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Planar Fire

Confidential – If you do not possess the appropriate Lore skill, go no further!

Planar Fire
Geography and
Places of Interest
In general, the plane of fire is intolerably
hot and without vegetation. Rocky with
geysers of flame and cracks in the ground,
the place has a permanent orange tint to it -
the colors green and blue are completely
foreign to these lands. One may travel for
miles without encountering a living
creature. Most places of interest exist on a
large continent of shale and steaming rock,
surrounded by an infinite ocean of lava,
which only grows hotter in each direction
one travels.
The City of Brass
High upon a great hill lies the infamous city
of brass. The city is a sprawling mass of
shanties and towers, formed in concentric exorbitant prices, and occasionally scrolls as
circles around the hill and shadowed by a well, but components for such rare things
great palace of brass and basalt. Inside the are rare sold here - such things are often
great white walls of the city, the heat of the used by the Empire. This bazaar specializes
plane abates, and visitors from a great deal in these rare and mysterious goods, owing
of places can be found. to the powerful components and materials
Most visitors to the city come to meet with that can be found on the plane of fire, while
other visitors, as the city is one of the locals typically purchase more mundane
greatest planar trading posts in all the things such as cheeses, lumber and other
Planescape. The city is a continuous bazaar sundries that are difficult to come by on the
from one side to the other, with rare and plane. The city is built on the backs of
strange goods found within its depths. slaves, and great auction blocks regularly
Magical items are often for sale at sell them by the hundreds; usually they

simply transfer from one master to another Anyone else must wear a favor of either an
within the city. Perhaps no other place save allied state of the Empire or be magically
perhaps the dark cities of the Nether allows branded as a visitor. Without such, one is
such unrestricted slavery. In fact, being subject to enslavement without
press-ganged or enslaved is one of the most recompense. Guards at the gates of the city
dangerous aspects of the city, and nearly are often bribed to brand individuals as
every merchant employs powerful guards. visitors for small lengths of time, usually no
For others, the draw to the city are the more than a week. Some merchants
various pleasures the city has to offer. specialize in selling passes into and out of
Nowhere else may you find such deviously the city and have varying arrangements
carnal pleasures, bloodthirsty arenas, and with the guards.
gratuitous spreads of gluttony than in the The city's outer walls stand no less than 30
villas and pits of the City of Brass, with feet high and are at least as thick. Heavily
gardens of fruit and flowers overflowing the patrolled by Djinn heavily armed and
balconies of the ultra-wealthy. armored who are proficient both with
The city is made up mostly of Djinn, weapons and with spells, the cities walls
Humans, Goblins and Salamanders, with a protect it and its inhabitants from the
few Orcs and stranger creatures such as effects of the Plane of Fire. Outside the
Rakshasa seen from time to time. The city is walls the djinn routinely kills anyone who
the capital of the Black Efreet’s Empire and would camp outside, though distantly a
ruled by his genie guards with ruthless variety of powerful spellcasters have set up
authority. While his rule is absolute and towers over the years. The surrounding land
brutal, rarely does he interfere with the is barren of even obstacles to hide behind,
markets of the city, as he requires access to and the occasional melted suit of armor can
large armies of slaves and mercenaries to be found. Inside the city, teleportation and
power his war efforts. In truth, his presence all forms of planar travel are impossible,
is rarely felt, and it is his top lietuents that prohibited by the same powerful magic
vi for control of the city’s resources, and the which protects the city.
machinations and scheming this leads to
that keep this city in a tense state of The Undercity
unease. Permanent residents of the city Deep under the City of Brass lies its true
must be servants of the Black Efreet and are heart, where countless slaves toil away at
immediately recognized by the gold or brass forges building weapons of war for the
bracers/manacles they wear. Semi- Black Efreet’s ambitious plans. As well,
permanent residence, who have acquired numerous creatures and enslaved warriors
special permission to stay for an unspecified await their turns in the bloody arenas of the
amount of time need not be servants and wealthy. Great kitchens house hundreds of
are seen wearing silver bracers/manacles.

