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1 @vothe iceland QuickQuizwithapartner Useyour 3. Locketthe photesendfind these things, Imagination: 2 MWistenané ched Cees yourenswers QUICK QUIZ | wnat do you Know about iceland? “Try cur quiz 1 Tece arent many poop een \Whatco you ink We poulatin ? 2 tntne wine, now many nous ot ayight re tere? Siowenyadnctron | ‘hare? A teoland’ fags bo, wtto arc red, What do you think the colours represen 5 How auc fede over by? Dart Arriva nada hry Vd Ba nnd we dec Day2 reas escuay seu. ren presertyour lassusingyour notes. Using nates ‘When youspeek use yournetes tte au, tuttytousyouronnverd:0espainyesr ‘eas. Tis elpsyeu sound more nats, pos (MOCABULARY_) ‘Transport 10 Putthe types of transport into che categories bike bus car coach tery neicepter horse hetairbatcen fort) minibus moped motorbike plane ship. tac vein ram undewround van yacte ike 11 Crcompiete the text with ypes of wansport. men isten andenece Around the USA pbaWevhep evening nie) Jer Cn tavalod across the USA incight dffrent ‘naps he went on the anderarund it New York They calitthe subnay thee Howent te Grand Cenital Staion ard tock the? to Washington DC. Washington heverted a... ad chewoto New Onan The roads wore ang ane empty - fn! Thery ne went on a telening*.. tipon the Mission Aver Nex. he puton alia. gogoles ane a leather cet and rode a. OllahomaCiy. After that, he rode a +10 Santa thee cowoy! From there Nome, ‘over the GrandCaryonina...Onthe st day he phoned ora... totahe him 0 Los Anges Arpt ‘And went home wo Argentina by+ 12 Studytho rules Then write about yourjoueysthis meek On Manta, went to sca on ot. ut usa go bear (~ Vieby wdescivehonyeu vane suai go tosenol ten Weer to reset fry, BUT 9001 fect. goon the unkraround seen tosaywhereyouare itmonthe bes, Vie woreen the tain at siotleck BUT bei car/tae/tory 13 GW Discuss how you can travelto the places below Crareanyeraeramra (Yuen got sip nd \ paveengobyplere ao | | | GRAMMAR _) Past simple affirmative | was / were (je TWeusethe pastsimple ota kebout ished sctonsand tuations in the pas. Ttvelted hola aight topped inthe prt ‘maven theca ere had asad ‘hepastsimplectbelswos! wee ives nSlencols nek. There were oof esteem wert pen terewerevtany tans Ieewereyou? Was sere a prblon? ‘We often wetherspasttimaecpressions ath the past sip lesen ese nee lastyear _estrday, yesterday mario yesterdeyening Inzcon infor, on onda attach a mea thre daysago ewornonts ee ‘ead and completeteposicard withthe correct past sienpe form of be any ast wee tr Ale ‘Sprigs on aconel trek the eater’. hobend wy Bul ary ag, The serait inde url kt sien Harry sleig ‘bay And thr’. any gal fr is mile hob el ig your bday pa? tre regent ‘completa rade bogfor the week witnthecorrect form oftheverbs blow. eek decide drop play stat walk atch 1 | |+szard reading a renew! last vg relly exciting! 1 | Mypareets ro bya new of she Wy TNelca wei week yeoman. ve asic These neent any bas dismening 2+ scheL Tg) Daasol Nysitrs acpcl cofeo on theron a 11 boing DUD nih vy are hese 0 Goo | youn hfe ver vide gare toy Ho wae aresore PRONUNCIATION -od endings 3 CV tistenandrepeat the verbs below. 2nY watched sinned waked cooked [kU amved traveiea Saye Uiscened hn visted needed startad added 4 bayou knowrthepast simple formofthese verbs? Cec nthe regular Verbs Liseon page 3. Vthich pas simple form ole the same but sound eliferent? 1 see 6 meet agi 20 7 send Row 3 get Beat 1B drive 4 leave © read Hake 5 ote wear buy 5 Obcopythatabie.Thentisten and ick the things Le (scar and Melanie dé on aturcay ‘getup late I ‘ston tomusic meecfiiends | dospor. | goshopping | | swatch 300 “de workin pais talkabout Leah, Oscar or Melani, but donsaythe name, You partner guesses wh. Cael) they censor (Caitgat) 17 Complete the expressions with go lst, yosterday ‘arin. Sometimes there's mere thanone answer 1 aweekase 8 morning 2 ight 6 ~afemoon +B captiaceg 7 threereurs 4 LWfcinesdoy © a half pati thie meming © Weitesentenceesboutthalasttimeyou did eset | sentatentmesiogeabouttuentymnvtesom> Seforeyoulstenlook atthe photos and discuss shequestions. nat’ shappeninginthaptoe? vihatéoyeuthink conettsthem? steno the ist par of Pappy story ané cheese the corecr answers, 1 Wheres Poppyontatiaay? Atunsia egypt 2 When gidshegothee? Ainthesping_O intbeautumn € in thesummer 3 Howl wasshe there? Aindas—— Bsedaye = Ctwoweeks { nenwae the fight home? Afeday 8 Saurday Cc Sunday 5 Howelasnenenrabouttnevoieno? Rentheradio B inophorecell C inavestmesseze Listen tthe restof Poppy's story and ancwerthe questions 1 Whats thestuatlon athe aipor why? 2 whywas that journey anf? 2 Why wasiedifcutco eto trainin aly? 4 What wasthe yeblemen thejourney to Faris? 5 HowlongdoesaMignesatenetween Tans an tondon? Howlong dettherourytate? below? What details ean you remember? Tht aie oars iby er ‘Tewasetst ames. aes borin oo AlseMounizins > Tunis —p Tunisport > Livers Parle —e tendon —> home Ustenagain and creck youriceas Read the expreslons in Fece2foce. Gavapagex4s and putthem into tho calogues.Usten and check. Look atthe pictures. nat do youthirkhappens inthe lend? imagine you're the petson snd writs description of your ightmerejourney. fest l Win pairs askane answor the questions. l ‘Count the numberof yes arswersandsee Iryou'reabomeierer AAAAF VOI A VOYAGE INTO THE PAST 4.000 years ago, the Ancient Egypeians bil incredible pyramid “These pyramids ate similar to ancien’ pyramids in Mex. So did the Ancien: Egyptane buildin Mexic, £007 Most people sid this ‘vas impossible how could the sal thousands of ries across the oaran i ight reed boats? But the Norwegian explorer, Thor Heyerdah, wanted to prove wes posible! Di he succaal? 1 Ticst Thor tude paintings of Boats inthe Egyptian py tami ‘Then, African boa bilder built a 15-metre-long reed boat in gypt and drove i alory co the port of Saf, Morocco. He called the boat Ra after the Fgyptian Sun God. 2 Thor chose seven men from seven countrcy indadingan Egyptian, a Mesican and an American, and sailed under a United Nations flag. They stared their journey across the Atlantic Ocean on 25° May, 1969 | 9 te was a dangerous journey. They’ didn't have satellite navigation in those days the bat filed with water and there tneretersbleetorm. But they travelled 4,284 kilometres in 54 thays, Unfortunacely only a wosk for Barbados, Ra brok hala the crew did finish the journey. 4 ‘The expedition taught them alt end Taoe did’ want 0 give up Sohe asked Bolivian boat builders to build a neve boat. And te yest ater in May 1970, he sarced a secandjoumey in Re I, fa ldmetre long boat 5 Daring the journey they discovered a modem problem: ~il pollution, They took amples ofthe cil and after the rip, they presented a report to the UN. 6 Finally, in July 1970, Ra Ilxeached Barbados after 57-day jjurey of 5,260 kilometres, This proved that people coal si. cron the Alantic Ocean ina simple boat Tt also showed that people from different countries could work together | 2, Cbkead thearticie quick and match thewords and thedefinitons. 1 reed 2 sew 3 empl 4 prove A ston that somethings rae 8 asmallameunearanecampie © anverplanewieniong stems D sopdoingsomething 3 eodthoartici ag paragrephs3-3, ' id Racrossthe laniccean? B How dice bule niefretboat? 2 How de Thercyercah choose hiscew? 1D vhetecoloicl problem dethey nd? vate te journey atu prove? F vihen ddhemave ezecone journey? 