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Social Studies
2nd Grade
Historical Event
Makayla Weyant


Describe how students will be assessed during the GRADING PERIOD in English Language Arts

● Learning Goals and Objectives: Discuss how learning objectives are “unpacked” from PA Early Learning
Learning standards.
○ A PA learning standards present the information or knowledge the students should know by the
end of the unit. By “unpacking” the standards, the standard is broken down into objectives that
teachers and students try to reach daily through the lessons and material presented to them.
Objectives could be expanding on background knowledge or providing the opportunity to learn a
brand new skill or knowledge.
● Describe the types of assessments that will be included
○ Preassessment is an assessment that students take prior to a new unit to find out what the
students need more instruction on and what their prior knowledge is
○ Screeners is a short and easy-to-administer assessment that involves high-level critical skills and
concept. Screeners are typically used to determine RTI programs
○ Diagnostic Assessments- will be used to see the students’ foundational skills and help group
students with group work.
○ Formative Assessments- in this unit formative assessments will be brief and informal to gather and
monitor the student’s understanding of the goals and objectives that are within each lesson of the
○ Summative Assessments- in this unit the summative assessments will be made up of quizzes and a
unit understandings review. These assessments will formal and help gather the overall results of
the unit and what the students gained.
● Emphasize the importance of the Foundational Skills in Grade 2 and therefore these skills will have more
weight toward the final grade of the quarter. Describe how you will weight other sections of this
assessment framework.
● Explain accommodations to the all assessments (especially the summative Assessment) for ELs and LS
students and all students.
● Consider students with limited reading/writing proficiency.
For students with limited reading/writing proficiency accommodations will be made based on
the necessities. For example, quizzes and summative assessments will be read allowed to
them. For an essay or short answers, students will be able to orally explain their answer or
will provide more of a difficult fill-in-blank type accommodation.
● Consider how to support unknown English language syntax and vocabulary.
Provide more one-on-one instruction outside of the whole-group instruction and adapt their
assessments and assignment for English Language syntax and vocabulary.
● Incorporate technology to use in the assessment process. Identify and explain.
Technology will be used in the assessment process to complete the performance task. For
2nd graders, technology applications can be difficult for them to use so assessments such
as quizzes and summative assessments will take place on paper. A few formative
assessments can be implemented online such as exit tickets with Jamboards and Kahoots to
check to understand.


Description Of The Following Unit Of Instruction

As an educator, I think it is vital for young students to understand the effects that natural disasters can have. In my classroom, my
students have shown a particular interest in earthquakes and much background knowledge. Therefore aligning the theme of
earthquakes and reading objectives will help the students be more engaged and interested in learning and meeting reading
objectives within the classroom. To incorporate Earthquakes into reading objectives, students will read two pieces of literature, “I
Survived San Franciso Earthquake, 1906” & “Everything Volcanoes and Earthquakes.” As the students are reading the two pieces of
literature they will also be engaged in activities and lessons that will focus on foundational skills, such as encoding and decoding
vocabulary, recognizing orthographic patterns, and dividing vowel-consonant-e words.

Learning Progressions (CH 7) – COMPLETE THIS

Based upon the standards from the previous grade level this is the Learning Progression:
Reading Informational Text:
● KINDERGARTEN —CC.1.2.K.B: With prompting and support, answer questions about key details in a text.
● FIRST GRADE—-CC.1.2.1.B: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
● SECOND GRADE—CC.1.2.2.B: Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate
understanding of key details in a text.
● THIRD GRADE—-CC.1.2.3.B: Ask and answer questions about the text and make inferences from text; refer to text to support
● FOURTH GRADE — CC.1.2.4.B: Refer to details and examples in text to support what the text says explicitly and make
Phonics and Word Recognition:
● KINDERGARTEN— CC.1.1.K.D Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words: Demonstrate
basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondence. Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings for the
five major vowels
● FIRST GRADE— CC.1.1.1.D Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words: Identify common
consonant diagraphs, final-e, and common vowel teams. Decode one and two-syllable words with common patterns
● SECOND GRADE—CC.1.1.2.D Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding word: Distinguish long
and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words. • Decode two-syllable words with long vowels and words with
common prefixes and suffixes. • Read grade-level high-frequency sight words and words with inconsistent but common
spelling-sound correspondences.
● THIRD GRADE—- CC.1.1.3.D Decode words with common Latin suffixes. Decode multisyllable words.
● FOURTH GRADE —- CC.1.1.4.D Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and
morphology to read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words

● KINDERGARDEN—- CC.1.2.K.F With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
● FIRST GRADE —-CC.1.2.1.F Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.
● SECOND GRADE— CC.1.2.2.F Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade-level text including
multiple-meaning words.
● THIRD GRADE— CC.1.2.3.F Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade-level text, distinguishing
literal from non-literal meaning as well as shades of meaning among related words.
● FOURTH GRADE — CC.1.2.4.F Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade-level text, including
figurative language.