cooks who work over boiling pots and pans that two castes of Salamanders exist, the
for days on end, sometimes ending on the younger Fire Salamanders, and the
menu themselves for the feasts above. Dra’Slythen, a much older and smaller
The tunnels are twisting and confusing, and group. The city is ruled by a council of very
slavers often travel the larger tunnels old spellcasters whose motives and
looking for anyone who doesn’t belong. schemes are of paranoia and hatred.
Some say that an entire city of rebels exists The city maintains the only major port
secretly, running and stealing, plotting a within the plane, with ceramic ships and
revolt of the highest order. If such is true, large, triangular sails of foil, and maintains a
then these slaves surely know that death small but successful effort at hunting and
will be the least of their troubles. fishing the various creatures of the Sea of
Fire. Still, without any other major naval
The City of Scales powers to contest with on the plane, the
fleet sees little use.
The city of scales sits on a great rocky
The Salamanders of the City of Scales are
coastline of lava with high walls of black
slavers, and make heavy use of slaves in
basalt. The city is roughly in the shape of a
construction and other work. However,
hexagon, and is the only major port city on
since the City of Scales is not protected
the Plane of Fire. Its residents are all
from the ravages of the plane, Salamanders
salamanders, staunchly loyal to their
do not tend to take human or other forms
kingdom, and ally to the Ascendancy.
of slaves who cannot naturally survive the
Architecturally unique, the buildings of the
harsh environment. The city survives on a
city have many sharp angles and relatively
diet of imported foods from other planes or
few rounded walls or arches, and is
from the lavish gardens of the City of Brass,
dominated by decorative spires of black
and exports mercenary work and magical
rock, often covered in glowing sigils from an
items and spells, as well all manners of
age long past. Obsidian plays a large part in
obsidian crafted goods.
the make-up of the city and its culture, and
Deep within the walls of the City of Scales
is used for glass and weapons, with varying
there is an Ancient circle of Stones, but so
types and colors.
few people ever see this circle that its exact
A very few visitors are ever permitted into
location and nature remain a secret known
the city; the Salamanders are extremely
only to the Salamanders.
paranoid and distrustful, often citing
ancient enemies which often have no The Sea of Fire
corresponding entries among the libraries An infinite sea of lava, the Sea of Fire
of other races, including so called surrounds the known lands of the Plane of
Kavordians, Migon, Titans, and Illitihid. Fire. Close to shore its waves are relatively
Those few who gain entry have discerned calm, and even a simple lapping at the

beach is not common. At times it often heat still fills the area. Miles and miles of
resembles an arctic ice pack but cast in lava caverns, some going into unknown depths
and fire. Traveling further out, the lava exist here. More well known are the various
becomes more fluid, and waves become groups of goblins, infused with the power of
visible. In the great distances an endless the plane, which make a living here, as
storm of fire burns, so hot that the merchants, miners, and thieves.
difference between sea and sky becomes
muted and eventually irrelevant. The Crystal City
A surprising number of creatures live in or Glittering in the darkness of the caves is the
around the sea, and in its opaque depths Crystal City, a great deposit of quartz and
creatures of mysterious power and origins crystals tainted with fire and rendered
these creature survive. Such creatures useless by the powers of the plane. Still, the
include the magma kraken, as well as the place has enough magical power that,
Fyre Wyrms which the Salamanders of the combined with the enchantments of old of
City of Scales hunt for. the goblin mage Naboon, the planes effects
Numerous small islands exists off the coast, do not reach inside the city. Compared to
and many wizards have tried to build many other planar cities this one is small,
citadels and sanctuaries over the years; holding no more than a few thousand at
attrition takes its toll, and the Ascendency any one time, but it acts as sanctuary for
of Fire takes a poor view of those that those who have traveled unready for the
would build or live in its realm without perils of fire. Of course, many thieves, thugs
expressed permission. Most such places and assassins hide here as well, making it
crumble into the sea, but rumors always dangerous in its own right.
persist that ancient knowledge can be
found among the ruins. Even further rumors The Peaks of Nuren-Dor
of islands far off in the distant and turbulent A great mountain range high in the middle
sea exist, isolated from contact, but if so, of the lands of the plane, these peaks may
few beings except the Ascendant could be the coldest place on the plane, though
reach them. they still burn with a heat intolerable to
most mortals. Characteristically black with
The Caves of Korlos deep veins of crimson, the mountains are
In the great west, deep under the badlands incredibly harsh, with jutting obsidian edges
of the plane, there is an extensive set of and pits of slate. However the most well-
caves, called the Caves of Korlos. These known feature is the black ash which the
caverns have numerous rare mineral many volcanoes spew into the air; the skies
deposits hidden within them, and also act of the Peaks of Nuren-Dor are the darkest
as a shelter against some of the most anywhere on the plane, a deep black with
intense effects of the plane, though great billowing smoke in every direction. Vaguely

