Lecture 2

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Fall 2016 - 2017 Amine Abou Moughlbay, PhD


Chapter 1:
Kinematics of a Particle

MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
Chapter 1: Kinematics of a Particle

§  Concepts of position, displacement, velocity,
and acceleration of a particle

§  Study particle motion along a

§  Straight line : rectilinear motion
§  Curved path: curvilinear motion
§  Projectile motion

§  Analysis of dependent motion of two particles

§  Principles of relative motion of two particles

using translating axes.
MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
Chapter 1: Kinematics of a Particle

1.  Introduction
2.  Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion
3.  Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion
4.  General Curvilinear Motion
5.  Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components
6.  Motion of a Projectile
7.  Curvilinear Motion: Normal and Tangential Components
8.  Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles
9.  Relative Motion Analysis of Two Particles Using
Translating Axes

MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
Chapter 1: Kinematics of a Particle

1.  Introduction
2.  Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion
3.  Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion
4.  General Curvilinear Motion
5.  Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components
6.  Motion of a Projectile
7.  Curvilinear Motion: Normal and Tangential Components
8.  Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles
9.  Relative Motion Analysis of Two Particles Using
Translating Axes

MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
1.1 - Introduc+on

1.1– Introduction
§  Engineering mechanics is divided into two areas:

§  Statics concerned with the equilibrium of a body that is

either at rest or moves with constant velocity.

§  Dynamics deals with accelerated motion of a body.

1)  Kinematics – geometric aspects of a motion
2)  Kinetics – analysis of the forces causing the motion

MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
1.1 - Introduc+on

1.1– Introduction
§  Dynamics principles started when it was
possible to make an accurate measurement of

§  Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) experiments using

pendulums and falling bodies.

§  Isaac Newton (1642-1727) formulation of the

three fundamental laws of motion and the law of
universal gravitational attraction.

§  Application were developed by Euler,

D’Alembert, Lagrange, and others.
MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
1.1 - Introduc+on

1.1– Introduction
§  Solution of many engineering problems require
application of the principles of dynamics.

§  Structural design of any vehicle, such as an automobile

or airplane.

§  Mechanical devices, such as motors, pumps, movable

tools, industrial manipulators, and machinery.

§  Predictions of the motions of artificial satellites,

projectiles, and spacecraft.

MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
Chapter 1: Kinematics of a Particle

1.  Introduction
2.  Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion
3.  Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion
4.  General Curvilinear Motion
5.  Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components
6.  Motion of a Projectile
7.  Curvilinear Motion: Normal and Tangential Components
8.  Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles
9.  Relative Motion Analysis of Two Particles Using
Translating Axes

MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
1.2 – Rectilinear Kinematics:
10 Continuous Motion
Specifying the particle’s position, velocity, and
acceleration at any instant when moving along a
rectilinear or straight line path.

§  A particle has a mass but negligible size and
§  Objects can be considered as a particle, as long
as the motion is characterized by the motion of
its mass centre and any rotation of the body is
MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
1.2 - Rec+linear Kinema+cs: Con+nuous Mo+on

The straight line path of a particle is defined using:

1)  Single coordinate axis, s

2)  Origin on the path (fixed point ), O

3)  Position vector r – is used to specify the location

of particle P at any instant t

4)  Algebraic Scalar s in meters, represents the

position of the particle P, P
since the direction always
remains along the
coordinate axis.
MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
1.2 - Rec+linear Kinema+cs: Con+nuous Mo+on

4)  Algebraic Scalar s in meters , represents the
position of the particle P, since the direction
always remains along the coordinate axis.

Note :
Magnitude of r = distance from O to P
§  Direction is defined by algebraic sign on s
§  Positive = right of origin
§  Negative = left of origin

MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
1.2 - Rec+linear Kinema+cs: Con+nuous Mo+on

Displacement of a particle is the change in its
§  If a particle moves from P to P’
P P’

Δr = rʹ - r
Δs = sʹ - s

§  when Δs>0, the particle’s position is right of its initial position.

§  when Δs<0, the particle’s position is left of its initial position.
MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
1.2 - Rec+linear Kinema+cs: Con+nuous Mo+on

§  The displacement of a particle Δs is a vector
quantity and should be distinguished from the
distance traveled by the particle.

§  The distance traveled sT is a positive scalar that

represents the total length of path over which the
particle travels.

MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
1.2 - Rec+linear Kinema+cs: Con+nuous Mo+on

§  If the particle moves through a displacement Δs
during time interval Δt, the average velocity is :

v avg =
vavg =

§  Instantaneous velocity is defined as:

v ins = Δt→0
lim ( Δr Δt) vins = Δt→0
lim ( Δs Δt)

dr ds
⇒ v ins =
⇒ vins =
Since dt is always positive, the sign used to define the velocity, is the
same as that for dr or ds.
MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
1.2 - Rec+linear Kinema+cs: Con+nuous Mo+on

§  Velocity
Represent νins as an algebraic scalar,
v =

ν>0 particle moving to the right

ν<0 particle moving to the left

§  Speed
The magnitude of velocity is the speed (m/s)

MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
1.2 - Rec+linear Kinema+cs: Con+nuous Mo+on

§  Average Velocity vs. Average Speed
Average speed is the total distance traveled by a
particle, sT, divided by the time interval Δt.

(v )sp avg
The particle shown in the figure travels along the path of
length sT in time Δt.

(v )
sp avg
vavg =-
MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
1.2 - Rec+linear Kinema+cs: Con+nuous Mo+on

§  Knowing the velocity of the particle at two points,
the average acceleration of the particle during
the time interval Δt is:

a avg = Δv
Δv = vʹ − v is the difference in the velocity during Δt
§  Instantaneous acceleration
dν d2s
ains = lim Δν Δt ⇒ ains ) =
a= 2

dν ds dν
a= and ν = ⇒ a=ν or a ds = ν dν
dt dt ds
MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay
1.2 - Rec+linear Kinema+cs: Con+nuous Mo+on

§  When the particle is slowing down
(decelerating) its speed is decreasing, Δυ will be
Consequently, the acceleration a will also be negative,
and will act to the left, in the opposite sense to υ.

§  When the velocity is constant, the acceleration is

MCHE 213 – Dynamics Fall 2016 - 2017 Dr. Amine Abou Moughlbay

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