4. Decide tne sentences ae tr or fale, 1 Thirst aboot wesasmetres long te 2 Thorhad acrew of people om Werico, ayptandtne United states 2 Therrstjoumeylacesors.oye 4 Thesecondjoureylasted fo 7 days 5 Both Raboatsreacheitarbados 6 Therewnas poluten ntneAtanticinsg70, 45 Read werd zone2n6 putihe words in orderoflength, statingwit the shortest. ‘Measurements of length and disiance People often use nth metic ané non. matic measurementsin English Meticccentimeve Hemet. metre, silinetre Non-metc fet inch, mile yard 6 © bnytocompleteite bopraphyofthorHeyerdahi wien "heseverbsinthopas simple Thenstenandchack ule oie go receive sail study “Thor Heyordahl wa born in Ocsober 1714 in Norway. He: sted zcclogy and geography a university In 1547, hes. a boat elled Kon-Tikt and. with ive ‘ater men on 2 4600 km journey acros the Pacific Healdo on many other expeditions and prometed “understanding betvee culeures He ~ way awards, {op.Thor®. suede in 2002. You can sil ee the and match the headings A-Fwith Prepositions BOTANY.) eeaowemaerl 1 Mateh the prepesitions mith the pictures. cross along around evayfrom beaneen ‘down Into over though towares uncer up Find thetesitustions inthe picture blon Therollercoaster going though ce woe! ‘Agilisurning aay fee ner mum, Three boys ar going coun the waters, Agilisimbinguparem Some poole are waking towards the pao [Api stomingactess the ake. Look cavefullyat the picture and find situations with these verbs and prepositions Write sentences, ‘yee slong talline Ay over goarcura. pounder sai bemeen ans aling nto he sting 10 (ip How goods your memory? Coverthe picture. Then Inpairsstryte rememberwhat’s happening. Wie oe dat aidnad wihthe infnitive 0 eke te negtive frm afth past simple ‘The rnd go hrogh thee. You didneake te fey trance. Vie sedi witht nti tomate questions ide fy acre fe? Ye head No heen Remember tous theinfitive,netthe pas simpler, ‘Shed se he fl. NOT Sheds = Dido ge the park? NOT Didyortwent— 1 Readthe article about Jf summerfeldand write the ‘questions siete ot Around the world bt Sone eta te | vote pre veay foray Bathe fertile ejay a muta he 1 wat Jot ee a? ere on penn rng oe. TAS was coor a2 ara oye tom te 16605. 2 when t/t ijauray? Het Londen eit ay 2008. 3 wn ake wth? ea sz cas tar st area lei ba. Tatalt 4 ow many cura / hwo tough? ‘He vac trough 24 ciferet coun, irccig da, hr, Ostend Aral, 5 bow rhe ce? He syed tna 34500 Aree. 6 hw on tis uray? ‘tok two and a year Bln tke und 50 bors 1 ff grove round he world namoterie. lofldr' rive metab. He cced one pe Fertig 2 Hostartes hisjoumeyin Pais 2 Hetook its of things with is 4 leftgete through 20 countries 5 Heceledapaur se klomaes. 5 His journeytookthres ond shal yeas Pe Past simple negative & questions [= 2 Ovcomplete tneconversaton. use past simple fiemative, negetive and question Forms Then ston fend check. ‘eae sDityouhovea good weskend la? ave) Lela No, 2. teri ba iewen my American cousin in pend) ‘near Sows. yo on Saterday?) elas Ves alangtnerier and ene town cen, (wat show Sher. very intreste. (be) ‘Adam: Ch Gear! And nhere>..ouin the evening?) "2. you butyous._ (el. answer) Cheers, Wer at anindian restaurant (be) Ene 2. the ond, of couse! fat) Adam Sovihy areyoutieainismotning? lela: Jascaght an) My cousinestayiag nthe roomier te mine And guess what Shales rsh TW Seo her TVunulerectdoc (ture off 4) Write ten questions to askyour partner. Use the words ‘below or your own ideas. buy do eat go have Uetentol meet lay reed see Send vist watch injuly inzowa lastnight astsummer lastweek lastweekendlastyear_onSoturdsyright thismocning. yesterday morning Dityoupe tba che parklet weet? Dayouretyurbert fied na212? 5p npaics,azeandansner your questions your partner's enameriz es} ak morequestionsto keep the oe aD arcs ail Nis) SS Cinaesére eet) er 6 write sentanco abou your partner srecetactiy Na rte acorn ‘PREPARATION 1 @eworrin pairs and imag four-day tip around Great © Decide here you nenc oneach you nh pind traveled war you rau unatyeu eisandotner ‘experience thatyoshad. Tovapert © Copyand complete thetebleon the right foreach day ‘you must chosedifeent experiences. seimagnacive! f tutnyour partner practise cezeiingeacheay. Tye tat dd WestrtedatPotsmath On Oxy ue sain atig tipo Newer thee wnseierbeciom nesawanige uae |Erreles Wecaten becuse we osc Nedidrehaveecetn se ‘werhytinalifebon. ig tay ee ‘DOTHE CHALLENGE 2. piensa sping ointeniewenctherpuiraboutshi Journey. witethe questonsyouwanctoaskchem. tere tty ar yur journey? @ Workin groups of four Decidewhois paeaane wnois air PARA © Incerview Pe Sabot journey. © ate aoesorehei answers © Findoutas much seyouean abou theirjourne, © Show interest andaskentre questions, PAB © ansmertne questions. Ogre yours? pes Tsieane! hes eae vite nea 4 @swaprolesand cepeattne actu. 5 Rereniyourciass a acting / erie experiencesfrom your interviews. Dani end eri stayed incase They me fobry e20! English Channel io “(INTERACTION _) Travelling around | DO bayrezs yours? onthebus tthe station I Deesthisbusgoto.? Haveyeu goto len? Isthereascugentreducion? Asingle/rewur pease Nescuuncers6? Wha eis the neat Novslong does tshe? ‘Cami nave return to. peace? Whiplatar deeitewverom? Cen you tel me en we get there) 1 Lookactxpressyourslfand metch theqvestionsend —_(VoUuRTURNTOSPEAK | 1 1 Does thistrainstopat Winchester? A Single,please, 5. PYou're ona bus. Inpoirs,act out the dialogue below. 2 singe ore? 2 ves nae Thensnaproles, | | 2 ow anges tate? © Natsnanstop Passenger usdeiver | to nate. Takihe bus cet) | 4c Twenty mines. yourdestraun.) SC pases. | 5 Yexofeouse —— Askforatice. SC patfiberallevan®) | (aster) Some ek tree 2 peaks the phot. wheres Davi? Wht do you SS sari pice fe re te Payandtake youre. ja | | ‘hin he and the man are saying? i 0 6 Chuistontotheconversstion inthe tation and answer ‘he questions 1 Whereisti? 2 Howmuchsa eur ick for Dadane 2 Whattime deer thetrain eave? | 4 Which platform éesthe rain eave from? 7 CWistentothesnneuncements For each o the folloninginformation: plasform under || final destraion | stops | TOUR TURN TO SPEAR | | 8 Psouireotostaton npr actoutthe dialogue belo invert new destinetonsand pies | Passenger ‘eke cient 3 Mhuinento the conversation andansirerthe ‘fesenacteain | 2 Whereis teon? Tee ‘| 4 Wha dees he plane mes: a e | i 4. CyNow listen to the conversation on the bus and z | (WRITING) A holiday blog 1, (MP inpairs leckatthe photo andansnerthe questions, 1 Whetshappesing inthe photo? 2 Dayouiletnstype otreicay? Day We amrved at cur campsite at 10. 00am ater 2 {hour coach ip. Fie, we checked in at the ‘conpsite reception. Then we patup ou tents Aer that, we wer al very tre ar hungry. We nak lunch and thon we wentt sleep for wo hour. thoafternoon, we explored the campsite, The "faites on te campsite were ood. There was.2 ‘Sop, aktchen anda aininghal There wae alee 3 ‘703 swiring pool, and the viens of the Days (Our Inst day! We got up ear because we had aot 0 Co Fst, We nad breattst. Then wo startad Facking It took me lang tim to find all my things! After that, we took the tents down, Ourteat nas | realy diy on the bottom so we need to wash it before we putt anay, Finally, we put everyting ito the back ofthe minibus and drove away. The oumey “home was OK but tt 20 hour incest af 1 2 Read te text andanswver the questions Thayer atsoco0n ow dis they travel tomnecampsite? Winat they dois? whatithey do btorelunchon Days? Wiha sports facies neve there? nati Anna co ater restaston Days? thy didictake na. longtime te pack? ew ong they sty athe campsite? f Sequencing words ¢ 2 expressions 3. Find the nords andexpressions below in the bog, ‘ich ones co weuseto describe events that happened fest ane ist? ‘erthat Fheally Fest Then 4 Complate Day 2efthe blog withthe fursequencing \wordsand expressions fromexercize3. Day2 Thisrmorningwe getup early Wehsd beakéset and we started making sans forthe da. Five of us decided to 0 fora bike ride." Fis, we looked a the map and decided whereto go +... wemade our paced inches and gotcurracksacks ead, wewerttothe cemasice shop end hired ourbikesan helmets *., wewereready toleave (Man scroxevouwnRiTe) 5 Choose threeactivtiesforay'sandenree actives ferDay 4 of Annasholicay and makenctes Use the ‘deas blow oryourowe. Think about mhatdetalls you can a, moming bustalecaltoun ersighteting museum wait shopping afterneon snips npoal/longinalkn forest evening mete a ie /eaakcinner/pary 1 Usebaysi zand ftom ne holiday blog asa model 2 Useycurideastromemrcices 2 Include verity of sequencing words and exressier| 003 Today was en cing ay nee marine 7 checkane correct your biog, 1 checcthatthasoquencing words and expressions ae 2 Inpais snap yourblogsarccreckeach others werk ee > eee aa eee | BTEC 6) of the Solar System 5. Read telntroduction again Answorthe quetions winateowe ue telescopes for? 2 Wheredospace pcbes mo? Dar bels tanks rnoee 6 iesaurn ahaa planet? 