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Analysis of

Chains and
Coherence in
a Children's
and News
Marcelino Torrecilla N.

HUNOERTWASSER, F. C<=Ssnr>gfBnIes. 1952 (Frilgrreflto)


Este articulo tiene como objetivo w

encontrar cadenas lexicales en dos ::>
textos, un cuento infantil y una w a:
noticia, y ver como dichos textos
crean coherencia. En este estudio
las cadenas fueron seleccionadas
bajo el criterio de que sus
miembros estuvieran
semántica mente relacionados por
medio de sinonimia, antonimia,
hiponimia, meronimia y repetición.
Bajo esta sistema de análisis, la
coherencia se encontró algo
debilitada en partes de los dos
textos. Esto corroborarfa el hecho
de que la presencia de cadenas
lexicales no siempre hacen que los
textos sean coherentes. Otros
descubrimientos interesantes
muestran la dependencia de los
t This artide aims to find lexical
textos ya sea en referencias
chains in two texts, a children's
lexicales o gramaticales.
~ and news story, and see how they
PALABRAS CLAVE: Cadenas lexicales, ~ make for coherence. In the study
Cohesión, Coherencia, Sinonimia, chains were selected under the
Antonimia, Hiponimia, Meronimia, criterion that their members were
Repetición semantically related by Synonymy,
Antonymy, Hyponymy ,
Meronymy and Repetition.
Under this analysis framework, it
was found coherence to be a
somewhat flawed in parts of both
texts. This would attest to the fact
that the presence of lexical chains
does not always make texts
coherent. Other interesting
findings show reliance of the texts
on either lexical or grammatical

'EYWOROS: Lexical Chains,

> Cohesion, Coherence, Synonymy,
Antonymy, Hyponymy,
Meronymy, Repetition.
1 Introduction 2 Relevant theories

In this research lexical chains will be I shall first start by setting out a
looked at and how these make for theoretical explanation as regards
coherence in two texts. Text 1 is a coherence, cohesion and lexical
children's story entitled chains.
«5eagull and the coming of Iight». Text
two is a news story entitled 2.1 COHERENCE ANO COHESION

«Corruption charges against billionaire

brothers over Indian arms dea/». Coherence is a mental process that
The presence of lexical chains takes place in the reader's or listener's
should be linguistic evidence that texts mind and not a factor related to the
are not constructed in a disorganised physical text or the oral interaction.
manner and that the chains constitute Gernsbacher and Givon (1995) assert
a valuable resource that contributes to that:
the structuring and coherence of texts.
However, it is also true that the Coherence is not an inherent
presence of lexical chains does not property of a written or spoken
necessarily mean that texts are text, Readers and Iisteners can
coherent, which makes this indeedjudge with high
phenomenon a complex issue. The agreement that one text is more
analyses of the above-mentioned texts coherent than another. But neither
will provide the opportunity to the words on the page nor the
discover the lexical chains they are words in the speech confer
expected to have and see whether coherence. (Gernsbacher and
these chains show that the texts are Givon ,1995: vii)
I shall start by presenting relevant when someone reads or listens to
theories that will enable me to set out a coherent text some assumptions are
the basis for the analyses and tacitly established between reader/
discussions. I shall then present the writer and listener / speaker.
materials and methods section in Gernsbacher and Givon (1995)
which analysis procedures, texts illustrate this by pointing out that:
description and rationale for text
choice will be explained. Afterwards I a coherently produced text -
shall proceed to look at the results spoken or written-allows the
describing each chain in terms of type «receiver» (reader or Iistener) to
of chain and relation of its members. form roughly the same text-
Discussion of results will ensue where representation as the «sender»
I shall analyse the results in more (writer or speaker) had in mind.
depth. Finally a conclusion will (Gernsbacher and Givon ,1995:
summarise the main aspects of the vii)
resea rch work.

40 ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 38-61

«words on the page» as stated by contribute to the coherence of a tex!?
Gerl'lsbacher and Givon have more to Hoey (1996) states that:
do with cohesion. A kind of relation
must exist between them to convey ...cohesion is oQjective, capable in
coherence. As far as cohesion is principie of automatic recognition,
concerned, Baker (1992) defines this while coherence is subjective and
phenomenon as: judgements conceming it may
vary from reader to reader if
...the network of lexical, cohesion and coherence are
grammatical and other relations distinguished in this manner,
which provide links between question 1 becomes a question
various parts of a texto These about how the presence of a
relations or ties organise and, to cohesive tie predisposes a reader
some extent create a text ... (Baker, to find a text coherent. (Hoey,
1992: 1BO) 1996:12)

In reference to reading, it could be A coherent text is made up of

stated that cohesion is more related to elements that interact with each other
the physical written language, that is to convey meaning across a texto
the words that the reader can see on Hasan (1984: 181) refers to
a surface, while coherence is rnore coherence as «the property of 'unity'
con cerned with how the reader of 'hanging together'». This feature is
discerns such written language. evidenced in example 1 below.
In clarifying these two issues Baker However, it is not present in example
(1992) states that: . 2.
In example 1 there is a connection
In the case of cohesion, stretches between a little girl and she. She
of language are connected to refers to the same little girl. This is
each other by virtue of lexical and also the case with a lovely little teddy
grammatical dependencies. In the bear and it and home and home. In
case of coherence, they are Hasan's terms example 1 «... has
connected by virtue of conceptual certain kinds of meaning relations
or meaning dependencles as between its parts that are not to be
perceived by language users. found in the second. It is these
(Baker, 1992: 218) meaning relations that are constitutive
of texture». (Hasan, 1985:71). Texture
In answering question l' How is termed by other authors like
does the presence of cohesion McCarthy as textuality. McCarthy,
(1991 :65) describes textuality as «that
property of text which distinguishes it
• Out of two others related to coherence and from a random sequence of
cohesion. unconnected sentences».

ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 37-61

Example 1 Example 2

Onces upon a time there was a He got up on the buffalo

and went out for a walk have booked a seat

and 1 have put .t away in the cupboard

I have not eaten

and when

Hasan (1985: 71) Hasan (1985: 72)

Meaning relations in Hasan's example described by Hasan (1985:73-74), lall

1 are mostly realised by grammatical into the categories 01: co-referentiality,
choices when a little girl is replaced Co-classification and Co-extension. In
by pronominal she. Relations supplied co-referentiality relations the two
by lexical choices are realised by the members 01 the tie reler to the same
repetition 01 home. This illustrates thing or persono For instance in
how grammar and lexis work together example 1 it relers to the same lovely
to build a texto little bear previously mentioned.
At this point, it is worth stating that In Co-c1assification relations the
our interest will be locused on the two members 01 the tie are different.
lexical choices 01 two texts. Using However, the process or
Hasan's example served the twolold circumstances they are involved in is
purpose 01 showing coherence in a the same. For example, when we say:
text and the interdependence Ana lives in Peru. Pedro does too
between grammar and lexis. the experience 01 living is shared
In what lollows, I shall provide a briel by two different members 01 the tie:
description 01 different kinds 01 Ana and Pedro. The third type 01
semantic relations between members relation is Co·extension in which the
01 ties that will include both two members 01 the tie «reler to
grammatical and lexicallinks. I shall something within the same general
locus special attention on the latter. field 01 meaning» (Hasan, 1985: 74).
In My sister likes apples and
2.2 RElATIONSHIP BETWEEN MEMBERS bananas the two members 01 the tie
OF T1ES (apples - bananas) belong to fruit as
the same general field 01 meaning.
Ties play an important part in the Relations that lall under <<thesame
construction 01 texture. In example 1 general lield 01 meaning» should be
above a little girl and she constitute a put within boundaries; otherwise, we
tie. Home-home constitute another tie. could include words that do not
This involves two semantically related belong in a tie connection. In order to
elements as a requisite to lorm a tie. mark boundaries around the concept
The relationship between ties, as 01 «general field 01 meaning» in

ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 38-61

relation to co-extension ties Hasan This means that if we talk about a
(1985:80) puts them under the spaniel we will always be talking
following relations: SYNONYMY, ANTONYMY, about a dogo However, if we talk about
HYPONYMY, MERONYMY AND REPETITION. a dog we will not be necessarily
talking about a spaniel.we could be
As regards 5YNONYMY Hasan (1985) talking about a German shepherd or a
states that: terrier.

...the experiential meaning ofthe MERONYMYinvolves a part related to

two lexical items is identical; this a whole. In describing MERONYMY
does not mean that there is total Singleton(2000) explains that:
overlap of meanings, simply that
50 far as one kind of meaning this relation covers part-whole
goes, they 'mean the same: connections.X is a meronym of Y if
(Hasan, 1985:80) it can form the subject of the
sentence An X is a part of a Y. Y in
Examples like shut and close; aid such a case is labelled a holonym
and help fall into a synonymous of X. For example, finger is a
category. meronym of hand and hand is a
ANTONYMY is described as «the holonym of finger on the basis of
oppositeness of experiential meaning . the way in which the two words
The members of our experiential tie .feature in the sentence: A finf)er is
si/ver and golden are an example of a par! of a hand.(Singleton,
this kind of meaning relaticin» (Hasan, 2000:74)
1985: 80).
As regards HYPONYMY, this involves Book and page present a
the relation between a specific and a meronymy relation. We could say that
more general word. Hyponymy is page is part of book.
described by Singleton (2000) as
follows: REPETllQN is viewed by Hoey
(1991)in the followingterms:
the relation between more specific
(hyponymous) terms (e.g . ..';t allows a speaker or writer to
spaniel) and less specific say something again in order that
(superordinate) terms (e.g. dog) is something new may be added.
defined in terms of one-way rather The simplest form of repetilion is
than two-way entailment .Thus I also the simplest kind of lexical
own a soaniel entai/s I own a dog, relation, namely the link that may
but I own a dOf) does not entai/I exist between two tokens of a
OWI7 a soaniel. (Singleton, type. (Hoey, 1991 :52)

4 (2003) PAGS 37-61
Repetition can be seen in the semantic and «such semantic relations
following extract from «Krishna 's Birth», form the basís for cohesion between
an Indian legend. the messages of a text» (Hasan, 1985:
Old King Ugrasena of Mathura had
two children, Prince Kamsa and 2.3 lEXICAl CHAINS

PrincessDevaki. While King

Ugrasena was a good king, Prince lexical words are likely to be found in
Kamsa was a ruthless tyrant. Now a relation of co-extension. In this
Princess Devaki was to wed a respect, Hasan (1985: 80) states that
nobleman named VASUOEVA. Kamsa «The two terms of a co-extensional tie
out of the love he bore for his are typically línguistic units that we
síster decided to be the bride and refer to as content words' or lexical
graom's charioteer for the day. ítems'». These items are found in a
while Kamsa drave the chariot relation of SYNONYMY, ANTONYMY, HYPONOMY,
bearing Devaki and VASUOEVA out of MERONYMY ANO REPETlTION. The text below

the wedding hall, a voice from the shows these relatíons except for
heavens boomed ínforming ANTONYMY.

