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Name: ______________________________________ Civil War Unit Test Study Guide Important Reminders: federal = central = national government in Washington,

D.C. Some people think that the national governments power is supreme over the states. They think that the power in our country belongs in Washington, DC. (The Union states and Lincoln agree with this.) state = local government States Rights people think that this local, state power is the most important. They think that states do not have to follow national rules that they do not agree with. (The Confederate states agree with this.) 1. Complete the chart below:







Military Leader(s )


_______________________________ _______________________________

2. For each statement below, choose whether it best describes the North or the South. a. __________________ b. __________________ c. __________________ d. __________________ e. __________________ This region had more industrial production. This region was mainly agricultural. Most Civil War battles took place here. This region had more railroads. A larger percentage of this regions people lived in cities.

North or South? continued f. __________________ People in this region wanted the states to have more power than the federal government. They wanted to make decisions locally. This is called states rights. People in this region thought that tariffs were good because they helped to protect business from foreign competition. This region had fewer manufacturing plants. This region had the advantage of a larger population.

g. __________________

h. __________________ i. __________________


List the states that seceded here:

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

Which state was the first one to secede? ________________________ 4. List the border states here: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Border states are states that had __________________ but DID NOT SECEDE. Write a mnemonic device to help you remember the four border states: D_____________________ K_____________________ M_____________________ M_____________________ 5. List four free states here: ________ ___


__________________ __________________ 6. Use the word bank below to choose the person who best fits each description. You may use some people more than once.

Stonewall Jackson Frederick Douglass Abraham Lincoln

Robert E. Lee Jefferson Davis Ulysses S. Grant

Robert Smalls Clara Barton


This person was a slave who escaped to the North and eventually bought his freedom. He was an abolitionist.

___________________________ ___________________________

This person was the leader of the Army of Northern Virginia. This person was president of the Confederacy during the Civil War.

___________________________ ___________________________

This person was a skilled Confederate general from Virginia. This person was a Union Army general. He eventually defeated the Army of Northern Virginia.

___________________________ ___________________________

This person wrote the Gettysburg Address. This person believed that the Union must be kept together, by force if necessary.

___________________________ ___________________________

This person founded the American Red Cross. This person was a slave who became a Union naval captain. He was elected to Congress following the Civil War.


At the end of the Civil War, this person urged Southerners to accept defeat and reunite peacefully as Americans.

7. Describe the importance of each location or event in the space provided. Battle of Gettysburg Appomattox Court House Battle of Vicksburg Battle of Manassas Fort Sumter ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Charleston, Savannah, and New Orleans __________________________________________ Gettysburg Address ______________________________________________

8. Please place the following Civil War events in the correct order. Battle of Gettysburg Fort Sumter South Carolina seceded. First: Second: Third: Fourth: Fifth: Sixth: Battle of Manassas Appomattox Court House Lincoln is elected.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

9. Effects of the Civil War. Fill in the blanks in each sentence. a. During the Civil War, African Americans were paid ______________ than white soldiers and fought in ______________________________ units. b. Women in the ______________ were left home to run businesses and women in the ______________ stayed home to manage farms and plantations. c. Atlanta and Richmond were both burned during the Civil War. By the end of the war, most ________________ in the South was destroyed and the Confederate____________ was worthless.

10. Cause and Effect. Fill in the chart below. CAUSE EFFECT Many battles of the Civil War were fought in Virginia. Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States. The South believed they could secede from (leave) the Union if they chose. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

Many battles of the Civil War were fought in the South.

Westward Expansion Unit Review

1. Inventions New transportation inventions made westward expansion easier and faster. Some examples of these new forms of transportation include: __ steam locomotive ___steamboat__________ ______________________ __

2. Factors in westward migration People had different reasons for moving west. Sometimes, people moved for ________________________ reasons that had to do with land. Sometimes, people moved for ________________________ reasons that had to do with money.

3. Adding New Territories One way that the United States added new territory was by fighting a War with Mexico. When the United States won this war, Mexico had to give the United States a big piece of land that we call the Mexican Cession. This land included ____________________ and other land in the Southwest. One state that was formed from this land was New _______________. This state name helps us to remember how we got that southwestern land. Soon, Americans moved to live in the territory won in the Mexican War. Many people moved to California when __________ was discovered there. People began to settle in the other southwestern territories as well. California asked to join the Union as a free state. Congress agreed, but decided that the other southwestern territories would be able to decide for themselves about slavery. This agreement is known as the ___________________________________.

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