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When Jesus age about seven or eight living with his parents in the small Jewish

community of Alexandria, Egypt, he meet a young boy who is bullied and willing
to stand up for another child, a girl, being picked on as well. With some devil
mischief thrown in the brawl, a child dies and Jesus is accused. When Jesus sneaks
to the boy's bedside he lays his hands on his face and prays, the boy awakens -- or
as some believe, comes back to life. This frightens the small Jewish community,
that turns against the boy and his family and tells to live Alexandria.

At night Joseph had a dream that Herod the Great has died. Soon he and Mary.
Jesus' mother, decided to go with their relatives to return to Nazareth. But what
was going on in Jesus' head as he observes and experiences life around him and
then the journey to the land of his birth still under the occupation and oppression
by the Romans? He asks questions that his parents don't feel ready to answer. They
tell him what they think he can understand but his questions persist.
The group is warned to bypass Jerusalem and takes a boat to the coast, perhaps
landing at the port Caesarea. A kind man gives a small hand-carved camel to Jesus
as a gift that becomes a symbol of faith and trust. As the small party makes its way
toward Nazareth another storyline emerges. A seasoned Roman soldier, Severus ,
who had been part of the slaughter of the innocents in Bethlehem, is commanded
by Herod's son to continue to search for the child and killed him. He seems caught
between doing his duty as a Roman soldier and wondering just who is the child.
When he encounter the child on the road he did not realized who is the boy. But
with time comes a dawning realization.

 Joseph and Mary know that Herod's soldier is looking for Jesus, just as his father
did. Then Jesus says he wants to go to the Temple in Jerusalem for Passover and
takes off on his own when his parents refuse to take him.

From here on out the tension builds until Jesus reaches the Temple and encounters
a blind man and Severus, with the demon lingering and interfering because even he
is not sure who this child is.

The most beautiful scene for me is when Jesus asks Mary to tell him the story of
his birth. They sit under some trees and she tells Jesus, "I am only going to tell you
this once. One morning my room was filled with light, and it spoke to me ... I was
14 years old when you were born. ..." There are two themes in the film that stood
out for me. One is the knowledge of Jesus: What did he know about his identity
and when did he know it" Mary and Joseph discuss the dilemma. Mary asks
Joseph, "What do we tell our little boy?" and Joseph responds with another
question, "How do we explain God to his own son?"

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