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Construction and Building Materials 229 (2019) 116930

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Pyrolysed cork-geopolymer composites: A novel and sustainable EMI

shielding building material
Rui M. Novais a,⇑, Manfredi Saeli a, Ana P.F. Caetano a, Maria P. Seabra a, João A. Labrincha a,
Kuzhichalil P. Surendran b, Robert C. Pullar a,⇑
Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering/CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, University of Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Materials Science and Technology Division, CSIR-NIIST, Industrial Estate, Trivandrum 695019, India

h i g h l i g h t s

 Recycled cork wine stoppers were used as a highly sustainable carbon source.
 An industrial waste was used as main raw material in the geopolymers production.
 First ever report on cork-geopolymer composites for EMI shielding applications.
 Maximum total shielding effectiveness values ranging from 13.8 to 15.9 dB.
 This highly sustainable material may ensure large-scale electromagnetic protection.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this investigation, and for the first time, pyrolysed sustainable cork was used to produce waste-based
Received 4 February 2019 geopolymer-cork composites with enhanced electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding properties. The
Received in revised form 22 August 2019 influence of the pyrolysed cork amount and the geopolymer porosity on the EMI shielding ability of the
Accepted 9 September 2019
composites was studied. The maximum total shielding effectiveness (SET) values achieved by these novel
building materials ( 13.8 to 15.9 dB) are equal to any other reported geopolymer microwave (MW)
absorbers over the X-band, despite containing much lower carbon content. In addition, our composites
were produced using an industrial waste (biomass fly ash) as raw material and recycled wine stoppers
Inorganic polymer
as a carbon source (2.5–3.75 wt%). This strategy is different from those implemented in the only other
Microwave absorption reported MW absorbing geopolymers, which used standard commercial chemical precursors, and the
Cork added carbon component is also a non-renewable commercial product, added in much greater quantities
Composite (10 more). Therefore, our approach not only decreases the consumption of virgin raw materials (e.g.
kaolin), but also enhances the global sustainability of the construction sector.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction exposure to such radiation, but also to ensure the protection of

electronic devices. Of particular interest are the microwave (MW)
The exponential increase in the use of electronic devices frequencies, with wavelengths in the cm range (300 MHz–
observed over the past years, associated with the era of the Inter- 30 GHz), including the X-band (8–12 GHz) used for military radar
net of things (IoT) [1], has raised concerns regarding the unprece- and communications, some commercial and civil wireless and
dented levels of electromagnetic radiation pollution [2] which may satellite communications, motion sensors and speed detection
affect human health [3,4], besides increasing the risk of electro- devices. 5G wireless devices will also operate at frequencies above
magnetic interference (EMI) [5,6] in sensitive areas such as aero- 5 GHz.
space and the aviation industry, the military and transport. It is Most research into microwave absorbing materials is aimed at
imperative to develop materials with the ability to shield/absorb lightweight materials for coatings and applied panels, usually
electromagnetic waves, not only to alleviate potential human based on foams or polymers containing some form of carbon
[7,8], conductive metals or magnetic absorbers such as ferrites
[9]. Amorphous and graphitic carbon is a well-known GHz/MW
⇑ Corresponding authors. absorbing material [10] and has been used as a powder (carbon
E-mail addresses: (R.M. Novais), (R.C. Pullar). black, charcoal, graphite) [11,12], carbon fibres [13], carbon
0950-0618/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 R.M. Novais et al. / Construction and Building Materials 229 (2019) 116930

