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Terms and Conditions:

1. Duration 6 – 8 minutes with 5 minutes maximum for preparation.

2. The competition will be in 2 rounds, pre-liminary and final.
a. Pre-liminary round
All contestant will choose their own topics based on Indonesian Folklore.
Each class is able to send as many as contestant.
They will be selected by the committee to get at least one contestant for each class to go to final round.
b. Final Round
Each class will have at least one contestant from the pre-liminary round.
The contestant will use the same the topic from per-liminary round in the same or different way.
3. Script:
The script is typed by using Times New Roman font, 12 font size, 1.5 space in A4 size paper in 3 copies. The scripts must be given to the judge right
before preliminary round and final round. 4. There will be two levels for this competition, Level 7 and 8

For further information, please contact: Ms. Elsa 0815-3746-4545

Story Telling Rubrics
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Class : _____________
Topic : __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Time : _____________

Criteria % 4 3 2 1 Grade Score

Preparation The preparation and The preparation and To some extent the The preparation and
20% structure of the story are structure of the story are preparation and structure structure of the story are
excellent good of the story are good insufficient
May speak too softly or too
Always speaks loudly, Usually speaks loudly, Speaks too softly or too
10% rapidly; mumbles
slowly, and clearly slowly, and clearly rapidly; mumbles
Correct pronunciation; Incorrect pronunciation of Incorrect pronunciation;
Correct pronunciation;
15% does not include some words; does not does not include unfamiliar
includes unfamiliar words words
unfamiliar words include unfamiliar words
Story lasts less than 6 or Story lasts less than 5 or Story lasts less than 4 or
Duration 5% Story lasts 6 to 8 minutes
more than 8 minutes more than 9 minutes more than 10 minutes
Audience Storyteller looks at Storyteller looks at a few Storyteller looks only 1 to 2 Storyteller does not look at
Contact audience people in the audience people in the audience audience
Story is told at the Story is told well, but some
Story is rushed or dragged Story is told at one pace; no
Pacing 30% appropriate pace, parts may be rushed
in several parts excitement
depending on the story line or dragged
Outstanding use of Uses property some of the Poor use of property; uses
Good use of media;
Property 10% property; media is time; the media is not no media or inappropriate
property is appropriate media
appropriate appropriate or distracting



SCORE = X 100 = ______________

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