Fall Research Assignment

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1. What is the name of the disorder you chose?

Generalized Anxiety disorder

2. Describe or list the diagnostic criteria (sign and symptoms) of the disorder.
Symptoms of GAD include:
• Feeling restless, wound-up, or on-edge
• Being easily fatigued
• Having difficulty concentrating
• Being irritable
• Having headaches, muscle aches, stomachaches, or unexplained pains
• Difficulty controlling feelings of worry
• Having sleep problems, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep
3. Around what age do the signs and symptoms of the disorder generally
appear? Around the age of 30.
4. what is the prognosis (outcome – either with or without treatment) for
individuals with this disorder? The prognosis for patients suffering from
generalized anxiety disorder is uncertain. Many patients do not take their
medications because of the cost and side effects. Relapses are common, and
patients frequently look for doctors who can meet their needs. Because
conventional medicine cannot cure the disorder, many people turn to alternative
therapies, which have had mixed results. Overall, these patients have a low
quality of life.

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