4 Laoka the picwrearcreadthatextsabouteach planet again Thontrythie quiz! i ieee ey eto piece a Which plan Perens te cnet can 5. Reed WordZone and put he periods of ime inorder of length starting uth tne snortest. Parieds of tame ay Gecade hour 6 Rea theseudy Sm Thon coverthepictureon agese ane namatheplanetsin order Mnemantce memorablesenerce Fecexample, YEN) , SUN arethoslaret merdes Andhere isthe ‘Myon eavater eth jt Serve nec Insgneyourevetingens ofthe planets teapostnreheme! Find the opposites inthe two boxes, ((Sorng. dangerous empty expense fer lai ight long orew noity shalow slow sof EE song “thick uy unpopular net eawutl cheap deep dry ently fost fl hard peowy interesting ner popular” quiet j safe_shert Urn_ eek wide 8 Read the sentences. ich zejective can you use? Theives really deep /thin /fost hve leaking doy tthescaiébecause i's awayesn sate tu [noi Acarroeis2tong/ wide thin orange vegeabie i grater 4 My dod alnaystakestre unpopular /axt/eary tain torwork 5 Iiscicdorary realy navy thik deep. ote Choose ter nouns rom below Then wnta hort sentences usingene adjective rom enerese7 with each noun sthlete book boule cotlee computer cup film na Journey lester. oryy meen music fay planet river sea snake. star see 10 @ingroups, read ouryour eentencer. callout Snap! if younwarthe samecombination of noun ondadjectve Sop There was beautifldcon ave tec. ise agjctves uy reters sooner thn me luxenbourgisa smal cunt tro rte, ‘The wether Wlesi deterhanin Eglo yale lptpes heel than my neeone. Ieecopesre mare powerful now than nthe pest yn hot.oathr summers better tam into dada a fotbl Ore Neptune ifthe from Earth han Uroas 1 Laokatehe adjectives in exerclse on pagest Divide them into wo groupe i; 2 complete the sentences withthe comparative formaf adjectwestelow. bod deep: dificult expensive ast trendy neary inteigent 1 Becarefll This new swimening pool devporthan Uieaid one 2 leone exercise. thanexecse 3! 2 Doyouthinpreplahere ae han nPars? 4 Ohdest Ny newlaptapis.than mycldone 5. Chnemaucksare...nLondoa than my hometown, 6 fim tranyouonynen bie! 7 Myeat’.thon my dog, 1 tnyschoolbagisalet..thanyours. PRONUNCIATION // 8 OWuisten and repeatthe sentences 1 Jochictdiertnanclare 2 Foctoale arebiggerthantennisball 2 Peaches or este than apples. 4 anna States han uae. 5 Pagsare ere taligenthan sheep, i ‘Wecen seratas_arondleest eke comparatesvith the oppeste meeringto camparatNeformswith-erandmore. asientestig ster uteri tigger thon ts) ‘Apples rea ia peaches (Peaches ulcer ‘hneoies) Judie popular than golf (ols merepopar ‘hen judo) 4 Completethebiog withthe correcttormof ie adjective in bracket Use comparative adjetvesor ets... Caen The spoce statin i esconfrthlcomotabo) hry ome but the vw om the wedi m0 ineretingGesesing Days are much ho the San bes every 45 mints Mer orauiysachatenge Feenrngs* (igh0.s0 bess cat anay Vesting > omyseatad) a. [dow tuner tah see every two ars Dausa you rustios ge wee nsgace Fonds 1 ley ar an Et sent ats aun BuL We =), sting togethes (Ourckthes dont get rt) as at home we an nese {he sare sh fos 10 dys But when! go ouade the Snr wear speci space su Theyre much (ho than ara cethes and nS (ificuto move Wheto lms mos My fri ‘write sentences comparinglifeon Earth te lifein the spacestation | Clothes everice fete meals time Thea are longer on Erch thoi spect ‘Gm inpsis comporethe thingsintelists Matas irenysentencesesyeucan. 1 bates noes cfs motes tins fleonante mice meneys pans tees Sostebak fatal raghy tennis vloal apis popes mens penches pers Een upter Wars Set Yer (Mex weiertiotigge) (Wetec riser bondi measepenioeests F (CUSTENING) Follow a family discussion about London museums Soe een ae from all ver th Se Seat ee Crake Eat 1 ecforeyoulstensiookat the brochures anddiseass § (> Read theexgressions in Face Face. Coto thequestions and put them intotne dalogues Listen and check, Inwhich museums d you thingyoucaneeAncant {gyptian mummies eldairplanesend dinosaurs) What esecanyousee inthe museums? 6 (Crtisten and check youridess. Which mussum dothe family decide to goto? 8 inpsic read museum Update andchoore amuseum ‘ovsit Talk about he advantages and dsaavancagesct ‘each one andyourpateona preferences. ty touse the 3 Cbtisten agsinand decide ifthe sentences aretrue or fale. Then correct te false sentences, 1 Conner Moy ane her eae planta vit museum in ‘expressions from Face Fece. Uecoea ei FWopelols fun tie eestotig) 2 Cennorthinksthe Ssh Museum storing Emeoiainl a 5 Thesrilsh museum has gt mere tere ran the Tnotnto Shakespear dor) Natural tery Museum, ‘eanttogotwenatednsiion ) 4 Thetlaturl History Museum sepen ate on Fides 5 Thee ae vee cats inthe natural Hiscry Museu, 6 There aeanree cinema he Science Museum 7 Theseatsinthe sDenema meve curing thf, Own expressedthe folowing opinions? Complete AR es perth ne mitngwordsand ite Conner Holyor | ritsh Museum Dee. then isten again and check. spechl erabtons tng Japanese Manga caltons Lin Roan Bra an Mita Shaesone. Den Orgel 0 vist efor cit shops Natural History Museum ace ea Sasa tsaibton wife rhotgraphe best batter eventing exciting ike over 3 Andoneoftemummiesic. 5000 yearsclét Visite tree gi shops, 4 oucan seo. fromeldaiplanesto spsce rackets Science Museum 5s being an astronaut Nine specal exibition ncuding Elecroni Mis 6 ‘aybeits. than te BrishAuseem, nd Adtrencmy, Vis the chor forall our oi 7 rerthe class which musoumyou chose and give | (a) 1 @etoocarene prac andatscusstne questions. 2 read thearticleand find she namesofthe placesin the pots, What natura! featureseanyouste? Where doyouthinkthey aveinthe nord? ous yu ike ovis therm hy / nak? RECORD-BREAKING WORLD We live in an incredible world with some amazing extremes! MOUNTAINS. The highest places an Earth are mourvains. Nour’ Everest nthe Himalayas isthe highest at 484 meres IR tahes the mest emorenced climbers weeks to reach "me ts Mon Hans the highest mountain in Europe. s ‘a baby a 4807 metres The most dangerous mourtains are volcanoes, Popocatépel in Mexico could i millons Cf people But not all mountains are on land. The Mid ‘Ocean Ridge system i the longest mountain range in the world at $6000 km long butts underwater DESERTS Does the word'desert’ make you think of and dunes ng camel Well ink agar! A desert cary pace ‘where it hardly eer rans so the words largest desert. i actualy Antarctica covers | milion ken! twice the size cf Australas az the world coldest. rest and ‘windiest comtinent The largest hot desert in the work! isthe Schara in North Mfc. Its ov0r9rilion kr and is almost as big ae the USA The hottest temperature on Earth was recorded there ~ 58°C at Bl Azzy in Libra However it’s not the driest place in the word — thats the Atacama Desert in Sout Americ WaTER Lok atthe Earth from space: and you see more sea than land. Ihe largest ocean the Pace ~ @ covers early a tics ofthe globe and holds aout al ts wate Ibis abo home tothe Mariana Trench whichis the deepest place on Earth ite 1018 metres deep the height Of 29 Empire State Bulls! But some places cn landare lower than sea eve an the lowest ports the ‘Deas Seat 400 metres below ea lavol sso salty shat you can float on your back and co. a crossword! 3. Copyandcomplete the teblewith the names ofplaces. ‘wont Reconos : 1 thetallest mountain Haunt evr 2. thelongestmountan range thelargest desert thewindesteontinent telapesthot desert theheties:otece teares: sce thelorgest ocean the depest place ‘ead the article again ni anewerthe questions. Wite fallsentences. 1 Whats the tallest mountain in Europe? Tales mountain spe le Mont ln 3 What's deedeintionofadeser? 4 Wem is ggertheUSRerthe Sahara Desert? Now muchof tie Eortiswaterisinthe Pace Geeant {6 Whycanyou fost intheGead sear Find the actin the text related to ese distances and 1 aseym Ment ereiQe7 metres beh 3 B484m Looicatthe compass in Word Zene and lobe twith the ‘worés below. 4 98m 3 s6o00kn 5 milion tov 7 illon kre 7 Leokat the tsblein exercises, andcoverthe names ofthe places. Test your partner (iietitictorgse tec cesetin der) Tebink tear, poss (VOCABULARY) Landscapes Read ene nebentriesand deidewhientwo European countries arebeing doseribed.fyou arent sure check onamap. 