Reading Literature:
● KINDERGARTEN— CC.1.3.K.B Answer questions about key details in a text.
● FIRST GRADE — CC.1.3.1.B Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
● SECOND GRADE — CC.1.3.2.B Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate
understanding of key details in a text.
● THIRD GRADE— CC.1.3.3.B Ask and answer questions about the text and make inferences from text; refer to text to support
● FOURTH GRADE — CC.1.3.4.B Cite relevant details from text to support what the text says explicitly and make inferences.

For the Unit the Following Learning Progression will include making sure the students have the necessary skills
that align with the standards from Kindergarten and First Grade that are needed to know prior to this unit.

Systematic Record Keeping (CH7) - COMPLETE THIS

To keep an appropriate systematic record keeping, I will create a spreadsheet with each of the students’ names,
learning targets, PA standards, and goals of the unit to check off as each student masters. Another section in
the document will include notes and the formative assessment that aligned with each standard.

Feedback (CH8) - COMPLETE THIS

Feedback is vital to include in the classroom, for this unit I will include both peer-feedback and
teacher-feedback. Feedback will be constructive and descriptive feedback so students are able to get the most
out of it. When being constructive, I will also include both positive feedback and feedback in areas they need to
improve in as well. With one negative feedback, a student will always hear or receive two positive points of

● Types of feedback that will be utilized throughout the unit

○ Criterion-Referenced Feedback- this will be used to compare the student’s performance to the
standard and if they are able to complete the task
○ Self- Referenced Feedback- this will be used to compare the student’s performance to their past
performance or the expected performance. This will be effective for students with low capabilities
and for them to be able to see their improvement.
● For diverse learners their feedback may look slightly different from normal students’ feedback. For
example, since the majority are ELL students. Their feedback will be mostly oral feedback so they are able
to comprehend was is being said. Additionally, they may also have pictures, and diagrams that help also
provide feedback as well.
● Technology-supported feedback- Due to it being the 21st century and technology being a huge part of the
education world, I will use technology to provide feedback so students can receive instant feedback on
Assessment Protocol (CH14)

● Assessment Protocol will include providing students enough information to perform to the best of their
abilities (no pop quizzes, explain the assessment thoroughly, giving opportunities to practice
expectations.) ]
● Help reduce test anxiety and any other thing that could negatively affect the student.

Grading the Unit (CH15) (

● The grading of the unit and the assessments will be broken down evenly so one bad quiz or the summative
assessment will not jeopardize a student.
○ Assessment (Formative)---range from 5- 10 points
○ Quizzes (Based on types of questions)--- range from 15 to 20 points
○ Summative Assessment– 35 points
○ Performance Assessment– 45 points

Standardized Test Related to Goals and Objectives (CH16) (explain the test in relation to the goals)

● Goals and Objectives will align to the standards that are covered in Standardized Testing, but the focus
will not just be revolved around Standardized Test.

Family Letter/Conference Notes -

Prior to the unit, the newsletter will be sent home and placed on the classroom Weebly so that family members
are informed and knowledgeable about what the students will be learning and focused on for the next few weeks.
In the newsletter the two texts will be identified and the focus of earthquakes in this unit.


Standard Learning Target 1 Learning Target 2 Learning Target 3

- Higher level skills
most basic skills Unpack the standard Unpack the standard to
Unpack the standard to identify the smaller identify the smaller
to identify the smaller units of learning that units of learning that
units of learning that must occur must occur
must occur

1.1 Foundational Skills: Identify

1.1 2.D Recognize the Encode and Divide
Know and apply orthographic Decode vowel-consonant “e”
grade-level patterns vowel-consonant multi-syllable words
phonics and word vowel-consonant “e” word ( with
analysis skills in “e” single and
decoding words. (ACe, ECe, ICe, multi-syllable
OCe, UCe) words)

1.2 Reading Informational Text

1.2 2.B Key Ideas Ask questions Understand the Reference the text
and Details - Text before, due, and difference to ask and answer
Analysis after reading between thick and questions to
using “who, what, thin questions and present a key
Ask and answer where, when, and be able to answer understands of the
questions such as why.” and create each text and its details.
who, what, where, type.
when, why, and
how to
understanding of
key details in a

1.2 2.F Craft and

Students will show the
Structure - ability to identify Students will use
Vocabulary unknown words in strategies (context
informational clues, morphemes,
Determine the syntax, look up) to
meaning of words determine the
and phrases as meaning of an
they are used in unknown word in
grade-level text informational text
1.3 Reading Literature

