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Civil Rights Internet Scavenger Hunt

1.   Civil War Amendments & Jim Crow

Write the three Civil War Amendments and a brief description of each one:

__13__th Amendment – they gave black Americans freedom, citizenship, and the right
to vote. This one abolished slavery.

__14__th Amendment - they gave black Americans freedom, citizenship, and the right
to vote. This one extended the equal protection of the laws to all citizens.

__15__th Amendment - they gave black Americans freedom, citizenship, and the right
to vote. This one guaranteed that the right to vote could not be denied on account of
race, color or previous condition of servitude.

What was the purpose of the Jim Crow laws?

The Jim Crow Laws were arguing that the right to segregate public accommodations
and other public spaces was an individual right, inviolable by law. They were a
legislation that separated people from whites in schools, housing, jobs, and public
gathering places.

“The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow. A National Struggle . The Supreme Court | PBS.” 2022.
2022. Accessed on September 19, 2022.

2.   Not A Funny Situation!

What is the title of the cartoon?

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“Toward Racial Equality: Harper’s Weekly Reports on Black America, 1857-1874”

“Worse than Slavery”

Why do you think this title was given to the cartoon?

Because segregation and the bad treatment the Black community has gone through is
just another phase as bad, as or worse than slavery. People seek to be together as one,
but it is not happening. It expresses that the government is bound to secure allows no
arbitrary disqualification upon the grounds of religion, race or color. In the image, we
are able to see a distinct separation between the white league and the Ku Klux Klan
which kind of work together to contain the black oppressed. It is worse than slavery
because if it where the union, then it would be the loss of all Black people. It reflects
how organizations can gain control over peaceful members. White or black, none of
them dares to denounce the atrocious acts this organizations are able to reach. Then why
worse than slavery? Because “If a colored man ventures to tell of some frightful
assassination which he saw in the dim midnight, he is himself dragged from the prison
where he had been placed for safety and slaughtered”. 1 And this, not only to Black, but
with white that stick with black. So why? Because worse than slavery is being treated as if
we are not human beings, as we have no right to live.

“Reconstruction - toward Racial Equality.” 2022. 2022. Accessed on September 19,

3.   Separate and Not Equal

Under “What was Jim Crow?,” write three examples of segregation that you did
NOT know before we began the unit:

“Reconstruction - toward Racial Equality.” 2022. 2022. Accessed on September
19, 2022.
[Escriba aquí]
A. Coon caricature: they are insulting and anti-black caricatures that its name comes
from the word “raccoon”.

B. Jim Crow Imagery: anti-black imagery (racist imagery).

C. Mammy caricature: Racial caricature of African American women. Their image

served the political, social and economic interests of mainstream white America. It
intended to say that black women were happy as slaves.

Check out the “Louisiana Literacy Test” and answer as many of the questions you
can. What are your thoughts on this “test?”

I could not answer even one. It is pretty difficult to understand and it is kind of
confusing and tricky. I believe they did this test with the purpose of making it hard so
that Black people solving it would not approve. One wrong answer and that was it,
really unfair. The reason I could not answer is because I understand the questions but
there are many ways to interpret them and that makes me overthink my answers which
eventually could be wrong.

4.   Plessy v. Ferguson
What three words are used to describe Plessy v. Ferguson?

5.   W.E.B. DuBois Fights Back!

What organization did Dubois help found in 1909?

He was a founding member of the National Association for the Advancement of

Colored People (NAACP) which is one of the oldest civil rights organization in

Based on what you already know, what is the purpose of this organization?

It was founded in order to fight against discrimination and racism. It builds black
political power to end structural racism.

[Escriba aquí]
6.   The Supreme Court Overturns Plessy v. Ferguson
What Supreme Court case overturned Plessy v. Ferguson?

The Plessy v. Ferguson case in 1896 was one of the cases in the time, but later on, the
case of Brown v. Board of Education took place. People asked for desegregation in the
public schools systems because it was not equal and violated the freedom they had as

What did this case end?