nanotubes (CNTs) [14,15], carbon nanorods [16] and graphene Cork is a fully sustainable and 100% renewable precursor har-
[17]. However, the development of building materials with vested without damaging the tree [43,44]. This is a crucial advan-
enhanced EMI shielding properties would also be an excellent tage over other carbonaceous materials [45] and, therefore, its
strategy to restrict the electromagnetic radiation levels inside incorporation after pyrolysis into building materials for EMI shield-
buildings, and to ensure large-scale electromagnetic protection. ing applications, instead of other environmentally unsustainable
Clearly, in such materials low weight is less of an issue, secondary precursors (e.g. carbon nanotubes, graphene, carbon fibre), is an
to mechanical properties and chemical stability. Highly electrically environmentally friendlier strategy. In fact, cork pyrolysis can be
conductive carbon fibres and filaments [18–20], carbon nanotubes considered a null carbon footprint process, since the CO2 emitted
(CNTs) [21,22] and graphene-coated CNTs [23] have been added for during pyrolysis will be neutralised by that absorbed by the tree
EMI shielding to electrically insulating building materials such as to regenerate the cork bark. Moreover, in this study recycled cork
cement, other additives include metal fibres [24] and metal- wine stoppers, instead of natural/unprocessed and high quality
coated carbon fibres [25]. CNTs have also been added to concrete cork (known as reproduction cork [46]), were used to produce
[26,27]. Generally, a reasonable/practical microwave absorbing the pyrolysed cork, which further decreases the process production
material should have a shielding effectiveness (SE) of at least cost and increases its global sustainability. Recycled cork wine
10 dB, while an excellent shielding material should have a SE of stoppers may be a highly abundant and low cost precursor for
at least 30 dB (i.e. shielding efficiency 99.9%), and in cements EMI shielding applications. In fact, worldwide stoppers production
containing 0.5–1.5 vol% carbon filaments SE values of 29 to reaches a striking 12 billion units/year, which may be recycled and
37 dB have been achieved [18,20]. The feasibility of using Port- reused in other applications [47]. Over 12 billion cork stoppers are
land cement composites (the cement matrix itself presents poor produced each year. Yet, despite being recyclable, cork wine stop-
SE) for EMI shielding applications has been specifically considered, pers cannot be reused by the wine industry due to their lower
using pyrolysed peanut and hazelnut shells [28], carbon fibres and quality and contamination after use, and the small proportion
filaments [18,20,23], Fe3O4-carbon fibres [29], carbon nanotubes which are recycled are used (after processing) in the production
[22], nano-Fe3O4 [30] and other additives [24,31,32]. of other products such as badminton and tennis rackets, and
Ordinary Portland cement is a highly used binder, being a com- cricket balls, amongst others. In addition, recycled cork wine stop-
mon ingredient of concrete and mortars, and as such it is one of the pers can be bought by the cork industry, and then after being
most widely used materials in construction. It is made mostly from ground and heat treated, can be used to produce cork agglomerates
limestone. However, its production is responsible for a great for insulation applications. Nevertheless, their use as a carbon
amount of greenhouse gases (5–7% of the total anthropogenic car- source in the production of eco-friendly EMI shielding materials,
bon dioxide emissions) [33], which has led to the pursuit of alter- as proposed here, will attribute value to this material. In addition,
native and lower carbon footprint materials. One promising and despite recent efforts promoting the collection and recycling of
alternative is the use of geopolymers [34–37] (also known as inor- cork wine stoppers (e.g., ‘‘Greencork” in Portugal, ‘‘ReCORK” in USA
ganic polymers) [38–40], alkali activated aluminosilicate binders, and ‘‘Cork Recycling Program” in Australia) [48], this process is still
which may have a much lower carbon footprint [41] when the in its early days. In fact, over the past 11 years the ‘‘ReCork” pro-
raw materials and activator nature and content is carefully gram has collected and recycled roughly 105 million corks, corre-
considered. sponding to around 10 million/year and to 0.08% of the
However, the possibility of using geopolymer-carbon compos- worldwide stoppers production per year. This shows that the
ites for electromagnetic radiation shielding, and in particular for majority of used wine corks is still not recycled, and therefore can-
microwave shielding, has been rather neglected. In fact, there is not be used by the industry. This means that most of the used corks
virtually no literature on this, the only example of a study on are still lost in landfills. For that reason, innovative management
alumino-silicate geopolymers being the work of Zhang et al. [42], strategies that might encourage the recycling of used cork stoppers
who added graphite to a metakaolin-based geopolymer prepared are eagerly pursued.
using a potassium silicate solution as alkaline activator, and evalu- Besides the remarkable sustainability of cork and it’s very low
ated the microwave absorption properties of the composites. They apparent density, both crucial features in EMI shielding materials,
looked at samples between 1.25 and 4.97 mm thick, with a massive cork also has a unique microstructure consisting of hollow polyhe-
graphite content of up to 50 wt%, and over the frequency range of dral cells, with a hexagonal honeycomb shape (15–20 lm diam-
2–18 GHz. A peak attenuation of 64.8 dB at 5.1 GHz was observed eter) when viewed from the radial direction coming out of the tree,
when adding 40 wt% of graphite with a thickness of 4.15 mm. and a rectangular shape (45 lm length, resembling a brick wall)
However, in general high amounts of graphite were required to when viewed from the transverse side or top directions. The
achieve reasonable SE values, with narrow effective ranges of only hexagonal honeycombs are expected to aid the internal reflection
a few GHz, and none were very effective over the key X-band and absorption of the microwaves within the structure. Further,
region of 8–12 GHz. Although this demonstrated the feasibility of for very high shielding performances, honeycomb panel wafers
using geopolymer composites for EMI shielding applications, the are commonly used which are usually costly and heavy. Only in
very high graphite contents used (up to 50 wt%) were dictating such structures can important design considerations like ventila-
the microwave attenuation and the geopolymeric specimens were tive cooling and shielding be combined. Our attempt is to explore
cured at 70 °C for 7 days. a similar air permeable shielding structure using naturally occur-
In this study, pyrolysed cork, coming from recycled wine ring honeycomb materials.
stoppers, was added in much lower amounts (up to 3.75 wt%), to This investigation intends to act as a proof-of-concept, demon-
a waste-based geopolymer. The pyrolysed cork was directly added strating the possibility of using green, low cost, and environmental
to the geopolymeric slurry without the need for complex and friendly cork-geopolymer composites as an innovative EMI shield-
expensive procedures (e.g. ball-milling and ultrasonic stirring) ing building material. The influence of the cork amount and the
such as those used in [42]. The cork-composites were also synthe- geopolymer porosity on the EMI shielding ability of the composites
sised and cured at room temperature (20 ± 1 °C) using an industrial was studied. The results reported here are expected to be extended
waste (biomass fly ash), instead of commercial metakaolin, as the to other cork sources besides wine stoppers. One exciting possibil-
main aluminosilicate source (70 vs 30 wt%), this being aligned with ity could be the use cork powder wastes produced in substantial
the circular economy concept and contributing towards the amounts by the cork industry, which have low economic value
sustainment development. and are mainly used to produce energy by their combustion [46].
R.M. Novais et al. / Construction and Building Materials 229 (2019) 116930 3

