A Mother

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A Mother's Cry


“My friend, I would like to ask how you are, but I don't think it would be wise after
all you have been going through these last six weeks. Humans have been disgusting
to me for a long time, I can't stand this war anymore. Everything humans have
touched over the years has perished, but we cannot give up until Mother is safe from
the plague…”


Chapter 1: Caribou

Although winter is not yet here, the prairies, valleys, and forests of Pennsylvania
have always been cold, however, now they are colder than ever, now that death

“Knock down the trees from Sector B to Sector E, then start the cleanup protocol!" -
ordered the leader of the team of workers.

-"Dare and we kill you, good for nothing, your parents are brothers!" shouted a
woman from the mob.

-“Oh really? go ahead, I dare you to try, we will slaughter you like this forest.” -
answered the worker.

The economist who runs the company tasked with felling the forest intends to invest
in building a large resort on the site. The operation has been in process for exactly
six months.

Of course, animals must also react. Many have started a long journey south in search
of a better place. Others, like our hero, have accepted the challenge; the fight has
been ongoing since the start of the operation.

While the people of the Poconos make their revolt, something strange begins to
It could even appear on television, and an enormous number of birds of various sizes
and species appeared in the sky. The ground began to shake and rumble, it was
evident, something big was approaching.

The ground began to shake, and a thunderous rumble could be heard from far away.
An employee working on deforestation realized what was happening.


Suddenly the sky was filled with birds of all kinds that were in the forest, they
looked like a huge platoon of fighter jets ready to attack. They all swooped straight
down on the trucks and machines, attacking the workers. At the same time, many
animals ran at full speed towards those men; caribou, deer, raccoons, foxes, wolves,
squirrels, and even Ammar, the Great Grizzly Bear, who had lost his right eye,
pounced on those humans who have been wanting to wither their world for years.

The goal of the workers was to eliminate the forest, but the birds arrived first and
attacked them, seriously injuring them, piercing their eyes with their beaks and
claws or pecking their skulls until they reached the brain.

The other animals were not far behind. The caribou and reindeer used their antlers to
strike at the humans, and Ammar used his great strength, teeth, and claws to
dismember and tear apart the guards who would not hesitate to shoot the animals.

The people, both the police, forest rangers, workers, and townspeople of the
Poconos reacted. Most began to run, others took out hunting rifles, bows, and
shotguns to fight back, and some young people used their smartphones to record

Shanta, a wild boar who lives with the trauma that her young and her husband
became food for a Christmas dinner two years ago, had asked Deepak, the caribou
who commanded the stampede by land, to order the withdrawal, since too many
animals had died and there was no need for more blood to flow if, in the end, the
human threat would be the winner.

But Deepak, the caribou that he is, did not give up, and the bloody battle culminated
after a few hours when two armed helicopters arrived and began killing birds left
and right, forcing the animals to retreat and delaying the company's operation.

In the distance, a badly wounded ranger managed to get up and witness all the beasts
return to the hunt after Deepak bravely stood up and bellowed to order his friends to
flee. After ordering the retreat, Deepak stared at the man for a few seconds and
disappeared into the trees. The ranger, stunned, said:
-"That caribou..."

Chapter 2: Red-Tailed Hawk

Although the forest was triumphant, no one felt peace in their hearts, since the
disappointing number of deaths was higher. Deepak climbed on a high rock to
communicate a message.

-"Listen, everyone, I know that the last fight was horrible, but our brothers from the
north have sent a messenger crow, humans caused a fire to advance their
deforestation."- said Deepak.

-"It is not our problem, in the north, there are wolves, foxes, and birds of prey,
which defend themselves. If we leave the east unprotected we will not be able to
weather the storm and we would be doomed.”- said Ahanu, a ferret whose wife was
just months away from giving birth to their young.

