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Study and Design of Hybrid Off-Grid PV-

Generator Power System for Communal Load 20

kWh and Administrative Load 11 kWh at Amaru
Muhammad Zulqarami, Agus Purwadi, Arwindra Rizqiawan
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics - Institut Teknologi Bandung
Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Abstract –- Indonesia is a developing country with a electricity at an area also affected the availability of
population of about 250 million people, so that the needs of electricity especially in remote areas.
electricity in Indonesia is quite high. Increasing electricity
needs has not yet been able to overcome by power plants that Renewable sources of energy is one solution to
exist today. In addition to difficulty reaching remote areas is overcome the shortage of electricity in Indonesia especially
also a factor that affects the availability of electricity especially in remote areas. To increase the reliability of the renewable
in remote areas. The ever increasing electricity needs have
energy sources needs to be thus combined with conventional
resulted in the need to increase power generation. Generally
used in conventional power plants that use fossil fuels so as to energy sources such as generator as a backup. The
cause problems against nature and high costs. One of the technology is a hybrid technology can be operated without
solutions that can be used is to use environmentally friendly the need to be connected to a network that is readily
renewable energy and its existence is continuous in nature. In available and able to work independently (distributed
addition, renewable energy can be used in remote areas to generation).
generate electricity independently on each area (distributed
generation) without being connected to the grid (off-grid). In this study selected areas included in the planning is
Renewable energy that can be used are solar energy (PV) and one region left behind, the outermost, and forefront in
wind energy (wind turbine) combined with a generator as a Indonesia. Hence it was selected one of the areas that is
backup. The study was done using software HOMER Pro for Amaru village, Der Koumur district, Asmat regency, Papua.
communal load 20 kWh and administrative load 11 kWh in
one region left behind, the outermost, and forefront in Process simulation is required prior to the selection of
Indonesia namely Amaru village, district Der Koumur, Papua.
components to be used in the system to find out the
The results of this study is the selection of the generator
system configuration allows both from technical side as well as specification and price. In this study used software HOMER
economical by comparing the value of the LCOE and system Pro who did against optimization system and provide a
performance each configuration. The results of this study can configuration system that allows both from the technical
also be used as reference material in electricity development side as well as economical. These studies focus on two types
project areas left in Indonesia. of group load i.e. communal load 20 kWh and the burden of
Office 11 kWh.
Keywords— Hybrid Generation; Off-Grid; PV; Generator;
I. OVERVIEW This study aims to determine the most appropriate
system configurations to be implemented. At the beginning
Indonesia is a developing country with a population of
of the study we choose site planning areas and be aware of
about 250 million people spread over more than 17,000
islands [1]. Thus the electrical energy demand in Indonesia the potential of solar energy available at that location. Then
is also quite high. Electrical energy needs increasing hasn't the specified load profile that will be supplied by the
been able to overcome by power plants that exist today. The system i.e. communal load and administrative load.
current plant in general is a conventional plant that affect A. Description of the Research Object
nature. In addition, the difficulty of building a network of
Research object chosen is a Amaru village, Der
Koumur district, Asmat Regency, Papua which is included
in the category of regions left behind, the outermost, and
forefront. Site planning is located on one of the central
point of the load in the village of Amaru with coordinates TABLE I. COMMUNAL LOAD ZONE 20 kWh
6°17'28.03" and 138°46'45.87"E.
B. Solar and Wind Energy Source Zona Total Daya Waktu Total Energi
Waktu Beban (kW) Pemakaian (h) Beban (kWh)
The potential energy of the sun and wind determines Beban
how much electricity can be generated. Based on data Pagi -
obtained from the NASA with software HOMER Pro, is Siang Hari 0.85 12 10.2
known to the average value of annual solar irradiance on the (06.00 -
location planning of Amaru village that is 5.103 18.00)
kWh/m2/day. While the potential energy of wind in Amaru Beban
Village has an average speed of 4,01 m/s. Puncak
2.15 4 8.6
(18.00 -
Hari 0.15 8 1.2
(22.00 -
Total Ebergi Beban (kWh) 20