in the shadows can be seen a soft crimson Fortress Aze
glow from the distant sea, or sometimes the
A massive fortress only a few miles from the
terrible flashes of volcanic lightning, in
coast, the great stone walls of the defensive
colors of red, purple, and sometimes even
compound have seen better days. Its 50
stranger hues.
foot high walls are pocketed and blasted,
Dotted about the peaks are various ruins,
with many tunnels dug underneath and
some of dwarven architecture, and some
various false heraldry painted about. A
much older, and far less inviting looking.
great many remains of camps and makeshift
Some ruins depict strange and often
cities are strewn about the fortress, defiling
disturbing figures, with forms hideous and
its otherwise majestic visage. While
impossible. Some whisper that this is a
definitely speaking to dwarven aesthetic,
place where some of the darker creatures
the Fortress is sized for people no less than
of ages long past hide, waiting for a time to
15 feet tall in all but a few places, and
strike back at the planescape. Many of the
despite the terrible damage and abuse the
strange obelisks that can be found hidden in
fortress has undergone, it is in remarkably
the peaks are pilgrimage sites for evil and
good shape toward the inner towers, its
insane cults, and some believe that the
stone hard and resistant to all but the most
winds that whip the walls of some of the
powerful attacks.
canyons whisper desperate and sentient
At any given time, merchants, scavengers
secrets to those who go here with a hunger
and bandits all make this place a refuge
for power.
from the ravages of the plane. Its size is
It is strongly believed that somewhere
large enough that it is easy to hide if one
among the peaks is a natural portal to the
does not want to be found. Sometimes
demiplane of Smoke, but if so, it has never
referred to as the City of Copper, these
been confirmed, though this is a place
makeshift trading posts often attract
where creating a portal to such a place is far
visitors, where deals and negotiations can
more palatable to a great wizard than
occur free of the influence of those that
might interfere otherwise.
At the top of the northern mountains is a
small plateau, with an Ancient Circle of Muspelfen
Stones, surrounded by the burnt bodies of Distant, Muspelfen is the palace of the
fools unprepared for travel, as well as those plane, and to the far north of the known
who have been ambushed here. lands of the plane, floating above the sea of
Characters with this Lore may target this fire. Very little is known about this place by
circle of stones with Planeshifting magic as mortal men, except that the heat of this
though they had been there. place will vaporize even the strongest
metals in seconds. This is the home of the
Ascendancy, and where the court discusses

with heated debate the issues of the plane. that would destroy his city and subjects,
Only the powerful Elemental Lords are ever and their war continues to wage on, though
invited to such discussions, and they reveal not always physically. It is well known that
little information about this place. his hatred for Fae is limitless, and will go to
The Gate of Urns great lengths to hurt fae just to see them
Distantly placed out in the Sea of Fire, the
Gate of Urns appears to made of thousands The Ascendent
of broken urns, unmelting and ablaze with The true name of the Ascendant of the
green fire. Rumors say that when the stars plane is not known; it is believed that the
align, the gate opens, linking the Sea of Fire plane has never changed hands since the
to the frightening Sea of Souls. creation of the planescape, which would
make him or her one of the most powerful
People and Denizens creature known to exist, and some
The plane of Fire is populated with Fire speculate that he may be a primordial.
Elementals and their lords, who burn with Whatever the case, the Ascendant of Fire
great power. These creatures rarely does not do small talk, and rarely speaks at
approve of the presence of others, and will all. His only two major actions that are well
readily attack most groups. Other, minor known are his begrudging acceptance of the
creatures of the plane, such as strange fiery Salamanders as a vassal to him, and his war
birds and whale like creatures can be found, against the Black Efreet.
but for the most part the plane is barren.
The Black Efreet
With skin black as night, the Black Efreet
stands no less than 15 feet tall, though it is
well known he can change his size at will.
His cruelty, hatred and tyranny are
legendary, and spread throughout
everything he touches. His most fearsome
powers are magical, for he can seemingly
wish for anything he desires and it becomes
so. Obviously some limits must exist,
though how they are defined is deeply
He and his empire have attempted to take
control of the plane numerous times, and
each time have been repelled by the
Ascendancy. As well, he has repelled attacks

The Salamanders
Salamanders live nearly exclusively on the
plane of fire. As a race of reptilian
humanoids, Salamanders come on two
castes, the Dra’Slythen, and the Fire
Salamanders. They are fierce creatures,
deviously intelligent, and as a race ancient
beyond perhaps all others.

Fire Salamanders
Fire Salamanders typically grow to 15 feet
tall, and 20 feet long, having a lower half of
the plane was one made out of haste and
a snake. These creatures usually have a
desperation in ancient times. It has proved
scaly skin tone that various from brilliant
both foiling to the Salamanders in their
red to a char black, though rare reports of
plots to gain power, and empowering when
blue or green salamanders do occur.
the interests of the two align. Still, the
Immune to fire and with incredible strength
Dra’Slythen would prefer autonomy if they
and resilience, these creatures favor martial
thought it would benefit them.
skills and finding a caster among them is
unlikely. However, such casters are well
known for their power and should not be The Dra’skavaga
discounted. Long ago, it is rumored that an ancient and
powerful dragon made its home buried
Dra’Slythen deep in the volcanic crevices of the plane,
Supposedly, all Salamanders looked as the and laid a great clutch of eggs. These eggs
Dra’Slythen do at some point in the distant hatched, and have formed what are now
past. Scaly skin, small snouts, bipedal but known as the Dra’skavaga, sometimes
with reptilian tales, these creatures are known as Fire Drakes. These dragon like
extremely secretive and paranoid. Having creatures come in a wide variety of shapes
their own unique language and strange and sizes, and have come to dominate the
magics that other races have no parallel to, plane as one of the most populous
the legends of these creatures are creatures.
numerous. Dra’Slythen do not have a
natural immunity to fire, but many have
powerful magics cast upon them to protect
them. The Alliance with the Ascendancy of

