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1. Do you believe that the daughter is cherished? Defend your answer.

2. What is the present day equivalent of magpie from the context?
3. What culture of the Vietnamese is shown in the poem?
4. Comment on the value of challenges of the mother.
5. How do you feel for the daughter at forty-three?
In this poem, I think that the daughter is being cherished by her mother but not too much because of their culture.
When the daughter was younger, the mother set the price to high maybe because she wanted her daughter to have a
good husband with a good social standing and to live without poverty. We can observe that as years go by, the
mother is throwing a decrease in price which means that she’s setting it lower but still, no one can afford her
daughter. If we look into different perspective, she’s just taking advantage of her daughter but when we look into a
broader perspective she’s just trying to set a bar up high for her daughter because she’s just thinking about her
daughters life after marriage.
In my own understanding, I think the equivalent of magpie in the present day are the ones who introduce
someone to us. This can be our friends, family, or any acquaintances that will serve as the bridge of communication.
In reality, a magpie is a messenger of good luck and incoming success.
In accordance with the Vietnamese culture depicted in the poem, the family plays a significant role in choosing
the spouses and partners of their children, arranging their marriage through matrimonial agents (called mai-dongs).
The family's social standing, Buddhist doctrine, and Confucian philosophy all have a big impact on this choice. It is
surprising how similar people and ways of life are all over the world, despite some cultural differences. For instance,
the dowry system is a cultural practice that is also prevalent in the Philippines.
Given that they are adhering to a particular culture, I believe the value of all the mother's struggles is just right. If
the mother would prefer to give her daughter away for free, this may indicate that her daughter is not desirable and
not valuable enough in some way, which I believe is the wrong way to evaluate her daughter's value. Without
intending to offend anyone who is familiar with Vietnamese culture, I believe that we should get married according
to our own preferences. Parents should only serve as our mentors and guides, not as someone who can dictate how
our lives should be lived.
I find it depressing to think that she is still single and unable to enjoy life at the age of 43.  Especially in
Vietnamese culture who believe that women are the one's that have traditionally been in charge of running the
household and controlling the family finances. The daughter in the poem sounded so imploring for her mother to
simply give her away. I have no knowledge of Vietnamese culture, but from a female perspective, it seems like the
mother became overly selfish and robbed her daughter of the chance to be happy. However, from her mother's
perspective, she only did what she believed her daughter deserved. We can also say that charging a high price for
her implies that the mother values and treasures her daughter, while "giving her away" implies that the mother does
not value and treasure her daughter as highly.

1.What family, economic, education, and social values should be cherished based on the poem?
2. Does obedience always give optimistic result?

Sound Device:
1. What sound device is used in the poem?
2. Expound on the use of repetition.
3. Do you appreciate the poem through its sound device? Why or Why not?

Poetry type:
1. What poetry type is The Cherished Daughter? Support your answer.

The values of respect and obedience is widely evident in the poem wherein the daughter’s obedience for her
mother means that she quietly accept the family's tradition and respect their culture. In economic and social values,
preserving culture is another thing that needs to be cherished. In our generation today, cultures and traditions were
being neglected to point that it is close to be forgotten that's why it is necessary to keep it alive as we preserve a
country’s own identity and integrity.

No, obedience does not always give optimistic results. Obedience can lead to both positive and negative
outcomes, depending on the situation and the individual's motivations for obedience. Obeying orders without
question can cause a person to neglect their own needs and wants in favor of those, which can lead to a lack of
individual identity and personal decision-making which can lead to losing control over their life in general.

1. The sound that is used in the poem is repetition.
2. It is an effective poetic strategy in strengthening its message. Repetition is a powerful tool used by poets to
create a sense of rhythm and to emphasize important ideas in a poem. Repetition can be used in many ways,
such as repeating a word or phrase, repeating the same sound, or repeating a grammatical pattern. It can
also be used to create a sense of cohesion within a poem, linking ideas together and creating a unified
whole. Repetition can also be used to create a sense of suspense, as it can build up to a climax or resolution
in a poem. Ultimately, repetition can be used to make a poem more memorable, as the repetition of certain
words or sounds can make them easier to remember.
3. Yes, it may be a bit confusing at first, but after reading it more than one, you can easily understand what
the poet is talking about. In addition, with the use of repetition, it created a strong emotional response in the
reader, which can be used to convey a particular message or feeling.

The Cherished daughter is a lyric type of poetry. Lyric poetry expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet. It is
usually written in the first person and often has a musical quality. Lyric poetry can be used to express a variety of
emotions, such as love, sorrow, joy, or anger which is typically spoken in the first person. It is usually brief, with a
single subject, emotion, or idea. It often contains images and metaphors, and often uses rhyme and meter. Also, The
Cherished Daughter used personal pronouns I and me which is an indication that the poem is spoken in first person.

On A Personal Note
Pretend that you are the daughter who is now 32 years old. Write a prayer (all religions pray) with no
less than 70 words for you to have a husband or wife.

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for the gift of marriage and the blessing of family. We come before you today asking for Your
guidance and blessings in the search for a husband and wife. Help us to find each other, to love one another and to
be united in a holy matrimony. Bless us with the strength to overcome any difficulties that may arise in our
relationship, and fill us with the courage to face our future together. We ask You to bring us closer together as we
strive to become one in Your name. May the love between us be ever-growing, like a garden of flowers in full
bloom. Amen.

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