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Edition 2016 Electrical Pe | a1 Electrical Engineerii fa (Tatil Bate) NES EL, Sra According to Ue ore) ESE Firoz [lure Preface Syllabus Oa Representation of Power System “1-1 to 1-62 Unit -2 Unit - 3 Fault Calculations Unit - 4 a Unit-5 Unit - 6 CSVTU Questions QO = Symmetrical Components Economic Operation of Power Systeme Load Flow Studies... 4-1 10 4-80 Power System Stability” 2-1 fo 2-64 _ 3-1 to 3-64 ~ 5110 5-58 OS. 6-1 106 6" Semester BE : 324651(24) BEE : 325651 ee phase Representation of _ Power System Contents * Single Line Diagram * Impedance Dragrarn ' Resctance Diagram 1 Equivalent Impedance of Thee Phase Transformer ' PerUnit Quantities PLU. Impedance of Three Phase Transformer ' Pomitive Sequence Impedance Paagram in Per-Unut System ' Expression for Three Phase Power in PU, The eng le deagram os power eye | en Sermerments of the system composes tog wrth thew dat (ach ws cape Pag. olnge od rnctamce ew) bce Tises sometimes the oacings te piven cromery © sew al the coment ‘yee on ingle Hee Breakers need mot Be system under normal balanced steady state conditions is ‘The transmission line is the main of a power system is mainly ‘of the transmission lines in the system. It is necessary to and power at: ona transmission line provided that Sela In drawing a diagram of such a system, the equipment are shown are phase system. If al the equipment ofthe three phase are would be rather complicated and difficult to understand. Since all exactly similar, its necessary to use a simplified representation ase and neal Sudha dsr is nown single ine fone ne of se ine tga fine power sae, to draw its equivalent circuit (also known is represented by an em in series with an ‘transformer are represented by series former is usually omitted in a power Single line diagram “Transformer ‘Transformer Motor in 1, ™ i Xmission line Generator aie Impedance diagram : R, Generator” Transformer! mission ine | Transformer Motor 1 Motor2! Static If the resistive component of the impedance are neglected then impedance diagram reduces to as reactance diagram as shown in below figure, Sometimes the values are expressed in percent. However itis preferable to use pet unit values, Reactance diagram : Step for preparing impedance diagrams : In order to prepare a diagram of a power system one-line diagram and specifications of the transformers lines, motors and loads are required. The following ‘made while preparing impsedance diagram : the whole system the rated value of wolage of a particular the base voltage. The base voltages of other sections are then linetotine voltage ratios of transformers, Al impedances in 4 reached inching the primary inypexiance, voltage base chosen for the primary site the ‘the transformer including secondary impedance of the in per unit to anew base voltage. This new base Voitage ry voltage multiplied by the intone voltage ratio of the voltages may be shown on the anetne diagram nitimpedanc of eps aormer apes thet ‘ating of the transformer is equal to three times the transformer, The per unit impedance of the three M6 equal to the per unit impedance ot the single-phase ¥ of all sections should be calculatal on proper base with GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ® 4:5 tation of Power: ole Aalyantages of per unit system 1. When expressed in per unit system parameters tends to fall in relatively narrow ‘numerical ranges. Therefore any erroneous data can be easily identified. Power system contain a large number of transformers, the ohmic value of Impedance as referred to secondary is different from the value as referred to primary, However base values are selected properly the per unit impedance is the same on the two sides of transformer. 