-"I know perfectly what your wife's situation is and that your duty as an exemplary
husband is to protect her in any way, but that doesn't free you from helping us fight.
Think about it a bit, if you don't protect the forest, in which burrow will your babies
live? "- replied a Red-Tailed Hawk that descended from the clouds to perch on
Deepak's right horn, his name was Calian.

Everyone recognizes Calian because he got the gift of the gab, so Ahanu came to his
senses easily and simply apologized to the leaders of the Northern Poconos Tribe.

-"I suppose you're right, excuse me, I'll continue fighting with my forces".- Ahanu
said regretfully.

Calian, who is usually a serious bird, was very communicative this time, as he
brought bad news.

-"Ok now, everyone, pay attention, I come from the wastelands of the Jack Frost
forest, the human attack there was very effusive, the rodents, from gliding squirrels
to beavers have had to migrate south unexpectedly and the birds are in heading
north, to the border in Buffalo, the rest of the creatures have been killed by bullets
and fire."-As expected, Calian could not bring good news.

Deepak took the bull by the horns and said: -"There is no time to wait, minor air
team, be the first to reach Jack Frost, the major air team will head east to the base of
Whiskey Peak. Calian "If you can, tell the aquatic teams to head to Niagara to help
the migrants to Buffalo; the rest will remain here guarding the calves and night
watch on land."-ordered the caribou, leader of the animals of the Poconos.

Anusha, a juvenile female robin, was feeling a bit negative, as always.

-"If I hadn't been born, I wouldn't have had to go through this absurd war."- she
stated with a depressive tone.

Denahi, a youthful robin, answered: -"And by the way, we didn't have to put up with
you..."-with a defiant tone.

"And if you hadn't said that comment, she wouldn't want to go kill herself right
now," scolded Kanya, a female akohekohe.

Such comments made Anusha frustrated, making her take off as fast as possible to
get ahead with the smaller air team. She flew between sobs.

Anusha was always hated by most, as she had lost her parents and her younger
siblings long ago.

Seeing that the deaths were only increasing, Anusha became more and more
depressed, but she always maintained the idea that you have to fight until the end, no
matter if the animals lose, "if they take our lives, they will not be able to say we
didn't fight", that is her phrase.

Cailan, on the other hand, always saw Anusha as a true revolutionary, as many
animals had deserted, but she, despite her depression, never gives up.

The red-tailed hawk decided to take off as soon as possible to follow and comfort
her, leaving the rest of the crowd on Deepak's hooves.

-"Anusha, wait for a second, I have to talk to y...!"- Calian could not finish because
of the shot of a co-worker of the company that tries to destroy the forest.

Chapter 3: American Red Fox

No one in the vicinity could come to the rescue. Calian lay dying on the ground,
gasping for air, waiting for his demise.
As Calian agonized in pain from the wound and the bleeding, the hunter came
walking to collect his trophy. But an animal friend appeared when his hand was
about to grab the bird.

With his orange fur, elegant tail, pointy ears, four legs, and sharp fangs; Lakota, an
American red fox, had come to Calian's rescue.

Lakota bit down hard on the man's hand, so much so that he dropped his shotgun,
and when he tried to pick it up, the fox bit him away.

Lakota always kept in his mind the desire to pave the way for something, so he
carefully took Calian in his mouth and carried him into the forest to recover,
knowing that he, being a mere fox, would have little or nothing to do on his own to
save the forest.

When Calian awoke, he felt dizzy and out of place, along with intense pain in his

Lakota had taken Calian to his lair to treat his wound and keep him safe.

-"Lakota...thank you...ugh..."-Said the bird, with a lot of effort.

-"Don't worry, try not to make any effort until you get better."-The fox responded in
a friendly way.

Calian tried to extend his wing but was in a lot of pain when he tried to contract it.

"OH!" Calian replied.

-"Hey, calm down, first I have to remove the bandage I put on you, you must be
more patient."- Lakota told him since he had risked his life to save his friend,
obviously hoping that he would recover as soon as possible.

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