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Detailed Lesson Plan

Grade 7
“Adjectives and
types of adjectives”

Prepared by: Marie Flor B. Dulay

Submitted to: Kristine Anne C.Taguna
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. determine what type of adjectives is used in a sentence;
B. construct sentences using adjectives; and
C. express own ideas using the different types of adjectives.


TOPIC: Adjectives and types of Adjectives
REFERENCES: English book page 34-35
MATERIALS: pieces of paper, cartolina and Manila paper
VALUES : showing appreciation

Teacher's Activity Students Activity
Good morning class, how are you today? Were absolutely good ma'am.
So, may I ask everybody to stand for our
opening prayer. Before you take your seat Student lead the prayer
kindly pick up all the pieces of dirt under your
chairs and align your chairs properly.
For your attendance, may I know you are
absent today? None ma’am
Very good, class you’re all present today

There will be box filled with the names of the
students. With the music playing, the box will
be passed on in a zigzag pattern. When the
music stop, the person who is holding the box
will pick out one names . Without telling the
name written on the piece of paper , he/she
describe the person .
So, to further your understanding , here are our
goals for this day, at end of the lesson you will
be able to:
A. determine what types of adjectives is
used in a sentence;
B. construct sentences using adjectives;
C. express own ideas using the different
types of adjectives.
Adjectives- an adjectives define as a word used
to modify a noun.
• It limits or qualifies nouns or pronouns by
telling what kind, which kind, which one , how
many or how much
• it allows writers to describe color , tastes ,
shapes, sizes, and a multitude of other qualities
Types of adjectives
1. Descriptive adjectives
- Simply say something about the
quality or the kind of the noun or
pronoun they are referring to.
• Erika is witty.
• I love green vegetables.
• Put your things on a square box.
This adjectives describe noun that refer to action
(hard work) state that comes after linking
verbs(was excited, feel tired) or quality (strong I love red flowers ma’am .
wind) The cake is soft ma’am .
Who can give me another example? Anthony is handsome ma’am.
Who else?
Another one? Who can give example?

2. Quantitative adjectives
-it answer the questions “how much “ or
“how many".
• She has one daughter.
• I can’t believe I ate the whole cake.
• There are some birds in the tree. I have one pet.
Give some examples of quantitative adjectives. Some of the chocolates is mine.
Who can give another example?
Who else?
3. Demonstrative adjectives
-it describe “which" noun or pronoun
you are referring to. These adjectives
include the words.
▪ This used to refer to a singular noun
close to you
▪ That used to refer to a singular noun far
from you.
▪ These used to refer to a plural noun
close to you.
▪ Those used to refer to a plural noun far
from you
It always come before the word they are
referring to:
• This dog has a long tail.
•That girl s my cousin.
• These trouser is too tight for me.
Give some examples of demonstrative
Who can give another example?
Who else?

That cake is delicious ma’am.

Those houses are beautiful.
The class will be divided into 2. Each group
should have 5 representatives who will form a
line at the middle of the classroom. There will
be sentences to be flashed on the board . Each
representative determine the adjectives in the
Group 1
• Sean bought a powerful motorbike.
• There is a little dust on the floor.
• Those monkey are noisy.
• He has eaten three apples.
• The cold morning wakes me up.
• That pig has a curly tail.
• We have much wine for the guest.
• This girl amuses me.
• Zion feels exhausted.
• Your teacher lives in huge house.

E.GENERALIZATION Ma'am an adjectives define as a word used to

What is adjectives? modify a noun.
Very good, what are the types of adjectives? Descriptive adjectives, quantitative adjectives
Precisely! and demonstrative adjectives ma'am.
Make an essay about your life using the types of
A. Give more examples each types of adjectives
B. Have an advance reading on our next topic.

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