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Workbook chievers eure eae ia Richmond STARTER A page 4 STARTER C page6 STARTER B page S STARTER D page7 unit@ Free time pages UNIT@ School is cool! pages UNIT® Party time! page 28 REVIEW UNITS 2-3 page 38 VIDEO page39 uNIT@ Wonderful world page 40 UNIT@ Let’s go out age so uniT@ Long ago page 60 REVIEW UNITS 4~6 page 70 VIDEO page71 UNIT@ Wild world page72 UNIT@ Getting away page 82 UNIT@ Digital world page 92 REVIEW UNITS 7-9 page202 ‘VIDEO page 103 REVIEW UNITS 3-9 page 104-112 WRITING REFERENCE page113-121, PREPARE FOR CAMBRIDGE EXAMS AND THE TOEFL JUNIOR® TEST page 122-139 VOCABULARY BANK page 140-143 STORIES page 344 IRREGULAR VERBS LIST page 145 > For audio, goto VOCABULARY _) Family Scopes teen Geers rae 1 Complete the words for members of the family with the Subject pronouns Possestive adjectives missing vowels. : i a ent 6 gr_ndm_th_| You 2 2 br_th_e 7 h_sb_nd He 2 Besa 8mm qi add 9 s_st_e ie : S gr_ndf_th_r 10_acl_ We a 2 Complete the definitions with the members ofthe a = familyin exercise 6 Complete withthe correct possessive adjectives. 1 Aboy with the same parents asyou isyour 1 Helio. whats name? SE eae 2 Hitmamyandthisis_______friend 2. Agirlwith the seme parents as you isyour name's Beth sii, 3 jimand oe are cousins mums are sisters 3 Yourfemaleparentisyour__—_— 4 Werein English las. 4 Your male parent isyour 5 Oliver phone isin beg 5 Themotherofyourparentsisyour——— 6 Mydoghurt teil Poor Jaspert 6 The father of yourparentsisyour 7 voided eau 7 Write the apostrophe )n the correct placein the i: Your th or dat ase oma sentences. Then decideif's stands foris, has or 9 Your mum ordad'sbrotheris your possession. 40 Your auntand uncle's son isyour_ 1 John and Alison ate Ben's parents posession 2 Teresas got four sisters. GRAMMAR _) have got| Possessives 3. My grandfathers 90 years ol 4 Your English teachers got adictionary, 3. Complete the sentences and questions with the 5 My brothers names Harry. affirmative or negative form of have got. 1 We____any homework today. CHECK 2 yourparents = ote eer er anewcar? 8 Complete the text with the words in the box. Do you 3 They a lovely dog called Benj. He's Snckea elt very playful 4 ___yourbrother___ ‘sgot aunts dad dad's grandfather ‘a computer? grandmother Ivegot_ mum sisters their 5 Sofia__abrother She's gota sister called Emilia ae 4. Write questions with the correct form of have got. Then My family write the answers. Hall Homer is my! A Usa /brotherK__ bidege sr Soe oes Nee a ee 7 ‘ ames are Lisa 2 Danandsam/sisterY__________— I) andi Maggie. Mymum®______twosisters ne "called Patty and Selma. Theyre my” 3 Jenny/mobite phoney iscalec Abe and he's my sree EE ecereeeeeette he dal. He's Funny! My dacs mum is 4 MarkandTom/computerX { called Mona and she’s my Ecesset Neco esesTEE \ Gam VOCABULARY _/) In the home 1 Complete the puzzle. Find the hidden word. 5 a 1 Isr : aly : 2. Complete the rooms and places in the home with the missing vowels. GRAMMAR a/an| there is / there are 3. Circle the correct words. 1 Haveyourparentsgota/an car? 2 Istherea/an sofa in the kitchen? 3. Ohno! haven't gota/an umbrella, 4 Ivegota/an apple anda /an sandwich forlunch. 5. There'sa/an desk and a/an armchairin the living room. 6 Tim's gota /an aunt anda/ancousinin Australia. 4 Complete the sentences with a oran. 1 Hasthe house got. garden? 2 Ihaven't got. notebook, 3 Isthere. apple in your packed lunch? 4 Haveyou got wardrobe in your bedroom? 5 We've got uncle who lives in Canada 6 INegot ‘activity to do about houses for homework, 5 Circle the correct verbs. Inside Buckingham Palace: © There tis / are 52 royal bedrooms. © There *is / are 78 bathrooms! © There *is / are 1,514 doors and 760 windows! © There “is / are an enormous kitchen. Outside Buckingham Palace: © There sis / are a huge garden. © There ¢is / are more than one hundred trees. @ There is / are a swimming pool too! 6 Complete the phone conversation with the correct form of there is or there are. Cathy: Hi,Adam! ‘Adam: Hello, Cathy. Cathy: What's your new house like? a garden? ‘any trees? What's your bedroom like? ‘aTV,2.computerandan armchair, an twowardrobes. Cathy: I'd love to visityou soon! 7 Complete the text with the words in the box. armchair are aren't garden is Isthere isn't shower table There's My ideal bedlroomn Inmy ideal bedroom there \_a bathroom and there is a just a desk, but there for me! There» sat There’ wo windows with lovely views. There isa big but there” any tree Yes, of course! ® a TVin my bedroom? ‘also a sofa and an : ‘a WANTTO kNow MORE? ~ VOCABULARY) Likes & dislikes neater dintaese' 5 Circlethe correct words. 8 Complete the table with the expressionsin the box. Use a dictionary fyou need to. Hil My name's Jana. Let find out about adore... tcanitbear... ma big fanof. iy likes and dislikes. ‘mcrazy about... 'mmadabout... nota bg fan of vt ‘'mnotvery fondof.... !'mveryfondof.... | really dislike. isntreally my thin Likes OOO sa I'm into / not keen on sport and films. Football and cycling are my? fantastic / favourite sports. !? enjoy / Likes. Dislikes can’t stand cycling to school and | go out on my bike ae atthe weekends {hate /love black and white films fram the 1950s. Ive got loads of "horrible / fantastic DVDs. I'm eally teen on / ike going to the cinema too. 4 = Disikes ED 9 Complete the exchanges with expressions n exercise. Green vegetables 1” hate / like them. They're * fantastic / horrible, Yuk! mn ‘And ?'m keen on / can’t stand One Direction! They af definitely AREN'T my favourite group. What about you? & What musie do you # into / like? 6 Complete the sentences with the wordsin the box. cant fantastic favourite hate into keen like love SS 1 werereally this new website. es cool ———e - 7 Mymumisi, en dogs 1 imab__ a ofrook music, 31 stand dance music Reali? Rock music ent ealym 4 listen! This is my song. I's great! preter nip rep. cl | 5 Yournewlaptopis_ sitlooks ae a expensive. 2 We're __d —t Taylor Swift. 6 Myparentshaven' got mobile phones They Me oo! But carit _e__ Lady Gaga em = a rap music, but prefer hip hop. glint. ste ence 8 We making musicvideos and we | lees ra street dance. preter | post them on our website. It'sfun! breakdancing. } 7 Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. @t_d_r_ chocolate | protean Metoo, but mot ey mn _tekinking chocolat! | 2 Icanttstand Hee J 3 fmnotinto 4 blove. 110 Write sentences about yourlikes and dislikes using ‘expressions in exercise 8, 1 eeu LISTENING 1 Complete the definitions with the jobs in the box. Usea dictionary ifyou need to. camera operator costume designer make-upartist producer soundengineer TV presenter Fy eae Se ecrceeaeseee eee make-up to change people's faces on TV and infilms. a__ ___presents a ‘TWprogramme or reads the news. Agios Bt coer bothone saantdesiare Clothes for people to wear on TV and in films. paces records all the voices and sounds for TV programmes and films. A a E orpaniees all the people fora TV programme or a film and tells them whatto do, A usesa ‘camera to film 2 TV programme or a film. 2 Gbtisten toa conversation between three friends. Which jobs in exercise xo they mention? 