Figure 1. Location of the Research Object

Profil Beban Komunal

C. Energy Demand
In this study used two types of group load i.e.
Daya (kW)

communal load and administrative load. On a communal 1
group of load, the energy needs of every household is 0
assumed to be of 400 Wh/day in accordance with the 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
standards of the Ministry of Mineral Resources for the Jam
regions left behind. Profile of communal load per day use
standard set according to the IEA (International Energy
Agency), which peak loads occur when the night and there
was no difference in load profile between work days or Figure 2. Daily Profile of Communal Load 20 kWh
holidays [2]. In this study the communal load supplied the
system assumed a number of 50 customers so that the total TABLE II. ADMINISTRATIVE LOAD ZONE 11 kWh
communal load is 20 kWh/day. The administrative load
then use consumption data electricity from Office Sub Total Daya Total Daya
Caringin. This is a communal and administrative load used Beban Beban
in this research. Zona Waktu
Weekdays Weekwend
(kW) (kW)
09.00 - 10.00 0.382 0.382
10.00 - 16.00 0.999 0.439
16.00 - 17.00 0.382 0.382
17.00 - 09.00 0.131 0.131
Total Energi Beban 8.854 5.494
Based on the calculation and availibility in the market then
selected wind turbine that are used in this research is Wind
Turbine 400 W at IDR Rp 5.835.000,- per unit [4]..For
Profil Beban Administrasi communal load and administrative load, the determination
of the number of wind turbine is influenced by average
1.5 power, work duration, load energy, and generation fraction
Daya (kW)

1 Weekday between PV and wind turbine.

0.5 Weekend
0 C. Battery
0 5 10 15 20 25
In this study assumed battery had minimal autonomy
Jam time 72 hours for 60-90 % RF value, without autonomy time
for 100 % RF value, and DOD of 70%. Ah battery capacity
calculation based on using that assumption, then battery
Figure 3. Daily Profile of Administrative Load 11 kWh used in systems with a communal load and 100 % RF value
is JYCOPzV with price of Rp 17,433,600,- and a capacity of
2000 Ah. Then batery for the system with communal load
and 6090 % RF value is JYC-OpzV with price Rp
7.623.800,- and a capacity 800 Ah. Then battery for the
III. SYSTEM AND COMPONENT system with administrative load and 100 % RF value is
Figure 4. shows the scheme of the system of the planned JYC-OPzV Rp 10,482,600,-and a capacity of 1200 Ah.
plant. In the scheme below used two buses i.e AC bus and Then battery for the system with administrative load and 60-
DC bus. The AC bus voltage 220 V is directly connected 90 % RF value is JYC-OPzV Rp 4.764.800,- and a capacity
with the generator and the load while the DC bus voltage 48 of 500 Ah [3]. The battery has a voltage of 2 V DC each so
V DC with connect directly with PV, and battery. Converter for this system needed 24 batteries arranged in series so that
connecting between DC bus and AC bus which can work as it brings the voltage of 48 V DC.
a rectifier, inverter, controller and charger. There are two
D. Generator
types scheme of work i.e. LF (Load Following) and CC
(Cycle Charging). In scheme of LF, the generator is used to Generator is a backup power plant when the solar panel
supply the load directly. Whereas, in the scheme of the CC, or the battery is not able to supply power to the load. The
the generator is used to charge the battery and the battery selection of generator need to be adjusted with peak loads at
will supply the load. In this study, CC (Cycle Charging) is both of the administrative load as well as communal load.
used in generator. Peak load on the communal load is 2.15 kW while on the
administrative load is 1 kW. In general, the capacity of
power generator selected magnitude of 1.2 times the peak
loads. Thus for the communal load of selected generator
Highlander HL-3500 LX priced at Rp 6,435,000,- and
capacity of power is 2,5 kW. As for the administrative load
of selected generator Highlander SF-2900 DX with a price
of Rp 9.432.500,- and capacity of power is 2.2 kW [4].
E. Inverter
The selection of inverter for adjustable system with peak
loads are supplied by the system. The capacity of the power
inverter should be above peak load so that when peak loads
Figure 4. Schematic of the System the system can still supply power. In general, the capacity of
A. PV Module the power inverter the minimum magnitude of 1.2 times the
peak loads. Taking into account the value of peak loads,
Based on the calculation of capacity and availability in then the selected inverter Growatt SPF3000 with a capacity
the market then selected solar panels that are used in this of power is 3.5 kW and it is good for the administrative
research is ICASOLAR Polycrystalline 200 Wp at IDR load as well as communal load. Inverter Growatt SPF3000
3,630,000,- per unit [3]. For communal load and can work as an inverter, rectifier, MPPT and solar charge
administrative load, the determination of the number of solar controller. The efficiency of the inverter Growatt SPF3000
panels and power capacity is influenced by RF and is high enough i.e. 93% so that the power output is also not
generation fraction between PV and wind turbine value used much different from the power input. The assumption of
because each RF and generation fraction value has its own price of this inverter is Rp 12.000.000,-. The number of
power capacity. inverters in the system is determined by the power of the
B. Wind Turbine inverter and the solar panel. In general, the power capacity
of the inverter in the system must be greater the the power
capacity of solar panels for each RF value. So the number of Based on the simulation results, the best configuration of
inverters used in the system also different for each RF value system is PV-Wind-Genset with PV capacity 4,8 kWp, and
[3]. 2 generators and 92,7 % RF value. The configuration has a
LCOE value of Rp 8.447,-. The configuration was chosen
because it has the lowest LCOE value than others.
On the results of the simulation HOMER Pro will be LOAD 11 KWH
shown the best system configuration based on the current
Configuration LCOE (RP) RF (%)
Levelized Cost Of Energy ( LCOE) as well as the value of
the Renewable Fraction (RF) for each configuration. The
value of the LCOE is the total cost required from a power Generator Only 24321 0
plant during his life the plant divided by the energy
produced by the plant. Renewable Fraction is the percentage PV Only 21671 100
of working power stations with renewable energy sources in
hybrid system [5].
Wind Only 33825 100

