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NOMBRE Y APELLIDO: Jeremy Daniel Mendoza Toledo BACHILLERATO EN computación

PROFESOR: Edwin Estuardo
past tenses and grammar rules
Verbs in the past, or verbs in the past tense, are those that place
the action in a timebefore the present. For example: fell, you've
gone, we were.

How are verbs written in the past tense?

If a regular verb ends in a consonant or a vowel other than e, the
ending -ed is added. If a regular verb ends with the letter e, the
ending -d is added.

What are the grammar rules of the past tense?

The simple past tense or simple past of a verb can be structured in
the affirmative, negative, or interrogative form. In the affirmative
form, when the verb is regular, the ending -ed is added. For the
negative form, the verb remain in the infinitive, that is, without
adding the ending –ed.

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