2. Experimental conditions having a geometry in accordance with DIN 1164, coupled with a
flat paddle.
2.1. Materials
a) hand mixing of biomass fly ash and metakaolin for 1 min
Recycled cork wine stoppers were used in this study. The cork inside a plastic bag to ensure a uniform blend;
samples were pyrolysed under nitrogen in a graphite furnace, fol- b) homogenisation of sodium hydroxide and silicate at 60 rpm
lowing previous works by the authors [44,49]. The samples were for 5 min;
heated at 10 °C/min up to 900 °C, kept for 30 min at this tempera- c) mixture of the alkaline solution with the solid precursors at
ture and then cooled down to room temperature, all while under a 95 rpm for 9 min;
flow of N2. The pyrolysed cork was then ground in a mortar and d) adding the foaming solution (amount depending on the
sieved below 75 mm. composition, ranging from 1 to 2 wt%) and the cork to the
Biomass fly ash waste was used as the main source (70 wt%) of slurry and mixing at 135 rpm for 1 min to ensure homogene-
reactive silica and alumina, while metakaolin (ArgicalTM M1200S; ity and bubbling;
Univar) was used in lower amounts (30 wt%) as an additional alu- e) pouring the slurry into the standard metallic moulds
minosilicate source in order to achieve suitable SiO2/Al2O3 molar (160 mm  40 mm  40 mm) and sealing with a plastic film.
ratios. The fly ash waste, supplied by a Portuguese paper and pulp
company, was used as-received, despite the coarse particle size The hardened specimens were unsealed, demoulded after 24 h,
(containing particles of a few mm) which is detrimental to the and cured for 28 days until their characterisation. The manufactur-
geopolymer’s compressive strength. The potential of these ashes ing process was all performed at ambient conditions (20 °C, 65%
as an aluminosilicate source for geopolymer production, has been RH) using a simple, reproducible and low-cost technique.
demonstrated by the authors previously [50–52].
The direct use of the ashes in the geopolymer synthesis, without
2.3. Materials characterisation
performing any expensive sieving or milling step, decreases the
geopolymer production cost, and may allow an easier industrial
The microstructures of recycled cork wine stoppers, pyrolysed
scale-up application.
cork and the geopolymer composites were evaluated by scanning
The chemical activation of the aluminosilicate sources was per-
electron microscopy (SEM – Hitachi SU 70) equipped with energy
formed using a mixture of sodium silicate (SiO2/Na2O = 3.2; Qui-
dispersion spectroscopy (Bruker EDS). Samples were coated in
mialmel) and 10 M sodium hydroxide (ACS reagent, 97%,
gold/palladium. Optical analysis (Leica EZ4HD microscope) was
Honeywell) in 3:1 wt% proportion. The SiO2/Na2O ratio of the acti-
also performed on the cork-geopolymer composites to study their
vating solutions was 1.7. This ratio was selected considering pre-
morphology and pore size distribution.
liminary tests in which the influence of the sodium silicate to
The mechanical performance of the cork-geopolymer compos-
sodium hydroxide in the geopolymers’ compressive strength was
ites was determined at 28 days of curing, according to the Euro-
pean Standard EN 1015-11:1999 by means of compressive
A hydrogen peroxide solution (Alifar, 30 vol%, Laboratório
strength tests. A universal testing machine (Shimadzu, AG-A), pro-
Aliand) was used as a foaming agent. This foaming agent was used
vided with a 20 kN load cell, running at a displacement rate of
for the first time to induce porosity in geopolymers by Bell and Kri-
0.5 mm/min, was used. Three replications were used to calculate
ven [53].
the mean values.
The apparent density was calculated by measuring the samples’
weight and volume. Three specimens were used, and the arith-
2.2. Cork-geopolymer composite synthesis metic mean value was presented.
For the microwave shielding measurements in the X-band (8.2–
In this study, and following previous work by the authors [54], a 12.4 GHz), the studies were carried out on a vector network anal-
reference composition without added pyrolysed cork was synthe- yser (Agilent E5071C) using the waveguide method. Total shielding
sised (see details in Table 1). Then, six other compositions were effectiveness (SET = SER + SEA) was calculated from reflection (SER)
prepared containing various amounts of cork and foaming agent, and absorption (SEA) shielding effectiveness. Solid geopolymer
to evaluate the influence of the pyrolysed cork and foaming agent samples were machined into 10.1  22.9 mm rectangles, with 3,
amount on the EMI shielding behaviour of the composites. 5 and 7 mm thickness, using a Struers polishing machine (Struers
The cork-geopolymer composites synthesis involved two steps: Tegramin 25), in order to make the sample suitably fit into the
in the first, the geopolymeric slurry was prepared, while in the sec- waveguide slot coupled to the vector network analyser. SSE (speci-
ond, the pyrolysed cork and the foaming agent (amount depending fic shielding effectiveness) was calculated from density.
on the composition) were added to the slurry. Manufacture Elemental analysis for carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen was car-
involved five steps: the 1st step was performed manually, while ried out with a Tuspec Micro CHNS 630-200-200 elemental
the others were carried out using an intensive mixer (KichenAidÒ), analyzer.