The case lasted very long. It took more than two years to interpret how did it all applied
to the fourteenth amendment. On May 17, 1954 the decision was finally made. They
made the correct decision and started desegregation of public schools which had a huge
social ideological impact; the beginning of equality among races.

“Brown v. Board of Education: 1954.” 2020. 2020. Accessed on September 20, 2022.

7.   The "Mother" of the Civil Rights Movement

Examine the photos of Rosa Parks. Identify any two famous people photographed
with Ms. Parks.

[Escriba aquí]
Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks took a photo after their victory in the Montgomery
Bus Boycott.

In this photo, Rosa Parks is being kissed by Coretta Scott King (King’s wife) after
receiving the Martin Luther King Jr. nonviolent Peace Prize. She was the first women to
receive the award.

“Rosa Parks | Academy of Achievement.” 2022. Academy of Achievement. Academy of Achievement.

February 10, 2022. Accessed on September 20, 2022.

8.   Montgomery Bus Boycott Victory

Find the “flyer” that was given on the eve of the victory. Write about one
“specific” suggestion that stands out the most to you.

What stands out the most for me is “50,000 People Walk Again!!! Support them until
victory is won”. This is a phrase inviting people to march again and fight for their rights
in a peaceful way. It suggests to people to come and that is what stood out the most for

[Escriba aquí]
me. As well, it makes me understand that the march is gaining power and force which is
a good thing.

“National Organization for Women | Learning to Give.” 2013. 2013. Accessed on
September 20, 2022.

9. Little Rock
Which of the Little Rock Nine was the first African American to earn a diploma at
Little Rock Central High School?

Ernest G. Green was the first African American to earn his high school diploma from
central High school.

“Members.” 2021. Little Rock Nine Foundation. 2021. Accessed on September 20, 2022.

10. Students Sit for Freedom

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What was the name of the store that the Greensboro Four began their sit-in?

Woolworth’s store. Ralph John’s store (to contact the newspaper).

How many protesters showed up on the sixth day?

Around fourteen hundred students joined the protest.

and. 2016. “Greensboro Sit-in - North Carolina History Project.” North Carolina History Project. 2016.
Accessed on September 20, 2022.

11. Time Magazine Honors Dr. King

How did MLK write his famous “Letter from a Birmingham Jail?”

He managed to get to “Man of the Year”. A trendy magazine about the most influential
people that were taking place in that time. In a letter to Time founder Henry R. Luce,
King thanked him for the honor and commended the magazine for its inclusion of other
professional African Americans.2

“Time Magazine’s ‘Man of the Year.’” 2017. The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education
Institute. July 6, 2017. Accessed on September 20, 2022.

12. Civil Rights Act of 1964

What was Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

“Time Magazine’s ‘Man of the Year.’” 2017. The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and
Education Institute. July 6, 2017. Accessed on September 20, 2022.

[Escriba aquí]
“You have the right to full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities,
privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation.
You cannot be treated differently by a place of public accommodation because of your
race, color, religion, or national origin.”3

“Constitutional Rights Foundation.” 2022. 2022. Accessed on September 20, 2022.

13. Voting Rights Act of 1965

This piece of legislation (law) outlawed what two types of attempts to limit blacks
from voting?

Literacy tests and prerequisite voting.

“Voting Rights Act (1965).” 2021. National Archives. October 6, 2021. Accessed on September 20,

14. N.O.W.
What was N.O.W.’s goal since 1966?

To take action to bring equality for all women. However, it changed to: “to take action
to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society now,
exercising all privileges and responsibilities thereof in truly equal partnership with

What amendment did N.O.W. offer support?

To the constitutional equality amendment.

“National Organization for Women | Learning to Give.” 2013. 2013.
Accessed on September 20, 2022.

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“National Organization for Women | Learning to Give.” 2013. 2013. Accessed on
September 20, 2022.

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