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 Purposes of Disaster Relief and Rescue Operations: Prevent loss of life by rescue and removal of people
to places of safety, Prevent needless suffering of people, Protect property , Minimize damages during
disasters and calamities.


 MILVED - The dynamic process of learning, internalizing, upholding military values and ethics essential
to the pursuit of AFP goals and objectives.
 PUBLIC INFORMATION - Is the dissemination of military information through all forms of
communication informing them about what the AFP has done, is doing, and plans to do to bring about
peace and security.
 LIVELIHOOD - Designed to provide necessary assistance to the soldier and his dependents to embark
on productive ventures that enable him to cope with harsh economic realities while in active service
and during retirement.
 CMO Components: Military Values Education, Military Livelihood Enhancement Program, Military Civic
Action Program, Community Relations Program, Public Information Program

 FIRST AID - It is an immediate and temporary care given to a victim of an accident or sudden illness
before the services of a physician is obtained
 OBJECTIVES OF FIRST AID: To save life, To prevent further injury, To preserve vitality & resistance to infection
 ARTERIAL BLEEDING - Blood from an open artery. The color of the blood is bright red. The blood spurts
are synchronized with the pulse.
 VENOUS BLEEDING - Blood from an open vein. The color of the blood is dark red. The blood escapes in a slow
steady flow
 CAPILLARY HEMORRHAGE - Blood from damage capillaries. The color of the blood is intermediate between
bright and dark red
 BURN - Is an injury that results from heat, chemical agent, or radiation that It may vary in depth, size, and
 THIRD DEGREE BURN - The classification of burns where skin is destroyed and tissues underneath are
 FAINTING - It is the loss of consciousness caused by a temporary reduction of the blood supply to the
 When the victim is unconscious, proceed to check the AIRWAY, BREATHING, and CIRCULATION (A-B-C).
Commence resuscitation as appropriate.
 When the victim is being examined keep him lying down with his head level with his feet
 Clear the airway. Inflate the lungs with five quick breaths (proceed to CPR) if the victim had stoppage
of breathing
 Treat the most urgent injuries first and then treat the other injuries.
 Avoid the victim seeing his own injury
 Do not try to give any solid or liquid substance by mouth to an unconscious victim or to a victim who
has sustained an injury.
 One of the reasons for Splinting - Relieve pain by minimized movement and prevent further damage to injury


 LINE FORMATION is a formation in which the elements are side by side or abreast of each other
 INTERVAL is the lateral space between elements on the same line. It is measured between individuals
from shoulder to shoulder, and between formations, from flank to flank.
 ALIGNMENT is a straight line upon which several elements or terms are formed. It is the dressing of
elements upon a straight line

Column Formation Wedge Formation Skirmishes (left/right)


 COVER - It is the protection against enemy fire or hostile weapons.
 ARTIFICIAL COVER is constructed from issued materials or made by man such as sandbags, foxholes,
and trenches
 LOW CRAWL - It is used when cover and concealment are few and speed is not needed. Body and chest
are flat to the ground
 CONCEALMENT - Is the protection against enemy observation but not enemy fire.
 ARTIFICIAL CONCEALMENT - A concealment that is constructed from issued materials or individual
found in the vicinity
 CAMOUFLAGE - It is anything you use to keep yourself, your equipment and your position from looking
like what they are
 During day movement crawling and creeping are used when cover and concealment are available and
speed is needed to close up with the objectives
 The hazes, darkness, rain, and smoke are some of the aids used for concealment in the day movement
 Some of the natural concealments are the bushes, grasses, and long pile
 Both natural and man-made materials can be used for camouflage
 One of the rules of concealment is to avoid unnecessary movement
 Techniques and aids to combat movement are: HAZE, RAIN and SMOKE
 Problems encountered during night movement are: Appearance and size of the object, Concealment,
Night vision


 DRILLS consist of certain movements by which a unit or individual is moved in an orderly, uniform
 BASE - is the element on which a movement is regulated
 CADENCE - The uniform rhythm in which a movement is executed
 The swinging of arms must be 6 inches straight to the front and 3 inches straight to the rear of the
trouser seams


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