Table 1
Mixture composition of the cork-inorganic polymer composites.

Sample ID Description Mixture proportion (wt%) Additives

Metakaolin Biomass fly ash Alkaline activator Cork (wt%) H2O2 (wt%)
Matrix Geopolymer 15 35 50 – –
C2.5 Composite with 2.5% cork 2.5 –
C3.75 Composite with 3.75% cork 3.75 –
LC2.5_1 Lightweight composite with 2.5% cork and 1% H2O2 2.5 1
LC3.75_1 Lightweight composite with 3.75% cork and 1% H2O2 3.75 1
LC2.5_2 Lightweight composite with 2.5% cork and 2% H2O2 2.5 2
LC3.75_2 Lightweight composite with 3.75% cork and 2% H2O2 3.75 2
4 R.M. Novais et al. / Construction and Building Materials 229 (2019) 116930

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Cork and pyrolysed cork characterisation

Fig. 1 presents a digital photograph of the cork stopper before

and after pyrolysis. The pyrolysis induced some volume changes,
but the cork’s weight loss (70 wt%) is the most relevant feature
promoted by the thermal treatment under N2. The SEM micro-
graphs reveal the characteristic microstructure of cork, consisting
of hexagonal cells (radial direction, 20 mm diameter), which are
preserved in the pyrolysed cork. These features are in line with
previous reports on the pyrolysis of cork [49,55].
Not surprisingly, the EDS maps show that carbon and oxygen
are the most abundant elements – nevertheless, trace amounts of
sodium, potassium and chlorine were also detected. However, con- Fig. 2. Digital photograph of the geopolymeric matrix and two dense cork-
geopolymer composites (C2.5 and C3.75).
sidering the poor sensitivity of the EDS technique for light ele-
ments such as carbon and oxygen, these maps should only be
considered as a rough estimate. matrix increased the slurry viscosity, hindering the release of air
After pyrolysis, the cork was sieved below 75 mm, the apparent bubbles after mixing. It should be highlighted that the specimens
density of this powder being 140 kg/m3. The result of the elemental were not vibrated after mixing, in an attempt to simplify the com-
analysis shows that the pyrolysed cork is composed of carbon posite synthesis.
(90.74 wt%), hydrogen (0.77 wt%) and nitrogen (1.67 wt%). The When the foaming agent was added to the composites, a sub-
EDS map shown in Fig. 1 and the EDS spectrum (not shown here) stantial increase in the number and volume of pores was observed,
show very similar oxygen and potassium content in comparison due to the oxygen release coming from the foaming agent decom-
with those seen in the cork precursor, 24% and 0.5%, position in the alkaline medium. Interestingly, the amount of cork
respectively. powder affected the pore size distribution of the composites pro-
duced, with a coarser pore size distribution being observed for
3.2. Cork-geopolymer composites characterisation higher foaming agent content (2 wt%) in the composites containing
less added cork (2.5 wt%). This was associated with the higher vis-
A digital photograph of the reference geopolymer (matrix) and cosity of the slurry observed for the composite containing 3.75 wt%
two composites containing different amounts of pyrolysed cork cork, in comparison with its lower-cork-containing counterpart,
powder is shown in Fig. 2. As observed, the colour of the specimens which prevented pore growth and coalescence. Despite this, the
changes from light (left side specimen) to dark grey (right side apparent densities of both composites (coded as LC2.5_2 and
specimen) due to the incorporation of pyrolysed cork. LC3.75_2) were similar as demonstrated in Fig. 5. The apparent
To evaluate the pyrolysed cork distribution within the matrix, density of the cork-geopolymer composites is extremely relevant
EDS elemental mapping was performed on the specimens, and rep- when considering their use as building material. The lowest value
resentative maps for dense and lightweight composites are shown here reported (750 kg/m3) might be further reduced by increas-
in Fig. 3. As observed, carbon is homogeneously distributed in all ing the amount of foaming agent [56,57], decreasing the molarity
the composites, which is beneficial for their EMI shielding ability. of the activator [58], and by decreasing the solid-to-liquid ratio
Silicon and aluminium, the backbone elements of the geopolymeric of the mixture composition [59,60]. This will be considered in
network, are also homogeneously distributed in the samples. future work. Nevertheless, this density value is lower than that
Fig. 4 presents optical micrographs of the pure geopolymer and in other reports on geopolymer foams [61] and mortars [62].
the various cork-containing composites. The micrographs of the Fig. 5 presents the compressive strength and the apparent den-
dense composites (prepared without foaming agent) show sity of the various composites and of the reference composition. In
the presence of some air voids introduced during mixing. Indeed, the dense composites, the incorporation of 2.5 wt% of pyrolysed
the incorporation of pyrolysed cork powder into the geopolymeric cork decreased the compressive strength by roughly 31%, from