1 tain nos border wt seven counts and asa «casing onthe al Seu Me fongest iver the ‘ude and showsands of sal steams om in tts ‘gotatou 9200lakes akros.awordecond inthe sexth. the are 7 mountane ove 200 tr: gh, and ts ofhils 20 ofits surace ecoveredin Fores ~someaatthar ae the ede forts fuope 60% ‘ofthe lads farmland ard the roe proce of potsoesin Eucpe hs ogee adese one oferty ve esertsinburpe, | date rac 7ec0bm of cosetre wth cea on tne sides and we bg sb te besehes ae popul: because fits sunny summers very meuxsinous wih tw éatvevoleanoes, cn on asia ler and ne eat & lore cys mar mountain ranges ate the Alps nee ‘orth andthe Apennines down the ide Fs highest -mountain onthe bower th France Aquat ofthe Carey conssef plans. ho Po valley ha huge pin ‘where vogetabies aks and utate grown ts got 500 lakes altogetho, with ve le lez inthe noth. Lookatthe words inblve inthe zexts andmateh them ‘wit featuresoas inthe plecure belon.Canyeou fine nyottham in the photecon page 54? 10 Choose country andvritesdetription similar tothe ‘extsabowe useamap ro neip you poste ‘egecaton short cosine esgecalotofislends mountains beaches. In thesouth nor eos / west hers 1 Read your description to your partner. Cuessthe county (_GRAMMAR Tac use sperativestocomparetiree ormore things. Peter strong tim the sergestt storys theenistleso forme Spotis the roctntligent og ioe The esting abou scan isthe lance, ‘The worst thingis tbe weather! ofan fede este frtest for yon. ‘We canuse th artwith org aéectivs ‘means theapgeste ofthe most Ihave thelestowiig eb the wer 1 Witethe superlative ofthe adjecvesteton, etl dermest Beutel beaut dangerous fet hairy eo feng. pogonous son small sUon Rh ‘complete the sentences with the supertative ofthe djectwesin oxerese There are three egjectves you damit need. Don't forget to26¢ he. 1 erties te he ngesofal animals. They can veto overazoyears0! 2 cbidtohumansisthe cassonany becasels 20. Dower legs and verysharp clos. a tame animal isthe cheta. can uneverss ‘comets onhour! 14_matnmalsthe séa ctr Rs got betweensco miton andabinionhais 5 ites matterof opinion ofcourse, bucpemas.. Ub is ‘hemmele peaccckwithhsincedbleal eater, «6 _animalisthe blue whole Itcan weigh upt0209t0ns 2 Lereaureisthesea asp The poison om one wa5P Goud tateohumanstesnotactualy2wasp=Tisa Selyfish 8 animatisprobaby the rhinocerosbeetie eancany Seotimer ts onnwaigt! 3. Qnustenanacheckyouranswers. 7 supetativea| te eaat 4. ite sentences using superatves 1 Tninkaboutyoufomiy. Who .2 young] oa fanny integer he youngest ersonn my forty fm casns bb 2 Think aboutyour possessions. whats? sel [big | expensve| le Beautiful 5 Write ananewerforeach question What Whois inthe wer? 6 PAskand ancwectne questions in exercises. Give reasons when posible. (Ce bse fad (Choctee evowtounbecty bet) (OP olden cheated 17 tookat the information aboutene allens. Then cheese ‘one andirite a doscription using the adjectives Delon. Use comparatives and superlatives. fast envy inteligent ight shot slow strong tol rregais the stores afer. tutes at the eee. eft ‘nbn he 20 fs 2s Simm. (REPARATI Find thesecemsin:he pictures above. watorth sa bovetmatenes samageticcompa:e aboxoffeod conconte «35 mmof pe ‘two guns s2olitesofwater sone bot octled mi ‘sasolg entaireratenygen «aparzchute ‘samapotthestare «three gral ares -afit eit +asolerpoweredraiio FR Read the seenoric and dicussthe questions spacecron foul ona fight e ‘What are the maindiferences between feon Earth ardor the Moon? What ae your biggest prctiers onthe necn? DOTHE CHALLENGE 3 $i insmall groups, read Port2 ofthe scenario and fellow theinstructions Use thelanguage in Express yourself help you >) (erature )(egntpeee ne ines) Making suggestions Agsecing and estate the. ‘bsagreeing hacaboutthe.2 lage /icontagres Giving reasons Thavsageodides Te. 5/aremoreimporancoecuse Tha! ltt/ ren orf econ (rouowue 4 @erepor backeo the tassandeampareyeurideat 5 Chuisien othe suggestion breaniation. id you have INTERACTION) Buying things | Oe aprers yourselh customer shopascistant } Wiheoneofthose..plsse, Maveyougetary..? Gent help you? ‘haeibenss Canthave=.plese?——— Howmuch is/are? Conyoushowmenficiane? Wouldyouliieabeg? | famyougovthis in Cantseethat. tie dsplaycase?—tmsony.nevesid auto Heres your receipt nd i Frenes/Spansh/Chinese? —Cantpay forthe, pase? thote change 23. imagine you arse museum sho. Which tkems vould you keto buy for yourselfandyour fami? | match the words andthe petures. (Witte Hike te elescne ard) see fe cnet depres ee nies) (MIMO ererece mapofthestars mug pencil postcard robot. telescope: oO 4 QWusten cote conversations and complete the tele ‘hatde heybuy? Hownuch sit 5 Chusten again. Note tne expressions In xress _yourslfthatyouhear. 6 Look atcxpress yourstyagaln. which expressions do jen 2. Chteok the pote ond annerthe questions Then kt there? Istenane check sstopar 1 Wher are te tee rents? Ssetorcoeting? 2 WhetdesDovdwanta box? sfertobalp? 3 Whatces con noneta ae? hethettlnrce? 4 ereihegnstepr YOURTURN TO SPER 1 @ worcinpairs imagine thatyoureinastoo. Then snopreles Student A\osres shop otsctan. Coto page stare follow ‘Student 8: You're a customer Fis, cRease3item rom ‘exes thet you want to buy. Then goto page 1s2né Folow the instuctons A description of a region 1, @ pis icokattne hows andenemapandansner the austin 1 canyourameany ational Forts inyeurcountry? 2 vihetkin of andsceped youoen fndin National 2 Read he test. Match A-Con the map with thesenarnes. 2 Scafe ke 1 Ambleside 2 Sowness = al nicl he ke Dist sn None Eogkd Ibs lages Noone gina coun thas tight reurens one Heep nos I alee has come lofte rcs! bee vile: HBitein such 5 Gosmere ee visi he LakeDistict [2 Wo but oan ner foal: Amtico the noth ond awnes: cho cat Theea have mony es restarts and ops Vindorvero ia popu le for ates seh oe cing waking end fshras A970 1 Sool Pte roids highest meutcin You fact need special ecuiprent ocimb I. bull el ob ft |erdsiong Ofer mourns tr xorpi Sect Gut moh [ot Derwent wate om casero cmb, ex ooroy ct cccomrccsion ne ake Dstt, Inslotng ntl, quoshouces comets on yout hose Tans oot ino Lake Datel, yeuth hod re aoe, choc han compas Toy ee no 0 pensive a2 hols end gushouses, but a eto in very beaut pes 43 Readthetextopein and decide ifthe santencesereteue orfase. 1 iesinehe south westerengiane, foe 2 Conon ea beauttuvillgeinthe ate Drie, 2 vonnessieaciy. 4 Ftandszrong people cn'clinb Seafel Pie, 5 Scafel sit aseasy to cimbas Sedan 5 Therearent manyliferentiindsof aces to tay 7 TheLake Districts the eres paret England, 4. Compete te elowingwores ara exprosion forgiving examples inthetwe. 1 fate 2A 5 Complecethese sentences about you 1 ite ot of yp at tandecope inci and 2 Somelondscapesarebeautful such as-and. 3 Somelandscapesin nycouncyare vey famous for ample and j 6 Winpates,comparesencences. | 7. Choose aregion in your country te write about. Make ‘tes about the things low azcommedsten thecourtyside famous rimportant places the tonsend villages 8 complete aparagrep plan with yournotes. Pacearoph 1 genet iformatin, includingts rare location ansome fore and utes Paragraphs 28 3~Infornaton bout styoucan do andsee there Paragraph 4 information about accammadaton. 9 Wire yourdescription. 1 Usethe ate osisctcescrption as amocel 2 Useyour notes and paragraph pln fom exerci 8 3 Civeeramplesusngthecorectexpresions. (CHECKAND CORRECT 10 Chaceand correct your description, 1 Chestihette expressions ergvingexamplesore 2 Inparssnapycurdescriptons nd eneckene athereworke Look atthe pictures and het of the story and discuss the questions Picturest Who'theyoungvemaa? Whats horjo? \Wheeisshe? Do you thnk she brows toe lé worsen? Picturazt Vhyigsheatthehouse? Whatcan he cee? Hovir hefet Eng? What dyeuthia happens? 