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Frediemar D.

BS Criminology 3GA

Why bad things happen to good people?

Why good things happen to bad people?

A good people maintains their goodness under all conditions because they value their
goodness and think that losing their commitment to righteousness is the worst thing that
could happen to them. A wicked individual will go to whatever durations to achieve his
goals, aspirations, and priorities, even if it means problem is caused on others, choosing the
wrong path, or taking the easy way out. Both good and evil people experience problems, but
the former ones strengthen their virtues while the latter ones deepen their vices. While
terrible people are disconnected from themselves and spend their lives for their sensory
accomplishments and do not suffer as a result, good people do not sacrifice themselves for
trying to hide pleasure and do so.

Bad people experience good things because they are free to treat others however selfishly
they like. This occasionally involves controlling the other individual or even hurting someone
else. Understanding the other person would never be important to a bad person. A bad person
would do whatever it took to make him happy, even if it meant that others suffered.

Bad things happen to good people because people take good ones for granted. Everyone is
aware that a decent person will always be there for them when they need them, thus they
don’t care how they feel. Being decent comes at a price of sacrificing all you genuinely
enjoy. A good person recognizes others’ circumstances and acknowledges their limits, yet
because they are constantly available, they are never given top priority.

People who know you to be a good person would wait for you to make one mistake before
insulting everything you did for them. The hatred that people have from their interactions
with bad people always ends up being embraced by a good person.

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