Public English 4 Regular and Irregular V

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Subject: English Section:

Date: Time:

A. Content Standard: The learner should be able to:

Demonstrates a command of the conventions of standard English grammar
and usage when writing or speaking

B. Performance Standard: The learner shall be able to:

Speaks and writes using good command of the conventions of standard

C. Learning Competencies: The learners to

Use the past form of regular and irregular verbs .( EN4G-IIi-12)

I. Learning Objectives
 Identify the past form of regular and irregular verbs
 Give examples of past form of regular and irregular verbs
 Use the past form of regular and irregular verbs in sentences
 Appreciate the importance of using the past form of verb in showing love and
gratitude to parents and others through poem analysis.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Using the Past Form of Regular and Irregular Verbs
Reference: English TG and English CG – IV,
Code: K to 12 Curriculum Guide, EN4G-IIi-12
Materials: laptop, PowerPoint presentation, video presentation, cartolina, strips
of paper

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

1. Greetings
Good morning Class! Good morning Ma’am Melody.

How are you today? We’re fine. Thank you

2. Putting Class into Order
Before you take your seats kindly pick
up all the pieces of papers under your (The pupils will do as the teacher says)
chair and arrange your chairs properly.
3. Checking of Attendance (Possible answers)
Is everyone present today? No/Yes teacher.
Who are absent?
4. Checking of Assignment
Do we have any assignments? None/Yes teacher.

Pass it forward properly. (The pupils will pass their papers forward)
5. Review

Let us have a short review about our

topic last time through a game. I have
here a box, inside this box are strips of
papers, and written on the strips of
papers are words. I will call someone to
pick a strip of paper and he/she will
demonstrate it in front. The person
who will guess the word will receive a
prize. 1. dance
2. walk
3. jump
4. throw
5. sleep

B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation

Before we proceed to our next topic. Let us

first watch the video. Take note of the
actions in the video presentation. I want
everybody to stand up. Let us sing and
follow the steps.

The teacher will play the video about “The

Singing Walrus”

What are the actions that you have seen or

heard in the video presentation? Clap, jump, stomp, swing and dance.

In what tense of verbs are they? They are in present tense.

We can form the past form of these verbs

or action words.
2. Presentation

. I have a short poem here. It is about a

boy who has a present for her mother.

The title of the poem is “Mother’s

Chocolate Valentine”
I will read first the first stanza and the
Group I will read after me. Same thing
will be done by Group II and III. The last
stanza will be read after me by the class.

I bought a box of chocolate hearts,

A present for my mother.
They looked so good I tasted one,
And then I tried another.

They both were so delicious,

That I ate another four,
And then another couple,
And then half a dozen more.

I couldn’t seem to stop myself,

I nibbled on and on,
Before I knew what happened
All the chocolate hearts were gone.

I felt guilty,
I was stuffed down to my socks.
I ate my mother’s valentine gift
I hope she likes the box.

What is the poem all about? The poem is all about a boy who ate his
valentine gift for her mother.
Why did the boy eat all the chocolates? The boy ate the chocolates because it was
so delicious.

What did he feel after eating all the He felt guilty because he ate all the
chocolates? chocolates.

Have you ever given your parents a Yes ma’am


Flowers, chocolates, letters

What kind of gifts did you give them?
Yes, Ma’am
What was their reaction? Are they
happy about it?

To show them that we love, appreciate

Why do we have to give our parents them and we are grateful to have them in
some gifts? our life.

Very good!

3. Discussion

I will show you some lines in the poem that

we have read and try to underline the
verbs used in the lines.

Everybody read.
I bought a box of chocolate hearts
They looked so good I tasted one
And then I tried another.
That I ate another four
I nibbled on and on
Before I knew what happened
I felt guilty
I was stuffed down to my socks.
What are the underlined words? Bought, looked, tasted, tried, ate, nibbled,
Everybody read. happened, felt, stuffed.

What have you noticed from the

underlined words? They are past form of verbs.

Very good! Those are verbs in a past tense


What do we add in the past tense form of a We add –d and –ed

regular verb?
How about when a verb is in irregular We change its spelling
form? What do we do?

From the underlined verbs on the board

who can tell me which of them is an
example of a regular verb in the past form
and kindly write it on the board.
Again, let us take a look at the underlined
words on the board.
Which of them is the past form of an
irregular verb? Kindly write it on the
board. Bought

Are these correct? Yes ma’am

First, Let us discuss the past form of

regular verbs.
I have here some examples of regular
verbs in the past form.
Everybody read. Dance - danced

For example number 1. What did we add? We add –d

If the verb ends with e. we have to add –d

to make it in a past tense form.
Everybody read example number 2. Park - Parked

What did we add? We add –ed

If the regular verb ends with a consonant,
we have to add –ed to make it in a past
Now, who can give me an example of a
regular verb in their past tense form?
Kindly write it on the board. laughed

Very good.

