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Girish N Namboodiri, Moideenkutty KK, Remakanthan S, Nidheesh Kumar B,

Nagarajan K, Nallaperumal M, Mohan Kumar L, Jayaprakash J

Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Interface defects at the grain boundary of solid propellants are detri-
mental which are treated as critical defects that may lead to flight failure. A typ-
ical separation was observed by radiographic inspection of solid propellant mo-
tor close to the interface of propellant grain and Loose Flap insulation at the
head end dome region. As the head end dome consists of varying interfaces of
propellant grain, loose flap (LF), resin filling in loose flap spacing, fixed insula-
tion and metallic motor case, careful analysis is required to characterize the de-
fect and determine its exact location. The region was inspected by taking addi-
tional shots with successive close rotation of the motor to get a better picture of
the indication. Image processing tools used in the digitized images in the re-
gion also could help in concluding the type of defect observed. The paper de-
scribes the studies carried out at the defective region that backed by detailed
analysis leading to identifying the indication as a separation which has originat-
ed from the surface of propellant near the insulation interface. Radiography
was carried out to check the variation observed in loose flap gap before filling
of loose flap resin that helped in detecting the defect prior to LF filling itself.

The paper also points out another typical indication that was observed close
to the propellant interface at cylindrical to dome transition region of similar sol-
id motor. The observation was having the signatures of a separation between
propellant and insulation which could lead to rejection of the motor. The analy-
sis of the same by thorough radiographic investigation as well as with image
processing helped in identifying the defect as accumulation of liners due to a
process variation that prevented the solid motor from getting sidelined.

Keywords: propellant, radiography, solid rocket motor, loose flap, separation


1 Introduction:

A solid rocket motor used in space application initially consists of a motorcase and
several layers of insulation linings that are bonded by using suitable adhesive materi-
als to protect the motorcase from excessive heat during flight. At both ends of motor-
case, a loose layer of insulation will be kept intentionally without any bonding to the
fixed insulation layers and are called as loose flap layer. After application of suitable
bonding resin inside inner layer, propellant is vacuum casted into these motorcases.
The propellant undergoes shrinkage during curing. The loose flap layers at both ends
take care of this shrinkage and prevent separation at propellant-insulation interface.
Due to shrinkage of propellant, a gap will be formed between LF and fixed insulation
which will be subsequently filled with a suitable resin and allowed to solidify. Once
all these process gets completed, the solid motor will undergo radiographic inspection
to check the presence of any defects.

Solid rocket motors used in space application undergo NDT inspections at various
stages of its manufacturing. Ultrasonic Inspection is carried out on motor case for
bond inspection of insulation to motorcase and thickness mapping of insulation lay-
ers. After propellant casting and curing, radiography is carried out to detect defects in
propellant, interfacial defects at motorcase/insulation, between layers of insulation,
insulation/propellant, propellant/inhibition interface etc. Cracks and large voids in
propellant, Interface defects such as separation at adhesive or cohesive bonded areas
etc. are critical defects that could lead to catastrophic failure during flight. A high
energy radiography system using 6 MeV Linear Accelerator (LINAC) is used to carry
out radiographic inspection of such motors. Through shot radiography is taken for
detecting propellant defects and tangential radiography for interface defects. For mo-
tors which are of smaller diameter, the tangential region will get covered in through
shot itself and hence separate tangential shots are not required. The cassette position
for carrying out radiography of such a solid rocket motor at its Head end dome posi-
tion is shown in Fig.1.

Fig. 1. Cassette arrangement for a Solid Rocket Motor

Fig. 2 shows the coverage of the X-ray beam over the area of motor, when the LINAC
is positioned at 4m from the Film. The divergent X-ray beam from the LINAC passes
through the region of propellant and its interfaces before reaching the cassette that
contains the radiographic film positioned just behind the motor.

Fig. 2. Radiography set up for Solid rocket motor

Interpretation of defects in solid propellant requires skill as well as thorough under-

standing of the steps involved in processing of the motor. Ability to visualize the indi-
cation and restructure it to the possible defect configuration requires experience and
analyzing skills. The paper highlights two case studies conducted in solid rocket mo-
tors, where the radiographic observations required critical interpretation for character-

1.1 Case Study 1:

In any solid rocket motor, it is routine practice to keep a layer of insulation
towards propellant side free at both head end and nozzle end. This is to accommodate
the shrinkage effect that could otherwise pull the insulation layers bonded with mo-

torcase. This insulation layer is called loose flap. After propellant casting and curing
is completed, the gap between loose flap insulation and the fixed insulation is to be
filled with epoxy resin. This operation is carried out after verifying the gap all around
the circumference. The operators also verify whether any propellant has got into this
gap which could be critical. Based on the expected volume of this gap, a fixed quanti-
ty of epoxy resin will be prepared and filled.

In this particular case, on visual verification before LF resin filling, it was noticed that
the gap opening is non-uniform around the circumference. Due to accessibility prob-
lems owing to the smaller diameter port opening, it was not possible to inspect the
interior parts of port opening fully. Hence the motor was subjected to radiography
inspection before LF filling at its Head End region. Radiography carried out in the
region has shown that there were locations where the gap was very less for the resin
to be filled.

