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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Albay
Municipality of Bacacay
Barangay Gubat-Ilawod


February 5,2023

TO: Municipal Agriculture Officer

Municipal Agriculture Office
Bacacay, Albay

Dear Sir,


The Baranagay Council of Gubat-Ilawod, Bacacay, Albay is facing problem about stray dog which is free
range along the road and it caused danger and hazard to the motorist and other constituents and one of
the identified solution is to conduct anti- rabies vaccination in our barangay for the reason that to
identified the owner and the stray dog is vaccinated.

In view thereof, may we request from your good office to scheduled for anti-rabies vaccination in our
barangay and also the barangay can conduct dog recording of ownership in our barangay so that it is
easy to identified if there is a incident that the dog is involve, Secondly the dog is vaccinated and it
prevent a rabies case if in case there is a incident of dog bite.

Hoping for your favorable action regarding this matter.

Thank you Very much.

Very truly yours,

Punong Barangay

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