  electrons,  also  called  conduction  electrons,  to  freely  move 
between  and  among  atoms.  Every  time  a  conductor  receives  an  excess  charge,  it  scatters 
about  the  conducting  material  such  that the totality of repulsive forces inside the conductor 
will  be  reduced.  This  is  referred  to  as  electrostatic  equilibrium.  As  soon  as  a  charged 
conducting  material  reaches  electrostatic  equilibrium,  charges  can  no  longer  move  about 
the surface. 

Electrostatic equilibrium is the condition in which the excess charge  
inside a conducting material has “optimally distanced” itself to reduce 
the amount of repulsive forces. 

Electric Fields and Conducting Materials 
You  have  learned  from  the  previous  lesson  that  the  surfaces  of  conductors  are  considered 
equipotential  surfaces.  The  first  characteristic  of  conducting  materials  at  electrostatic 
equilibrium  is  that  the  field  and  the  conductor’s  surface  are  directed  perpendicular  to 
each  other.  Hence,  if  the  conductor  is  spherical, the perpendicular field vectors are aligned 
with  the  sphere’s  center.  If  it  is,  however,  shaped  irregularly,  then  the  field  vector  will  be 
perpendicular to any line tangential to the surface.  
Fig.  3.5.2  illustrates  how  free  charges  are  affected  by  an  electric  field  inside  a  conducting 
material.  Since  the field is a vector, with parallel and perpendicular components, the parallel 
component  exerts  a  parallel  force  on  the  point  charge,  hence  canceling  out.  The  free 

3.5. Electric Potential of Conductors   4 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

charges are then distributed until the electric field and the surface are perpendicular.   

Fig. 3.5.2. Perpendicularity of electric field and conductor’s surface 
Another  important  thing  to  note  is  that  under  electrostatic  equilibrium,  the  charges  are 
distributed  such  that  no  electric  field  is  present  inside  the  conducting  material. 
Consider,  for  instance,  a  conductor  close  to  a  positive  charge.  The  metal’s  conduction 
electrons  are  attracted  to  the  external  positively-charged  particle  and  freely  move  toward 
that  region.  This  region  “to  which” these free electrons moved now has more electrons than 
protons  inside the atoms, whereas the region “from where” the electrons displaced contains 
more  protons  than  electrons.  This  results  in  a  negative  region  close  to  the  charge,  and  a 
positive  region  on  the  other  end,  as  shown  in  Fig.  3.5.3.  This  separation between the equal 
and opposite electric charges is referred to as polarization. 

Fig. 3.5.3. Polarization of a conductor by an external charge q 
3.5. Electric Potential of Conductors   5 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

What are the properties of conducting materials in 

  electrostatic equilibrium? 

Electric Potential of Conductors 
Recall  that  Gauss’s  Law  proves that in the electric field of a charged sphere, the field outside 
the  sphere  is  similar  to  that  of  a  single  charged  particle.  Hence,  the  electric  potential  will 
also be the same and is given by Equation 3.5.1. 

Equation 3.5.1 

It  has  been  established  that  the  electric  field  within  a  conducting  sphere  is  equivalent  to 
zero.  This  concludes  that  the  electric  potential  will  remain  constant  at  the  value  that  it  has 
reached on the conductor’s surface, thus: 

The  potential difference, or voltage, inside a conducting material in electrostatic equilibrium, 
will  also  remain  at  this  constant  value,  considering  that  the electric field is equivalent to the 
rate  of  change  of  the  electric  potential.  Fig.  3.5.4  shows  the  relationship  between  and 
among these variables. 

How can you determine the electric potentials 

inside and on a charged conductor in electrostatic 

3.5. Electric Potential of Conductors   6 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Fig. 3.5.4. Potential for a charged conducting sphere 

  Let’s Practice!  
Example 1    
A  conducting  hollow  ball  with  a  radius of 0.5 m has a charge with magnitude 4.3 μC. What is 
the electric potential at the surface of the conductor? 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to calculate the electric potential at the surface of the conductor. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The magnitude of the charge, 4.3 μC and the radius of the conducting ball, 0.5 m, 
are given. The value of k, or Coulomb’s constant is 9 ✕ 109 Nm2/C2. 
Step 3: Express the equation to be used. 


