Post Graduate Government College Sector 11, Chandigarh: of Physical Education TEL&R

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Post graduate government

college sector 11,


Department of physical
education TEL&R
Presented by-: Ankit 11028/19
Sarthak 11032/19
Rohit 11033/19
Ishu 11002/19
Sneha 11027/19
In 1885, Willian Gilbert Anderson, a physical instructor in Brooklyn, New York

AAHPERD fitness test is a fitness test for school level boys and girls to measure
their upper body strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination, etc.
AAHPERD youth Stuess test is a skill-related fit et battery consists of sIx test
items. They are as follows-:
1. Pull-ups ( for boys ) / Flexed arms hang ( for girls )
2. Sit-ups
3. Shuttle run
4. Standing long ( board ) jump
5. 50-yard dash
6. 600 yard run/walk
Pull ups

Purpose: To measure arm and shoulder strength.

Facilities and Equipments: metal or wooden har approximately – 1% inches
in diameter is placed at a convenient height. However, for the lower age
levels a doorway gem bar can be used. At times it may be necessary to
improvise by using such equipment as a basketball goal support or a ladder.
A score sheet and few assistants are also needed.
Procedure: The bar is adjusted to such height that the student can hang
free of the floor. The student should grasp the bar with his palms facing
away from his body joverhead grasp). The s should then raise his body until
his chin is over the bar and then lower it again w starting position with his
arms fully exextend
instruction: You must not lift your knees or assist your pull-up
by kicking must return to the hang position with the arms
fully straight. You will not be per to swing or snap your way
Scoring: One point is scored each time the student completes
a pull-up scores do not count, and only 1 trial is permitted
unless it is obvious the student did not have a fair chance on
his first trial
personne Testing personnel: One trained tester and few
assistants can administe tem, count they scores, and record
Purpose: To measure and shoulder strength.
faclliclity and Equipments-: A matal Or wooden bar approximately 1%
inches in some is placed at the subject’s height. A wer om bar adjusted at
the desired Hight in a doorway works very well. If these items are lable, it
is necessary to improvise ry ng some kind of pole or pipe across branches A
stopwatch is needed. A we and assistants are also needed.
Procedure: The height of the bar sild wadused approximately to the
standing height of the sulgers. The grasp the bar with an everband graap.
She then maes her body de fe with the help of assistants t position where
the chin is above es the starting position and is stopped when the chin
touches the lur, falls wow the bar, or when the subject’s head is tilted bark
to keep the chin above the bar.
Instruction: Grasp the bar with palma facing away from
your body. You will lied by assistants to position with your
chin just above the bar. Hang in this an as long as
possible. It is a violation for your chin to touch the bar or
al below the bar, or for you to ult your bead backward to
keep your chin from whing the bar.
Scoring: The score is the elapsed time to the nearest
second that the subject has maintained in the proper
hanging position.
Testing personnel: One trained tester and two assistants
can administer this and record the score.
Purpose-: to measure abdominal Strength Or endurance
EQUIPMENT-:Clean floor, mat or dry turf and stop watch.
Procedure-:The pupil lies on his back with his knees bent, feet on the
floor and heels not more than 12 inches from the but tocks. The angle
at the knees should be less than 90 degrees. The pupil puts his hands
on the back of his neck with fingers clasped and places his elbows
squarely on the mat, floor or turf. His feet are held by his partner to
keep them in touch with the surface. The pupil tightens his abdominal
muscles and brings his head and elbows for ward as he curls up, finally
touching elbows to knees. This action consti tutes one sit-up. The pupil
returns to the starting position with his elbows on the surface before
he sits up again. The timer gives the signal “ready-go,” and the sit-up
performance is started on the word “go.” Performance is stopped on
the word “stop.” The number of correctly executed sit-ups performed
in 60 seconds shall be the score.
instructions-:1. Only one trial shall be allowed un less the teacher
believes the pupil has not had a fair opportunity to perform.
2. No resting is permitted between sit ups.
3. No sit-ups shall be counted in which the pupil does not (a) keep the
fingers clasped behind the neck; (b) bring both elbows forward in
starting to sit up without pushing off the floor with an elbow; or (c)
return to starting position, with elbows flat on the surface, before
sitting up again.
SCORING-:Record the number of correctly exe cuted sit-ups the pupil
is able to do in 60 seconds. A foul nullifies the count for that sit-up.
The watch is started on the word “go” and stopped on the word
Shuttle run

Purpose-: To measure speed or agility.

EQUIPMENT-:Two blocks of wood, 2 inches x 2 inches x 4 inches, and stopwatch. Pupils should wear
sneakers or run barefooted.
Procedure-: Two parallel lines are marked on the floor 30 feet apart. The width of a regulation
volleyball court serves as a suitable area. Place the blocks of wood behind one of the lines as
indicated. The pupil starts from behind the other line.
Instruction-:On the signal “Ready? Go!” the pupil runs to the blocks, picks one up, runs back to the
starting line, and places the block behind the line; he then runs back and picks up the second block,
which he carries back across the starting line. If the scorer has two stopwatches or one with a split -
second timer, it is prefer able to have two pupils running at the same time. To eliminate the necessity
of returning the blocks after each race, start the races alternately, first from behind one line and then
from behind the other.
RULES-:Allow two trials with some rest be tween.
SCORING-:Record the time of the better of the two trials to the nearest tenth of asecond.
Standing long jump
Standing long jump

Purpose-: to measure leg power or explosive

EQUIPMENT-:Mat, floor, or outdoor jumping pit,
and tape measure.
Procedure-:Pupil stands as indicated in FIGURE 8,
with the feet several inches apart and the toes just
behind the takeoff line. Preparatory to jumping,
the pupil swings the arms backward and bends the
knees. The jump is accomplished by simultaneously
extending the knees and swinging forward the
RULES-:1. Allow three trials.
2. Measure from the takeoff line to the heel or other part of the body that
touches the floor nearest the takeoff line (FIGURE 8).
3. When the test is given indoors, it is convenient to tape the tape measure to
the floor at right angles to the takeoff line and have the pupils jump along the
tape. The scorer stands to the side and observes the mark to the nearest inch.
SCORING-:Record the best of the three trials in feet and inches to the nearest
50-yard dash
50-yard dash

Purpose-: to measure speed

EQUIPMENT-:Two stopwatches or one with a split second timer.
Procedure-:It is preferable to administer this test to two pupils at a time. Have
both. Take positions behind the starting line. The starter will use the commands.
“Are you ready?” and “Go!” The lat ter will be accompanied by a down ward
sweep of the starter’s arm to give a visual signal to the timer, who stands at the
finish line.
RULES-:The score is the amount of time be tween the starter’s signal and the
instant the pupil crosses the finish line.
SCORING-:Record in seconds to the nearest tenth of a second.
600 yard run/walk
600 yard run/walk

Purpose-: To measure endurance

EQUIPMENT-:Track or area marked according to FIGURES 11-13. and stopwatch.
Procedure-:Pupil uses a standing start. At the sig nal “Ready? Go!” the pupil starts
run ning the 600-yard distance. The running may be interspersed with walking. It is
possible to have a dozen pupils run at one time by having the pupils pair off before
the start of the event. Then each pupil listens for and remembers his partner’s time
as the latter crosses the finish. The timer merely calls out the times as the pupils
cross the finish.
RULES-:Walking is permitted, but the object is to cover the distance in the shortest.
Possible time.
SCORING-:Record in minutes and seconds.
Thank you

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