Kamsa that Devaki's eíghth child

would be his slayer. THE most powerful earthquake to
strike India for more than half a
Relations of co-referentiality, co- century rocked the subcontinent
c1assification and co-extension are on Fríday, killing more than 1,500
cohesive devices that play an people as it toppled buildings and
important part in connecting the two houses in India and Pakistan. The
members of a tie contributing to final toll ís expected to rise even
texture (Hasan, 1985: 74) .lt could further as rescuers search for
also be added that they contribute to bodies buried under debris and
coherence of texts. It is worth aftershocks are expected to rack
mentioning that these relations are the regíon for days.

-- ---
earthquake strike India


" 'India _ _ Pakistán

Taken from Tho Da/Iy Te/egrap/J o( JBnuary26 2001

Example 3

44 ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 38-61

In the extract above earthquake ...researeh suggests a link
and aftershoek are co-hyponyms between reiteration using
of a super-ordinate that we could call synonyms and the idea of 're-
«violent movements of the earth». entering' important topie words
There is repetition with raeked and into the discourse at a later stage,
raek and these enter in a synonymous that is to say bringing them baek
relation with strike and toppled. into focus, or foregraunding them
India and Pakistan are geografically again. (McCarthy, 1991 :66)
co-meronyms of the subcontinent.
Words in the above extract joined by 2.3.1 Types of Chains
the arrows, solid and dotted lines
cohere lexically forming lexical chains Regarding the sort of relations
through co-extension. between members of chains, Hasan
(1985) c1assifies them as
A lexical chain is made up of identity and similarity and states that:
elements that are semantically related
with each other usually through co- The relation between the
extensional connections. members of an identity ehain is
The tables below show the chains that of co-referenee: every
formed in example 3: member of the ehain refers to the
same thing, event, or whatever. ..
Strike India Earthquake (Hasan, 1985: 84)
Rocked Subcontinent Aftershocks
Toppled India As regards similarity chains, Hasan
Rack Pakistan (1985) describes its members as
Region being

As shown in example 3 a member ...related to eaeh other either by

of a chain may appear in the text and eo-elassifieation or co-
reappear somewhere else maintaining extension ...with items {in the
a semantic link. McCarthy (1991) ehain} that refer to non-identieal
states that: members of the same elass of
things, elients ete. or to members
Reiteration is not a ehanee event: of non-identieal ,but related
writers and speakers make classes of things, events ete.
conseious ehoiees whether to (Ha san, 1985: 84)
repeat, or find a synonym or a
superordinate (McCarthy, 1991: Identity and similarity chains serve
66) the purpose of giving the tex! ordering.
Georgakopoulou and Goutsos (1999)
Referring to Jordan (1985) Mc refer to this when they affirm that:
Carthy (1991 :66) affirms that:

ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 37-61

identity and similarity chaini; semantic relations which establish
organise the whole of the text in continuity of sense. The main
different ways: the former pro vide value of cohesive markers seems
a backbone of organísation while to be that they can be used to
the lalter exploít the text's lexical facilitate and possibly control the
resources (Georgakopoulou and interpretation of underlying
Goutsos, 1999: 111) semantic relations. (Baker, 1992:
It is worth adding that the
presence of cohesive devices in chains Lexical chains can be seen as
does not always guarantee that the indicators of cohesion in a texto
text is coherent. In what follows, However, this does not mean that
Enkvist (1978b: 110-11) cited in such a text is an indicator of
Baker (1992: 218-219) provides an coherence. The visible chaining effect
example of a cohesive text that shows may signal that the text is connected
no coherence. in some way without this meaning that
the text is good: it is quite possible to
I bought a ford .The car in which have a text that displays chains with all
President Wilson rode down the kinds of semantic relations (synonymy,
Champs Elysees was black. Black hyponymy, meronymy) along with
English has been widely discussed. anaphoric references and good
The discussions between the paragraph organisation and yet talk
presidents ended last week. A about insane things. Such a text can
week has seven days. Every day I be regarded as cohesive, but not
feed my cal. Cats have four legs. coherent. How the lexis in a text is
The cat is on the mal. Mat has connected is a feature that can be
three letters. c1early seen. However, how such
lexical connections create coherence is
Example quite a problematic question.
Coherence is an abstract and intangi-
Despite the cohesive devices a ble phenomenon that depends on the
speaker of English would immediately knowledge that the reader brings to
notice that this text lacks coherence. the text and also on the text's
What then exactly makes for contents. If the reader is ignorant of
coherence and texture in a text? certain genre' s text construction
This question is answered by pattern and lexis s/he will find the text
Baker (1992) by affirming that: totally incoherent. In this case the text
will only make sense for those
...what actually gives texture to a members of the community who
stretch of language is not the share the knowledge to understand
presence of cohesive markers but the contents of the texto The ignorant
our abilíty to recognise underlying reader attempting to understand will