1.3 2.B Key Ideas Ask questions Understand the Reference the text
and Details - Text before, due, and difference to ask and answer
Analysis after reading between thick and questions to
using “who, what, thin questions and present a key
Ask and answer where, when, and be able to answer understands of the
questions such as why.” and create each text and its details.
who, what, where, type.
when, why, and
how to
understanding of
key details in a

PREASSESSMENT: Describe how you will determine prior knowledge

To determine prior knowledge the student will be asked to complete a small quiz to see prior knowledge with
foundational skills, asking questions, and crafting vocabulary (the objectives of the standards included in this
unit). Based on the prior knowledge and ability it will affect the methods and activities that receive the most
focus in this unit.


List all Identify a SCREENER Identify a DIAGNOSTIC Explain how you will
FOUNDATIONAL that is readily ASSESSMENT that is determine which
available to address readily available to students will require a
SKILLS Learning this skill address this skill diagnostic assessment
Targets from after the screener
above in this results are analyzed.


LIST ALL Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3

How many questions related to the learning target will be included on
each quiz? Identify the type/format each question. You do not need to
write down the question. You will create a question bank later.

Ask questions ● Higher-Thin ● Matching ● Essay and

before, due, and king ● Higher level Short answer
after reading Questions thinking
using “who, what, question
where, when, and

Students will show the ● Multiple ● Fill in the ● Matching
ability to identify
unknown words in Choice blanks ● Short Answer

(Informational Text)

Students will use ● Matching ● Matching ● Fill in the

strategies (context blanks
clues, morphemes,
syntax, look-up) to
determine the
meaning of an
unknown word in
informational text


Ask questions ● Higher- ● Matching ● Essay and

before, due, and Thinking ● Higher level Short answer
after reading Questions thinking
using “who, what, question
where, when, and


Understand the ● Matching ● Short ● Essay

difference Answer
between thick and
thin questions
and be able to
answer and create
each type.


Reference the text ● Higher-Thin ● Matching ● Essay and

to ask and answer king ● Higher-thin Short answer
questions to Questions king
present a key question
understanding of
the text and its


SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT - See Chapter 6 for assistance completing this Assessment Blueprint. Use
the question bank below in conjunction with this outline to create/use questions for the summative

Remember Understand Total

Apply Questions Points
CONTENT Questions Questions
OUTLINE Include number of Include number of
Include number of Percent
points of points
points points
Fill in the Blank Fill in the Blank T/F #1
(FB) #1 (FB) #5

FB #4 FB #2 MC #7

True/ False #5 True/False (T/F) #2 Matching


T/F #3 MC #2 Performance

MC #1 MC #3 Essay #3

MC #6 MC #4 Essay #2

MC #9 MC #5 Higher Level
Question #2

MC #10 MC #8 Higher Level #3

Essay 1

Higher Level #1 &


TOTAL POINTS 1 point 3 points Varies upon

questions// Essays
and Higher Level (5
or more points)
Others 3 points



FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS Formative Assessment

Lesson 1 Observe if Students are able to orally blend and segment words with
students can o_e
articulate the long
o sound made with

Lesson 2 Students are able Students are able to read words that contain the magic e
to identify syllables.
o-consonant-e in a
word list

Lesson 3 Students can record and correctly spell 4 examples of o_e Students are able
on an exit ticket. to write a sentence
that contains an
example of a word
with o_e

READING LITERATURE Formative Assessment

Lesson 1 On a whiteboard On a whiteboard, student will be able to write a question.

students are able Containing a question word and punctuation.
to write all five of
the questions

Lesson 2 Monitor if students Monitor if students are able to answer a question to their
are able to seat partners
articulate a
question to a seat

Lesson 3 On an exit slip, From a group of questions, the students will be able to write
students will write 2 answers two questions and identify the question words in
questions about each both questions.
the book “I

Lesson 1 Identify the 5 Monitor the students questions they put on the KWL chart
question words for the Informational text
from a list of words

Lesson 2 On an exit slip the Student will identify the question word for each question on
student will write a a worksheet
question that they
have after reading
the informational

Lesson 3 From a group of Student will use their knowledge gained from the book to
questions, the have a book chat to ask questions and talk about their
students will be thoughts.
able to write
answers two
questions and
identify the
question words in
each both


Type Questions Number Assess


Fill in the Blank (CH9) 1) In ___ year, the San Francisco Earthquake took 10
place. (1906)
2) Leo keeps ___ in his pocket to remind him of his
Grandpa and this allowed him to time travel,
waking up in the __ __ __. (GOLD, San Franciso
3) To get out of San Francisco after the Earthquake
hit, Leo and Morris had to wait to get a _________.
4) Leo and Morris are to go _______ after leaving San
Francisco. (NEW YORK CITY)
5) Words that are found at the beginning of a
question include What, ____, Where, Why, and ___?