7b Read the story quiekly and checkyouridees. (Wionica vas elng Ped Ip oda launchd ‘Nhamcondhich Swe sevaagi and an aple ora She ‘ao thinking aleutha uch wie an ld otenebereste: ice Sheu wearegawetrancaat aa crying brcken ina, fre you that detective at? she ook, “sa Hon can helps Wy narc AbsgalClartcan ley And nvr upc Theyokoopiy dagen thehouserentdooraral hayes veryneey Heri plesee Voiced Thi aero b Fors Namboe 1 detect, but ewan hebter than nota ‘OX'she oat Where doyoulne. Al erica erabred her unch, Fer oben er ockot, ard leche otice Anhout ates she nasctandng oxslaean glyhouse onthe edge oft. ‘wz aig lt wao geting dark And she coubhiv hea ‘hing ut thera hg wert shape umpec up at Che webu andbared That well tought Mone, Tats Jat, end Lucy og Me went missin yesterday. What's ne dong here? ‘Sh cde dor ree was ely sede hands and he doorcponed. ho Fl newcus ut che ered 2 90% herooneernpty except fora tale nt ale afretes Ezchonesata ‘Do you man ur dag? ‘Med reat — And dat ge omens * ce eee Reg 8 We inpaies, ask and answerthe questions fromthe uestionnaie © Leokatthe photosand ite sentences. How do the photosmake youFeel? Hoe do you think the people eet” Pure Aes fet una. | 10 choosen emotion fom the questionnaire. Remember ‘enezperience whenyou fetthacemetion and iit ‘escrito. Think about these questions: ‘were? when? Who wat mithyeu? What happened? ‘remenbera tine aben fot en fignene. we waren oda by doy rr ele.Theretvesa igh bide and ue sti tgo ange jumog | Weave the past certnuoustotakabout aetivirnprogressin the past, ane to desebea sezneinthe post awe sntyingfranexnaa ine oc sth ewes evel spring dy an ches we shining Perle were waking along ve eerond ata cerca. The poli fencers chasagthethet ‘ey were eikng one pow. Te if west wearing be cot erayouwatehing of Vs, 005 asian? Naan 1 Joshand Rosawerein townen Saturday moring, Complete ests description withthe correct form of ‘he ast eontinudus. 5 esa meost) 1 Resnandt ere avg coffe at cf (nave) 2. We. Fshitsand shorts (near 4 Aneman an hetabie nextius..onher mode (all) 4 Le potato my fay. ite) Resa. ghetos with ermebile (ake) 6 One waite achat wih caster trav) 7 Another water. cenks to tab (24) 1 Some bids .crumbsundery chet at) 2 Nowlooket the picture on pagessz and correct the sentences above. 2 Reson esh were having cfer no ca Tey were hag org ice 3 Gl Weitewnatyouthinktnese peoplewere doing yesterday st midey, Usa yourimogination Then Compare your idezswiththeciess. 1 angela 2 journast [thikangelawes incrvieirg outs. 2 Maxasiudent 2 Choe, atezeher 4 Snoopy.adog 5 Julesenecter 6 Nata. roo keeper ir, 4. Wie questions about yesterday. 1 your facet /work/atazzm? sorter werting a 1am yesterty? 2 you/slesp/t midnight? 2 your each /teacnalesson/at midday? 4s you /wearanythingbiue inthe morning? 5 yur bestFend/sitnexttayou/atschoel? 6 it/ran/atapm? |5 Wile true short ansiersto the questionsin exercie 4, hes 5 Orcompletetneconversationswita ene verbs Beton ‘pact continucus. Then listen and check oy 0. tsten Took make site travel wae ‘cere studying Maths yesterday ght? f: Aelghtotdock? ots. alongthesteet 2 Whare?..? Tomy pine lesion. 2 ‘A: Whats ateightococlas right? 1: 1+. onions andgarcin the tzhen What? Soup! 2 ‘A: Iron ain ateight oor night 1 alene? Yes was -tomusc and. eutafthewencow PRONUNCIATION was and were ee 7. Ohleten and repeat the sentences. 1 lewasraining 2 Sheneseatingstovelypizza. 44 bnagatwatehing the fm 5 They neren ang {8 Wihatwereyoucoingatthese times lartweekend? ‘rit ve true sentences and one fase sentence 5c0 080 1159 1300 1500 1800 2200 [etic olackon Saurty ateoon os warhing tennis neh 9. read your semercestoyour partner Canhe/she sues thefale one? |) 1 need the newspaper article and make notes. High Street Robbery robbers ok valuable gold rin robbery happened at four oc robbers jumps! nt ea nd reve away. CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA Yesterday altesoon, ‘and dimond ocklace fom Jsmino's Jewels in 5th enue, The in the afiemoon while people vere shopping. The wo masked | Listen tothe police interiewsandfin the people inthe pictureabeve ) | a Meee 2 sity 3 Notake 4 James 5 Eman Listen tothe restof the incervies Note the important information tate peope give 2Mhygie—seworenerdeonan aoe BR rine pace EES icercepine | ZABSS avement sidewalk fe hep sre "Work witha partner: Discuss which witness you ‘hinkeras the most useful Why? Read the expressonsin ace2 Face. Goto page 145 and puthem Into Ure clalogues Listen and check. 4 Look carefully the ictre Delo ferore minute | ‘Work in pairs. Turnto pageasiand folow the Instructions. Checkyourenswers Areyou a good witness? 63 READING 1 @pinpairs describe what's happening inthe pictures 2 (Read che artclequicklyarc math che pictures loa Herearesome axpressionstehalp eu. ‘aan the cena byeakintoa car éerand meray pullout 2gun robe bank steal abog. wre graft Crime doesn’t nay! Go straight to jail! Two young cinnas in alfornia wer trying t breakin a ar nhen poe ofcers san them Whe the Dolcenere casing tera the ends dz to cmb a terce Unfortunately the fence hey cinbed ver SBionge te te fama Sn Quen prise While you wait .. ‘bank robber in Belgium demanded tof mang rom a bank lr altel ae on tring the money you. Whlohe was wang ut Sosa sting bse wher the lee aed Signature crime ‘wo young Englen vandals, Petar Adison and his rand Mark Ricgeway, broken a summer camp. While Mark was smathing plates and setting ot the fe acingushers, Peter ure some gaffit onthe wall He ‘rote, Peter Addon was here! Tho pelice soon arasted the two cial Change for the worse ‘A thief walked into a convenience store in New York and asked for change from @ $20 note, The man pulled Peer i es enemies rien Sp vlrgiotee ne mony snd ana Burbs S20 htc esi Soporte ney dhe ake? Fitoen rst Positive ID Wile women walen/rg»wrocey tren Snr Asta. mages eet Pg ant an ay. The Shop ssestant called pol ord the waren kove tema description ofthe mah The poe arated him inthe ext street and then ated the women toler in. Bt the Wet was que NDF ‘nats ta woman stole the bag Fon ponoronoss 47 CRIME an you walt in your ca sho asked he bank sta called the police. He oi & G&G P&S 4 Read th artcleand wre the numbersafthestores ewrote hieown nameontoevel. 3 ‘They died into arin, He dented the vamaa hesilefian, He waredin is car anette pice cme Herotbeds shop ané lst money. Neused agunin the cme They ranavay romehepoice ‘hey caused damage toa building. ‘The newspaper editor deided towrite new headlines Matchthemwiththestoroe. Robe waited frolic come ‘Completothe phrasal verbsin Word Zenewith the words below. auny ime off ‘Phrasal vorbo @) 1 Therobbe broke. the house 2 The mausecan.-femthe cat. 3 The auglarsetthealarm when hele the window 6 MPviscussthequestionswith your partner. which eriminal was tne mostaniuly? Whichenminl wasthemoet stupid? Whichcriminalwasthemost dangerous? tien tection? inter themes uni 1 // teont ares themenia inanbertasrrareualichy ‘ec (VOCABULARY) People in crime 1) watenenepoopte withthe pictures Which ones aren cviminate? bankrobber burglar cétecthe graft anise, hacker joyider judge mugger pickpece: shopiier vandal witness © Read the articlosand complete them ith people from exercise nes st te ‘wen pia toes. Hes ‘Woke oven miners en ‘arco that omaton ms bo eure ee ale nos wax ‘AY bank ber ole over €3 ion on Cosmotank ince Benin... "Taw the people masks runont af eben” Between 2am eel 2am a? © Match the definitions with peoplefrom exercise. 1 Astor tales things om shops without paying. 2 A..camogesstres: propery intowns and cies 3 A_breaksint housesond shogs andes things, 4-A_steals possessions from people nthe tee, cen ‘vithilence 5 Ac investigates cemes and esto find the criminals 6 A_seascrsare dives herestand dangers fun, 10 > tngroupssplayithees myerime?cheese eine and mime The est ofthe group guesses wat typeof criminal yu are. EY we cnencce the peeeontinvousanc theres dimple together hp cont mocusdesenbes fncienorstunonhetwasin progress and ‘he pstamgle desribesa complete action ‘heb os cing cu che winbw ‘er npc sewim Wher wernt ons ening Weconnscttneations with when anda es cootingdene when hand ou nee When i! oe recing a maging nef woken eg 1 Read and completethe dslogues. Folicemar: viherevereyouat en otlcklasenight? Ronnie: | onssiting(si)in myaparemant. » feat pzzawith my mate Cary I Policeman: Vihettme> (Gary /erivel? Ronnie: Ac avout hal pasteght Policeman: Vikats(you/d] whans (ne arvel? Ronnie: When‘. he/sin) he dorbel, > qiaten 3, Policeman: Vikst fm .ou/waten)? Ronnie: ratesofthe Caribbean, y y Policeman: wherewreyou stop? Gary twasatRonsisheuse j Policeman: Were»..cerdsyouerd Ronwie/ pay]? {| Gane Ngan (et)2 p28 Policeman: 8_(Rereie/watenIywnen® (yeusarhe)? Gan: Yesheo Policeman: », (ue/ watch) Pioesof ve Carboeor? Ganz Neway Ronnie nates pata nims “the/ atch) TheHettit Liston and checkyour ancwersto exercise > fies, 66) bye Past continuous & past simple | when & while (qt 3 Completathesontencee withthe pastsimpleor past continues form ofthe verbs in brackets. 