History Raining Glass
Storms of glass, sometimes molten, at other
Protohistory and the times sharp and black obsidian befall the
Salamanders plane. Most common in either the Peaks of
Nuren-Dor or at sea…
The ancient history of the plane is relatively
unknown. It is believed that the current Heat Waves
Ascendent has been in power since the very The heat of the plane is already its most
beginning, but confirming this seems all but dominant feature, but a true heat wave can
impossible. send even the natives scurrying. Seen
The War of Brass coming over the horizon as an approaching
shimmer in the air, heat waves can melt
Just at the end of the War of Wishes, when
soft metals in a matter of seconds, and strip
the Black Efreet saw his plane collapsing, he
flesh from bone before a creature even
cast a mighty wish, transporting the capital
realizes they are dead. Most heat waves last
of his people onto the Plane of Fire. This
for only a few minutes, but some have
immediately provoked a war with the
lasted for decades.
Ascendent and his court, who went to drive
out this invasive force. A great battle Raining Fire
ensued, and the weakened Efreet was One of the trademarks of the plane, the
forced to rely on his armies to defend him. stereotypical rain of fire actually consists of
For 3 days, djinn fought and fell before the the raining of coals. These coals are then
might of the fire elementals. At the end of and explode into further flames on impact,
the three days, when the courts army had giving the appearance of raining fire. Any
surrounded the high walls of the inner city, hard cover will serve as protection, and one
the Efreet, having regained some strength, is advised to get cozy – raining fire can last
cast great magics to prevent the Ascendent for many hours.
from entering the walls. Greatly angered by Sulphur Storms
this, the crown was forced to retreat. Ever
Storms of peppery yellow dust, Sulphur
since, a slow cold war has brewed, with
storms are rare but deadly phenomenon.
occasional skirmishes against the Djinn
Not composed purely of Sulphur, these
when they attempt to establish other
storms prove poisonous to even the hardest
of creatures – covering the mouth is
Weather and Effects insufficient – all exposed skin, especially the
eyes, must be protected. Met should be
The plane of fire is an inhospitable place for
avoided, as it often reacts with these
most, but the weather can turn a bad
storms, and corrodes in fast and often
situation into a burning nightmare.
poisonous ways. These storms will leave

behind a cake of yellow dust, which some that he controlled the creature with his
claim is useful to alchemists, but few collect Scepter. The Scepter is said to be able to
the dangerous stuff. usurp command of magical enslaved
creatures, and to grant the ability to
Simoons dominate the weak willed. Further, the
Of all the weather on the play, it is Simoons scepter is thought to allow its user to
which frighten even the elder inhabitants; transform into living fire. The scepter was
last seen by pilgrims travelling through the
Tornadoes and Infernos in one deadly
Peaks of Nuren-Dor, having fallen deep into
package, these storms are runaway fires a canyon just beyond rescue. Many have
whipped up and fueled by their own sought the scepter, but none have returned
exhaust. Wind speeds can easily exceed 400 triumphant, if at all.
miles an hour, and temperatures can melt The Aurpex
even some magical alloys. Thankfully these
A strange device of black and mirrored
are rare, but they leave enough of an
surfaces, the Aurpex’s origins are a
impression on the landscape to not be
complete mystery. Some believe it is a relic
from a now dead civilization. Whatever the
Desiccation case, it seems to act as a limitless power
More of a passive danger than an active source for those that learn to harness it –
one, some areas of the plane are both bone though few ever get a chance to do so. The
dry and coated in a thin layer magical salts Aurpex has had a number of possessors
and touching it by mistake and suck the over the years, and the most successful are
moisture right out of a person – killing them those that kept it only to keep it from
in minutes. A dim white powder is a others. Still, its power is alluring, and it
giveaway of the danger, and it is best to seems only a matter of time before it turns
wear metal gloves to prevent this – leather up again.
gloves will crack and crumble in seconds
exposed to these salts.

Wonders & Artifacts

The Scepter of Shanto-Mar
Shanto-Mar was said to be a powerful
mage, specializing in fire. His exploits are
early in the planes history, and not much is
known. What is well documented however
is the hatred from Dragonkind that he
garnered, and that he had at one point
created some sort of draconic golem. While
the exact details are unknown, it is believed

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