6) The _____ is the layer of the earth’s crust where it

is 1,800 miles of hot solid rock (MANTLE)
7) _____ is a natural disaster that involves the earth’s
land to rupture and can cause ________ to occur.
8) The average temperature of lava is ____ F (2000)
9) What is the name of the place where the
earthquakes first occur? _____ (EPICENTER)
10) Volcanos and Earthquakes are common _____
______ seen across the world. (Natural Disasters)

True/False (CH9) 1) In the story Leo learned the valuable lesson to be 5

thankful for everything we have. (True)

2) Leo grew up during the time that the San

Franciso Earthquake took place (False)
3) Thomas Roosevelt was the president during the
time the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. (TRUE)

4) Magma is the hot rock and lava that comes out

of volcanoes. (TRUE)
5) Earthquakes are measured on the Fujita scale?

Multiple-Choice (CH10 1) The name of the main character in the story is? 10
a) Leo
b) Willie
c) Archie
d) Beau
2) Where did the main character’s grandfather find
the gold nugget that was given to them?
a) San Francisco
b) On an adventure in the wood
c) At school
d) Riverbed east of the city
3) Who was Corey Drew?
a) Leo’s brother
b) A ghost that the boys were going to use to
scare the bully
c) Leo’s Grandfather
d) The bully
4) By the end of the story what happened to Fletch?
a) He stayed in New York City
b) Was injured by the earthquake
c) In the hands of police
5) This character met face to face with a grizzly bear
a) Corey
b) Willie
c) Grandpop
d) Jerry
6) Many believed that San Francisco would never
recover from the 1906 earthquake but how many
buildings were built 3 years later?
a) 100
b) 20000
c) 100,000
d) 250,000
7) Which is an example of a geyser
a) Mount Fiji
b) Mount Hood in Oregon
c) Old Faithful
d) Giant Causeway in Northern Ireland
8) What is it called when the ocean floor oozes lava?
a) Tsunami
b) Earthquake
c) Underwater Volcano
d) None of the above
9) What plays a huge factor in earthquakes?
a) Things people eat for dinner
b) The time of day it is
c) The tectonic plates
d) Fires on earth's surfaces
10) When an earthquake happens it can also cause
what to take place?
a) Fires
b) Collapsed Buildings
c) Tidal Waves
d) All of the above

Matching (CH10) Match the Historical Disasters 3

1) San Francisco 1906 (C)

2) Mount Vesuvius AD 79 (A)
3) Port-au-Prince 2010 (B)

a) A giant volcanic eruption destroyed a village

erupting for 24 hours straight.
b) A huge earthquake that rocked the city of Haiti,
left 1.5 million people homeless.
c) An earthquake that only lasted a minute but
destroyed ¾ of the city due to fires.

Higher-Order + (CH11) 1) In your own words define the word scrounge as it 5

was used in the “I Survived, the San Francisco
Earthquake 1906.”
2) Determine if where you live if you could be
affected by a volcano or an earthquake?
3) How did traveling back in time affect Leo’s look
on life?
4) What characteristics does an earthquake have
5) How has science impacted the information we
know about earthquakes.

Essay Items (CH12) ● Leo is faced with giving up the gold nugget that 3
met so much to him, explain why it meant so
much to Leo and what would you do in this
● Explain what events take place when an
Earthquake occurs and how you would prepare
for a disaster such as this one.
● Time-travel takes place when Leo goes back to
San Francis in 1906, what historical event would
you want to time travel to, and provide details of
why you want to experience this event?

Performance Assessment (CH13) Take on the task of a news reporter, and create a 1
newspaper article to inform the class about a historical
earthquake that has taken place.
(Create questions and interview a person)

Design your assessments: You should include the following assessments. The assessments should be included in
this document.
● Screener Information (Link or summary to one that exist)
● Diagnostic Assessment Information- DIBELS 8th Edition Materials | DIBELS® (

● Preassessment- Same as Summative – Show the Data and Progression

● Quiz 1: Focused on Reading Literature
● Quiz 2: Focused on Reading Informational Text
● Quiz 3 —- (7 Questions)
● Summative Assessment —- (Questions Taken from Quizzes)

Summative Assessment
● Performance Assessment

● Formative Assessment 1: Foundational Skills

● Formative Assessment 2: Reading Informational Text
● Formative Assessment 3: Reading Literature

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