46 ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 38-61

not be able to establish a bridge with discover how two texts belonging to
the texto different genres constructed lexical
The relationship between chains. It is worth stating that the
coherence and cohesion is then study of more texts would have been
complex and many factors should be desirable, as this would produce more
taken into account. It should remain a objective findings.
huge problem for linguistics how we Once the texts were selected
can work out coherence by following sentences in both texts were
cohesive markers. numbered in arder to refer to the
Determining the presence of location of the members of the chain
'underlying semantic relations' in the in the texts. The members that made
two texts 1will analyse, is of utmost up a chain were arranged in separate
importance. More specifically, it will be tables with the number of the
crucial to determine whether or not sentence where they appear in the
the members in the lexical chains of texts on the left-hand side.
the texts can be identified as having Each table was alphabetically
semantic relations that pro mote labelled. The analysis was developed
coherence. I shall now present the by first establishing a criterion on what
materials and methods that will enable the lexical items needed to be
me to develop the analyses. included in a chain. To meet this
criterion the items had to be
3 The study: Materials and semantically related by SYNONYMY,
REPETlTION. The items were sorted and
The research question for this study is: the chains started to be built. The
what are the lexical chains in two texts words that met the criterion where
and how do they make for coherence? highlighted in different colours and put
The two texts chosen to answer these in tables.
questions were a children's story (Text Finally, an overview of lexical
1) entitled «5eagull and the coming words of both texts on pages 16 (Text
of Iight» from Nootka people of British 1, p. 48) and 19 (Text 2, p. 51) was
Columbia and rewritten by Dr.Wilhelm. presented. This overview was aimed
This story was downloaded from the to show the following aspects:
Internet and it can be accessed at lexical words in isolation
Text 2 was a news story taken from Their position and proximity
The Electronic Telegraph of October with each other
10, 2000 entitled «Gorruption charge How they appear along both
against billionaire brothers over /ndian texts
arms dea/».
The rationale for the choice of the The overview should also provide
two texts lay in the purpose to the reader with a quick look to deter-

ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 37-61 47

mine which text is more lexically Chain E (people) is an identity chain
based. whose members relate by co-
relerentialitythrough repetition. F1 (Iight)
4 Results is a similarity chain. Its members display
an antonymous relation.
The organisational method previously F2 (Iight) is a similarity chain whose
used enabled me to present the members are related by co-extension
lexical chains lound in both texts. I through hyponymy with stars. moon
shall first start by describing them in and sun as co-hyponyms 01the super-
terms 01the type 01chain and the ordinate «Heavenly Bodies».Light may
cohesive devices displayed by its also be seen as a co-meronym 01 stars,
members. moon and sun. G (rose) is a similarity
chain and its members are connected
4.1. TEXT 1 by co-extension through antonymy. H
(raven) is an identity chain made up 01
In text 1 box becomes the first lexical 16 members. Connection is displayed
word lorming a chain. I shall label this here by co-relerentiality through
chain A . This is an identity chain. Its repetition.
members are related by co-relerentiality I (contained) is a similaritychainwith
through lexical repetition. Al (box) is a its member being tied by co-extension
similarity chain with its members related through synonymy and repetition . J
by repetition. A2 (box) is an identity (asking) is a similarity chain whose
chain with its members displaying members are connected by near-
meaning relation through repetition. In synonymy.
A2 there is a meronymy relation with
lid as a co-meronymy 01box. B (Seagull)
is an identity chain made up 01 23
members related by co-relerentiality
through repetition. C (water) is an
identity chain. Here there is a co-
relerentiality relation between water.
There is also an equivalence relation
between water and rain. D (streams)
is a similarity chain. Its members relate
by co-extensionthrough hyponymy with
streams, rivers and sea as co-hyponyms
01the super-ordinate «Bodies01Water».
Although this super-ordinate is not
explicitly expressed in the text, it helps
us to establish the relation.

48 ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 38-61

Lexical chains in text 1: Seagull and the coming of Iight

A B e D
3. bex 10 seagull 3 water 5 streams
4. bex 11 seagull 4 water rivers
bex 12 seagull 5. water sea
14 seagull 5 raio
Al 15 seagull (twice)
6. bex 16 seagull
8. box 18 seagull
9. box 19 seagull
20 seagull
A2 21 seagull 3 (times)
12.bex 22 seagull
14.bex 25 seagull 27 seagull
29.lid 29 seagull
box 33 Seagull
34. box 34 seagull
36. bex 37 seagull
37. lid 41. seagull
42. box 42 seagull (twice)

Lexical chains in text 1: Seagull and the coming of Iight

E Fl G H
1. peeple 11 light
2 people (twice)
10 people
13 darkness
fell I 16 raven
17 raven
18 raven
14 people F2 19 raven
16 peeple 28 light 22 raven
19 people 29 light 24 raven (twice)
30 light 25 raven (twice)
31 stars 26 raven
32~ 31 raven
33 raven
35. light 35 raven
37.light 39 raven
38 lioht* 41 raven
39. moan 44 raven
40 moan

• Underlined words are replaced by pronominals.

ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 37-61

43. ball ollire 6 contained 17 asking
44.ball ollire' 8 contained begging
Iighl 9 held demanding
lighl pleading
sun coaxing
45 day flallering

An overview of Lexical wordsin

Text 1
Seagull and the Coming of Ught

lo People
2. Deoole people
3. box
4. QQx water QQx
5. faino streams rivers flowed sea.
6. QQx
8. QQx
9. QQx
lO. People boxes Seagull.
1lo Seaaull
12. SeaQull QQx
14. people Seagull illl&
15. Seagull box Seagull
16. People RAVEN - Seagull
17. RAVEN TRIED askino, beoainq, demandinQ, oleadina, coaxina, flattering.
18. RAVEN Seagull's
19. RAVEN SeaQull People.
20. Seagull
2lo SeaQull SeaQull Seagull' s
22. RAVEN Seagull
25. RAVEN Seagull RAVEN
27. " Seagull,
29. SeaQull lid QQx