3) @isten again andtick(/)A,Borc. 1 Jackhasgotan A newfilmsonTV oO article about B new TV programmes a] € jobsin TV oO 2 Seanisinterested A producer Oo in thejobofa B sound engineer (I © make-up artist. oO Bsc erg incom ane ores g use..todotheir B TVs QO Job. C make-up. o 4 Amy thinks ‘A make-up Qo make-upartists B time oO need aot of... © skill oO 5 Jackdoesn'tthink A talentshows Oo make-upartists are B documentaries oO necessary on. ¢ dramas oO 6 Jack’sdreamjobis A producer fe) tobea B TVpresenter Oo C camera operator oO TEST YOUR MEMORY! 4. Answer the questions. 1 Where does jack find the article? 2 Whattype of TV programme wants a sound engineer in the article? 3 Whatdoesa sound engineer do? 4 Whodoes a sound engineer work with? 5 What kinds of things cana make-up artist do? 5. Write these expressions in your language. 1 How cool is that! 2. I can't geta word in edgeways. 3 Isupposeso. 4 Calm down! VOCABULARY _) Free time activities 6 Complete the puzzle. Find the hidden word. =a 4 havea £ 8 havea Hidden word: 7 Complete the text with the correct words in the box. beach go gofor goswimming goto parties picnic play shopping theguitar My free time Poe Igo! ‘on Saturday afternoons with my friends. © It’s my favourite free time activity! And Tlove having * but my parents. aren't very keen on them. @ Tdon't?___ the gym, but I ‘a walk every day with my doa, Bertie. [ hate sport! I don't » football or basketball, but I sometimes 5 “bontng on Friday evenings with ny family. “In the summer holidays, I enjoy going to the Bh gt Pc the | sea, TES great! Tenjoy having a® in ‘the park with my friends when the weather is hot too. My ambition is to learn to play like Este Haim. Any suggestions? WANTTO KNow MORE? “ Free time activities 8 Match photos 1-8 with activities A-H. Use a dictionary ifyouneedto. A designwebsites D gosailing __G playinaband B doathletics E take photos H dodance € gohorseriding F meetfriends lessons a ptigiuttg te Hao Ban Gora ener 9 Complete the sentences with the activities in exercise 8. Use the correct form of the verbs. 1 Mysister in town on Saturday afternoons. They go to the cinema ar they go shopping, 2 Lewis and Jack ‘They're the guitarists and they're really good! 3 Ive got my own computerand I like and writing a blog. 4|__every Saturday morning. 'm learning salsa. ts great fun! 5 Mybrother. atthe sports stadium on Sundays mornings, 6 Mycousin at the weekends. She's got her awn harse called Beauty. 7. In my free time, Ilove going aut with my camera and _____of people, animals and buildings. ‘atsummer camp this year It looks fun and there's beautiful lake there. 10 Complete the sentences so that they are true foryou. Use the free time activities in exercise 8. 1 Have atthe weekends, 2m very fond of. 3 Ican'tstand_ 4 ee isa’t really my thing. EXTRA CHALLENGE Choose your favourite film or TV actor, singer or sports star and prepare to interview them. Write six questions about their free time activities and interests. Use the ideas and prompts below or your own ideas. Then invent their answers. favourite film favourite TVshow gofora walk/ run /bikeride goshopping gotothebeach gotothecinema havea party Pye listen to music meetfriends playa musical instrument a playcomputergames readabook watch TV James Rodriguez _Jeremy Renner 4 How What When Where Which Who Why abigfan of can'tstand enjoy hate like love notkeenon prefer Emma Stone Answers 1 Where does hip hop music come from? 4 Where is Lanikai Beach? | 2 whatisthe name ofa popular website from Sweden for § Whatisthename ofa popular American TV cartoon about | downloading music? a family rom Springfield? 3. Which popular TVtalent show features Simon Cowellas 6 Whattype of musical instruments fluba? | ajudge? ee ae Ree Order the words in the matching boxes to make questions. Then write true answers for you. schooldays to is you where do who getup _ listening favourite on actor you do enjoy what your music WRITING _) A personal profile tegracuin 1 Rewrite the sentences with the correct punctuation. 1 hes got five imagine dragons posters in his bedroom lukas crazy about football 3 Imanders and im from croatia 4 Inthe summer he goes to the beach every day 5 lukas my best fiend and thisis his profile 2. Complete Luka's profile with the sentences in exercise. My best friend Hil! 3 Read the profile again and answer the questions. 1 Areanders and Luka brothers? 2 Whatis Luka's favourite sport? 3. What type of computer games does Luka enjoy playing? 4. How many Imagine Dragons posters has Luka got? 5 What does Luka enjoy doing in the summer? 6 Why does Luka get up early on school days? 4. Lookat the Writing Reference on page 113. Then write a personal profile about your best friend. Include the following informatior personal facts his/her likes and dislikes -freetime activities Reminder. + Use the present: simple + Check 3" person singular forms. + Use full tops, capital letter, commas and apostrophes, tim twelve years old and Ilive in Spit. PERSONAL PROFILE Likes and dislikes ‘And he loves playing computer games ~ football ones! He adores listening to music and he’ really into Imagine Dragons. His ream is to see them in concert He hates chocolate and he cant stand cats! Free time activities Luke loves swimming.® It’s near his house. Sometimes I go with him and we have a barbecue. On school days, he {gets up at 530am and he goes for a swim before we start school! (= WANT To KNow MORE ? > VOCABULARY ) School activities Places in a school 6 Complete the puzzle with school activities using the & Match the words in the box with photos 1-22. Use a words in the box. Then answer the question. dictionary ifyou need to. ‘act break chess computer exam experiment canteen classroom corridor gym hall football gymnastics homework lunch hheadteacher’soffice library playground playingfield reception Sciencelab_ staffroom 1 doan 6 usea 2 do.. 7 doyour.. 3 play. 8 takean 4 wimaply 9 have. 5 havea 10 play. Which canyou play? A: 7 Complete the text with the correct school activities. My week 9 Where are the students? Write the names of the places ina school. 1 Ido experiments here, 2 Welisten to our teacher and do our work here, U always £27 bus to school. After our morning lessons, we 2 at 10 0am and | chat to-my friends. | 7)» in the school canteen at Ipm. On Mondays, | SR + at a dub after school. On on the: 3 Allthe students have lunch here. 4 | gohere toleave a message or find out information, 5 Weuse thisin the summer to do outdoor sports. 6 Wewalk along this to get to our classrooms. | ming nc bak oem jg, |? THERE tebe ttacon | 5 On Wednesdays, 8 This is where the teachers go to have a break. 1@+___._.-1 ene iikioato do ledeorperta | ‘the school team. On Thursdays, | 911 |) Ee nm 10 Tiss the oom ofthe headoftheschoo 7 in a sports club. And on Fridays, | afer 11 Thisis my favourite place in the school! | chat to my 7 friends here during the break. school, and then | relax because i's the weekend! Hooray! 12 This is a big room that we use when the whole school meets eee (Oe LISTENING 1 Match the types of schools with photos 1-4. Then match the activities to each school. Use a dictionary ifyou need to. circus school forest school gymnastics school theatre school doanaudition dotricks haveoutdoorlessons practise on the beam 2 Gbiisten to Erin. which type of school does she go to? 3 Gtisten again and answer the questions about Erin’s school. 1 Whereis the school? 2 How many students are there? 3. How old are most students when they start at the school? 4. Whatdo students do before they can get a place atthe school? 