Fig. 1. Digital photograph, SEM micrographs and EDS elemental mapping of cork before and after pyrolysis.
R.M. Novais et al. / Construction and Building Materials 229 (2019) 116930 5

Fig. 3. EDS elemental mapping of dense (a and b) and lightweight (c) cork-geopolymer composites containing a) 2.5 wt% (C2.5) and (b and c) 3.75 wt% cork (C3.75 and
LC3.75_2, respectively).

Fig. 5. Compressive strength and apparent density of the matrix and the various
cork-geopolymer composites (measured at the 28th day). Note: for clarity the dense
composites are highlighted in light-red, while the lightweight ones are in light-
green. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader
Fig. 4. Optical microscopy micrographs of the matrix and the various dense and is referred to the web version of this article.)
lightweight cork-geopolymer composites.

presented in Fig. 6. The micrograph reveals an excellent interface

between the pyrolysed cork and the matrix. Moreover, it also
22.2 MPa (geopolymer matrix) to 15.3 MPa. This was expected, and demonstrates that the pyrolysed cork preserved its microstructure
is attributed to the significantly lower density and strength of this despite the high alkalinity of the geopolymeric matrix, showing
additive in comparison with the geopolymeric matrix. In line with that the composites are durable and stable.
this remark, the apparent density of this composite (C2.5) was 8%
lower than that of the matrix. A further increase in the cork content
(to 3.75 wt%) did not significantly modify the strength or density. 3.3. Microwave shielding capabilities
As expected, the lightweight composites showed much lower
strength than the matrix, a fourfold (to 5 MPa) and a six fold The total shielding effectiveness (SET) of the 3 mm thick sam-
(to 3.5 MPa) decrease being observed when adding 1 and 2 wt% ples is shown in Fig. 7a, and the range of values of SER, SEA and
foaming agent to the composites, respectively, regardless of the SET for each 3 mm thick sample over 8.2–12.4 GHz are given in
amount of pyrolysed cork. A similar trend was also observed for Table 2. The first thing to note is that for all samples, SEA remained
apparent density, as shown in Fig. 5. more-or-less constant across the frequency range, while SER
A SEM micrograph and the corresponding EDS spectrum of the showed a steep decline with increasing frequency and in all cases
fracture surface of the 3.75 wt% cork-containing composite are converged towards similar values of around 2 dB above 12 GHz,
6 R.M. Novais et al. / Construction and Building Materials 229 (2019) 116930

Fig. 6. SEM micrograph and EDS spectrum of the fracture surface of the cork-geopolymer composite containing 3.75 wt% cork (C3.75) after the compressive strength test.

a) b) GP Matrix
GP Matrix 1% FA 2% FA C2.5 C3.75 5 mm thickness
C2.5 C3.75 12 LC2.5_1 LC3.75_1
10 LC2.5_1 LC3.75_1 LC2.5_2 LC3.75_2

Total Shielding Effectiveness SET (-dB)

Total Shielding Effectiveness SET (-dB)

LC2.5_2 LC3.75_2 11

9 10
3 mm thickness

8 9



5 5

4 8 9 10 11 12
8 9 10 11 12 Frequency (GHz)
Frequency (GHz)

c) GP Matrix d)
C2.5 C3.75
7 mm thickness
LC2.5_1 LC3.75_1 17
Total Shielding Effectiveness SET (-dB)

16 LC2.5_2 LC3.75_2 16
15 14
14 12
13 10
SET (-dB)

12 8
10 5
9 3
8 1
LC2.5_1 3mm
LC2.5_1 5mm
LC2.5_1 7mm
LC2.5_2 3mm
LC2.5_2 5mm
LC2.5_2 7mm
LC3.75_1 3mm
LC3.75_1 5mm
LC3.75_1 7mm
LC3.75_2 3mm
LC3.75_2 5mm
LC3.75_2 7mm
GP 3mm

GP 7mm

C3.75 3mm
C2.5 3mm
C2.5 5mm
C2.5 7mm

C3.75 5mm
C3.75 7mm
GP 5mm

8 9 10 11 12
Frequency (GHz)