Now, let us talk about the past form of

irregular verbs.

Here are some examples of past form of

irregular verbs.
Everybody read. 1. Pay – paid
2. Say – said
3. Lay – laid

They end with –ay

What have you noticed in the present tense
of verbs? They end with what? We change –y to –id
Then what did we do to make it in a past
Very good! We change –y to –Id

Another example
Everybody read. 1. Shoot – shot
2. Choose – chose
3. meet – met

What did we do to make it in a past tense We change the double vowel to single
form? vowel

Very good! If the verb has a double vowel,

we have to change the double vowel to a
single vowel.

Another example,
Everybody read,
1. Know – knew
2. Ride – rode
3. Come – came
4. Give – gave
5. Sing – sang

What did we do to change the verbs into We change its vowels.

past tense form?
Very good.

For number 1, what did we change? We change o to e to make it in a past tense

Other examples of irregular verbs are the
verbs ending in –eep. For example.
Everybody read.
1. Sleep – slept
2. feel – felt
3. keep – kept

What did we do to change it in a past tense We change –eep to –ept


Very good. If the verbs end with –eep, we

have to change it to –ept to make it in a past
tense form.

Did you understand? Yes Ma’am

Okay Class, let us play a game!

So here is what you are going to do. I have a

ball here. When I turn the music on. You
will pass this ball to your seatmate. When
the music stops the pupil who has the ball
will stand up and will give me a verb, its
past form and construct a sentence using
the past form of the verb.

Let us start? Yes Ma’am

(the teacher will play the song “BAAM”)

4. Generalization

What is our topic today? Past tense of regular verbs and irregular

What did we add in a regular verb to make it

in a past tense form? -Ed or –d
What do we have to do if the verb is We have to change the words to make it in
irregular? past tense form.

5. Application

You will be grouped into three. Each group

will do the assigned activity. Before we start
the group activity. Let me first show you the

Application of Content : 5
Timeliness :5
Cooperation :5
Presentation :5
20 points

Before you proceed to your respective areas.

You have to remember the rules while doing
a group activity. First, Listen to the
directions. During the activity, cooperate
with your group mates. Do not stand or walk
once the activity started. If you are done
with the activity, clap your hands 5 times so
that I will know if you are done and return to
your seats properly and wait for the other
groups to finish. Then two members of the
group will present your work in front. The
group who will get the highest score will
receive a price.

Do you understand?

Group 1:
Directions: Complete each sentence by
identifying the correct past form of the verb
in the parenthesis.

Example: We ___________ like we were

cheated. (feel,felt,feeled)
Answer: felt

1. I _______ off the swing. (fall,fell, feels) 1. Fell

2. I ________ in my bed. (sleep,sleeps,slept ) 2. Slept
3. We __________ to leave the house. 3. Chose
(choose,chosen,chose )
4. She _________ me a letter. 4. Wrote
5. We _________ home late last night 5.Came
6. My friend ________ for my meal yesterday. 6. Paid
7. Jessie ________ the club last month. 7. Joined
8. The choir ________ at the Church last 8. Sang
Sunday. (sing ,sings, sang)
9. I ______ a friend at the party (meets, met 9. Met
10. I ______ my clothes yesterday. (washed, 10. Washed
washes, wash )

Group 2: Construct 5 sentences using past

form of regular and irregular verbs.
1. built
2. sang
3. created
4. gave
5. danced

Group 3:
A. Give 4 examples of regular verbs in their
past form.
B. .Give 4 examples of irregular verbs in
their past form.

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Identify the past form of regular

and irregular verbs by encircling the
correct answer.

Example: She (joined, joins, join) the

pageant last year.

1. Yesterday, I (learns, learned, learn) how 1. learned

to say hello and goodbye in French.
2. He (danced, dance, dances) at the party 2. danced
last night.
3. The pupils (sweeped, swept, sweep) the 3. swept
floor yesterday.
4. He (arrived, arrives, arrive) late last 4. arrived
5. The man (payed, paid, pays ) his bills 5. paid

Is everybody done?
Exchange your papers with your seatmate
and let us answer.

Who got 5? 4? 3? 2? 1?

V. Assignment

Construct 5 sentences using past tense form (the pupils will write their assignment)
of regular and irregular verbs that you have
done at home.

Good Bye Class. Good Bye and Thank you Ma’am Melody.

Prepared by:

Teaching Intern
Divine Word College of Calapan

Noted by:
Program Coordinator
Divine Word College of Calapan

Approved by:

Dean, Education Department
Divine Word College of Calapan

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