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How to turn your

tour page into a


Written by Juan Viola

Designed by Barbra Silva
How to turn your tour
page into a booking

Copyright © 2022 by TrekkSoft AG

Cover Design Copyright © 2022 by TrekkSoft

Book design by Barbra Silva

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
by any electronic or mechanical means - except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in articles or reviews - without written permission
from the publisher.
How to turn your tour
page into a booking

Your website is one of your most powerful marketing tools. It's essential to
make the most out of it by creating tour and activity pages that convert

visitors into customers. There is no tried and true method for creating an
tour page that converts, but there are definitely some best practices you
can follow to increase your chances. In this eBook, you will find everything
you need to know about how to optimize a tour or activity page's

Read on to learn more.

Juan Viola
Marketing Lead

What is an tour page, and
what are its purposes?

A tour or activity page is how you

offer the experiences your
company has available. This is
often categorized into tours,
activities, rentals, transfers, and
other services. There are many
different purposes that this type
of page can serve. Still, the most
common use for tour and activity
operators is to drive web traffic,
improve the overall user
experience, and increase

The benefits of a well-designed Tour

Increased conversion rates

A well-designed tour page will guide visitors towards taking the
desired action, such as booking one of your activities.

Easier to navigate and find what they're looking for

A well-organized tour page will help your visitors find the
information they're looking for quickly and easily. This can
decrease the chances of them leaving your website without taking
any desired action. We will later discuss more about the elements
that are essential to catch a potential customer's attention.

Helps you stand out from the competition

If you have an attractive and well-functioning tour page, it will

help you stand out from the competition while also making you
look more professional and trustworthy.

Can be used to test different marketing strategies

By creating different variations of your tour page, you can test
different messages and graphic elements to see which ones work
best for your business.

How do you design an
tour page that will
convert visitors into
customers or clients?
As a tour and activity
company, it's essential to have
a tour page designed to
convert visitors into
customers. Still, the creation
process can be daunting,
especially if you're not a web
designer. But don't worry;
there are some simple steps
you can take to create a page
that will help convert your
visitors into paying customers.

The anatomy of a high-converting
activity page

Headline clearly stating what the activity is about

Your headline is one of the most important elements on your

activity page. It's the first thing people will see, and it needs to be
catchy, persuasive and relevant to what they're looking for.

A cover image or video that captures the visitor's

Improving the quality of your content is essential to enhancing
conversion rates and the overall experience of your potential

Using high-quality, professional photos of real people on your
tours can make a big difference in how compelling your activity is.
On the other hand, potential customers are more likely to trust a
business if they can see real people behind it, creating a more
personal connection.

We also recommend adding 5 to 8 high-resolution,

professional-looking photos to each activity page, and to avoid
using stock photos as they won't authentically represent your
business and could create wrong expectations in your customers.

A clear and concise description of the product

Your tour or activity description needs to be clear, concise and

easy to understand. It should also be persuasive, highlighting the
benefits of taking your tour or using your service.
Include three unique selling points of the product, pointing out the
benefits that customers will get when they book one of the
experiences you offer.
Additionally, include five highlights listing what customers enjoy
most when participating in that tour.

Adding a personal touch like sharing with potential customers
what inspired you and your team to start offering that experience
and giving customers a taste of what to expect from it could also
be a great idea if you want to increase their interest.
We also recommend that you include information related to:

• Tour duration
• Level of difficulty
• Number of seats available
• Pick-up location
• Age limitations of the participant, if applicable.

Pricing information
The pricing information is an essential part of your activity page. It
should be placed prominently so visitors can see it as soon as they
enter the page.
You should also include different price points (depending on the
type of customer you're targeting) and any discounts or offers
that are currently available.
The price should be in local currency, including tax if applicable. It
should be clearly stated what's included in the price (e.g.
transportation, equipment rental, etc.).

A CTA button that encourages them to take action

Your CTA button should be clear and easy to see, have a

persuasive message, and encourage visitors to take action.
To ensure that you offer the best booking experience to potential
customers, a tour booking solution like TrekkSoft can provide a
frictionless booking process, ensuring that more customers
complete the purchase.