G. Assumption PV-Gen RF 60 10417 78.9

On the simulation required assumption of age project, PV-Gen RF 70 9203 84
fuel costs, O & M costs, shipping costs, as well as the value PV-Gen RF 80 9203 84
of the Discount Rate and the Inflation Rate to perform the
simulation. The age of this research project is assumed to be PV-Gen RF 90-100 8997 96.7
20 years. The fuel costs is assumed to be Rp 8.600,-. O & M
costs and delivery is assumed in this research. Based on the PV-Gen RF 90-100 9096 98.5
Bank Indonesia then in this study used the value of the
Discount Rate of 6,75% and Inflation Rate of 2,83% in 2018
[6]. Based on the results equal to the administratif load, the
best configuration is PV-Genertor with PV capacity 2,8
IV. RESULT AND ANALYSIS kWp, 2 generators, and 96.7 % RF value. The configuration
has a LCOE value of Rp 8.997,-. The configuration was also
A. Result and Analysis HOMER Pro selected because it has the lowest LCOE value than others.
The results of the simulation software HOMER Pro is the
optimization of the system with every possible configuration
and will be shown some indicator value of which Levelized V. CONCLUSION
Cost Of Energy, and Renewable Fraction. Amaru village is a 3T region that has renewable energy
potential that are solar energy with an average irradiance
value of 5,103 kWh/m2/day and wind energy with an
average speed of 4,01 m/s. Hybrid power generation system
is off grid PV-Generator is feasible from the side of the
techniques as well as economical for a communal load of 20
kWh and administrative load of 11 kWh. The configuration
Configuration LCOE (RP) RF (%) was chosen because has the lowest LCOE value than any
System other configuration. For communal load 20 kWh, the
optimal system is PV-Generator with PV capacity 4,8 kWp,
Generator Only 14334 0 and 2 generators and 92,7 % RF value. The configuration
PV Only 20017 100 has a LCOE value of Rp 8.447,-. And for administrative
load 11 kWh, the optimal system is PV-Generator with PV
Wind Only 30335 100 capacity 2.8 kWp, 2 generators, and 96,7 % RF value. The
configuration has a LCOE value of Rp 8.997,-..
PV-Gen RF 60 9422 74.8
PV-Gen RF 70 8811 82.8
PV-Gen RF 80 8498 89.2 [1] Anjar Priandoyo, Harry Vallack, Lisa Emberson,
“Energy and Environment in Indonesia” 2016 IEEE
PV-Gen RF 90-100 8447 92.7 Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, Phoenix,
PV-Gen RF 90-100 8498 94.8
[2] International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power
Systems Programme, "Rural Electrifcation with PV Hybrid
Systems: Overview and Recommendation for Further
Deployment," Interational Energy Agency, 2013.
[3] Rekasurya (2018). Rekasurya. [Online]. Available :
[4] Tokopedia (2018). Tokopedia. [Online]. Available :
[5] Indoteknik (2018). Indoteknik. [Online]. Available :
[6] Abram Wawi Putra, Egia Kamandika, Sahilaushafnur
Rosyadi, Agus Purwadi, Yanuarsyah Haroen, “Study and
Design of Hybrid Off-Grid PV-Generator Power Sistem for
Administration Load and Communal Load at Three
Regions in Indonesia” The 3rd IEEE Conference on Power
Engineering and Renewable Energy (ICPERE),
Yogyakarta, 2016.
[7] Bank Indonesia. (2017). Data BI Rate - Bank Sentral
Republik Indonesia. [Online]. Available:

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