3.5. Electric Potential of Conductors   7 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Step 4: Substitute the given values. 

Step 5: Find the answer. 

Thus, the electric potential at the surface of the conductor is 7.74 ✕ 104 V. 

1  Try It!  
A  conducting  hollow  ball  with  a  radius  of  2.15  m  has  a  charge  with  magnitude  6.25 
μC. What is the electric potential at the surface of the conductor? 

Example 2  
Consider the spherical conductor in the figure below. 

The  conducting  material  shown  above  has  a  radius  of  3  cm.  If the electric potential at point 
B,  which  is  2  cm  from  the  center,  is  equal  to  3  ✕  105  V,  calculate  the  magnitude  of  the 

3.5. Electric Potential of Conductors   8 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to calculate the magnitude of the charge. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The electric potential at Point A, 3 ✕ 105 V, and the radius, 3 cm, are given. Note 
that the electric potential at the surface (Point B) will be constrained to the same 
value at point A. 
Step 3: Express the equation to be used. 


Step 4: Substitute the given values. 

Step 5: Find the answer. 

Thus, the magnitude of the charge in the conducting sphere is equal to 1.00 ✕ 10-6 C.  

2  Try It!  
Consider  the  values  of  R  and  r  to  be  30  mm  and  25  mm,  respectively,  for  the 
conducting  sphere  shown  in  Let’s  Practice!  Example  2.  If  the  electric  potential  at point 
A is 13.45 ✕ 105 V, determine the magnitude of the charge. 


3.5. Electric Potential of Conductors   9 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Example 3  
Consider the spherical conductor below.  

The  hollow  metal  ball  above  has  an  electric  charge  of  7.83 μC. The distance between points 
A  and  B  is  12  mm, between B and C is 15 mm, and between C and D is 48 mm. What are the 
corresponding electric potentials at points C and D? 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to calculate the electric potential at points C and D. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The magnitude of the charge, 7.83 μC, the distances between points, namely, AB = 
12 mm, BC = 15 mm, and CD = 48 mm.  
Identify r through AB + BC, thus: 
r = 27 mm = 0.027 m 

3.5. Electric Potential of Conductors   10 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Identify R through AB + BC + CD, thus: 

R = 75 mm = 0.075 m 
Step 3: Express the equations to be used. 


Step 4: Substitute the given values. 

Step 5: Find the answer. 

Thus,  the  electric  potentials  at  points  C  and  D  are  2.61  ✕  106  V  and  9.40  ✕  105  V, 

3  Try It!  
Consider  the  distances  between  points  for  the  same  hollow  ball  in  Let’s  Practice! 
Example  3  to  be  varied  accordingly  as  follows:  the  distance  between  A  and B is 5 cm, 
the  distance  between  B  and  C  is  7  cm,  and  the  distance  between  C  and  D  is  15  cm. 
Determine  the  electric  potentials  at  points  C  and  D  if  the  point  charge  has  a 
magnitude of 15.93 μC. 

3.5. Electric Potential of Conductors   11 
Unit 3: Electric Potential 
Lesson 3.6 
Calculating Electric Field 
Introduction 1 

Learning Objectives 2 

Warm Up 2 

Learn about It! 3 

Coulomb’s Law and the Electric Field 4 
Electric Field of a Single Point Charge 5 
Electric Field at a Point between Two Charges 5 
Two-Dimensional Electric Fields 6 

Key Points 13 

Key Formulas 13 

Check Your Understanding 15 

Challenge Yourself 17 

Bibliography 18 

Key to Try It! 18 


Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Fig. 3.6.1. Electric field hockey 
2. Guide  the  charged  puck  into  the  goal.  Try  to  strategize  how  to  position  positive  and 
negative  charges  on  the  rink  such  that when you release the puck, electric forces will 
guide it into the goal.  
Guide Questions 
1. In  which  direction  do  field  lines  point  for  the  positive  charges?  How  about  for  the 
negative charges? 
2. What do the field lines signify for the positively-charged puck? 
3. What happened when you increased the mass of the puck? 

  Learn about It! 

