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France Cesar Labasan

1G1 BSCrim

Create a worksheet containing the table illustrated below. Write the changes and
developments that were felt in the nineteenth-century Philippines. After listing the
changes, plot them within Rizal’s biography and write which aspects you think had a
direct or indirect impact on Rizal while citing events in his life.


C  Opening of the ports To summarize, Rizal lived during the first era of
O world Trade . globalization, a period marked by a growing integration
N of the international economy across national borders,
O  Rise of exports of defined at the time by bulk commodity commerce and
M economy.
I the diminished relevance of silver currency.
C  Rise of the Filipino
S middle-upper class.

 Education their
O  Failure to make or The events of the nineteenth century shaped the belief
L achieve consinent that Filipinos had to live under the government's entire
I polices. authority and influence. Explanation: These events
T  There was indeed shaped Rizal's devotion for his homeland because he
I political instability. witnessed the many injustices that were being
C  Failure to provide
A perpetrated against Filipinos.
basic needs like
L public works,
Schools,peace and
 Taxes were never
fully utilized .
 Limited participtation
of Filipinos

S  The illustrados,others It doesn't have any. When I say none, I mean that the tale
O known as the of Rizal's life has been twisted to fit a narrative designed
C “enlighted ones” to smear Rizal's legacy in order to defend and advance
A Were the educated the interests of Europeans and the demonized religion
L class in the Philippine known as the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. To
society Spanish demonstrate this, we simply quote something Jose Rizal
C occupation. stated in one of his writings.
U  They were
L instrumental in paving
T the way for the
U creation
R Of the Propaganda
A Movement.
L  The Rapid Spread of
Higher Education
among Middle and
Lower class Filipinos
accelerated Filipino

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