Fig. 7. Total shielding effectiveness (SET) over the X-band of the matrix and the various cork-geopolymer composites for thicknesses of a) 3 mm, b) 5 mm and c) 7 mm. The
maximum SET value of every composite sample is compared in d). FA = addition of foaming agent only to geopolymeric (GP) matrix.

whatever the sample was made from. It was this trend in decrease and those with more cork added (3.75 wt%) had higher SEA, and
of SER which contributed most to the decrease in SET observed with hence SET, values. This signifies that a greater quantity of pyrolysed
increasing frequency in all samples. SEA was significantly higher in cork within the composite increased its microwave absorbing
all cork-inorganic polymer composites compared to the matrix, ability within the bulk. In the filler material, multiple internal
R.M. Novais et al. / Construction and Building Materials 229 (2019) 116930 7

Table 2
Reflection (SER), absorption (SEA), total (SET) and specific (SSE) shielding effectiveness of the geopolymer (GP) matrix and cork-GP composites, all of 3 mm thickness, over the X-
band (8.2–12.4 GHz).
3 1
Sample ID SER ( dB) SEA ( dB) SET ( dB) Density (g cm ) SEE ( dB g cm3)
Matrix 2.3–3.4 2.4–2.6 4.7–6.1 1.307 3.7–4.7
C2.5 2.6–5.2 4.1–4.2 6.8–9.3 1.200 5.7–7.8
C3.75 2.2–5.2 4.4–4.6 7.2–9.8 1.180 6.1–8.3
LC2.5_1 2.5–4.1 3.2–3.7 5.8–7.8 0.949 6.2–8.2
LC3.75_1 2.9–4.8 4.6–4.7 7.2–9.5 0.923 6.1–7.7
LC2.5_2 2.3–3.5 3.4–3.7 5.7–7.2 0.745 7.8–10.3
LC3.75_2 2.5–4.6 4.9–5.1 7.4–9.7 0.748 9.9–13.0

reflection of EM waves occurs at the regularly arranged carbon When the thickness of the sample was increased to 5 mm and
honeycomb microstructure which forms an electrically conducting 7 mm, the SET values of all samples increased as the greater bulk
network. Interestingly, there was little variation in reflection char- volume increased the ability of the material to absorb microwaves.
acteristics throughout the samples, since absorption shielding is As can be seen in Fig. 7b–c, the shielding response became more
the dominant mechanism here. Similar trends were observed in irregular, but this was not random noise, as the same minor peaks
the 5 and 7 mm thick samples. and troughs were seen in all samples of the same thickness, even
The geopolymeric matrix has low attenuation values of 4.7 to though these were all individual measurements. Since the filler
6.1 dB, which compares well to previous reports on the micro- material (pyrolysed cork) is electrically conducting, they can gen-
wave absorption of geopolymers, which showed SET values over erate micro-currents inside the system on exposure to the EM
the X-band of around 1 to 5 dB for 1.25 to 4.97 mm thick sam- waves, leading to eventual damping of the incoming wave. Since
ples [42], and similar values for alumino-phosphate geopolymers the microstructure of the geopolymer-pyrolysed cork composite
[63]. We also measured samples of the geopolymeric matrix made is porous, the variation of micro-current can be very rapid which
with just the foaming agents (FA) added, and without pyrolysed was giving rise to fluctuating shielding effectiveness in Fig. 7b–c.
cork, as shown in Fig. 7a. They were actually slightly worse than With 5 mm samples, the geopolymer matrix still showed a general
the unadulterated matrix, probably because they contained less downwards trend with frequency, although the values were
mass of the alumino-silicate material in the same volume, and so slightly higher (see Table 3). The addition of 2.5 and 3.75 wt%
had even less absorbing ability. pyrolysed cork led to increases in SET of between 34 and 60% and
This suggests that it is the pyrolysed cork additives which have 52–87% over the matrix, respectively, and the downwards trend
the major effect on increasing microwave absorption, as was with increasing frequency had actually become reversed, with a
demonstrated by the results for C2.5 and C3.75 in Fig. 7a and dip at around 9.5 GHZ but an overall increase with frequency. As