Plenty  of  essential  conclusions  may  be  drawn  from  the  digital  game  that  you  have  just 
played.  Electric  field  hockey  allows  you  to  visualize  that  the  amount  of  charge  plays  a 
significant  role  in  the  electric  field,  such  that  even  a  slight  increase  or  decrease  in  it  will 
make  the  puck  change  its  direction.  This  lesson  provides  a  mathematical  approach  to 
understanding the concept of the electric field. 

3.6. Calculating Electric Field  3 

Unit 3: Electric Potential 

What are the different ways to calculate electric 


Coulomb’s Law and the Electric Field 
Suppose  a  test  charge  q0  is  found  at  a  given  location,  r,  and  a  system  of  external  charges 
acts to exert a force, F on this test charge. The electric field at r is given by: 

Equation 3.6.1 

where E is the electric field, F is the electrostatic force, and q0 is the test charge. 

The  electric  field  at  any  given  region  in  space  is  a  vector  that  follows  the  direction  of  the 
electric  force  on  a  test  charge  at  that  location,  with  a magnitude equivalent to the force per 
unit charge. It carries the SI unit N/C. 
The  electric  field’s  vector  value  is  dependent  only  on  the  locations  and  values  of  the 
external  charges.  This is supported by Coulomb’s Law, which underscores that the electric 
force  on  a  significantly  small  test  charge  q0  is  directly  proportional  to  the  magnitude  of  the 
charge. From Equation 3.6.1, we can derive the electric force experienced by the test charge 
at r by: 

A test charge is a charge considered to be infinitesimally small that  
it approaches zero. It is assumed that it does not exert any force on  
the other charges on the electric field. 

3.6. Calculating Electric Field  4 

Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Electric Field of a Single Point Charge 

The  electric  field  is  considered  as  a  vector.  Coulomb’s  Law  further  highlights  that  the 
electric field due to a charge at the location is mathematically expressed as: 

Equation 3.6.2 

where  E  is the electric field, k is the value of Coulomb’s constant, or 9.0 ✕ 109 Nm2/C2, r is the 
distance  of  the  electric  field  from  the  charge  q;  and is  the  unit  vector  that  points  in  the 
direction of r. 

How can you calculate the electric eld due to a 

  single point charge? 
Electric Field at a Point between Two Charges 
If  the  electric field   at point   is due to more than one point charge, the summation of the 

fields,  designated  as  ,  ,  , etc., due to the charge is determined by getting the total 

electric  field,  as  shown  in  Fig.  3.6.2.  This  is  called  the  superposition  principle, and is given 

Applying this principle to the general formula given in Equation 3.6.2, we therefore get: 

Equation 3.6.3 

3.6. Calculating Electric Field  5 

Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Fig. 3.6.2. Superposition of electric fields  
Two-Dimensional Electric Fields 
For  two-dimensional  electric  fields,  due  to  two  charges  q1  and  q2  situated  at  the  x-  and  y- 
axes,  respectively,  determine  the  magnitude  of  the  electric  field  produced  by  each  of  the 
charges,  then  add  their  components.  Since  the  direction  is  identified physically, the signs of 
the charges are not taken into consideration. Thus, 

To  determine  the  direction  of  the  electric field, designate the positive directions as heading 
either  to  the  right  (positive  x-direction)  or  upward  (positive  y-direction)  and  the 
negative  ones  as heading either to the left (negative x-direction) or downward (negative 
y-direction).  Always  remember  to  consider  the  attraction  and  repulsion  of  like  and  unlike 
charges when considering the direction of the electric field.  

Since  there  are  only  two  forces  acting  in  the  x-  and  y-directions,  the  magnitude  of  the 
resultant force can be solved with the Pythagorean theorem, thus: 

  Equation 3.6.4 

where  ER  is  the  magnitude  of  the  resultant  force,  EX  is  the  x-component,  and  EY  is  the 

3.6. Calculating Electric Field  6 

Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Moreover, the angle θR can be solved using a trigonometric function, as follows: 


Equation 3.6.5 


Remember that by definition, . In  

determining the x- and y-components of the electric field, it is  
crucial to first determine the location of the x-component to the 
angle θ. If either the x- or y-component is adjacent to this angle,  
use the cosine function. On the contrary, if the x- or y-component is  
opposite the angle θ, use the sine function. 