5 What do students do on the first three days of each week? {6 What does the school do at the end of each year? TEST YOUR MEMORY! 4 Circle T (true) or F (false). Then correct the false sentences. 1 Erinismyears old TF 2 The schoolis quite small. Te 3 Iseasy ta get a place atthe school TF 4 On Thursdays and Fridays, students workon THE theirown, 5 Onthelasctwo days of the week, students TF can do drama, danceor singing 6 Erinhasgot the main partin a play atthe TWF end ofthe school year. 5. Write these sentences in your language. 1 Tell usa bit about yourselt. 2 That sounds great! 2 sreally tough! 4 Yes, guess so 5 Dramaismy thing, a VOCABULARY _/ School subjects 6 Match the school subjects in the box with photos 1-9. ‘An Drama French German IeT PE Science Spanish 7 Read what the teachers say. Write the school subjects. 1 You can work outthis problem. ‘Add the numbers first. (OK. Let's try this song all together. We're going to doz health and safety experiment about how to design a product safely. c ° Open youratlas and find the imap of North America. This lesson will teach you all about howe to be good people and to help others. t s. ‘Turn to page 68, please, Today, we're going to look at Buddhism, ee en ig, WANTTO KNow MORE? School stationery 8 Look at the photo. Match the words in the box with stationery items 1-20. calculator drawing pins elastic bands highlighterpens holepunch notebook paperclips ruler scissors stapler 9 Circle the correct stationery items. 1 2 ‘need to use a calculator /stapler to help me witha difficult Maths problem. These scissors / highlighter pens are good for showing the new vocabulary in different colours. Can you put this poster on the noticeboard with the elastic bands / drawing pins in the box, please? luse aruler/ hole punch to measure things and draw straightlines. Use the stapler scissors to cut the paper. 6 Ahole punch /calculator isan item of stationery that ° ‘we use to cut out small circlesin paper. Elastic bands / Paperclips are made of rubber and can help hold things together. It's good idea to write your ideas in your calculator / notebook before you start the project. Use a paperclip /rulerto attach the photo 10 Adrawing pin /stapleris a small machine that uses. thin pieces of metal to keep paper together. 10 What stationery items have you got on your desk or in your bag? Complete the sentences. 1 2 3 There'sa lve got some. | haver't got any (s EXTRA CHALLENGE Think about your timetable and the things that you do at schoo! every day. Now design your perfect school day and. write the timetable for it. Think about the subjects, the times of your lessons, break times and after-school activities. PTT Write a short paragraph about your perfect school day. 1 Inthe UK, whatis the difference between astateschooland 4 Which school does Harry Patter goto? an independent (or private) school? | —__________________________5 whoisthe main actorin the 2003 fim SchootofRock | 2 Where is Eton College and what kind of school is it? and what musical instrument does he play? 3. Whatis the name ofthe famous dance, drama and music 6 Whatis the School ofthe Air? school in New York City? PUZZLE Look at the code and write the questions. Then write true answers for you. ATB[CTOTETFIGIH]![4[KIL[MINJO[P[Q[R[ S| Tul Vv wi x]y[z i[2[sl4a[sle]7|s|9 | 10] 11] 12] 13] 14] 15[ 16 | 17| 18 | 19 | 20] 21 | 22 [23 | 24] 25 [26 23.8120 919 2515.21 18 6 12215 2118.9 205 192121053 207 2 23.815 919 25152118 193951435 2051385187 B-EEEEEEEEEE REE PEEP eee Seog dU SEESERASRIERIE 815 28 191 14 25 19 202145142019 1185 2085185 914 25 15 21 18 199.8 15 15127 2 23.8120 416 2515 21 2119211 121225 415 1620518 1938 15 16127 2 WRITING A description of a school — 1 Match 1-4 with A-D to make sentences. 1 There are 830 studentsin the school 2. Students can choose to learn Greek, French, German, Italian, japanese, Spanish, Russian 3. Every year, about 160 boys start the school when they are 13 years old, 4. Students can play rugby, tennis and cricket or Mandarin Chinese but some students start when they are.6. cor they cando athletics. ‘and there are about 12 boysiin each class. ooe> 2 Complete the essay with A-D in exercise, m arrow is 2 private boarding school for boys near London, Every year, about tl boys start the school when Hoey are years olds 3 Read the essay: and tick (/) YES or NO. Yes NO 1 Harrow School isnt far from London, pac) 2. Harrow is a school for boys and girls. o-oo 3 Allthestudentsstartwhentheyaress = C] years old, 4 Students study tendifferentsubjects. =» OO 5. Students learn one language from a Epa! choice of eight. 6 Thereereonlyafter-school sporsclubs. §C) 4. Look at the Writing Reference on page 114. Then write anessay about a school in your country or in another ‘country. Research the details and include the following information: =the name ofthe school - the type of school itis - the size ofthe school/number of students Reminder "Use cant cant: *Use ar. butand or ~ subjects students can study olink your eas. - after-school clubs and activities ‘There are 820 students in the school » ‘Students study ten suljects including English, Maths, Science and a language. Students can choose to learn Grreek, rend, German, alin, Tapanese, ‘Spanish, Russian » “Toere ae a lot of after-school dubs, activities and sports, Students can play rugby, tennis and cricket ‘They can also do Drama, earn to play a musical instrument or they can join the Art club and paint, make- sculptures and take, photos. by Sal (2, VOCABULARY _) Telling the time 7 Writethe correctttimes. 8 Rewrite the times and the parts of the day in words. WANTTo KNow MORE ? Verbs with times 10 Lookat the information. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Some verbs are used more than once. arrive close finish leave open start cael match: Tonight's programmes _ ‘Tuesday at 3pm pm: News Don't be late! 8.15pm: Cook Cakes Fe ee Easteross Shopping ‘OXFORD TO LONDON PADDINGTON Centre, High Strest rere We're here for you every) Anarve: 10.55an day from 9am until (pm!) Seat: 14F SETS 1 The basketball match at gpm. 2 Thenews at 8aspm. 3 CookCakes at Baspm. 4 Theshopping centre atgam and at 6pm. 5 Thetrain oxford atuoam and in London at10.5sem, Il Lookat the information. Complete the exchanges with the correct form ofthe verbs in exercise 20. 1 Ie’s620am 1s wenty pastsinin the morning pete nn 2 Ws 3.05pm. ay Ualay FPO onsniGtvkh 332 Nee ene es Pee fon fo 3 I’s2035am. ‘schoo! hall wedi: S5t' Sun: 80am to Spm f sudan, 1 A: Whattime do the auditions forthe ply tart? They ataaoam and they 5 its9ssam at apm 2 Ac Whattimes does ourfght. 6 tesiagpm Gatwickairpor? Bie atgz0amandit 7 ssam in Madrid atazaspm. 3A: What time doesthe Lakeside p00 8 its7i0pm con Wednesdaysin the summer? 9 Write true answersto the questions. 1 What time do you get up on weekdays? 2 What time do you get up atthe weekends? Bit at am. A: Doesit ataipm at the weekends? B: Noitdoesn'. I atopm, 12 Write true answers to the questions. 1 What time do you start school? 3. What time have you gota Maths lesson this week? 2 What time do the shops close in your town on Saturdays? ‘4 What time do you have lunch at school? 