Assignment 2

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Agreeableness is the degree to which person is polite , trusting, good nature, accepting ,
co-operative and forgiving.
a. Emotional stability
b. Agreeableness
c. Openness to experience
d. Conscientiousness

2. Extroverts are friendly and outgoing individual

a. Extroverts
b. Introverts
c. Internal locus of control
d. Shy personality

3. Self monitoring reflects person’s ability to adjust his or her behavior to external,
situational factors.
a. Self esteem
b. Machiavellianism
c. Self monitoring
d. Type A

4. Type A personality is highly stressed.

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

5. Individual who has a External locus of control believe in chance and fate.
a. External
b. Zero
c. Infinite
d. Internal

6. Person high in need achievement are moderate risk taker

a. High
b. Low
c. Extreme
d. Moderate
​7.​ ​Machiavellian type of personality is capable of lying to achieve personal goals.
a. Type A
b. Agreeable
c. Neurotic
d. Machiavellian

8. Type B people are relax in the nature.

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

9. People with High self esteem perceive them self to be capable, significant and worthy.
a. Low
b. High’
c. External
d. Internal
10. Narcissism term is used to people who love themselves immensely and want continuous
importance and admiration.
a. Achievement motivation
b. Machiavellian
c. Narcissism
d. Risk taking

11. The open self refers to those aspects of our life that is known to one self as well as to
a. Open
b. Hidden
c. Blind
d. Unknown

12. The hidden self is also known as Façade.

a. Open
b. Hidden
c. Blind
d. Unknown

13. The open-receptive person has a large public area

a. Open – receptive
b. Interviewer
c. Turtle
d. Bull in a china shop

14. Feedback should always focus on thebehavior and not on the person.
a. Deep friendship
b. Interpersonal relation
c. Behavior
d. Relationship

15. The interviewer has a large hidden area.

a. Open – receptive
b. Interviewer
c. Turtle
d. Bull in a china shop

16. The open self is our basic public personality.


17. Open self of Johari window is also known as free area.

Private area
Bad breath window
Hidden area
Free area

18. Blind is a part of Johari Window is occasionally called the “bad breath” window.

19. Johari Window is developed by Joseph Luft & Harry Ingram.

a. Ivan Pavlov
b. Albert Bandura
c. Joseph Luft & Harry Ingram
d. Philip Kotler

20. Turtle person has a large unknown area.

Open – receptive
Bull in a china shop

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