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Class: 5th Time: 5 hours Date:
Purpose: To identify mistakes and errors present in a previous draft in order to elaborate a final version
Learning evidence: final version of a proposal to foster gender equality.
Welcome dear student to our final session of this unit.

To start with, you need to watch the following short film.

(Khurana, 2017)

ACTIVITY 1: Now that you have watched the video, please discuss with your teacher the following question:
How does the issue of gender inequality affect us?



Now that we know your ideas on this interesting but complex topic, let us watch a video about
Finland’s prize for proposals on gender equality.

(ja terveysministeriö, 2021)

ACTIVITY 2: Now that you have finished watching this short but even so, inspiring video, discuss with
your teacher the following questions:

⮚ What kind of proposal do you have in mind so far?

⮚ Do you think it could win this prize if nominated? Why?


Activity 3: After having watched the video, let’s analyze the following expressions:

⮚ …in 2017, the first award was given to….

⮚ …the money was to be spent for establishing
⮚ …the second award was given to “EQUALITY NOW”

Do you recognize the grammar behind those expressions? Please explain:


Here you have some information to confirm your ideas:

Forming Simple Past Passive

Affirmative Form Object + was / were + verb3 (past participle)

Question Form Was / Were + Object + verb3 (past participle) ?

Active in past simple tense Passive in past simple tense

We use the second form of the verb We use: Was/ were + third form of the verb

The girl kicked the ball The ball was kicked (by the girl).

They bought some fruit Some fruit was bought (by them).

We wrote some letters Some letters were written (by us).

I didn’t say that That wasn’t said (by me).

(Grammarbank, 2021)
ACTIVITY 4: Put the following sentences into passive voice. (Simple past)

1. How did they steal her car?

___Ex: __How was the car stolen?____
2. The children rang the bell a few minutes ago.
3. The kids forgot the whole story in a few days.
4. The police didn't question him very closely.
5. The wild animals killed two men yesterday.

Vocabulary bank:

Linking words and expressions Collocations

To express addition: as well as, moreover, furthermore pay gap
• Furthermore, thousands of people suffer • There is still so much to do to reduce the
detention in overcrowded prisons without
pay gap between man and women.
charge or trial.
• Moreover, he is considered to be a founder of
academic leadership
the professional national dramatic art. • We can see very few women in academic
• English, as well as Spanish are two of the leadership.
most spoken languages around the globe. hit hard
• This gender equality issue will hit us hard
To express comparison: Nonetheless, meanwhile, on
in the future.
the contrary.
• However, the tropical lowlands is where illegal gender equality
coca growing and cocaine refining is • We all need to work together still
concentrated. pushing for reaching our goals of full
• Meanwhile, the population remains very gender equality.
concerned about the fate of those in prison. aim at
• On the contrary, those weapons endanger • All our efforts should aim at getting a
peace and stability. better society.
To express emphasis: in essence, in short, to put it
• In essence, we have tried to find solutions to
all the problems
• In short, you haven’t met our expectations
• To put it differently, we don’t have the budget
to carry out the Project

Now that we have a better understanding of the language behind the speech presented, let us work on our
comprehension skills by solving the following exercises:
Activity 5: Read the following extract from the video and work on word formation:
We know gender equality does not happen ___WITHOUT____ dedicated and brave WITH
efforts to change and improve our societies in many ways Finland is a pioneer in
____________ for gender equality Finland was the first country to introduce full WORK
political rights for women 114 years ago and many social reforms have been initiated
by women's ______________ some from that time today we all need to work ORGANIZE
together still pushing for reaching our goals of full gender equality our _________ GOVERN
with the _____________ of prime minister Sana Marin together with her four LEADER
female colleagues and party leaders in coalition has an ambitious and outspoken
goal to be one of the best countries in the world on gender __________ policies and SENSE
equal rights for women in all life sectors

Activity 6: Answer the following questions based on the video:

1. What country was the first one to implement full political rights for women?
2. Who was the first winner of the prize mentioned in the video?
3. What is the total prize for the winner?
4. What was the reason to establish this prize?
5. Who can be nominated for this prize?
Activity 7: Read the following extract from the video “International Gender Equality Prize 2021” (activity
1) and fill in the gaps:

More 1 _______ a third of all women in Finland have experienced violence from their partner at some point
after they turn 15. Globally, COVID 19 has hit hard 2 ______ all and apart from being a severe threat on health,
it has grave consequences on economy, jobs, education and utterly, a backlash in development for girl’s
rights and others in vulnerable conditions. Early marriage is in itself a life threat to an under-aged girl because
of the high mortality at childbirth. It is of 3 _________ importance to ensure that programs for improving
girls and women's rights and gender equality can continue, also misogynistic hate speech affect women's
freedoms. A majority of young women have 4 ________ some point felt they want to avoid social media
discussions because this creates furthermore a hazard for the future of our democracies. Both girls and boys
suffer from negative gender stereotypes standing between them and their dreams. In Finland, gender
equality is a core value to us. It has been essential 5 ________ shaping and defining the way we have built
our nation, and a prerequisite for the successes we have achieved.

1. a) than b) that c) of
2. a) in b) on c) at
3. a) very b) utmost c) so
4. a) in b) on c) at
5. a) in b) on c) at
Activity 8: Now that you are better prepared and have received some new information, it is time to finish
your proposal by writing the final version of it. (The one you started last week)
Make sure you comply with all the requirements such as:
● Number of words
● Language
● Elements/structure



ACTIVITY 9: Dear students, it is time to reflect about your writing task from Activity 8 and complete this
self-evaluation checklist.

Yes No

1. It was easy to comply with the number of words required

2. I had no problem identifying the correct elements for my proposal.

3. It was easy to organize myself and continue from last week's draft.

4. I finished within the time allowed

5. I had enough time to check spelling and punctuation

Based on my reflection, this is what I need to do to improve.

What I need to work on (The ones you marked as How to improve it (What you need to
“no” in the previous chart) do/ the actions)

Grammarbank. (2021, 06 03). Simple Past Passives. Retrieved from

ja terveysministeriö, s. (2021, 03 12). International Gender Equality Prize 2021. Retrieved from Youtube:
Khurana, S. (2017, 12 19). Short Film about Gender Equality. Retrieved from Youtube:

Bernedo, M., Correa, A., Chipana C., Churata E., Diaz V., Montejo T. and Salinas J. (2021) COAR Teachers:

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