1 Josh and Nick wereloyrtenns when they southe Blane. (la//see) 2 Whiesne .hermebilephone is. thexn (eck r/ foun) ‘3 Themuggers.the money when aney..the pace er (count nea) 4 Whanthay..t0the poo t.(get 4. my fiend inthe sete. 10s ee wall 6 yan abnokin hisroamunenthe bghs ct (eadie9) 17. Myparents..when they. atuniversy (meet study) 1 Whenrny cousin! my meds (ave update) 4. Write sentencesusingthe past simple or past continuous Usewhenorwhle, 1 i/enimintnesea i/soeasnark ues suing nGesea when sawashark {saw shar wnt ues suing nese theman/shop/the pickpocket take hiswabet Nathan /dence/ ll over they gett they alee terorest Claie/ercin her office /she heartheacident ny grandded/sleep/thefim end it/snow/ne/gercoihe note Martin | ead Wet message she walkirtoa eee Complete the artftne sentences th your owns, ‘when the eetatve wat knocking onthe door ‘while the poli vere drvng tothe ban ‘when itsate 10a, when the warleckng outeftne window. while was natn frthe rin. when te Queen entre she rors 6 MPworkin pair. oneofyou reads thestartofene of the sentences thatyou wrote inexercises The other ‘quecces tho andoferesencence.Thensaap. coped) (~pietepazwae >) arugtothe ber? (PREPARATION 1. Road the artcleand anawerthe questions, 1 When didtheccimetapen? 2 wibstethe ieteteal? 2 WhatwereCelinandarea doing when the cme happenec? 2 @workin paicsand think ebout what. questionsshe polce ask the suspect. DO THE CHALLENGE 8 Bevouaregoing to pay ann. ALIBI RULES low the rules. STAGE1 laylngroupeoffour two policeoicers, one suspect ands /her frend. fo Fit prepare ferthegemeinpars-polce fiers together suspect and tens together. POLICE OFFICERS Lipomchemvoemerone teagan Manes cssomeaer Wat yeuece? ses re ete tomy ea cvememe be! pema/emuseum/c Teeter Tike et cs about NET yes sano meyouret “anc wet ove tn Tampa ie OEa aft ear RN eked ‘An expensive cup of coffee! On Tonday at 2.20pm, Colin end Karen Geezer ‘went to th bank and toa ‘93121000 for ther hia, Karon put the money into her tag, Insead of soir straight hoe, they desea to go fora auf That nan abigail the police believe a he lowed te aph onn he bank to the eae While they ware queuing to Inn meal, pickpocket ted the menor out of Kon'sbag.The police have anested suse STAGE 2 ~ ee = polices inten ‘nd:he end seporaiey ‘ew hesvspeet Tents. fyoufind four differences, thes. ae Uooufneeverthan eur tesapecnie *teecgernccngnarnme Win he suspect guity? DO Sgrer yours? cnecengs story Yovsatiyouvertitie — wlimeaganatasrrenstam. Ghera.wnerede yeu? Are yeu thetitetsont Yourfiendsnyoustee €1sa0? Fiza bihetigh? dont befeeyou FOLLOW UP 4 @ revortbacktotheclass Did the aupeers and thale ‘itends nave strong alts? Are the suspects gultyor Innocent? “Twcrond Kien even geal! Theyen gave 2dfererconsves ie think arn nec. Ener ade gov ifreat nse soree aye ‘Talking about your weekend or holiday Depron yoursett Aang veto Tig save ttyl Bree emerson iotten Uncen fra etace: eure vive et Maceciedyovas? ieee, cae owas nate viata thane! 4 Oaworkin pir can youememberunichactivitles ‘below they mentioned? Thenlisten and ener 1 rook acne photo andatscuss tne questions. inst aretney dog? ‘nat do you thinkthey re tang about? How dotlyand Gave fel? How doo: ec foi? 2 CO uistenandereckyour answers. inte posible responses to thefllomlngsentences 1 We wene meurtsinclinbing” 2 How was our weskera?” 4 brake my mete phone” 4 eine ell bring’ 5 How nasthefienlsteighe” 6 Whateidyoudoren? (WounTURN TOSPEAE 66 Thinkatoutan interesting weekend oralday. ake ome nctes about come lfferent things thatyou di stayed atobig hot tem sainningeoenyiy Sawa farous foal payer 2. Oiuinenagsinand ensnterthecuestons 17 Gp imaginethat ite the fs: dayinéeheol feerthe ‘WhatwasDuvid dairgwhen Leon texte him? \weekenderholidey Workwith partner andtalkeb 2 whch ana ower? snerningsyoueld. 2 Why didhefalloverenSunésy? ek aboutyourparos weekend o holy. 4 Whately d on Saturday aftermecn? Respond, andask merequestons about each activity. 5 Didshetaves good ime? pot nat ese they dd 5 whatrappenede \eon on Saturday? emer to ast How about you? whenyou rsh 7 whateidhedoen Suncay? talingateut our weekend orig — (CGRITINGT) A story 1 @» irscescrbe at's happeningin each picture 2 ead testory quieky an¢ put he pictures inorder. Las Sanday morning, Ravi was the only oe hme, » | Bits nerens ere cat shopping and his ser wes isting fran Site happty, he mde nal sre oes ad ame rinses er, he st dev on he sat eat 3. were youcancwors te these questions Then compare wena partner 1 Whare wer Rais parents on Sturday moring? Te were cutstncina 2 Whae ac isis doing? 3. Whydid Ravicpenthe lindsinNstving room? 4 Wha did he see rough hewindow? § what da Bawao her ne phoned tne patie? {6 Whywerethepooplin thesteetsming andleughng? 4 Find past time expressions inthe rime story How smanycanyouting? 5. Complete the expresions inthe entences below. 1 Jus._thephone ane 2 ednesday, went 6 thecinema ater seh 3 Five minutes... arrived atthe station 4 Inthe. realized thtit wos all adreem. ‘IAN BEFORE VOU WRITE 5 Cheocea ttleforyour tony, 17 Read the questions and thincaboutyour story take notee. re pecpe Whe wore they? What nee they dona? the places - Where were thy? patna Te ending What happened How dete pepe tae? 1B Writeyourston. 1 Useltdnaplasa mode, 2 Useyournotes rom execse7and the plan bow. 4. Uke pastime expresins, 4 Usethepastcontnuousard thepost single, Paragraphs ~Serthe sconeandimroduceyourmain characte rarapraph2-Mate something nteresing happen, Deserve hon temain character reacts ancwhathe orshecid Paragraph Finish the tory ith cles ending (Cancemnocowecr) 9 checkand correct yourstory. vowel 1 checktne pastume erpresoncare correct 2 npr swap yurstaris ane checkeach others work LEN ise: 1 took at tho pietresanc deceribe what is happeningin them. i: ‘ IYSTERY OF THE BLACK BOX lf he tua wink a gh He 0a) wih his Url ak Fortwo week, ale Shout He seerstond tt he ore bolo er il bel i frets ol, bt aye wih Usk ak FE Id Secs Tin slain he coaryata ane eu ad ay ison He lays apt is tas al ee cers sl wou ced Way He Ws sen a “quer ilige, Son ease cers “Toeteertunset wy nedeites got het semetning ‘ca He otis ey an is pone no his pockets ecb elpick onthe sei Autebue ate ou hoe “Su andsred Wolk bck this carlage Be vas nasal is ‘ea hen area suing fom hc epost diction ad Tasted hs hr. Tey ol fel ona ef Sane go “ahd mnt ip ‘Aey04 OK" hake, SY fn, fe!” he ams, and Ne rid ny ‘Son foun ns eaten cow, He metry xed a “iste was open, fey suc clos is etre L wnt the tet che ph lee" have tne wer seat tho sa sues lhe in rc a tesla, Ue ack ves you? hose iy blo Sian Coatethne Wop the ture 3. Write questions wth the prompts below. Then enaner them, 1 Siman/ rete /abeut his hoicay? Wes Sinan ected ebuthisholidy? hea be ween 2 Uncle ack ive wth his ny? 3 Simon/take his backpackto the butfetcar? 4 man helpSimonget up? 5. What/Sion /raice/abouthisbag? 6 Heur ong tate togettaunciejact Nowe? 4. Fin the regular past tenses of chese verbsin thestory. tay cert fall tnd getup go nave oop leave put sey undentane isten Part ofthestoryand answer the questions 1 wnat did Unde ack simon about the nernet? 2 Winat didSimanfind nic bag? youthinkSimoninrbteonhispescerdtohis ‘Choose Bor A Threarels ofits He sae gens me the Pag co te ee oe eae 3 Tihany te wore aka of bt so Saya “angela € cucu says Bs orgs here than techy coved gb Bee there are Plenty of things to dont home so Im que happy. 4 tds ai shop 5 Vrncaesest eo Now listen to Parc ofthe storyandansier the 1 Howmony questenscon youremember Beginning with my? 2 Howid Simon eel when he und uncle ack? Why? match the beginnings andendsofthesentences. 1 Simenthoughtabout A whonhebumped hisholday intoaman 2 Whiesimonwas 1 hesavethe man tom buyingasnack thevain 2 Simon naswielting lee wes ooking backtotisseat ‘utortetrain window Uncle ackwasscitng—-D-he wenteo find onthe avorm Uncle 5 WhenSimenwas ene tain coking fo: hiswalet reves, 6 whlesimenwas F someone opened Duyingstamos hstacepack 7 AsiecnasSimon got hefound theblack hame box wane) 8 Ingroups,dscuss how thastoryends,continuing om the sentencesbelo. Use theigeestohelp you. you something on Ute ca dios! 8 Write your ending 10 Resdthe story te your claes. Which group has the most ‘oxctingending? 