3. What time does your local swimming pool open? eo LISTENING ° 1 Match the verbs in Awith the nouns in 8. Usea 4. Gbtisten again and tick (7) YES oF NO. dictionary ifyou need to, YES NO A 8 1 The eventis taking place in the school canteen. [1] C] 1 demonstrate A ajoke 2. Adela is performing in the show. Oo 2 perform B_amusical instrument 3 Lilyisthefirstact. fee) 3 recite © amagictrick 4 Lilyisn’t using a book. Og 4 sing D asport 5. Zackis performing on his own, oo 5 tell E asong 6 Nadia is singing live with Ellie Goldstein. fle) 6 play F apoem 7 Nadia's friends are performing with her. Oo 8 Simranisreadytodemonstratethegame L] [] 2 Match the activities in exercise 2 with photos 3-6. stern TEST YOUR MEMORY! 5 Answerthe questions. 1 What time of day is the event taking place? 2 Hows Lily feeling? 3 Whois Jack Prelutsky? 4 Whatdoes Zackuse forhis act? 5. How many people perform during Nadia's act? 6 Whatis Simran carrying? Write these sentences in your language. 1 Good tuck! 2 Howareyou feeling? 3 Yes, definitely. 4 Allthe best! 3 What's the secret? 6 offyougo. 3 G@bustentoa live report. Write the activities that the 7 Whata performance! students are doing. 1 Lily 2 Zack: VOCABULARY ) Months & dates 7 Complete the puzzle with the months of the year Find the hidden month. 1 Wstheeighth month. 5. This month has got 28 2 Wsthesixth month, days, but every four years 3 Thismonthcomesafter _ i's got 29days. thethird month, but 6 This month comes after, before the fifth month ‘the month in numbers. 4 Many children celebrate 7 It’ the last month. Hallowe'en on3i*ofthis @ It'stheeleventh month. month, Its the first month, Hidden month: 8 Write the two months that are NOTin exercise 7. 1 2 9 Lookatthe calendar. Write the birthdays. cry Pe i A ical PAL 1. Dominic's birthdays on 2 Jost’s birthday ison 3. Mark’ birthday ison 4 Jane's birthday ison 5 Becky’ birthday is on 6 Tom'sbirthdayison 10 Complete the sentences about birthdays. 1 Mybirthday 2 Mymum's birthday 3 Mydad’s birthday 4 My friend's birthday WANT To KNow MORE? “ Seasons of the year 11 Match the seasons with photos 1-4 autumn spring summer winter 12 Complete the sentences with the correct seasons. Then, match sentences A-F with photos 1-6. Ak Skiingis good in the. 8 Baby animals are bom inthe C Inthe UK, children celebrate Bonfire Night in the D The longest day ofthe yearisin the E People celebrate Christmas in the. F Plants start growingin the. ooo00 oo 13 Write true answers to the questions. 1 Whichis your fevourite season? 2 Which season is your birthday in? 3. What do you like doing in the winter? si EXTRA CHALLENGE Look tthe pictures andfind six diferences between them. Write present continuous sentences. Use the verbs nthe box to help you. dance drink eat open play send sing sit stand take 1. When do people celebrate the Day of the Dead in Latin 4 Which actor from the Harry Potter films has gota America? birthday on a5" April? 2 Whatis the time difference between London and New 5 Inwhich country do students NOT get any homework or York city? have todo any obs at home when itis theirbirthday? | i 3. When is Word Teachers’ Day? 6 Injapan, how many times do the bells ring on New Year's | eve? _ = SESE ie BE reer ee Lookat the code and write the questions. Then write the answers. axle w|i @|o elu | I 1 Wheon Gs y@er beost frOeend's bOrthdxy? 3 kre yew IOsteon@ng te mesOc new? iat, ? > :] 2 Wht de you de wfteor schOOl On 4 How d@ SH comlewbrRt Neww Yoowrs Weedneosdwys? over? 5 1 Lookat the photo in exercise 2. Circle the correct expressions of position. 1. Melissa ison the right /on the left 2. That's Chelsea in the background /on the right. 3. Onthe left/In the background, you can see all my other friends, 4 Libby son the right /on the left and she's in front of / nextto Lara, 5. Greg's legis between /in front of Amanda's face. 6 Pablois standing on the left of /between Amanda and Ines, 2 Complete the description with the correct expressions of | Posted by Greg Hopkit ‘This isa photo of me and my friends on the beach in the summer Ita beautiful day and were all happy. | Im jumping high and Ive got my hands in the air. Melissa is) ‘She's wearing @ white ‘T-shirt And that’s Chelsea * 4__ you can see all my other friends. Libby s+ and she's . Lara, but you cant see Amanda very well because my leg is her face! Oops! Pablo is standing * ‘Amanda and ines. They're lapping and shouting. Read the description again and decide ifthe sentences are T (true) or F (false). 1 Theftiends are having barbecue onthebeach. T/F 2. Thephotoisin the summer. TIF 3 Gregisjumpinghhighwith hishandsintheai. —T/F 4 Melissa and Chelsea are both wearing Te white Tshirts 5. Greg'slegis in frontof Libby and Lara Te 6 Amandaiison the leftof Pablo and ines is ve onthe right. Look at the Writing Reference on page 115. Then write ‘a description of the photo below or choose your own photo, Write about: -wheniti 7 were tis Reminder. who the people are + Check your ways of where they areinthe photo expressing position. what they are doing + Check your present what they are wearing eee REVIEW CHECK 7 Complete the text with the correct words. Milly Burton's AK HC Lets get personal! Hello! frm Mily. inthe UKand Igo to a big secondary school My subjects are Spanish and Art. 'm not Technology. Likes and dislikes lnm free time, love having“ with my fiends. We watch films and eat pizza. They'e so much funl® Burl football I's really boring! %P What about you? your homework at the moment? Imnot!!”_______my blog. My sister . {0 One Direction right now. : them. Ee Direction? Post a comment now! Aamliving Blive lives 2 Afavourite Bhorrible C fantastic 3 Ainto Bin Con 4 ‘Acomputergames Bsleepovers shopping 5 Acanttstand Blove Camloving 6 ADoyoudo BYouaredoing —CAre you doing 7 Awrite B'mwriting Cwrites 8 Aislistening Blistens Clisten 8 A'mnot liking Bdoesn'tlike Cdonttlike 10 AYou like BDoyoulike —— CAreyou liking BEFORE YOU WATCH. 1 Read the introduction and the questions in NOW WATCH. Every year thousands of people move from all aver the world {olive in Australia. he main reason is because they want 10 live the Australian lifestyle — lots of time spent outdoors in the sun with friends and family, enjoying life. NOW WATCH 2 Answerthe questions. 1 What are the two reasons for Australians spending a lot ‘of time on the beach? 2 Whatisinteresting about Hyam beach? ‘3. What kind of products does Billabong make and sell? ‘4 Whois Matt Wilkinson? _ 5 Whatare the three types of outdoor eating that you hear about? FOLLOW UP 3. Goonline and find out about the Australian lifestyle. Write an interesting fact to share with your class. id you know that..? VOCABULARY _/ Countries & nationalities 6 Writethe country or thenationality. 1 Mexico 6 Australia. 2 Russian 7 Greece 3 Canada 8 Great Britain 4 German. 9 Egyptian 5 treland tottaly 7 Complete with a country ora nationality. Marcos is from Spain. He's Fung Fung is from China. She's Alberto's mum is Peruvian, She's from Gulay is Turkish, She's from ‘The Taj Mahalisin India. t'san My uncle is American. He's from ‘Ayame is from Japan. She's. Ericis Polish, He lives in Warsavs, in 9 Amélie lives in Pars, in France. She's 10 My friend, Gustavo, is from Brazil, He's temple, 8 Where do the students come from and what is their nationality? Write sentences. 