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Topic will be given 20 minutes prior to the c


 Applicants should be from Diploma/Advanced Diploma/Bachelor level

 Each team should comprise of 4-5 Members.
 The topic will be given 30 minutes before the actual event.
 The duration of the role play should be minimum 10 and maximum 12 minutes
including the time for stage arrangement.
 A bell will ring at the 10th minute to indicate 2 more minutes are left.
 Participants must bring all the necessary requisites for their role play.
 Participants must speak in English and refrain from using offensive language.
 There shall be only one round.

The Judging Criteria are as follows:

A. Storyline of the scenario

B. Ability to convey the central theme effectively
C. Creativity
D. Body language and Confidence
E. Language used

Guideline for the participants: Try to introduce change of scenes rather than sticking to
only one scene to make it more interesting. A slight dose of humour will always add
value to the role play!

Suggested topics for role plays are:

 Handling a difficult employee

 Attending a job interview and how a candidate should perform
 Convincing customers to purchase your product
 Problems in the communication process and how to overcome them
 Other academic-related topics that can be practiced in role plays

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