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Name: Mantujac, Marrianne Grace M.

Lesson 1 – Language Used in

Academic Text
Grade & Section: 12 – HUMSS

ACTICITY #1: Identify what language is used in each of the

following sentences. On the space before the number, write F if
the answer is formality, O for objectivity, E for explicitness and C
for caution.

F 1. Jake omitted many important details.

O 2. It has been suggested that there are several reasons why
plants are dispersed by ants.
C 3. Weismen seems to suggest that the animals become old
because, if they did not, there could be no successive
replacement of individuals and hence no evolution.
O 4. It is widely accepted that having faith with God will make
things possible.
E 5. Bowling is a sport in which the player with the highest
score wins. Conversely, the goal in golf is to get the lowest score.
F 6. Writing cannot be done if someone does not study hard.
E 7. The boy liked dogs, but he was afraid of cats.
C 8. There are certainly cases where this would seem to have
been the only possible method of the transmission.
O 9. The offcuts are transported to the waste station.
E 10. Zac didn't have enough money to buy his mom flowers
because he wasn’t old enough to get a job. Nevertheless, he felt
sad on Mother's Day.
Name: Mantujac, Marrianne Grace M. Lesson 1 – Language Used in
Academic Text
Grade & Section: 12 – HUMSS

ACTIVITY #2: Write 450-600 words paragraphs considering formality, objectivity,

explicitness and caution about what you have discovered or realized in your life.

One of the many things she realized and learned about herself as she matured
was how to accept criticism from others. She realized that this depends on how we view
criticism from others as a tool for learning. First, if we are aware that criticism is an
opportunity to grow and learn. Second, it's time to let go and move on if the criticism is
depressing and full of negativity. Her peace and calm are the only factors at play here.
The author understood that what people think of her no longer matters. The more
important value is how she sees and values herself.
The most valuable lesson the author could have learned is something she
learned about herself in high school. The author has undergone a metamorphosis,
changing from who she once was to who she is today. She used to be quiet and
reserved because she was afraid to show who she really was. She also avoided
speaking up for what she believed to be right out of fear that her confidence would be
misplaced, her questions would go unanswered, and she might even have felt usurped.
The author used to live underground, only leaving when she felt completely safe. She
would leave her small world when she thought no one was around and when there was
trouble or hopelessness. According to the author, she would quickly retreat into her own
personal cocoon, where she felt safe and secure. Because she was afraid that
someone would criticize her or tell her that she was wrong, she would never speak
about what was on her mind. To put it another way, she was too concerned with what
other people thought and neglected to consider how I saw myself. She was attentive but
quiet, and she wasn't evasive but upset. The author used to think aloud without anyone
Since she took the time to educate herself and maintain her emotional stability
when everyone else failed to help, she will now no longer be afraid to express her
opinions and let the world know how she feels. She also learned that failure is not the
end of the world as long as you have learned from your mistakes. The author has
become stable and strong as a result of having the confidence to believe in herself. The
author used to be terrified by the thought of a challenge, but now it gives her the
tenacity to work even harder and get past the barriers that stand in her way. After
realizing that her ideas were hidden in the past, she is now able to make a contribution
to the world. She has been on a protracted journey of self-discovery and healing, but at
this point she is confident in who she truly is. Given that she has a unique perspective,
set of likes and dislikes, morals, and worldview. and that she was resistant to being
persuaded. She strives to be completely open with her feelings and realizes the
importance of doing so. She is now exactly as she appears to others, with nothing held
back. She has also changed her values and realized that much worse things than
embarrassing herself could occur. Life is too short to waste time worrying about trivial
matters. She must add, at the risk of coming across as arrogant, that she already loves
the person she has become.
Always remember that life is a gift. You have to wake up everyday and realize
that. This is Marrianne Grace M. Mantujac, I am the author of my own life.

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