1 Mitch — 2 Isabelle _—— Ireland —— Brazil — Australia ——— Greece France 9. Answerthe quiz questions. - ouw Hangs lesion? | Bhs nay ng, Sharan? | Q) What nationality was the explorer, Marco Polo? (3) Which country’s flag has a small British flag and six white stars on it? @ Whick football team won the World Cup in 2074? e él WANTTO KNow MORE ? ¢ Countries & nationalities 10 Match the countries with the nationalities in the box. ‘Argentinian Belgian Danish Dutch Finnish Hungarian Norwegian Portuguese Scottish South African Swedish Swiss 1 Switzerland 7 Belgium 2 Norway. 8 Portugal 3 Denmark 8 Argentina 4 Finland 1oscotland 5 Hungary 1 South afica E 6 Sweden 12 The Netherlands 11 Complete the text with the countries and the nationalities. Me x ImAla Jobo anne Swen at 5 not?_______. was born in . : so oficialy Im Sus! a ‘My family ‘My mum's from Scotland so she's ® and my eas rom sone’ Balgan My frends My best friend is Bea. She's Argentinian and she's from Buenos Aires, in And then there's Pett. Hes from ‘The Netherlands so he's ® Where are you and your family and friends from? 12 Answer the quiz questions. HL Which northern European country has got borders with Sweden, Norway and Russia? What nationality isthe fotbal player, Christiane Ronaldo? a 8) Which Scandinavian country’s flag is red with « blue ‘and white crossom it? emp | ‘come from? EB Cape Town is a large city in which country? @ What is the nationality of the people of Budapest? LISTENING 1 Match the activities and eventsin the box with photos 1-6. ‘adventure park livesporting event musical ‘outdoorconcert_safaripark theme park i} 2 2. Gibuistentoa conversation between three friends. Match each friend with the activity or event they mention in exercise. 1 Abby: 2 Josh: __ 3 Leah 3 isten again and tick (7) A, BorC. 1 Lealsbirthdayison.. A 6*Yuly g B 26"july og 26" June o 2 Leah's birthday is. A onaweekday oO B attheweekend = LI) € inthe holidays 8 3 Leah's parents want A withtwotriends, — L] herto choose adayout.... B withthreefriends. [| € ata safari park. im 4 Joshthinksalivesporting A moreexciing = eventis...thantheForest 8 more boring ga Adventure Park. € moreinteresting — LI 5 Abbyis...goingtoalive A verykeenon Oo sporting event. B notkeen ong oO doesn't mind oO TEST YOUR MEMORY! 4 Answerthe questions. 1 Whatis the problem with the date of Leah's birthday? 2. Whatare the two problems with going to Forest ‘Adventure Park? 3. Which sport does josh suggest for lve event? 4 Where do friends decide to gofor Leah's birthday? 5 What does Leah suggest josh can do while she and Abby gon the rollercoaster rides? 6 Which rides can all three friends go on? Write these sentences in your language. 1 Actually just remind us again, 2 That's partof the problem. 3. Let me get straight to the point. 4 Good point! 5 Youcan count me out! (= VOCABULARY ) Adjectives 6 Match the adjectives with their opposites. 1 big/large Ald 2 narrow 8 hilly 3 colourful € dirty 4 modem D wide 5 clean E low 6 flat F small/little 7 high G plain 7 Rewrite the sentences with the opposite adjectives. 1 The Guggenheim Museum in New York san old building. 2 The Shambles is an area of wide streets in York 3 Scotland isa flat country in the UK. 4. Nyhavn isa plain area of the Danish city of Copenhagen. §. Mont Blanc in France is low mountain. 6 Texcocoisa big city in Mexico. 7. Tokyo isa dirty city in japan, 8 Complete the sentences with suitable adjectives so that they are true for you. 1 Ivegota 2. Inmy town, there area lotof 3. Mybedroomis 4 Mycountry. WANT To kNow MORE ? by Adjectives 9 Match the pairs of adjectives in the box with the pairs of photos-6. boring/exciting cheap/ expensive dangerous/safe easy/ difficult. fast/slow quiet /noisy <=> 9 va Fir 10 Circlethe correct adjectives. 1 -€350 for a room in a hotel! That's cheap / expensive. 2 Idon't understand Maths. find it easy difficult. 3 Shht Be quiet /noisy!'m studying. 4 Youcan't don experiment without the teacher. Its safe / dangerous. Jackcan run oom in2s seconds. He's a fast/ slow runner ‘This TV programme is boring /exciting. Let's watch a film instead. 11 Answerthe questions. 1 Doyou prefer noisy or quiet places? 2w h subjects do you find difficult at school? 3. Can your best fiend run fast? (= EXTRA cHALLENGE Imagine that you are in Australia. Choose one ofthe places to visitor one of the activities to do. Describe your caperience using the present simple and the present continuous. Use the adjecivesin the baxin the comparative or superative forms toe pou. beautiful big cold flat high hilly hot interesting noisy old small © climb Sydney Harbour Bridge rmherein. © visit the Sydney Opera House i consee een © climb Uluru Its © spend a night in The Outback © visit the Blue Mountains © go to the Great Barrier Reef Go online and find the answers to the questions. oop | | inwhichcountrycanyouseetheancientcityofPetra? «4 Which London underground statonisthe nearestco Dien leet el a the Emirates Football Stadium? Which underground | 2. Forthree hours every morning, which s the busiest peo underground station in London? How many people usethis,©—§ station at thattime? 5 Where are the Rocky Mountains? 3. How many shops ae there in the Dubai Mall? {6 What nationality isthe actor, Gerard Butler? Use the code to complete the questions with the correct comparatives or superlatives. Then answer the questions, A]D[E|G|H]1[LIN]O|A[S|T ij2/3/4/5l6/7/ 8/9 | 11/12 1 Whatis the '§ 6/4 5 8 4112 mountain in your country? 2 Isyourmobile phone 9 7 2.3 10 than yourbest friend's? 3. What's the most 6 8 1218 109 11/126 8) place towisitin your town or city? 4 Where's the 5 9 12 128 1112 place in your country? 5 Isyourhouse 8 3/1110 10 to school than your best friend's house? 6 Doyouthink English is 8 1/11 6 $10 than Maths? WRITING An article 1 ae 3 Read the article again and answerthe questions. pene oe 1 Where is Hadrian's Wall? 1 Rewritethe sentences witha suitable referencing word. 2. How often does itopen? Use it, they or them. Pts citonee dave baruie theyecran 22) 3. Whats the best way to see the wall? i SoU cai ict 1) stil Caldies and bSATOGA TORIES 4. Why sit problem when visitors stand on the wall? you walk along the path. 5 How long isthe wall? ‘The visitors sornetimes stop and stand on the wall ee re e 6 What can you see when you walk long the Hadrian’s D Hadrian's Wallis one of the most popular tourist ere attractions in this partof the UK. 4 Lookat the Writing Reference on page 136.Then write anarticle about a UNESCO World Heritage Site in your country or ina different country. Choose one ofthe places in the box or choose your own. Write about: 9 Hadrian’s Wall Altamira caves, Cantabria - Belize Garrier Reef, Belize Aqueduct, Segovia +*Canaima National Park, sTowerofHercules, Galicia Venezuela 2 Complete the article with the sentences you wrote in exercise 1, Hadrian's Wall is 8 UNESCO World = MayancityofCampeche, — - Galapagos Islands, Heritage Site in the Mexico Ecuador north of England. what itis , See Reminder whereiti ‘Reminee Hadrian’s Wall is open. = height/sizeflength + Check your comparative and 365 days a year and Biearinetmueet superlative adjectives. the best way to see “bestwaytoseeit “check Your referencing wordo. it is on foot between v + Check you write numbers, symbols and abbreviations correctly, ‘May and October. other things you cansee ‘Visitors ean walle along the Hadrian's ‘Wall Path beside the wall. ¢ ____- But standing on the wall isn’t a ‘g00d idea because it is dangerous and it damages the stones. ‘The wall is 117.Skm long and the stones in it are very old. * ‘There are 17 small castles and some Roman forts. + VOCABULARY _/ Places in a town 6 Write the names of the places in the puzzle. Find the hidden word. = “wal | | “Yo a iF nN “Or Hidden word: a 7 Where are the students? Write the names of the places. 