How are electric elds calculated for charges in 

  one and in two dimensions? 

  Let’s Practice!  

Example 1    

A distance of 11.16 cm separates two point charges, q1, which has a charge of ‒33.13 μC and 
q2, which has a charge of 44.15 μC. Identify the field’s magnitude at point A between the two 
charges, if A is 3.30 cm away from the negative charge. 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to calculate the direction and magnitude of the electric field.  

3.6. Calculating Electric Field  7 

Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 

The distance between the charges 11.16 cm, the charge of q1, ‒33.13 μC, the 
charge of q2, 44.15 μC, and the distance of Point A from q1, 3.30 cm are given.  
Determine r2 by subtracting 11.16 cm (the distance between the two charges) and 
r1, thus r2 is equal to 7.86 cm. 
The electric field diagram illustrating the given values is shown in the figure below. 

Step 3: Express the equation to be used. 

Step 4: Substitute the given values. 

Step 5: Find the answer. 

Thus, the electric field is equal to 3.38 ✕ 108 N/C. 

3.6. Calculating Electric Field  8 

Unit 3: Electric Potential 

1  Try It!  
Two point charges, q1, which has a charge of ‒76.11 μC and q2 , which has a charge 
of 13.33 μC, are separated by a distance of 24.67 cm. Identify the field’s magnitude at 
point A between the two charges if A is 10.39 cm away from the negative charge. 

Example 2  
What will be the charge of q1 if an 18-μC point charge is separated from it by a distance of 
66.19 cm? Assume that the electric field between the two charges at point A 21-cm away 
eastward of q1 is equal to 4.67 ✕ 108 N/C. 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to calculate the charge of q1. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The charge of q2, 18 μC, the distance between q1 and q2, 66.19 cm, the distance 
between point A and q1, 21 cm, and the total electric field at point A, 4.67✕108 N/C 
are given. 
Determine r2 by subtracting 66.19 cm (the distance between the two charges) and 
r1, which is 21 cm. Thus, r2 is equal to 45.19 cm. 
The electric field diagram illustrating the given values is provided below. Note that 
since it was provided that the electric field is found eastward of the first charge, 
the value of the charge must be negative.  


3.6. Calculating Electric Field  9 

Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Step 3: Express the equation to be used. 

Derive the equation to find q1 as follows: 

Step 4: Substitute the given values. 

Step 5: Find the answer. 

Thus, the charge of q1 is equal to 2.28 ✕ 10-3 C.  

2  Try It!  
What  will  be  the  charge  of  q1  if  an  11.90  μC  point  charge  is  separated  from  it  by  a 
distance  of  79.10  cm?  Assume  that  the  electric  field  at  Point  A  34.66-cm  away  to  the 
right of q1 is equal to 32.90 ✕ 108 N/C. 


3.6. Calculating Electric Field  10 

Unit 3: Electric Potential 

Example 3  
Two  charges  with  Point  A  at  their  origin  form  a  right  triangle,  as  shown  in the figure below. 
Their  corresponding  charges  are  q1  =  10  μC  and  q2  =  ‒20  μC.  The  distance  between  q1  and 
point  A  is  46  mm  and  the  distance  between  q2  and  point  A  is  14  mm.  Determine  the 
resulting magnitude and direction of the electric field at point A from the two charges. 

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to calculate the electric field at Point A from the two charges. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The magnitudes of the two charges, q1 = 10 μC and q2 = ‒20 μC, the  
distance between q1 and Point A, 46 mm, and the distance between q2 and  
Point A, 14 mm are given.  
Step 3: Express the equations to be used. 


3.6. Calculating Electric Field  11 

Unit 3: Electric Potential 

To determine the direction of the electric field, use: 

Step 4: Substitute the given values. 

Determine the x- and y-components. 

Determine the direction of the electric field. 

Step 5: Find the answers. 

Thus, the magnitude of the electric field at point A from the two charges is equal to 9.19 
✕ 108 N/C at an angle of 89.3° with respect to the horizontal. 

3.6. Calculating Electric Field  12 


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