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Kaliana Mendonça

When opening my eyes today I had the impression that it is not capturing
something, as soon as I lifted my subconscious informed me that something was
not in its proper place I did not hear it. I did the same process every morning
and organized myself to go to college to take my exam and justify my absence.

"Kaliana, how long I haven't seen her." I am greeted by one of my teachers, I

look away from the test in my hands and look in her direction with a smile.

"I had to leave a few months but I'm following all the online classes"

"You know it's not the same."

Since I would explain to my teacher that my ex-husband is after me right after

spending years raping me every day, she certainly wouldn't understand.

Do not prolong the subject with her, then I say goodbye and leave the classroom
analyzing the notebook answers. I am watching the last question when I enter
the parking lot, immediately feel the presence of someone in the underground
parking lot and lift my gaze at the same time. 

I feel my heart racing when I look to the sides and do not find anyone, my body
is taken by a chill and I rush in the direction that the Greek's car is parked.

I open the zipper of the bag and put the proof inside before I start searching for
my cell phone, search the bag until I grab the thin device, look for the dial area
the number of the Greek and press the green button.

"Where are you?"

"In the same place."

"Greek." I call apprehensive still looking sideways, hear footsteps and turn my
head in that direction "I think he's here" my voice fails, the cry chokes in my
throat and my body is taken by an absurd fear.

I stop walking when I visualize the silhouette of someone on the other side, close
to the pillar, the man is on the coast and when he turns it comes to lower the
hood and throw the cigarette butt away. My breath stops for a few seconds, all
the particles in my body are taken by fear and I have no reaction to it.

"Where are you?" the voice of the Greek sounds on the other side
"He. .ele.. " He's coming towards me, I step back and almost fall when I try to

Run. Run. Run now.

It takes me a while to react and run in the opposite direction.

"No use running, only we are here."his voice makes me shudder, run ahead

"Kaliana." Greek shouts through the link "Where the fuck are you?"

"Please, Greek."I call in tears

Juan can reach me, when he grabs my arm my body tumbles back hard on
impact, he grabs my hair hard.

"Was it a good time without me, love?"


"Did you really think I'd never find you again?"

"Please leave me alone..."I try to let go but he does not allow, he turns me rudely
and grabs my face with disgusting hands

"After what you did you will only have peace with me when I die!" I raise my
knee to hit the middle of his legs but he's faster at holding me back, I scream
with all my lungs when he holds my arms behind my back.

"Release me, release me." I ask all the lungs, feeling the air missing me.

Suddenly I do not feel him anymore, he is taken sharply from behind me, his
body fell to the side and I walked away scared.

"Touch her again son of a bitch." Greek grunts going at him, I take my hand to
the mouth when I see Juan dodge the punch and hit him in the face.

Both roll on the parking lot floor exchanging punches and more punches, Juan
falls from below and Greco has no pity when hitting a sequence of blows in his

"Do you like to beat up a cowardly woman?" another blow "Do you like to feel
inferior to women, you turd? Bump into someone your fucking size!" He throws
Juan's head back, Juan almost unconscious raises his head and hits against the
Greek making the two fall to the ground.

Juan tries to get the gun that fell on the ground but I'm faster in kicking Glock
away, he looks at me mad and makes mention of advancing but Greek is quicker
at grabbing her hair and pressing the barrel of the gun on her neck.
"Do you want to say something to your ex-wife before I end up restrained in
front of her?Juan is gushing blood, his mouth is full of blood but still he tries to
smile"I'm not the only one behind you.I look at the Greek after his words, he
enters opens his eyes before unlocking the weapon."Espe.." Before I can finish
speaking he had already shot, the faint body of Juan fell in front of me and I do
not know how to act.For years I wished him dead, for years I wished he would
pay for everything he did to me but now I wanted him to survive for a few more
minutes, how could he have put more people after me? "He's bluffing." Greek
assures coming to me. "How can you be sure?"Of course, he was nothing.His
words do not pass me confidence, I look again at the faint body in front of me
and find myself wondering who could be behind me beyond him.

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