Table 2. Both show SET significantly larger than the matrix across before, LC2.5_1 and LC2.5_2 had worse SET than the C2.5 composite
the X-band, by a factor of around 50% higher for C2.5, and nearly without foaming agents, but LC3.75_1 and LC3.75_2 were equal
60% higher for C3.75. For a conductive honeycomb structure, the with, or superior-to, C3.75 (Fig. 7b). Similar, but more enhanced,
shielding efficiency is given by [64], trends were observed with a thickness of 7 mm (Fig. 7c), for which
SE = 27 al 20logN where l is the length of the waveguide (i.e., all samples, even the geopolymer matrix, showed an overall
the length of the honeycomb cell) and a is the radius of the N aper- increase in SET with frequency. C2.5 had SET between 67 and 72%
tures. Hence, the shielding efficiency increases with increasing higher than the matrix, and C3.75 (with no foaming agent added)
waveguide length over its diameter. Interestingly, natural cork had the greatest SET of all samples, between 104 and 126% greater
has a microstructure made of hollow hexagonal honeycomb cells, than the geopolymeric matrix, at this thickness. The maximum SET
whose length (45 lm) is 2–3 times that of their diameter values for each sample are compared in Fig. 7d, and it is clear that
(15–20 lm). Such structures are likely to have high EMI shield- the outstanding composites are those with 3.75 wt% pyrolysed
ing. Since pyrolysed cork contains honeycombs made of conductive cork and a thickness of 7 mm, with peak SET values of 14.6 to
carbon nanoparticles, they can generate micro-currents inside the 15.9 dB.
system on exposure to the EM waves, leading to eventual damping These values compare well to those of cements and concretes
of the incoming wave. Additionally, the porous microstructure with similarly low amounts of carbonaceous absorber added.
enables EM waves to undergo multiple reflections and consequent Cements with 0.6 wt% CNTs added (a much more costly product,
attenuation before passing through the shield. Thus, the unique financially and environmentally, than ours) had reflection losses
microstructure of the cork is supplementing its superior shielding of around 8 to 10 dB over the X-band for samples between 25
behaviour. and 25 mm thick, thinner samples giving very uneven MW absorp-
When 1 or 2 wt% foaming agent was added to C3.75, it made tion through the frequency range [21]. Three centimetre thick con-
very little difference to the SET. However, when the foaming agent crete with 3 wt% CNTs added achieved SET of 12 dB, but only at
was added to C2.5, the values became significantly worse, although frequencies of 2 GHz [27], and 15 wt% CNTs were required to give
still superior to the matrix (Fig. 7a). This would seem to be related SET of 27 dB over the X-band in 2 mm thick Portland cement
to the observation made above, that a coarser pore size distribution composites surpassing the value here reported for the cork-
was seen with foaming agent added to the composites containing geopolymer composites, but using a four-times higher carbon
2.5 wt% pyrolysed cork content than in those with 3.75 wt% cork. amount [22]. Finite element modelling suggested that a thickness
This was attributed to the higher viscosity of the precursor slurry of 7 cm would be needed to achieve SET values of 20 dB in con-
with more cork preventing bubble/pore growth and coalescence, crete with 3 wt% CNTs added [26], and even then at frequencies
resulting in more, and smaller pores with the higher cork content of only 800 MHz. Carbon fibre seems to be more effective than
(Fig. 4). These smaller pores appear to slightly aid absorption in the use of pyrolysed cork, and 0.5 wt% carbon fibre in 4 mm thick
the X-band, whereas the fewer, larger pores up to 1 mm in size Portland cement gave SET of 30 dB at low frequencies of 1–
reduce shielding effectiveness. 2 GHz [18] and 1.5 wt% gave 40 dB at 1 GHz [20]. A high SET of
8 R.M. Novais et al. / Construction and Building Materials 229 (2019) 116930