1 Worcn pars. what you know about te USA? ‘what can yousee inthe photo? 2 Wihat doyouthinkistheimportanceo thessthings to theusar 5 Checeyour answers a xercises32n¢ 2. 4 ansnerthe questions. 1 ecrcing te tevide, In what wayshasthe USA inuencedtrorestfthe word? 2 What fourimportanthistrcel evensare mentioned andwhy ae they importante 8 What Scr deesthenaracersaywasprosabytne ‘mostimporartinfuenceen theUSA? 4 Which paces re mentored forthe aun American infuence? '5 What omous American menumentsand natural features ddyousee? Fouswur ) 5 Win pairs, discuss the questions. 1 Wtacdoyoutinkof USeutre?D8 ou neo US bands Tee oumerean mus anf wath lywood At 2 Whaveherinoeneescoyoutnnt thease on therestttne worst 2 Hisyourcunuyintuened heresteve wer? AD (Choose US President te essen. ara write aparaeraph ‘about nho they nersandhow they ersimportantzo US Hison. Se een | (Reno) 1 whatdoyouknow about Daniel Radel, Em jatson and Rupert crn vias borin rence Sora e caret Gli cteayy Preece un eeicon Potter films. But did you know the actors Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Noreen erertute te tate in real life? The films took nine years Pee een eet tates eesti Pinner et rarer aes eee erent tet ental eee eee! rots eee ea een er ot feed ennai lots offlms. He loves reading and also enjoys writing cori peer tt \ wee” ses Gn Perey ena arene antag (ios even Remar oe Ponca et enna uagseeat et she can speak luent French and she has studied revere ee thy Numer a UK- Emma is ery good at scuba diving ard sheloves hockey and tens feet eerste eet ay Deere eer eer ete eared pete ere fanereaer werer erat) Peer eere eee ne eta Peto eaten foeiete cre Cerrar enn: Perens ieaates ees 4 cere 3. Read thearticie again andmake notes aboutechoctor name er ofbiah ace ofbi Number of brothers and ssteis achieves 4 ead tho artic again andearrecthe facts, 1 Rupert int esis le dest piers Hehe then 2 Emma wntconigocesthigh diving. 3 RupertGrntisbadat ort 4 are Radcliffe wes born se 5 emma Vntsonhassucieé Ferch iterture. 8 ruporeceintwrtes peer, 7 ariel Radlifenas get ny qualifications, Rend Word Zone. Then complete he sentences withthe correct form afact pay, ‘actor play? anacieractsinafilmar atthe ‘theatre He/She playes character, You goto sees playatche heave 1 aoyousnouuaho..OracamtaFoyinthe Hay Ptr fis? 2 My staring TWaeries whenshevres6! 5 lam Shakespeare Dot taskin the article below.Compare your eas lth your patter. Then istenandenece Fact or Fiction? ieee ren Porat eee reer er ae (VOCABULARY ) Skills & interests 7 Corea andlisten about Valerie ond completethe formation. Sheloresecog wihecinema, Shehates sheties Shes good Shedceentlae Shes bodst eee Ie got ts of interes. | love ging tome enema ant im itt scionoa ftion fe, Im keen on saat | ke donc ~ zo wth ry fiend erica, We realy enjoy salsa dancing" quite good antl, a I support Everor. Gul fm net goad at wining, and | hate athletes. Im ten at drawing, bt Fm interested in photorepy ike taking phetos ‘of my pets cr my aigtal camera ort to say, rm realy fon of anima i not vory kao on rear. adore itening to pop mus, arc ma fan of Adele and Lacy Gage, dot rind ip hep Eu ean stand heavy metal. My brether's the complete epost he's rany about Black Sabah! 8 Lookat the cxpressionsin ed inValeies text Organise 9 Copyara compietetneformuen your own interest Imgcodariels. |. stand enjoy temble | sucpor ray fan, es 10 @rellyourpartnes about yourself Con yourtnas ‘things in commonands dferences? ‘Ne usethe resent perfecto takabout ‘experiance incur if whe the exe timecr Aalst important. eieed toner. uperthaseppenredinarsiccidea Treyhaven maden wary Pater ls. She hesedrank a, Have ye ied hayakng? Hasan hed ry scaryeperieces? We often ue ever ana raver withthe present perfec. Have you everslept intent? ‘ave never watched obese ec 1 White the past parccple ofthese regular verbs. Are the past parilpesciffrent ram the pastsimple orm, orthesame? 1 be->bsen iferen(pastsinple = aes/ere) tbe fcrrk 7 lowe 10 spenk Beome Set Reet Ml eke Seo Gleave sleep 12 wate 2. complete te comments on thebiog Use the verDs below and the correct form ofthe present parte. act cook sive Bold Karn play mire ? ‘8 2 Os: ode Titus met Rly Rubi are ste Bhar ncn. Vint aang ings yu eryourtaiy doe? tommyboy Fee tora airing champions tennis at Wid 2 reer Tt epk ngs 1 ee fay Deter on at, tats coat 5 @ x Snake iy had 6 BD prcoe Weve aero Aula ina camper, 7 (BF terg2r00 Miss oanotopu. Are nas cous i hes present perfec: overs never. ERje=e 4 Unscramble thesantences questions. 1 haart /ey beter played /2 videogame iy breherbas ply degome. 2 wean aetcips thoy (navel? 3 in/fown /has/Amele| helicopter 4 hase Harry Pome ln /seen Conner 5 slat in/A a ueetouse hare 5 payed /osdminton/hae/yourweacher/? 7 three /lved Nin cours has 8 themounains/have'/aholday/in/ nade 4 Complete the questions inthe quiz, Then write your ‘vin answers Use short answers 1 Have eu eve seni pubes hae PRONUNCIATION Sentence stress 5 huiscenandrepeatihesentences. 1 Have you seeridéen shar? 2 Hassheverplaye the piano? 2 Theyvennerfaun'ne ate _ germ) 6 ® workinpirsend do the quiz inexeriso 4 Use tne past simpletoadé moreinformation fyoucan, Note your partners answers, (Cece) __ (Shvergrethavatseyea Cpe) 1 @vorvontna nen print Teh /herat your frseportnerhor ores done. CE + tensa) Discussthe questions. veyou ever stem abandin concert? Doyou watch music on T¥or onine? Whien sngersorbands doy tiks? ‘What insrumentscanyouseein the photo? What ther instements do peopeplayn bards? LUsten othe fist part of theinterview and ‘complete the information. LUstentotherest ofthe inerviw and choose the bestansines. 1 Mowmany eleshave hey payed in he as. 18 2 Howmanyabums have they recorded? 3 WhywastheClostonbuy Festal dsoster A Theweather—B itwastechet. 4 Theirhappiestumewaesshen they Aewerwatar— B Festplayed calle together 5 Jasnsaystnat ney practise Rathie parte B in niedacs i" rage ‘A teverargued 6 argued few the dialogues. Ustenand check and put them ‘They losthe first inthe boston asgree Inpairs askand answer questions ebout your Favourite berdsor singers. Asks many questions as youean! = Tino yuraoouresing Fe Have ou heard fin? a 1 what sa rene? cheosethetivee mest important ‘uslties iahonest ) isintligent makeryoutaugh loyal undeistanésyou —_respectsyou ‘ea godlitensr elpsyou wth you rabies Aes the saremusie —shaeesthe secretsinyou BEST FRIENDS “Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you sa. Bes 2 Ceninureeoimsacne H (ommapiadieatic) ! 3. (bead the article quickly Which ofthe qualitios trom J txetcle shave osonerd Usage | wy |We havea sorts cf fiends our bos rene, our widor group of friends and cur acquaintances, Researchers say that ‘we make neal 400 frends ina ifetine, a some people ave hundreds of rienés'orine, But only 38 of theae friends fast all ures, and most peorle only have six ooo trond [Wiat;s}yourhestiiriend)tine-WolaskiIWO}reaersitO}tel|UST (My bestfriend is Jason. We met in prinary school ana ‘weve known gael oer fox echt years. He's got shor fit hicand blue ojes and no que al P's realy funny and he tls bso est Hove hanging out wih him, Jase ‘ery ifligent—he’s good at Man, S112 and ‘engages. We can gaia he same school now but ve ‘see each othera it We The the same music andthe same ‘ins, and we la cctbalogatier {rust dason. He's very honest end he never taks about me to our other fends, Wrat's th bes tng we've et dove together? We went ‘0 amusic estat and sentin tet. Paul, roland | My bast ens Lisa. Wee been fends since 2008 wen her faniy moved doo Lsais sl, sim and] [ry She's go eng dark har and brown eyes. Lissa ‘ood stner end wo shar ou robo wih oach cher ‘Shes also very in and alays aves me god advise Use is very god att and cranes tient porta of our ‘lend, We Dt ove spor. We lay ens tater act ‘go swimming in the summer At he weekend, we oon 99 ‘otne crema ogetner bur we cont alnays ae ab “hich fim tose! Wats the best thing we Ve eer cone togethor? We vistd Nacame Tussauds and ne stood nec. to tert Pattinson! ‘Marie, Scotian iss Hicle Prieto oe. |, Engh Teacher (MOCABULARY ) Describing people 4 Reacthe article gana rte thetrendenamas, 9 Renéthe descriptions Match them with he pictures, 1 Teymetatprinay schoo esnand Pu! 1 Omens it He gotsor ry haeanda 2 Tryanregptotnc be soot Saeancoae 3 Teyakosoutbe aces | Lemans as Issa din wh gba and 5 Theydontliketne same films, sreeneyes Snelockssoinus 6 Theylienextdoortoeach othe, 3) Beats shortand plump She got buses, 7 Theygotothe cinema tgerner cy reg har sr schon Shelacks fen, 5 Decide ifthe sentences aretrue or false. correctihe 4 Sophishas got long wavy eich She's got faisesencences glasses She eos cies, 1 Wemske:iendsncurlifetine, and quite thin. He got False emake cory 400 fends eur Eg Seer entre 2 vie makex00 close fiends incur ifetime 6 Yenny hasgot ong straight browa hair He'sgota 5 Jascnisagoodsiveert. beorands piercingin both ers He eck, 4 Poul stlond with blues. 