50 ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 38-61

33. RAVEN Seagull
34. Seaaull box
36. box
37. SeaQull lid
41. RAVEN Seagull's
42 SeñglJII Seagull


4.1. TEXT 2 through hyponymy with money as a

super-ordinate of co-hyponyms millian
Text 2 presents the Hinduja brothers and commissian. H (Bollywood Film
making up chain A,the most prolific one. lndustry) is a similarity chain with its
This is an identity chainwith its members members relating by co-extension
being related by co-referentialitythrough through hyponymy. Here «The film
repetition. This chain is built on lexical world» would be the super-ordinate of
and grammatical choices 18 and 20 the members of this chain. I (Royalty) is
respectively.Lexicalehoieesare in italies a similarity chain whose members are
in the table. B (charge) is a similarity related by co-extension through
chain with its members displaying hyponymy with «FamousBritish People»
connection by co-extension through as the super-ordinate of the members
near-synonymyand repetition .CGudge) of this chain. There is also a co-
is an identity chain with its members referentiality relation with Mrs. Blair
being tied by co-referentiality through referring back to Cherie Blair.J (own) is
repetition. D (try) is a similarity chain in a similarity chainwith its members being
which relation by its members is realised tied by co-extension through synonymy
by co-extension through synonymy. E and repetition. K (accounts) is a similarity
(the law) is a similarity chain with its chain. lts members are related by co-
members being related by co-extension extension through hyponymy with
through hyponymywith the lawand the «Financial Holdings» as the super-
judieiaryas co- hyponyms of a super- ordinate of the members of this chain.
ordinate that we could call «Regulators L (oil) is a similarity chain with its
of Justice»F(received) is also a similarity members being related by co-extension
chain whose members are related by through hyponymy. «$ourceof Fortune»
co-extension through repetition. G (30 would be the super-ordinate of the
million) is a similarity chain with its members of this chain.
members being related by co-extension

ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 37-61

Lexical chains in text 2: Corruption charges agains bil/ionaire brothers over Indian
arms deal


1. Tlle HindL!Ja brothers 1 charged 6. Royalty

phi/anthropists 4 accused Politicians

2. Srichand and Gopichand Hinduja, 11 charped 7 Peter Mandelson

3. Gandhi's 8ssociates 8 . Tony

4. brothers e d1erie Blair

5 The Hind¡gas 19 judge MrsBlair

6. philantflropists
Thp. HindlJias~
I 20 judge
9 the HindL!jas o 100wn
16 have

19 tI)'

10. thp. Hindtli<l5 (twice)
11. The Hindllias 20 arraigo 210wn

12 brothers
The brothers E K

13 The brothers 29 the law 16 accounts

14 Gandl1i associates 30 the judiciary 21 one bank

15 brothers Financial

16 The brothers (twice) F institutions

lZ The Hindlljas brothers 3 received

thp. HindlJi<ls 15 received L

18 brorher5 21 received 4 oil

19 The Hindt!Ja brothers banking
20 The Hinciuiil brothers (twice) G communications

21 The Hlndujas 3 E 30 mili ion

ThE' Hinrlllias 14 E 30 mili ion

22 brothers 15 commission

23 thf' bro1hers (twice) E 5.53 million

24 thf> brothers (twice) 21 money

26 The brothE"rs
30 The three Hinduja brothers H
The1hree Hindlli<l brothers 9 . Bollywood film industry

31 The 1hree Hincluia brothers Hollywood

The three Hinduia brothers Cannes Film Festival

31 . Law·abiding persons 10 film makers

• Underlined words are replaced by pronominals.

52 ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 38·61

An overview of lexical words in text 2
Corruption charge against billionaire
Brothers over Indian arms deal

1. Hinduia brothers. philanthropists

2 Srichand and Gooichand Hinduia.

3 Gandhi's'associates
4. brothers. oi/. banking communications.

5 The Hindujas

6 philanthropists. The Hinduias ROYALTY POLlTIClANS


9 members Bollywood film industry Holl)'J!Yoodthe Hinduiª-L-

-----Cannes Film Festival.
10 the Hinduias The
Hinduias (elebrilies film makers.
11 the Hinduias

12 brothers The Hinduias

13 the HindlW

14 Gandhi associates
------------ __ brothers

16 the Hinduias the Hinduias

17 the Hinduja brothers

18 brothers
19 iudae
______ --'@l\l!l;)1Jthwe"-DHJlinwdUjabrothers.
20 iudge ~he Hinduias. the Hinduias

21 The Hindujas.
The Hinduias

ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 37-61 S3

22 lhe brolhers
23 the Hinduias The Hinduias


24 the Hinduias The Hinduias


26 the Hinduias

29 I thp lawl
30 The lhree Hinduja brolhers lhe Hinduias
________________________ 1 lhe iudiciarvl

31 the Hinduias law-abidina oersons the Hinduias


5. Discussion

5,1. TEXT 1

I shall now proceed lo discuss how the most prolific one with Seagull appearing
above-described chains show coherence. 23 times. The lirst mention 01 Seagull
Numbers in parentheses indicate the can be seen in (10) with each of the fírst
position 01the sentences in the texts. people as its antecedent. This accounts lor
Box is a key lexical choice in the text the lirst lexical cohesion in which the
We find it establishing the first semanlic writer presents the Seagull as a member
relation lorming chain A joining sentences 01 the fírst people. From (10) to (42)
(3) and (4). box in (4) relers to the Seagull is located in sentences 11,12, 14
same box in (3). In chain Al repetition to 16; 18 to 22; 25, 27, 29, 33,34, 37,
joins (6), (8) and (9) and allows the 41,42. Seagull appears in a good number
author to reveal the contents 01the boxes. 01c1usters01adjacency sentences with
Chain A2 contains most boxes. Semantic very lew breaks. In chain C the three
relations in this chain start in (12) and members water, water, raín in adjacency
end in (42) relerring to the same box. sentences establish a strong meaning.
Chain 8 (seagulO displays a semantic Chain D, adjacent with C, continues
relation between its members by means building the text by drawing on hyponymy
01 repetition. Seagull in (10) relers to the to linish a continuity line that started wilh
same Seagull to the end 01the story water in (3) and ended with sea in (5).
establishing a cohesive 'continuity' line Chain E establishes a meaning relalion
between these sentences. Chain (8) is the through repetition. In the text the writer