1 Im tooking at paintings by Van Gogh for a project. ao Is very quiet in here. I'm revising for atest. 'm spending the afternoon with my friends. We want to buy some new clothes. s. « I come here on Saturdays to play basketball Im meeting my aunt, She's coming, to stay for the weekend, t s ‘live in Edinburgh and 'm studying Chemistry here. 8 Complete the sentences with the places in exercises 6 and 7so that they are true for you. 1 Inmytown,there’san amazing 2 lenjoygoingtothe____at the weekend. 3. Immy town, there are some great. 4 like the inmy town because it's WANTTO KNow MORE? ‘More places in a town 9 Match descriptions3-8 with the placesin the box. Use a dictionary if you need to. airport bowlingalley busstop newsagent’s petrol station police station postoffice town hall 1 You can do an activity and have fun with your friends at this place, rs 2, Thisisa place where you can buy fuel for your car. 3 You can buy magazines and sweets here. 4 Police officers workhere. 5 Thisisa building that you usually ee in the main square ‘and there are often rooms for meetings and weddings inside, — 6 Youcan post letters and parcels here. 7. Aeroplanes ake off and land at this place. 8 You wait at one of these for public transport. 10 Where are the people? Write the names of the places in exercises. 1 Lucy is buying some stamps and posting a birthday present, 2. The Brown family is going away for a few days. They're waiting fora plane. 3. Chrisis in this building for his aunt's wedding 4 Sanjay and is friends are having fun here on a Saturday afternoon. eee 5 Imogen is waiting for some public transport to goto school 6 Benji was in town and he lost his mobile phone. He's talking to a police officer. 7 Sara and Lucia are buying magazines and sweets for theirsleepover.__ a ‘8 MrWhite needs some fuel forhis car. 11 Write true answersto the questions. 1 Isthere a bowling alley in yourtown? Is there an airportin your town? How often do you goto the town hall? 4. How often do your parents goto a petrol station? 5 Whatdo you usually buy in a newsagents? nce ( LISTENING 1 Complete the definitions with the words in the box. Use a dictionary if you need to. ceremony degree enormous gown graduation hilarious suit 1 _., n. The qualification ‘you receive when you finish university. nA formal event to celebrate a special occasion. soar + adj. very big 4, nA formal event for someone who finishes university and receives their qualification, . n, Formal clothes usually of the same colour that you wear together, like a jacket and trousers or a jacket and a skirt je Arie Oe! clothing like a coat to wear over your clothes during some formal occasions. 7 . adj. very funny 3. Gibtisten again and circle T (true) or F (false). Then correct the false sentences. 1 Usaarrives at the café on time. TF 2. Ediseatingalarge brownie when Lisa arrives, T/F. 3. Edwesat hisgrandparents’house on Saturday. T/F 4 Lisa wasin Leeds at the weekend. TF 5. Tim'sgraduation ceremony was on Saturday morning, T/ 6 Timwasina suit anda gown forhisgraduation. | T/F 7 Lisa didn'treally enjoy the ceremony. TIF 8 Lisa's meal atthe restaurant was awful TIE TEST YOUR MEMORY! 4 Answerthe questions. 1 Why was Lisa late? 2 What was the scorein Ed's football match? 3. Where was Ed yesterday? 2. Gibtisten and circle the correct words in the summary. Lisa was at her*brother’s/ sister's graduation last + Friday / Saturday. She was there with her mum and dad and: brothers / brother and sister. She had dinner with her family ina French /Spanish restaurant and they stayed in a hotel /at her brother's flat. Lisa had 2 sgreat terrible day 4 What was Lisa's brother's degree in? 5 What did Lisa think of her brother's graduation clothes? 6 How does Lisa describe the graduation ceremony? 7. What was the food at the restaurant like? 5. Write these sentences in your language. 1 Nice to see you too! 2 Anyway, 'm here now, 3 Don'task! 4 Pooryou! 5 What did you get up to? (= VOCABULARY __) Irregular past tenses 6 Write the past simple form of the verbs. 1 drive 6 leave 2 getup ____ 7 meet 3 give 8 nun 4 g0 8 see 5 have 1 take 7 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in exercise 6. el to the new shopping centre with Chloe last weekend, 2 We. late yesterday morning because itwas Saturday. 3 1___owen's new dog fora walk last night. ts so cute! 4 Joeand Max the lead singer of The un after the concert lastnight. 5 We_____agreat film atthecinema on Friday evening. 6 uly _ school early today because she wasill 7 Thestudents ‘theirlessons outside yesterday because itwas very hot 8 Ourtistory teacher. usa testtoday. It was really difficult. 9 Jack’smum _ __usto school on Tuesday inher new car. It's amazing! 10 |waslateforschoolsol__tothe busstop. 8 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets and your own ideas, Use your imagination, 1 Yesterday at —__.getup) 2 Mymum meto ast weekend rive) 3. Thismoming.! 7: ‘for breakfast. have) 4 Two days ago, __atschool. (see) 5 Lastweekend,| with my friends. (go) 6 Last Tuesday, | ___ afterschool. (meet) WANTTO KNow MORE ? More irregular past tenses 9 Match verbs 2-10 with the correct past simple forms ‘A-J. Use a dictionary ifyou need to, 1 come Aate 2 buy B drank 3 eat € lost 4 feel D came 5 send E rang 6 hear F did 7 ing G sent 8 lose H bought 9 drink I felt 10 do J heard 10 Complete the blog post with the correct past form of the verbs in exercise 9. What's that noise? posted by Isaac, 8am Yesterday, I! ny phone. Very bad news! © wasn't happy at alll T 2 ‘the number three times, but there was no reply. 1 a text message to all my friends from my mun’ phone. My best friends, Chartie and Sam,*_________round to my | house immediately to try and make me feel better. We : some takeaway pizza and we + it in front of the TV, We , lemonade too. But I still, very unhappy. When I got up this morning, 19 something important. Tang my number... for the fourth time. 1 « noise under my bed. Guess what? Tt was my phone! © IL Choose five past simple verbs in exercise 9. Write sentences about you, your family and your best friend. 1 to. — 1 7: because | was late. (run) ait 8 Myparents me 3 for my birthday this 4 year. (give) 5 (= EXTRA cHALLENGE. Imagine that you spent last weekend in a different city. Complete the table with your notes and then write about your experience using the past simple. Add any more information you want. cy? Travel? Stay? an a ‘Weather? Sights? ‘Museums? Restaurants? Food? Opinion? Go online and find the answers to the questions. aap 1 Whatisthenameofthemaintrainstationin Manchester? 4 Where isthe biggest theme parkin Spain and whatisit called? 2 What was the Roman name for the Castlefield area of a: Manchester? 