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1. a.i Ksp expression and units of binary compound

a.ii . Calculate the Ksp of binary compound by converting the unit is gdm–3 to moldm–3

2. a.i. Mathematical expression of the term’s pH and Kw.

a.ii. Calculate the pH of strong base if the concentration is known

b. Calculate pH of weak acid if Ka is given

3. a.i. Define the term lattice energy.

a.ii. Calculate a value for the enthalpy change of solution if the following data are given.

Data of enthalpy change of hydration of anion,

Data of enthalpy change of hydration of cation,

Data of lattice energy

(iii) The enthalpy change of hydration of Ca2+ is given.

Use the Data Booklet to suggest why there is a big difference in the values of ∆Hhyd for Ca 2+ and

(b)(i) Identify the substances formed at the anode and at the cathode during the electrolysis of
saturated CaCl2(aq).

(ii) Calcium can be produced by the electrolysis of molten calcium chloride, CaCl2(l).

Calculate the mass, in g, of Ca formed when a certain current pass through CaCl2(l) for some
minutes. [Ar : Ca, 40.1]
(c) (i) Explain what is meant by the term entropy of a system.

(ii) Place one tick (3) in each row of the table to show the sign of each entropy change, ∆S.

(iii) The evaporation of one mole of water has a standard Gibbs free energy change, ∆G o, given at 25°C.
Sketch a graph on the axes to show how ∆Go changes for this process between 2 different
temperatures at 101 kPa.

(d) The reaction between A and B is feasible at low temperatures but is not feasible at high temperatures.

Deduce the signs of ∆H and ∆S for this reaction and explain why the feasibility changes with

4. (a) The rate of this reaction was measured at different initial concentrations of the two reagents.

The table shows the results obtained.

(i). Deduce the order of reaction with respect to each of [CH 3CH2CHClCH3] and [I– ].
Explain your reasoning :
order with respect to [CH3CH2CHClCH3]
order with respect to [I– ]
(ii) Calculate the rate constant for a reaction and stating the units
(iii) Calculate the relative rate for experiment

5. Entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system.

(a) Assume the entropy, S, for H2O is zero at 0 K.
Sketch a graph on the axes to show how the entropy changes for H2O between 0 K and 300K
(b) Tick the table to show the sign of the entropy changes, ΔS.
(c) The equation for a reaction that produces methanol is shown.
Use relevant bond energies from the Data Booklet to calculate the enthalpy change, ΔH, for this gas
phase reaction.
(d) At 298 K, both products of this reaction are liquid. Reaction is given.
ΔHo value is known. Standard entropies are shown in the table.
(i) Calculate the standard entropy change, ΔSo , for a reaction.
(ii) Calculate the standard Gibbs free energy change, ΔG o , for this reaction at 298K.
(iii) Predict the effect of increasing the temperature on the feasibility of this reaction.
(e) In a methanol-oxygen fuel cell, CH3OH(l) and O2(g) are in contact with two inert electrodes immersed in
an acidic solution. The half-equation for the reaction at the methanol electrode is shown.
(i) Use the Data Booklet to write an equation for the overall cell reaction.
(ii) Use Eo values to calculate the for this reaction.

6. The phosphate buffer system operates in biological cells. The buffer contains dihydrogen phosphate,
H2PO4 –, which acts as a weak acid.
(a) Write an expression for the Ka of H2PO4 – .
(b) (i) Explain what is meant by the term buffer solution.
(ii) Write two equations to show how a solution containing a mixture of H 2PO4 – and HPO4 2– acts as
a buffer.
(c) The pH in many living cells is 7.40. Ka value is given.
Calculate the value of [HPO4 2–] / [H2PO4 – ] needed to give a pH of 7.40 in the cells.

7. Pure water is a very poor conductor of electricity. However, when hydrogen chloride gas is dissolved in
water, ions are formed and a current flow during electrolysis.
The overall change after electrolysis is that hydrogen chloride gas is converted into hydrogen and
When a certain current is passed through the solution for Y minutes, volume of chlorine is known are
produced at the anode, measured under room conditions.
(a) Calculate the number of chlorine molecules produced during the electrolysis.
(b) Calculate the total number of electrons transferred to produce this number of chlorine molecules.
(c) Calculate the quantity of charge, in coulombs, of the total number of electrons calculated in (b).
(d) Calculate the time, Y, in minutes, for which the current flows.
(e) The standard entropies, So, of three species are given in the table
(i) Calculate ∆So for the reaction
(ii) ∆Ho for given reaction is known
Calculate ∆Go for this reaction at 298K.

(iii) Predict the effect of increasing temperature on the spontaneity of this reaction. Explain your

8. Silver sulfide, Ag2S, is very insoluble in water.

(a) (i) Write an expression for the solubility product, Ksp, of Ag2S(s).
(ii) The solubility of Ag2S(s) in water at 298 K is given
Calculate the numerical value of the solubility product, Ksp, of Ag2S(s) at 298 K.
(iii) Calculate the minimum volume of water needed to dissolve certain mass of Ag2S(s) under
standard conditions.
(b) Bromic(I) acid, HOBr(aq), is a weak acid. Its Ka is given
(i) Calculate the pH of certain concetration of HOBr(aq)

9. The concentration of tertiary compounds solution is given.

i. Write an expression for the solubility product, Ksp, of tertiary compound, and state its units.
ii. Calculate the numerical value for Ksp of tertiary compound

10. The rate equation for the forward reaction is shown.

a. Complete the table of order and its overall order
b. Two separate experiments are carried out at 30 °C to determine the rate of the forward reaction.
i. Use the data for experiment 1 given to calculate the value of the rate constant, k.
State the units of k.
ii. Calculate the value of concentration
c. Define the term rate-determining step.

11. An electrochemical cell is constructed using two half-cells.

(a) State the material used for the electrode in each half-cell.
(b) The cell is operated at 298 K. The Al 3+/Al half-cell has standard concentrations.
The concentration of Sn4+/Sn2+ half-cell is known.
(i) Use the Nernst equation to calculate the electrode potential, E, of the Sn4+/Sn2+ half‑cell under
these conditions.
(ii) Calculate the Ecell under these conditions.
(iii) Write an equation for the overall cell reaction that occurs.
(c) Electrolysis of a metal is known
Calculate the mass of aluminium that is obtained when a current is known, passed for certain hours.

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