54 ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 38-6\

establishes that the first people are the relation established by near-synonymy
same as the animal people. This is that consolidates the meaning intention
realised by the two lexical choices in (2) - that the writer wants to give in this sole
first people and animal people-. sentence.
From this point on these choices are Two salient characteristics can be seen
used separately first people in (10) and in the chains 01 tex! 1. First 01 all, the
animal people in (14) and the sameness special use 01 repetition as a predominant
between the two is clear lar the reader. lexical choice. Another one is the proximity
Chain Fl establishes a tie between 01 the members 01 the chains. This can be
(11) and (13) through antonymy to seen by looking at the lew breaks 01 main
describe the initial existence 01 light and lexical choices. A major break can be
later on its absence due to seagull's seen in chain A2 when box is broken in
relusal to open its box. Stars, moon and (16) and laregrounded in (29).
sun in chain F2 play an important part in The break signals a shift in the story
the construction and cohesion 01 almost and at this point we have other chains
hall 01 the tex! connecting (28) to (45), getting involved, namely raven and
Although the super-ordinate «Heavenly seagull. From (16) on these two chains
80dies. does not appear in the text a appear signilicantly contributing to the
hyponymy relation could be established. development 01 the story. Another break
Light also plays an important part in the can be seen in chain E when people is
construction 01 the stars, the moon and broken in (3) and laregrounded in (10)
the sun .It would be possible to establish At this break point chain A gets involved to
a meronymy relation here speculating that continue the story.
light could be seen as a co-meronym 01
the stars, the moon and the sun. We 5,2. TEXT 2
could say that the three 01 them have
light It is the moon ,but it has litt/e lighl. Text 2 presents chain A (The Hindujas
In any case what appears to be c1ear is the brothers) upon which most 01 the story
strong cohesive 'continuíty' line existing revolves. Lexical repetition 01 the The
between light-stars; light-moon; liglu-sun Hindujas brothers establishes the
in the text Chain G is related to C and semantic relation lor the cohesion 01 this
supplies a meaning relation by means 01 chain. This creates a 'continuity line' that
opposition to describe the process rain makes it c1ear lor the reader to determine
goes through. This joins (4) and (5). H antecedents 01 The Hindujas brothers
(raven) is a prolilic chain with raven throughout the text Repetition should
appearing 16 times semantically tied by also contribute to The Hindujas brothers
repetition. Members 01 this chain can be being unambiguously identilied. The
unambiguously identilied joining a good Hindujas brothers appear in all the
number 01 sentences c10sely located in sentences 01 the text except lor
the tex!. In chain I (contain) synonymy (7),(8),(25),(29) and (32) where there
and repetition establish the semantic are no explicit mentions 01 them.
relation that connect the three members The rest 01 the chains lorm lexical
01 this chain in the tex! joining (6), (8) environments that extend the inlormation
and (9). In chain J (asking) we lind a related to the central chain - The Hindujas
strong cohesive lexical chain with a

ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 37-61

brothers- and contribute to the unlolding preponderanee of grammatical choiees.
01 the story. The rest of the ehains add further
One 01 these lexical enviroriments is information in other fields where the
related to Justice and involves ehains: B, brothers are involved. These ehains build
C, D and E. Another one involves ehains F eohesion through deviees like: synonymy,
and G and is related to lIIega/ rnaney repetition and hyponymy.
received by The Hindl!ias. A third one 1I we compare the two texts it can be
involves chains H and 1 and is concerned concluded that Text 1 is markedly more
with The Hindujas' socia/lile. A fourth one lexically constructed than Tex! 2. In fact,
is included in chains J ,K,L and is related grarnmar ehoiees in tex! 1 have a low
to The Hindujas' possessians. representation with only seven
Repetition, synonymy and hyponymy pronominals replacing lexical ehoiees. This
provide semantic relations in the lield 01 is not the case with text 2 where relianee
justice (Chains B,C,DE) This is the case 01 on grammar is more evideneed espeeially
ehain B Charged (11), accused (4) and when it comes to building the main ehain,
charged (1) whieh establish a lexieal the one made up by The Hindujas
eohesive line between these three brothers.
sentenees. Sentences (19) and (20) If we first eonsider those ehains
display strong lexieal cohesion involving whose members contribute to the
members 01 ehains C and D. development of topie in both texts it is
Hyponymy and repetition establish worth noticing that semantic relations by
the semantie ties lor the field 01 lIIegal the members of these chains in tex! 1 are
rnoney received by The Hindujas (Chains realised by lexical repetition. This is
F-G). Under the urnbrella 01 rnoney evidenced in ehain A (boxes), B (seagull),
several related lexical items playa E (people) and H (raven). These ehains
cohesive part in the construetion and go along good portions of text l.
relation 01 (3), (14) and (15). In relation to the previously
For the lield 01 The Hindujas' social mentioned ehains Hasan (1985) states
lile (Chains H-I) hyponymy provides that
semantie relations with a high degree 01
proximity between the lexieal ehoiees in this particular identity chain is texto
these two ehains. This can be evideneed exhaustive, i.e. it runs frorn the
in (6) to (10) where lexieal words related beginning te lile end 01the tex/. This,
to The Hindujas' social lile predominate. / would suggest tentatively, is a
Hyponymy and synonyrny serve as the characteristic af shart narratives: texts
relations lor the field 01 The Hindujas' af this categary narmally cantain at
possessions (J,K,L) with own (10), have least ane texl-exhaustive identity
(16) and awn (21) establishing a chain. (Hasan, 1985: 84)
cohesive link with ehain K.
Text 2 forms a baekbone chain with It could be speeulated that the choice
The Hindujas brothers as the main 01 lexieal repetition would faeilitate reading
eharacters of the news story. This ehain for ehildren who should unambiguously
builds eohesion both lexically and recognise the word previously relerred to.
grammatically by using repetition and As regards tex! 2 ehain A, The
pronominals respeetively with a slight Hindujas brothers, draws on lexical