Table 3
Minimum and maximum values of total (SET) and specific (SSE) shielding effectiveness of the GP matrix and cork-GP composites with thicknesses of 5 mm and 7 mm over the X-
band (8.2–12.4 GHz) (density as in Table 2).

Sample ID 5 mm thickness 7 mm thickness

SET ( dB) SEE ( dB g cm3) SET ( dB) SEE ( dB g 1
Matrix 4.6–7.5 3.5–5.7 6.1–7.8 4.7–6.0
C2.5 7.4–9.6 6.2–8.0 10.5–13.0 8.8–10.8
C3.75 8.6–11.4 7.3–9.7 13.8–15.9 11.7–13.5
LC2.5_1 6.1–8.4 6.4–8.9 8.1–10.8 8.5–11.4
LC3.75_1 8.4–10-5 9.1–11.4 12.5–14.6 13.5–15.8
LC2.5_2 6.1–8.5 8.2–7.2 7.8–10.0 8.5–10.5
LC3.75_2 9.1–10.9 12.2–14.6 13.2–14.9 17.6–19.9

26 dB was found for 5 mm thick Portland cement composites list of wastes. Several efforts have been made over the past years
with 0.4 wt% carbon fibre, which was increased to 32 dB when to attempt to valorise this waste stream, including its incorpora-
the fibre was coated with graphene oxide [23], but again this tion in Portland cement [65,66], and its use as soil amendment/fer-
was a vastly more complex and costly process than ours, and still tiliser [67]. Nevertheless, concerns regarding the leaching of trace
involved Portland cement. elements restrict the use of fly ashes as fertilisers [67], while their
Our inorganic polymer composites based on valorising waste alkalis and chloride content [68] is in some cases prohibitive for
materials, were produced simply and easily, and do not release clinker production. Regrettably, the ashes are mostly discarded in
CO2 formation or curing. The only other reported MW absorbing landfills [66,67,69], with associated costs. The landfill tax strongly
geopolymers involve materials made from standard commercial varies within the EU28 from 3 €/ton (in Lithuania) to more than
chemical precursors, not wastes, and the added carbon component 100 €/ton in Belgium (reference year: 2017) [70]. Landfill taxes
is also a non-renewable, commercial product. Alumino-silicate are still expected to rise in the next few years to encourage waste
geopolymer composites with an enormous addition of 14–50 wt% reuse and recycling, but also due to the exhaustion of existing
graphite powder and 5 mm thickness had SET values over the X- landfill space which could be particularly challenging in develop-
band similar to our samples, despite containing up to 20 times ing countries (e.g. India). The latter could be a huge driving force
more carbon [42]. Another article by the same group, on 1–5 mm in the pursuit of novel and environmentally friendlier waste man-
thick alumino-phosphate GP composites with added carbon felt, agement strategies. Taking this into account, it seems a reasonable
also required large amounts of 26–40 wt% carbon to achieve simi- assumption to consider that the pulp and paper industry (producer
lar average SET values of over 10 dB throughout the X-band, and of the biomass fly ash waste) would provide the waste at a lower
only narrow peaks of absorbance reached the high values greater price than that of commercial virgin raw materials (e.g. metakao-
than 20 dB that they reported [63]. lin), which would strongly reduce the geopolymers’ production
Therefore, not only are our sustainable inorganic polymer-cork costs in comparison with the production of geopolymers based
composites produced from wastes equal to any other reported on virgin raw materials [42]. Besides the expected economic
geopolymer MW absorbers over the X-band, but they contain an advantage, our strategy would also mitigate wastes landfilling
order of magnitude less added carbon. In this study, the geopoly- and prevent the depletion of virgin raw materials, in line with
mer was produced using mainly biomass fly ash (70 wt%) as pre- the circular economy concept and contributing towards cleaner
cursor, while in [42] metakaolin was prepared by calcining kaolin production. In fact, the commercial price of their coal fly ash coun-
(at 800 °C for 3 h). This is extremely relevant as it might ensure terpart, which is a by-product not a waste, has been reported to be
lower production costs. In fact, the biomass fly ashes are currently 4 times lower than that of metakaolin [41]. Nevertheless, the eco-
considered a waste (not a by-product), according to the European nomic advantage of the proposed strategy in comparison with

a) GP Matrix b)
C2.5 C3.75
Specific Shielding Efficiency, SSE (-dB g cm )

16 5 mm thick
LC2.5_1 LC3.75_1
LC2.5_2 LC3.75_2 20

14 18
13 16
SSE (-dB g cm )

12 14

10 10
9 8
8 6
7 4

6 2

5 0
LC2.5_1 3mm
LC2.5_1 5mm
LC2.5_1 7mm
LC2.5_2 3mm
LC2.5_2 5mm
LC2.5_2 7mm
LC3.75_1 3mm
LC3.75_1 5mm
LC3.75_1 7mm
LC3.75_2 3mm
LC3.75_2 5mm
LC3.75_2 7mm
C2.5 3mm
C2.5 5mm
C2.5 7mm
C3.75 3mm
GP 3mm

GP 7mm

C3.75 5mm
C3.75 7mm

GP 5mm

8 9 10 11 12
Frequency (GHz)

Fig. 8. a) Specific shielding effectiveness (SSE) over the X-band of the matrix and the cork-geopolymer composites for samples 5 mm thick. The maximum SSE value of every
composite sample is compared in b).
R.M. Novais et al. / Construction and Building Materials 229 (2019) 116930 9

other literature studies must be supported by a cost-benefit anal- (Ref. CEECIND/00335/2017) and R.C. Pullar wishes to thank FCT
ysis, and this will be considered in future work. Anyway, a scenario grant IF/00681/2015, for supporting this work. This work was
considering a negative cost for the biomass fly ashes, value developed in the scope of the project CICECO - Aveiro Institute of
depending on the countries’ landfill tax, when assessing the com- Materials UID/CTM/50011/2019 (Compete Reference: POCI-01-
posites cost, cannot be ruled out, but other factors such as the 0145-FEDER-007679), Associated Laboratory of University of
transportation costs also need to be accounted for. Aveiro, financed by national funds through the FCT/MCTES. M. Saeli
Furthermore, the composites made with foaming agents are wishes to thank Portugal 2020 project PROTEUS - POCI-01-0247-
also lightweight materials, with densities under 1 g cm 3 (see FEDER-017729 co-financed by national funds through the FCT/
Table 2), meaning that they have enhanced specific shielding effec- MEC. K.P. Surendran acknowledges Indo-Portuguese bilateral pro-
tiveness (SSE, in units of dB g 1 cm3). This is significant in applica- ject (INT/PORTUGAL/P-09/2013) for mutual visits and fruitful
tions where weight is an issue, especially for construction discussions.
materials which are, by their nature, reasonably dense. All of the
geopolymers and concrete/cement composites discussed above Appendix A. Supplementary data
will have densities greater than 1 g cm 3, so their SSE values will
be smaller than their SET values. As can be seen in Tables 2 and Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
3, this is also true for our inorganic polymer-cork composites with-
out added foaming agent (FA), but those with foaming agents
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