5 Usahasershorthar 6 Naess gecdsriet, {6 Make notesaboutthe prtonalcualtiescf|esonandtiss, Jesonterely finn aad 1) Road Word Zone. Then find more examples ofeach other inthe text. How do you say the exampesinyour Tanguage? ‘ach other When wetaleabout we peopleand ‘their relationship or atvies taster, ne often wseeucnorner ve roun eochoter for el yeors 8 ask and answerthe questions below wih a 10 Put the wordsin blue from exerciseg into the partner alkanout one of your fiends, ‘categories below. Build elit Halrtype Personality Others ow often doyou seceacetier? 11 choose anacectve te deserbe each person 1 Mattgatsgcod martin alii subjects at echo. 2 Teresi felsa bit scaredwhen ses with new people 5 cdaesntmatejocesvey aren nestciesanarendsaict. | 1 faperoic anaye making jes and amg 5 [ube sveryeasytocoleto, Everyone likes hee 12 Workin pars. Fellow theinstructions belvr. Inéividualy,cnoosea photo ofa person inthis book. ite descrition tthe person, Snap your deseripten wth your parte ; Tytomateredezerptenwiths person inthe book. What doyoulie beet ‘bevt yourhuende ‘Ener PRSeEre CHAMMAR—) Presom perfect How lng, for sine | been & gone ER 6 reand ansverthequestonstromexerise3 Use fret (tos (Thad prebasc CC niivetrteaibog? ) gmt wea et inp cnet) ‘Wousethe present perfect with orardsince talkaboutartiiecorstuationstharsarte in the pas and arecontruig inthe prsent Webekreemcedh other for eer: Ihave sen Cre ortv ments ‘eve ber rentsace 2008 ‘riches pleyed es since September Wevse Howlong toaskquestions. wong heveyouknownyour besten? The verb go has wo past paripen been anagone ‘We use been tosay that a person nascome bck rom the place. Lovina been china. Vie use gone toy tat aperson feat aplace bbuthasnt come back Lucian gon tone suing pool 1 Matenthetimeexoressions with or orsine, fae fveminuces anhour July lastmorth imybichcay tenyear shreedays oveweeks Wleénenioy_yesterday_Goldeck 2010 5 cemplece the daigues ith he verbs inthe correct form. Pak idownets Snceleetnonth 1 Ae Where's thu? Sa eaevearete 1; Shesgonetethesupermarket.(o) Bea eae scp sien ore et 2 he Which counties you. 244i Sealer wi cies Br | toCanada the USA Menico and Pe.) 2 As zomaone .thecar? (ak) ‘es edt they. (60) 4 As Ali os rele ‘Yeah she's,.onallavely long holiday >) te lve notdo racdink own use 6. Woitethe intevew questions. Then wre Lolasensiers ie eh SEEN Ree rere Eresmontis Ths ook we tate reo at oar yy “pon 1992 Fiimogeaphy 12 sain lew ‘awn ana neve Yo te, —___ ict Rese Fred Tip Bosame protesional acto 3 yas. oc ‘Moved to New York 2008 a boytend Keanu 2077 4 ~__Aetingaweards_Soeciy Avr New Ca Best expariance Swnriny nCuba, 2007 T fom long/be/apr‘esinal acta 3 ian any excise otrenear ‘Lauren her ear.200, % icone sare B aernand hee peru hve. Srywacer sways) 4 Wie questions wth Howlong. Tor ee a Ln ow ong nveyouiné nyourcaren home? tec tetes how ong /ve/in New ork tow mary/fims/ make? ewicng ano Rear /? ‘vein any awards /? fe fgp (to theCarsbean/? (PREPARATION) (BoTHE CHALLENGE) Lookat the questionnaire. Think of your own ideas te ‘semiththeverbsonthelet. Forexampleafier‘been 3. @>oroundtheclassand askyour questions. When {0 you could add thecanary stands: e maginatne! someone aye'yeeh write their nome, When you havea ‘name foreach guesten sit down, Choose your best ideas nd write xo questions from a (Gouowue) 4 @echoose two students from your questionnaire who havahad on teasing wperonea Vettes querdont {sfindovtmoe information abeut thc casgenee 8 rind tne two studerns and ask themyour questions, tnepenout? _) arthaaen = (hewtoe") Apologizing and accepting apologies aprons yours? Apaloizing™ Responding Acceptingopologios swesayerast erage Trea 50) ‘Onno! sa ign / SOK semebecysatertinerts | msoreybuttve fergotten.... ORdeart Deritwory, assksometodrto movewhen |} i Seng rmiate Howaidyoudothat? Dertfel bac about. younamiowatepast Burne | Fmatrid've bicken owdldchacheppent? 1s note problem. seysorytomsleanapdlogy. 4 Ortookaterpressyourself-thenlitenagain andnots |! theexpressonsyouear 5. match the apologieswiththeexcuses, & 1 timsony!didtseeyou A Thereas rely bad BR everday. tate 2 fmsonyididverspyto ——& Leouldntfindemy Nig youre ‘noble i 4 fensorryihavertgotmy —_€ \aidn feel ven wel HAE homewar 1 reel unders dus 4 Irsonytin ate E | didnthaveany lunch 1 fmsorrytheresrterycake, and wasrel hungyy 6 Imsomy/vebrocenyourpen. F itsinmy other ba. 6 tookatthesituations.inventexcusesforeechoneand [iy smokenetes, youborroned yourfienés comers ‘androm youcn' indi youekdnt gotoyour fends pariy you've broken our ents Ma pay? yeuhaven'tgoenaugn mony tayo your lunch seutergtyourfhends Stidayyesteray : yoive lst your ends na textbook ‘YOUR TURN TO SPEAK 7 Workin pairs choose stuatlons from exercise 6, thenanep roles. Who can ive the bestexcuses? oalogze end sey whats happened Respond Civeanaxcuse ara apciogize again accept thepoleny 2 Chuistenancmateh the conversations with che a os, What ha Laon done inesen tuaton? (Frnsvory bream photos, WhathasLaan d ( a (Cr Search 3. Ob tien againandansier the questions foreach =e (Danae) Station. eS) 1 Whatexcuses desLeongive? Tealight Bikenyeu) 2 tetmeatner person annoyed wit? Srngievamoreu? _) (CORTING) An essay 1, @inpais,\ook at the photoofjames. What sor of petson she you tink? Read the test quickly Whet ype oftext sit? anexeacefomaletter Shewspaperarticle essay fora teacher Aperson | admire that ade 2 eeerer sa fre he moved to Bre tom Austra. we never ut hoger go when moder ‘reals muse playsthe guitar and hasjost hee cated rangers and have aed Bye 3 couse of gels He nk fo musical the tine lly Fleet Foxes and Murford & Sons. MGB are his avout ands atthe monn id alot of sport when he use hy Austral and oveatt non. He plays cricket forhis school eam Bs veers is Ah Hees pak ad upportsArsend. Weve been to sco toy atthe cs dun a ceugleoftines and we vay watch mon. are ust oe ofthe reason uty | ate Jars ar gener person andi un be 3. Rendthe txt again anc decide ifthe sentences ate tr orfalee. 1 Theriterand|ernes aremesameage lames and stand wanttocother frst concer soon Thewrierwassixuhen he metjames lames has ays lived rain, famesisheenonsoo7. frei nas son hi avoueke tea lay attr Emiatas Stadium lemesise hep pers, Theses enjys spencing tive wthyames. ED eeemrcag os 4 Lookatthe highlighted wordsin the tox. What do they relerto? Hejanee ‘Choose thecovrectreferencing wordsinthetext. ‘aunireteanaréo Dcapria He ‘Him wasbomn nora in Los ingles, Caltemis, ested acting n ‘Wahowsand commercials Since then Leonardo ected in lst fs. any othey them nave Deon succestl al arcund the wore That These inci Titanic Leonardo Dicaprihara otf, “There ‘They sey he's netjust good looking but an excelent actor ee 6 choeseapersontowite about ‘afamcusperson fiend ‘Bmemberotyurtamily ateachar ‘Choose ome topics and mate nots. achievements) (Whyyouadmiretsperen personality) appearence) whatthe econ isgeodat WRITE NOW. 8 Write youressay. 1 Usetheessey eboutjomes as amedel, 2 Useyourntestram excise ate the plan below. 4 Remember to use some rlerencing words Paragraph -introduceyour arson andgive some be Factuanvormaton: Paragraph 2 describe the persr’sinewessara/or Paragraph aznorcene\icon ying why yousdmie thispeson ‘CHECK AND CORRECT 9. checkond correctyouressny. 1 Cheekshactherefrencrewordsare comet. 2. Inpais saapyour essays and checkeach tterswore (a_]

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