56 ZONA PRÓXIMA N" 4 (2003) PAGS 38-61

repetition and pronominals to establish 6. Conclusion
semantic relations with pronominals
having a more marked representation. It This study aimed to find lexical chains
could be suggested that text 2, a more in two texts and see how they made
mature teX! aimed at an adult readership,
for coherence. The analysis and
relies much more on grammatical
discussion above presented made it
relerences that such readers would be
possible to establish that both texts
able to work out with ease.
It is wor:th stating that even though contained lexical chains with their
the previous analysis and discussion members being semantically related.
showed lexical chains with their members In answering the question how
semantically related, this does not make these chains in both texts make for
the texts totally coherent. coherence, it could be stated that
There are cases 01 deviation with coherence is evidenced as the
sentences that appear to be "out 01 members of the chains maintain
place•. This is seen in sentence 2 in text 1 semantic relations.
when inlormation about the fírst people However, such coherenee is a bit
appears somewhat abruptly in the middle undermined when some ehain-Iinked
01 a stretch 01 sentences telling about Ihe
sentences appear isolated from the
boxes. In text 2 sentences 5, 23, 26
main topie. This is espeeially the case
appear a bit disconnected from the main
with text 2.
topie. These sentences are included in
chains, yet appear rather odd in the tex!. It was also found that whereas text
Sentence 27 is strange, as it appears 1- the children's story- heavily drew on
completely detached at a point where the lexical repetition to construct its
reader would not expect such a piece 01 chains, text 2 -the news story- relied
inlormation. much more on grammatical
As lar as genre is concerned in references.
relation to chain building teX! 1 heavily It is my belief that both texts have
draws on lexical choices to build the chain a leaning towards coherence that
lor its main characters,whereas text 2 should enable a reader who knows
relies on lexicogrammatical items to build
the English language to establish a
The HindLljas, the main and most prolific
chain. Chains in text 1 revolve around
bridge with them. G
more than one character (seaguf/, raven.
and box) while in teX! 2 The Hindujas
appear as the predominant
8AKER. M. (1992)
characters.Moretexts would have to be
In otller words. London: Routledge.
analysed to establish more solid
conclusions. It is important to take into ENKVIST. N.E (19788)
account factors such as: writer and type of Coherence, pseudo~coherence, and nan-
newspaper. coherence. In J. Ostman (ed.), Cohesíon and
semantics : Repore 011 Texl Unguislics. Abo: The
These can play an important part in
Research Institute of the Abo Akademi Foundation.
explaining a variety 01 leatures in texts.

ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 37-61

Coherence as a mental entity. In Gernsbacher and
Givon (eds).Coherence in Spontaneous Texts.
Amsterdan: John Benjamins Publishing Company:
pp. VII-X.


Discourse Ana/ysis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press.


Cohes/on in English. London:longman,


Language Context 8nd Text.Oxford: Oxford
Univers¡ty Press.

HASAN, R. (1984)
'Coherence and cohesive harmony'. In Flood, J.
(ed.), Understanding Reading Comprehension.
Newark: lnternational Reading Association, pp.

HOEY, M. (1996)
Patterns of Lexis in Text. Oxford: Oxford University

McCARIHY, M. (1991)
Discourse Anafysis for Language Teachers.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

SINGLElON. D (2000)
Language and The Lexicon. landan: Amold.

S8 ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 38-61

APPENDIX thinks, happens, Seagull suddenly cried
out with pain. 23 ,My loot, my loot,
Text 1 something is stuck in my loot». 24 And
Raven offered to help, as il Raven didn't
Seagull & the Coming 01 Light http:// know what had happened. 25 But when childo 18.html Raven reached lor Seagull's loot, and
1 When the Great Spirit made all lound the thorn there, Raven did not pull
things, the first People were given gifts in it out.26 Raven pushed it in. 27 ,Oh, I am
carved cedar boxes. 2 The lirst people sorry, Seagull, but I can't see what I am
were the animal people who were here doing.28 II I only had a Iittle bit 01 light».
belore uso3 In one box there was water. 4 29 And so, Seagulllifted the lid 01 the box
And when that box was opened, all the just a crack, to let out as little 01 the light
water came out 01 the box and rose to the as possible. 30 And all the specks 01 Iight
sky in the shape 01 c1ouds. then lell Iifted into the heavens.31 And Raven was
lrom the sky as rain, and lormed the the lirst to see the Stars. 32 And they
streams and rivers that Ilowed out to the were very beautilul. 33 Raven now
sea. 6. Another box contained all the reached lor Seagull's loot again, and once
mountains. 7 They were taken out, and again pushed the thorn deeper.34 Seagull
placed where they still stand to this day. cried out, Ilapping one wing but holding
8.Yet another box contained all the seeds the box tightly with the other. 35 Raven
01 things that grow. 9 And another box said, 'I'm sorry, but there is not enough
held the wind, which blew out, and blew Iight. 36 Open the box some more!. 37
the seeds to the lour corners 01 the world. And so Seagulllifted the lid a bit more,
10. Each 01 the First People opened their just enough to let out a round, pale Iight.
boxes, that is, all except Seagul1.11 And in 38 It f10ated up to the sky. 39 And Raven
Seagull's box was all the light 01 the world. was thelirst to see the Moon. 40 And it
12 But Seagull c1utched the box tightly. 13 was very beautilul. 41 Raven reached
And so it was: In the beginning there was down lor Seagull's loot one more time,
only darkness. 14 The animal people all and pushed the thorn deep.
asked Seagull to open the box. 15 Seagull 42 Seagull cried out! Both wings went
relused, squeezing the wooden box tightly up,and Seagull dropped the box. 43 The
under one 01 Seagull's wings. lid Ilew off, and out shot a great ball 01
16 And so the First People asked lire.44 It shot up, up. high into the sky,
Raven - who was Seagull's cousin - to and even Raven could not look at that
try. 17 Raven tried everything: asking, light so bright, that great light which is the
begging. demanding. pleading, coaxing, Sun. 45 And so it was that the lirst day
Ilattering. 18 But nothing worked, and came. And in the beginning, there was
Raven grew ever so angry at Seagull's indeed Light.
relusal. 19 Raven thought this thought:
,Seagull is making it hard lor all The From: Nootka
People. 20 Seagull is causing so rnuch People 01 British Columbia
trouble. 21 It would serve Seagull right il Rewritten by: Dr. Wilhelm
Seagull had a thorn stuck in Seagull's
lool». 22 And since whatever Raven

ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 37-61

Text 2 host parties lor celebrities and lilm
Corruption charge against billionaire (11) They were charged in their
brothers over Indian arms deal absence - along with their brother
By Sandra Laville in London and Rahul prakashchand, who Iives in Geneva - with
Bedi in New Delhi corruption, criminal conspiracy and
(1) THE Hinduja brothers, the cheating, at a special court in New Delhi.
billionaire philanthropists who saved the (12) The brothers issued a statement
Millennium Dome's laith zone, were saving they were «extremely surprised, by
charged in India with corruption yesterday the development
over an arms deal 14 years ago. (2) (13) The case has dogged them lor
Srichand and Gopichand Hinduja, who live years and dates back to 1986, when Rajiv
in London and became British citizens las! Gandhi's Congress government bought
year, deny involvement in the long- 400 howitzerfield-guns Irorn Bolors. (14)
running Bolors arms scandal, which The Swedish press c1aimed BO million
contributed to the downlall 01 the then had gone to Gandhi associates to sweeten
Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi. (3) It the deal.
was alleged that Gandhi's associates (15) Counsel lor the Indian Central
received a BO million sweetener to buy Bureau 01 Investigation, the CBI, which has
guns Irom the Swedish lirm. been inquiring into the scandal since
(4) The brothers, who made their E2 1987, alleged that the brothers received
billion lortune in oil, banking and commission lrom Bolors worth 81 million
communications, are accused 01 bribing Swedish kronor, or E5.53 rnillion. (16) He
senior politicians and civil servants to said: «They have three or lour Swiss
lacilitate the E802 million sale 01 the accounts in which they put this money'.
howitzers to the India n army. (5) The (17) Commissions in delence deals
Hindujas have lived in Britain lor many are outlawed in India, and il convicted the
years and are jointly ranked as the eighth Hinduja brothers could be sentenced to
richest people in the country. (6) Well- seven years in prison. (18) 8ut the
known philanthropists, they count royalty brothers would have to be extradited
and politicians among their friends. belore lacing the charges. (19) Ajig
(7) Srichand, 65, known as SP, gave Bharihoke, the special judge, will begin
Peter Mandelson El million to bail out the hearing arguments next month about
laith zone. whether there is enough evidence to try
(8)Tony and Cherie Blair were guests the Hinduja brothers, listed 468th on the
at the lamily's Diwali party last Forbes billionaires' lis!. (20) II the judge
November,when Mrs Blair modelled a decides to arraign them, the CBI will seek
churidar kameez originally designed by their extradition Irom the UK. (21) The
one 01 SP's daughters. (9) As members 01 Hindujas, who own at least one bank in
the Bollywood film industry, India's Switzerland and several other linancial
equivalent to Hollywood,the Hindujas are institutions, issued a statement last month
regulars at the Cannes Film Festival. (10) c1aiming the money they received Irom
They own a villa in the French resort and Bolors had «no relation, to the Indian deal.
moor a yacht off the town, where they (22) Official sources said the brothers

60 ZONA PRÓXJMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 38-61

had offered to «talk» to Indian officials in determination to make a Hollywood epic.
London or Geneva. (23) An official in (28) The spokesman tor the Hinduja
New Delhi said: «They are highly Group in London said: «There has been
conscious 01 their public standing in India enough trial by press in this matter. (29) It
and the UK as philanthropists, having built is time lor the law to take its course. (30)
several hospitals and donated generously The three Hinduja brothers are relieved
to other charitable causes. (24) They are that they are no longer at the merey 01 the
willing to go to extreme lengths to keep political pressures that have ruled this
their lamily name trom being case lar the past 13 years and that the
besmirched •. (25) The lamily, who first set judiciary will now make the corred
up business in Iran in the Twenties, is decision. (31) They are law-abiding
lndia's largest transnational company, with persons and as in the past they shall
interests in inlarmation technology, abide by the legal process •. (32) Gandhi,
finance, chemicals, and the lilm industry. who was voted out in 1989 and
(26) They employ 20,000 people. (27) assassinated in 1991, also figures in the
Srichand recently expressed his C81 charge sheet.

ZONA PRÓXIMA N° 4 (2003) PAGS 37-61


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