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Class: 5th Time: 5 hours Date: May 31st – June 4th
Purpose: To analyze what politics implies and to reflect on our country’s political issues.
Learning evidence: Pair discussion about political issues.
Hello, dear students. Welcome back! This is our second design and we hope you find it fun but
above all informative 😊 .

ACTIVITY 1: Listen/watch the following and then answer the two questions proposed at the

(NBC News Learn, 2020)

ACTIVITY 2: Now, let us answer the next questions:

a. What are the main political parties in the USA?

b. How similar or different are political parties from the USA and Peru?
ACTIVITY 3: Let us now read about the political parties to have a better idea and thus enhance any
future response.
Life without Political Parties. What Would Happen?
Courtney Kidd LCSW  
November 7, 2012
I have a great idea for the next election. Abolish the conventional parties and allow candidates to
run based on their principles and agenda. Then see who people would really vote for if they didn’t
have a party telling them who has the better ideas. You see, this would be brilliant because we
could finally see candidates for their real party lines. We might understand then that President
Obama is not, as the rumor mill puts forth, a socialist (not to mention the other rumors), he is more
closely related to a moderate republican in his stances. Don’t believe me? Check out his hot button
issue’s origins: healthcare, immigration, stimulus, military, most of them are old school republican
It’s similar to research. In order to get the most undiluted results, we must first eliminate as many
confounding factors as we possibly can. Having predetermined biases will only mean that the
results that come out aren’t a true indicator of the question. So how would people vote based on
the ideas? I don’t know, it stands to reason those who stand with a certain political orientation
would vote for the person who put the best representation of that idea forward, not for the person
wearing the right party’s color tie. “But the color brings out his eyes!” Yes I know, but keep moving,
we’ve got plenty else to see. Now, with the Trump Tirade calling for a revolution, I admit, part of
me was disgusted yet again at why anyone’s listening, and the other part of me said, good, call a
revolution on the electoral college, call it on the circus of political campaigns and party lines. Most
of all, call a revolution on those who seek to hold us back from progress. But do not call one
because the people elected someone you dislike. Anyone with an abundance of time on their hands
could do me a favor. Put together a chart of some of the more beloved presidents from each party
and their stance on issues. Let’s line it up and see where we stand and who we really would be
voting for.
Activity 4: Let’s discuss:
● What are the main ideas of this text?
● Do you think the world would be a better place with or without politicians? Why?
Now, we are going to talk about the language itself.
Activity 5: Answer the following questions based on what you see or infer from the text.
● Do you understand what the sentences in bold, in part 2, imply? Are they possible things to
happen at that moment?
__________SECOND CONDITIONAL___/_unreal time__
If I studied I would pass the exam I WOULD LIKE/GO/ EAT
If I were president I would pay better to the teachers
● Analyze the sentences and then tell us what structure you can see. (example: subject + verb,
and the like)

Activity 6: Now with your teacher’s help. Let’s try to understand a little bit more about this
language feature.

(ESOL Nexus, 2020)

Now, it is time for us to practice and reinforce what we have learnt in the previous sections.

Activity 7: Matching

You will now see two halves and you need to match them according to your understanding to
form second conditional sentences.

1. What would you do if you could do anything? A a) I think I’d go on holiday.

2. Where would you go? B b) I’d go to a tropical island.

3. What would you do on holiday? c) I’d go snorkeling.

4. Who would you spend your perfect day with? d) I’d have it next to the sea while
F listening to some music.

5. Where would you have your dinner? D e) I’d go for a walk along the beach.

6. What would you do after dinner? E f) I would spend it with my husband

(ESOL Nexus, 2020)

Activity 8: Key word transformation

This is a very common exercise in most international language tests. You have to use the word
given (without changing it at all) and add no more than 4 more words to say exactly the same as
the model sentence.


0) I suggest you go home now.

If ___I WERE YOU, I WOULD_______go home now.

1) She doesn't work here and that is why she can't enter without a pass.
She could enter without a pass ______IF SHE WORKED_____ here.

2) I advise you to stop eating junk food.

If ____________WERE YOU I WOULD______ stop eating junk food.

3) What would you do if you won the lottery?

If you ______WERE TO WIN_____ the lottery, what would you do?
4) She took a coat because she feared it might get cold.
She took a coat ____________IN CASE IT GETS______ cold.
5) If Sara weren't ill, she would go with us to the mountains.
______BUT FOR SARA’S ILLNESS___, she would go with us to the mountains.
6) Diane wants to phone her uncle but she hasn't got the number.
If Diane ______HAD THE NUMBER SHE WOULD_________ phone her uncle.
(English Revealed, 2020)

Activity 9: Listening / gap filling

The following exercise will help you practice your listening abilities. You have to listen carefully
and then complete the sentences so they can be exactly as said by the reader/speaker.


1. In India's election in 2019, the same_____PERCENTAGE__ of women voted as men.

2. In India in 2019, ___MORE___ female members of parliament were elected than ever before.

3. New Zealand was the ___FIRST__ country to give women the right to vote.

4. Sanna Marin was _____34______ years old when she became prime minister of Finland.

5. Jacinda Ardern is New Zealand's _____THIRD___ woman prime minister.

6. In Rwanda in the 1990s, women only made up ____A SMALL SHARE___ of their parliamentary

7. In 2003, Rwanda set a goal to make ___30___ per cent of their elected politicians women.

8. Today, women make up nearly ___2/3 (TWO THIRDS)___ of the Rwandan parliament.

(BBC My World, 2020)


We are now in the last part of this methodological design. We hope you are following us
throughout all the activities and if you do not understand something, please ask your teacher. We
are always happy to solve your doubts.
Activity 11: Record an audio/video of about 3-4 minutes discussing the question with a partner.
Use the ideas proposed
Speaking rubric
Time My audio recording lasts from 3 - 4 minutes.
Message I include reasons and examples when presenting my ideas
I use the second conditional appropriately
The vocabulary I use is appropriate to the task, and varied, including
the use of idiomatic expressions, prepositions, phrasal verbs and
I use other complex grammatical structures part form the
Pronunciation My pronunciation and intonation are clear


We have now come to the end of this session and hope you enjoyed and learnt with us.
Please, before sending your recording, make sure you comply with the following requirements:

Speaking Task Checklist

Yes No I can’t tell
1. My audio recording lasts from 3 - 4 minutes.
2. I include reasons and examples when presenting
my ideas
3. I use the second conditional appropriately
4. The vocabulary I use is appropriate to the task, and
varied, including the use of idiomatic expressions,
prepositions, phrasal verbs and collocations.
5. I use other complex grammatical structures part
form the conditionals
6. My pronunciation and intonation are clear

Based on my reflection, what learning goals do I set in order to improve my weaknesses when I
speak in English?
Weakness How to improve it Deadline

BBC My World. (18 de 09 de 2020). LearnEnglishTeens. Obtenido de BRITISH COUNCIL:

Dreaminstitute. (22 de 04 de 2021). FCE - Conditionals review: Speaking. Obtenido de Wordwall:

English Revealed. (2020). English Revealed. Obtenido de English Revealed:

ESOL Nexus. (18 de 09 de 2020). Second Conditional. Obtenido de British Council:

NBC News Learn. (05 de 05 de 2020). What Are Political Parties? Obtenido de Youtube:

Salinas Rodas, J. A. (22 de 4 de 2021). DMpA N°2 "Political Issues". Chiclayo, Chiclayo, Peru.

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