Apart from the above observation, a dark indication was noticed below the unfilled
loose flap gap and the loose flap insulation portion. The indication was observed to be
in between the loose flap insulation layer and propellant and it was starting from the
port region. Some portion of loose flap insulation was also found to have folded to-
wards the propellant. All these observations were unexpected and hence a critical
analysis was necessitated.


A visual analysis of the port region was subsequently carried out using adjustable
handle inspection mirror and it was identified that a separation was seen in the propel-
lant close to loose flap where radiography has shown an indication. On detailed exam-
ination of radiographs taken by rotating the motor by close distances to get the exact
shape and location of indication, it was observed that some propellant was sticking to
the LF insulation and the separation was noted below it. With above analysis, further
shots were taken which finally lead to the conclusion that the indication as a separa-
tion between the propellant close to insulation. The observation had all the nature of
being a separation between the insulation and propellant which would have been more
critical (adhesive failure). The observation was later verified by various expert com-
mittees and plan was made accordingly to carry out repair works. Fig. 3 shows a thin
film strip that was inserted into the separation noted in propellant to correlate the
depth of separation with that seen in radiograph which was found matching.

Fig. 3. Visual inspection of separation observed in solid rocket motor

The observation in radiographic film is shown in Fig. 4. The separation in propellant

starting from the port region is shown in the marked region. Image processing carried
out in the region clearly shows the separation indication. Apart from this indication, a
folding of loose flap insulation towards the propellant side also could be observed.
Fig. 5 shows a sketch of the observation. Porosity was seen at the end of separation
for around 23 mm which is also shown in the sketch.

Fig. 4. Radiograph of the Solid motor with indication marked and enlarged view of the indica-
tion. Processed image is also shown.

Fig. 5. Schematic of the observation noted in radiograph of solid rocket motor

1.2 Case Study 2:

In a similar type of solid rocket motor, a low density region was observed
during the final radiography after LF filling. The observation was very typical in na-
ture as it resembled a separation of propellant from the insulation layers. But on de-
tailed analysis, it was noted that a separation in the region could have left a high con-
trast region than what was observed. The sharpness of the observation also was signif-
icantly less in comparison to interface separation of propellant. Image processing at
the region also shows that no separation exists at the interface. Based on these radio-
graphic observations, the sequence of operation carried out during insulation lining,
bonding resin lining over insulation layers before propellant casting etc. are studied.


The possibility of excess bonding resin sticking to one sector of insulation

layer surface was studied in detail. The observation was noted in the cylindrical to
dome transition region. The radiographic observations were correlated with the varia-
tion occurred in processing. The investigation results were discussed and concluded
that the low density region observed in this region was due to settling of excess bond-
ing resin for a larger thickness in this region that had lead to this typical observation.

Fig. 6. Low density region noticed in the radiograph due to resin accumulation with enlarged
views of defective and normal regions shown at sides and the processed image at the bottom.

Fig. 6 shows the radiograph of the low dense region noticed. The observation seen
was similar to separation kind of indication but with a lower optical density. Addi-
tional radiographic shots taken in the area by rotating both sides confirmed that the
sharpness of indication was not increasing either way and the severity of observation
was coming down. The processed image also shows uniformity in the density in its
extended portion towards dome and cylindrical regions. This helped in concluding the
defect as a liner accumulation.

2 Conclusion:

In case study 1, since the observation was characterized as a separation be-

tween propellant (cohesive failure) which could have been the result of loose flap
effect not happening during casting of propellant, it could be considered as a localized
defect only in LF area. Detailed analysis of the region could avoid such defects in
future motor castings by taking adequate precautions in the LF area. Since it is a lo-
calized defect, a repair could be carried out by scooping out the propellant upto the
depth mentioned and the region may be filled with epoxy/slurry casting and can be
used in ground test. On the other hand, if it was a separation between LF and propel-
lant (adhesive failure), the adhesive property at all other regions where LF/insulation
to propellant bonding is there had to be suspected and such a solid rocket motor can-
not be cleared for flight or even ground tests.
In case study 2, if the indication was a separation between layers of insula-
tion or between LF and propellant, it is a critical defect due to which the motor had to
be sidelined. Defects like this at the location shown cannot be repaired and due to the

critical nature of such defect, the motor would not have been even cleared for ground
tests. Since after detailed analysis, it was confirmed that the observation was liner
accumulation only, the motor was cleared for flight application.
Studies carried out towards implementation of Artificial Intelligence and
machine learning in interpretation of solid rocket motor radiographs has to consider
such typical observations also. If simulated defects are planned to be used for ma-
chine learning, special care has to be taken to simulate various combination of such
defects which could be easily misinterpreted and may lead to sidelining of solid rock-
et motors.

1. Bikash Ghose, DK Kankane, ‘Estimation of location of defects in propellant grain by X-
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2. K. Venkata Rao, B.Munirathinam, C.Subbiah, P.V.Sai Suryanarayana, & K.Viswanathan,
‘Characterisation of defects in Large Solid propellant Rocket Motors’, proceedings of the
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