5 Which popular tourist attraction isin Windsor in the UK? 3. Whatis the name of the biggest shopping centre in the world and where sit? 6 What can you do at Cedar Pointin the USA? PUZZLE Find and write the past simple form of twelve verbs. Decide which verbs are R (regular) and which ones are (irregular). | seston Mya gh se eatyggoo ET Men gat Mecen ges Cetbnmtgg, n, ts % 2 4 Oo 8 a 8 aq & eae ao 6 a 0 ps Bs = Be: a 1 a 1 o $ eae ao 8 ao R o: 2 ie WRITING ) Ablog entry ee 1 Putthe words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 day/went/ Then /we/the /for /out 2. dinner/a/at/ Finally, had /restaurant/we/ French 3 hotel/at/had /First,/we/ breakfast 4. River Seine we /the along /that, / walked /After 2 Complete the blog entry with the sentences in exercise. Goodison High School ‘Year 7 School trip to Paris Blog entry by Hany Porter We arived in Pais late on Fidey night. The bus journey was vey long, took about 16 hous to get here. We got up eat on cour ist day. We had croissants and hot chocolate. Delicious! Inthe moming, we went Su to the Louvee Museum and saw the glass pyramid and the famous Mons Lisa painting. She doesn't look happy! Aker lunch, we arived atthe Georges Pompidou Centre. i's very colour building I's lke the inside ison the outside! I's abbr, an art gallery and ¢ museum. 3. Read the blog entry again and answer the questions. 1 How long was Year's journey to Paris? 2 Where did the students stay? 3. What was for breakfast on the first day? 4 What does Harry say about the Mona Lisa? 5 What isthe Georges Pompidou Centre? 6 How does Harty describe the snails he tried? 4 Look at the Writing Reference on page 117. Then write a blog entry for your school website about a school trip. Choose the place you went to and invent the things you did and the things you saw. Write about: where you went how you travelled there where you stayed + the things you did -thethings you sow + the food you ate Reminder. + Check your past simple regular and irregular verbs. + Check your Sequencing words and expressions. = Check your opinion adjectives. I vied snails. They were disgusting! VOCABULARY _/ Clothes & accessories 6 Classify the clothes and accessories in the box. belt boots cap coat dress earrings hat hoodie jacket jeans jumper scarf shirt shoes skirt T-shirt trainers. trousers Head orneck: [Above the waist: ‘Aboveand below thewaist: Below or on the waist: Feet: 7 Look at the photos and write the clothes. WANTTO KNow MORE? . Clothes & accessories 9 Match the clothes and accessories in the box with photos 1-8, Use a dictionary if you need to. flipflops glasses gloves necklace ring shorts socks watch gay @ = ©) 10 Complete the exchanges with the clothes and accessories in exercise 9. 1 Act’ freezing today. B: You need a scarfand a pair of 2 AcOh no! ve got my trainers, but | haven't got any for my feet. 8: Don't worry. ve got another pair. 3 A:Doyouwear all the time? 8: No, | only wear them to see the whiteboard 4 AsIsthata new. __on your finger? B: No, it isn't twas my grandmother's but I don't wear itvery often. 5 A:It'svery hottoday and I'm wearing jeans. B: You need to wear inhot weather. 6 A: We're atthe beach today. B: Yes, and I've got my on my feet, 7 A: What’sthe time, please? B: Sorry, don'tknow. Inavent gota likethis__with the heart, B:| don't. | prefer the one with the star Il Look at exercises 6 and 9 again. Find ten more clothes and accessories that can be pairs. 8 Write true answers to the questions. 1 What areyouwearing today? 2 What do you like wearing atthe weekend? Exercise 6: Exercise ‘pair of boots 3. Whatdo you wear fora special celebration? LISTENING 1 Complete the advert with the words in the box. Use a dictionary fyouneed to. archaeologist excavation hike llama micro-climate stoneterraces. tourguide SS SSS ess oo & & & & O Enjoy a trip to Choqueauirao with your very own personal and take a® inthe fy beautiful country of Peru. Meet a focal» _and ask him about his work and the current Re heS working on. ‘With our owns a, you'll experience four seasons in one fe so bring jumpers and T-shirts! & ‘Walk along the and feel the past all around you. Look out for and a stone areal? 88 cone. The real ones dont bite. Theyie very friendly! wh leeaiieses Book now! ES SS SS a ===) a ieee) 3 GvListen again and complete the summary with the correct information. Use one word or numberin each case. Choquequirao + Miguel isa tour guide leading the to Choquequirao. (Choquequirao is in the = ‘and i's about 160km + Archaeologists started « the 1970s. -Thes to Machu Picchu. There are a lot of * terraces. + Not long ago, archaeologists discovered , new stone terraces. of Pens of Cuzco. there in Cf Choquequirao Is similar land stone ‘The Incas grew maize and com on the terraces and inthes TEST YOUR MEMORY! 4 Answer the questions. 1 Hovrlongis the whole tour? 2. G@buisten toa tour guide. What or who is Choquequirao? anancient incan city atourcompany in Cuzco A ariver near Machu Picchu 8 afamous archaeologist, 2 What was the weather ike last night? 3 What timeis lunch today? 4. What did the incas use the stone terraces for? 5 What can you see in some of the terraces? 6 What did the Incas use to make their rock art? 5. Write these sentences in your language. 1 Well,itdepends. 2 Now, just a reminder of where we are. 3 Itcertainly isn't 4 That'sincredible! (@ VOCABULARY ) Everyday objects 6 Write the objects in the puzzle. {you use this to pay for things this keeps you warm accessories lke rings and necklaces yyou take pictures with one of these thiskeeps your hair tidy ike a hairbrush you putfood on one of these a soft object to decorate a sofa ora chair @|[e|=|=]=|o 7 Complete the sentences with the objects in the box. bow! box clock cup diary hairbrush lamp picture towel 1 Therewasn'ta on the wallinthe exam room, | didn’t know what the time was. 2 That'salovely Did you draw it? 3 Lwent swimming yesterday but forgot my How embarrassing! of tea orcoffee? atthe 4 Wouldyou like a: 5 found my mum's old weekend. She wrote it when she was 3! 6 Mysister dropped her. breakfast time and it broke, 7 What's nsidethat____ 2 Doyou think it's Viking treasure? of cereal at 8 Doyou thinkHarry uses a comb ora 2 His hairis always 2 mess! @ Ivegora next to my bed. Its great for reading lte at night. © WANTTO kNow MORE ? ° Everyday objects 8 Complete the texts with the words n the box. Usea dictionary ifyou need to. fork glass jug knife mirror napkin spoon toothbrush Hannah is having dinner ina restaurant with her parents. She's got three plates. There's a i on the smallest plate. On the leftofher plate, there's a big? ‘and asmallone, On the right, there's a2 andaé ‘There's 2 cupon the right ofher plate anda : next toit. There’sa «onthe lett, above the two forks. amis in the bathroom, He's looking in the 1 and he's cleaning his teeth, He's using his 9 Complete the sentences with the everyday objectsin exercise 8. 1 We've gota in every room in our house. My sister is always looking at herself 2 Youcan'teaticecreamwitha___ and. i Youneed at 3 Inthe school canteen, there's of water on every table at lunchtime. 4 lusea_______when | gotoa restaurant to cover my clothes when I'm eating 5 Ivegotanelectric to clean my teeth. 6 ihada ‘of orange juice and a bowl of cereal for breakfast this morning, 10 Write down the five everyday objects on this page that you use most often. Classify them from 2-5 (2 = most often, 5=leastoften). ooooo lane EXTRA CHALLENGE Imagine that you are a time traveller. You travel back in time and interview a passenger from The Mayflower about theirjourney across the Atlantic Ocean and their first few months in the USA. Write the dialogue between you using theldeas below, andthe verbsand adjectives nthe boxes. Verbs Ideas build drink eat help play read see 5 -thejourey + things he/she did § the food -thehouses Aces ‘theotherpeopleontheship _-thelocalAmerican people : amazing awful boring clean dirty exciting friendly horrible interesting small rc my c \ - “a 1 Whowas Thor? 4 Which invention made life easier for the Pioneers who settled in America from 1837? 