The main benefits of TrekkSoft booking solution are how easily it
integrates with your website while adding a compelling "Book
now" button designed to catch users' attention from the start,
being optimized for mobile and keeping your brand consistent.

Booking System If you want to start selling more tours

and activities while improving your

Channel Manager
customers' booking experience, click
here to fill out a demo request, and a
member of our sales team will contact
Business Intelligence
you shortly.

Get my demo call scheduled today

Customer reviews
Customer reviews are a great way to add social proof to your
activity page and increase potential customers' trust in your

Think about all the times you weren't sure about buying
something, and by simply looking at the reviews that previous
customers wrote, you had enough information to decide.

The same happens with the experiences you sell; what others say
about your tours is more relevant for potential customers in a
decision-making situation than what you could say about it.
The best way to ask for a review is by email after a booking
confirmation or a thank you email after the tour. A dedicated page
on your website can also help you gather more feedback from
your customers.

Social media icons so visitors can share the page
with their friends
Including social media icons on your activity page is a great way to
increase the reach of your content and get more people interested
in your tours and activities. Visitors can easily share your page
with their friends on social media, which could help you attract
new customers.
Make sure you use high-quality social media icons that are easy to
see and click on and that they link to your business's social media

SEO friendly tour page

When creating an activity page for your tours and activities, it's
essential to make sure that it's SEO friendly. This means adding
the right keywords and metadata so that your page can rank high
in search engine results pages (SERPs).
Make sure you include the main keywords for your business (e.g.
"activities in Barcelona", "tours in Rome") as well as long-tail
keywords (more specific keywords, e.g. "walking tour of
Barcelona" or "Segway tour of the Colosseum").

In addition, you should also include your main keywords in the
product description. If you want to learn more about how SEO
could help your business get more traffic and improve your users'
experience, download your free copy of our latest SEO Guide for
Tour and Activity operators here.

Looking to get more

customers from your

In this eBook you will learn

everything you need to know about
how to rank better in search
engines to improve your website's
conversion rates.

Download today

How do you measure the
success of your tour page,
and what steps can you
take to improve it if
There are a few key things to keep in mind when
measuring success on your tour or activity page. First,
it's important to understand what your goals are.
Usually, for a tour and activity business, this would be
getting more online bookings.
Once you have this defined, you can begin to track and
measure relevant metrics. Additionally, don't forget to
test different versions of your tour page to see what
works best for your company. By monitoring the
following KPIs, you can ensure complete control over
your activity page's performance.

1. Pageviews

This is the number of times your page has been viewed. You can
track this metric by using tools like Google Analytics.
This is an effective metric to track which activity page version is
bringing more traffic, and if there are trends in terms of the traffic
volume base on days/time.

2. Unique page visitors

This is the number of people who have visited your activity page.
This will give you an idea of the reach of your page and how many
people are seeing your tours and activities.

3. Conversion rate

This is the percentage of visitors who complete your desired

action, such as booking one of your tours.
To measure the effectiveness of your tour or activity page, you
should measure your conversion rates by dividing the number of
bookings by the number of unique visitors received in a given time
period, and multiplying it by 100.

4. Bounce rate

This is the percentage of people who leave your page without

taking any other action. Keeping an eye on this metric will help you
understand how engaging your page is and if people can find what
they're looking for.

5. Traffic source

This metric will help you understand where your traffic is coming
from. This could be organic search, direct traffic, or social media.
You can track this metric using Google Analytics.
This is a fantastic KPI to determine which channel you should
concentrate on when it comes to marketing budget allocation and
return on investment by looking at which results in more

6. Time on page

This metric measures how long people spend on your page before
leaving it. If you have a high bounce rate and low time on page, this
could be an indication that people are not finding what they're
looking for on your page. Measuring the success of your activity
page is essential to ensure that it's performing well and achieving
your desired results. By tracking these key metrics, you can make
changes to improve your page if necessary.

To create a tour page that converts, you need to keep in mind how
your customers think.
You also have to consider what they want and offer it to them on
the right page at the right time. If you can do this well and make
sure that your content is search engine optimized (SEO), there's no
doubt about it: visitors will stay on your page, and you'll see an
increase in bookings.

The leading booking and distribution system

for tour and activity operators in Europe

Get my demo call scheduled today

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