2 Where isthe jorvik Viking Centre? ew ES 5 What type of clothes did rich Victorian men and women 3. What kind of jewellery did the Aztecs wear? What. wear? materials did they use to make it? 6 Whowas Augustus Pitt Rivers? .the dinosaurs were my favourite part. 2. Complete the review with sentences A-D in exercises. A Tour of the American Museum of Natural History By Gemma Harrison Last week, Visited the American Museum of Natural History Jn New York. But I didn't need to {go fo New York. because | did a virlwal tour on my computer! otherwise its a bitslow and some of the views of the ‘museum aren't very good. Butitsfill means you can see the ‘museum without going all the way to New York! Ididn't need a guide because | was the guide. ® ‘and the instructions are really easy to follow. of the tour. | used the camera icon and a dinosaur appeared on my screen. | realy felt like | was in the museum with the dinosaurs, Itwas amazing! 3. Read the review again and circle the correct answers. 1 Gemma did the museum tour at school/ on the internet/ on holiday. 2. Gemma went to/ liked / didn’t visit New York, 3. Gemma thinks its important to have an internet connection thatis a bit stow /fast/not working 4 The instructions weren't easy/ difficult /clear. 5 Thedinosaur appeared when Gemma used the picture ofa camera /dinosaur / computer. 6 Gemma went to the museum / stayed at home/ went to the library to do the tour, 4. Lookat the Writing Reference on page x8. Choose to do avirtual tour of one of the following museums or doa virtual tour of a museum that you know. Then write a review of your virtual museum tour. Louvre Museum, Paris British Museum, London European Virtual Museum — « Roald Dahl Museum, Great + Toyota Automobile Missenden, England ‘Museum, japan Reminder Check your expressions for giving your opinion Check your past simple tense, Check you use some adjectives of oprion rratural history, and you don'teven have to leave home! J REVIEW CHECK 7 Complete the text with the correct words. {along time ago in their own lenguage called Nehuat! (© Men and women wore ‘and they had beautiful earrings. (© Women were long*__, but men. didn't wear” © Girls and boys *_ schools. othe’, ‘Aztecs drank hot chocolate. on any supemaets in Aztec times! 1 AHow Bwhy cwho 2 Alived Bwas Cwere 3 ‘AMmexican B Mexico Polish 4 Ahave Bhad Cwere 5 cushions Blocks jewellery 6 Atowels Bshoes skirts 7 Atrousers Bboxes Cows 8 Adonttgo Bdidn't go Cdidn'ewent. 8 Amost rich Bmore rich Crichest. 10 AThereweren't - BTherewasn't_ ~—-CWeren't, (rn ‘BEFORE YOU WATCH 1 Read the introduction and the questions in NOW WATCH. (ere Brain hasa temperate climate, which means that the summers ‘are warm but not hot and the winters are cool but not cold. ‘There are four seasons in Britain ~ autumn, winter, spring and ‘surmer.The weather usually comes to Britain from the Atlantic Ocean to the west, soitis often wet and changeable. NOW WATCH 2 Answerthe questions. 1 What British events are often affected by rain? 2 Which twonon-Britsh cities have more rain than London? aw his Britain's rainiest city? 4. Where do lot of British peaple like to go on holiday? 5 What percentage of British people checkthe weather forecast every day? 3 Goonline and find out about the British climate. Write an interesting fact to share with your class. Did you know that..? VOCABULARY _) Animals 6 Read the descriptions and write the names of the animals. 1. I've got wings and | drink blood. rm an insect. m. 2. You can ride on me in the desert. can survive without waterfora long time.c 3. You can ride on me too. can run fastand |can jump well. ____ ‘4 ma big, strong animal. | can be black, brown or white. ‘can be dangerous too. b 5 vegot eight legs.'™m not always poisonous, but a lot of people are scared of me. 6 ive in Aftica.'m very strong and Ive gota lot ofhair around myhead.|_—— 7 'myery small and Ive got along tal. 'm a good pet. 8 [haven't got any legs | live in grass and on the ground. 'm sometimes poisonous. 9 Hive in hot climates. 've gota long tail with poison in it s 10 I've got very big wings and | can dive at more than ‘200 kilometres an hour. € 7 Read the Factfiles. Complete with the animalsin the box. bat coyote crocodile lizard Type: manna Diet eat, Fut vegies Lives: up abou 14 years Ste: 22-57 cm al, tal stom Weight: 9-23 kg Hi ‘animal fact: It can un up to 18 kavhourt very wl ‘Type: reptile Lives: about $year Size body: up t0 9m ong ings: upto 18 om Weight: upto 100 am ‘Animal fat: There is @ vem species! ‘ves: up abo TO eas Size p05 mony Woah un 450 ig Animal ac: pot tren 60 tant ui ie WaNTTo KNow MORE? Animals 8 Match the animals in the box with photos-9. hippo kangaroo leopard panda parrot penguin rhino shark whale =a 9 Read the information and circlethe correct animals. 1 I¢'samemberof the cat family and its got spots. panda/leopard 2 Itcan be very dangerous. it's very big and it likes water. scorpion rhino 3. It’s gotwings and it’s very colourful. Itcan even talk! penguin parrot 4 it’s got wings, but itcan't fly! lives mainly in Antarctica eagle / pengui 5 it's large and it's very dangerous. It's a type of fish, crocodile/shark 6 tlivesin Australia and itjumps on two legs kangaroo camel 7 Itsname means'river horse! I's very big and it lives in water and on land. hippo / horse 8 Itlivesin water, butt isn'ta fish Its the largest mammal inthe world. whale /sharke 9 It’s blackand white Iclives in China and likes eating bamboo leaves. panda /coyote 10 Choose an animal from this page. Write three sentences aboutit. ae 1 Complete the definitions with the words inthe box.Use 3. dab Listen again and tick (/) A, BorC. a dictionary ifyou need to. aa 1 Whensean A alizard g REE ETT ina arrvesthepet__B somechameleons g fee Sderot GA speciaistis, some guinea pigs feeding... 2 lizards aregood A andtheyaren'texpensive [1] 1 » m. asmall lizard that pets... to look B butthey aren't cheap g lives in hot countries; i's a popular pet after. and they're cheap a 2____________ n. aglass or plastic 3 Lizardsenjoy... A hiding (I Container for fish or small reptiles BReeCHE sand o i a © eatingbranches a with metal inside that produces heat in lamps or lights 4 Youneedtobuythe A waterbow! Oo i re tight. foralizardB plasticbow! q produces heat and Keeps you warm atitsadultsize, —€ tank : Sapna er 5 Anaduitleopard A onemetre g ian aatea eapecntne geckoisabout...B 25centimetres long five metres oO pecs ooo i pe OF a leaves grow on it TEST YOUR MEMORY! 7, adi living and not 4 answerthe questions. dead 1 Which three things does the pet specialist suggest. putting in the tank? 2 GpbListen to Sean’s conversation in a pet shop and complete the table. the waterin its bowl? 2 What does a gecko dowi 3. What happens when geckos eat sand? 4. Whyare leopard geckos ideal first pets? Give three reasons. 5. Whatis the problem with chameleons or monitor lizards? 6 What does a leopard gecko looklike? 5 Write these sentences in your language. 1 Have you gota minute? 2 What can |do foryou? Not recommended forthetank 3 Areyou aware of that? Recommended pet. 4 Sorry just one more thing. Food =

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