3, The chance of confusion between line and phase value between the 3—@ balanced system is reduced, 4. The impedances of machine are specified by the manufacturer in terms of per unit value 5. Transformer connection do not affect the per unit values ‘Consider at} system where, Base voltage = (kV),_ and Base wolt-Amp =(KVA)_ x10’ &v), mete a eT a ET 2 oO And OVA Kx xIe? vay, OVA Cor a rom equation () and (i, OM XO ae te AVA) =10" VA) Per unitimpedance Z, oil This equation is applicable for both single phase and three-phase circuit. ‘Change of base value : Normally the per unit impedance of various component corresponding to its own rating voltage and voltamp. rating are given and ‘choose one common base MVA and base kV for whole system. Therefore {imperative to determine the per unit impedance of various equipment to the common base KV and base MVA. If the individual quantity and (AV) 4.80 from equation (ii) base impedance will be of Power, GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS But, -705, Kat Ky a(R KE Bi! “ i From equation (v) and (vi), Ru Be HVA A Oa WA a We behets ng pt uation per unit impedance is ‘ic eens bese Equating real and imaginary parts, onal othe square of the base kV. : nav leakage reactance each of 2:50. Determine: 0 ‘Tot pecron ot patie srr oad a tes Gi Total octane fae fered ony a ‘Sol. The VA on both sides ofthe transformer is 5000 VA, that is, 5, =5000VA ()) Total reactance ofthe transformer referred to primary, MY 7 Pl My xan) x, -25025%( 42) «2ssi0=ns0 fain viegaon pinay ai ase Now ee keds J Ma a Tot pe i acti cred ig 2h, Sh 1251 2% «oma (ii) Total reactance of the transformer referred to secondary, " spe tia nonoula) GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS ' of Power, Ui * s§feom ieee a ag »‘ y ration kV, eX +x,(Bey XyKVi ARV Xe i Wy, ¥ MY MyM ad KV x. he VA Korat _ XyKV? +A RV} Xa py = Att = MARV FAG =a Lil erent 2» For secondary side : Base power=MVA_ ™, ay, Base voltage= kV, x2 = kv, x AM «gy, Be yoy peo RY, Total impedance in secondary sid x, ~xox,(8) ce =, 44, (2 x, -14, (BK) as X43, ( at We w mye MV, Oe ‘So from equation (i) and (ji) the pu impedance re secondary side is same, le, X AV A AY? PnP vy x a Meat KAW + Ny? Te ava GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS: 414 ‘Total impedance in secondary side, fy, mabe, |=) Met (7) (4) ; mageteor,] ab | -2ee(%] oe 33 ir.) CAL pemieswt| CB) 3 “We "|" VA SMA wisi ye? Sa), soy elm G3 as | EAE ALA ae vA ayia oy From the above equation it is prove that the impedance in per unit for three-phase transformer isthe same a that foreach single phase transformer. ‘Question 9 For the single phase two winding transformer in figure (neglect same whether computed from primary or secondary. Zp Zz, Figure shows « single phase transformer in terms of primary and secondary leakage reactance Z, and Z, and transformation ratio 1a. Let us choose base voltage on the primary side (V,), and on the secondary side (/,),. Also choose a common base voltampere (WA), i, Oe 1 De As the (VA), is common, we can also write GAT ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS * 4:13 of Power: 6 Expression for Three Phase Power in ‘Question 10 Derive expression for three phase power in per unit. ‘Ans. Assume actual line wolage= V7, actual ine curren Acelerpees perenne Tae ine vlinge= igi base ine curest= is wd ese epee eerie Actual apparent power VJWi1, FL I, ot apparent power = Ail EEE Eo Lan aaa ieee ‘Base eppereat power Wests Vis ty in in Per Unit Sol. Given: (MVA),y =75MVA, (kV)ay =10EV, (Xu = 04 ‘And new value (MIVA), =100MVA. (ev), = IY (MVAD gs OVD, Ode = daa 1. OAV AN Be GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS 4 Sol. "A base of 200 MVA, 25 kV in generator 1 side, 30 200 MVA base power in all ireuit and following base voltages, 220 ¢ Base voltage for transmission line side = 2525 = 220kV se voltage for gener lde= 720525, «25kV fi RReactance value for different system are : Reactance of generator 1 OVA, OV) (VA AV Cdn * Eada 2) ott J027 pu es ‘ours ACADEMY FUBLICATIONS® _1-40_Repressntation of Powes Syatema xy-nan2 (2) «pam Reactant tle r= nied) «ose nan ain ng Xa * 11000 ee 02a) baa’ ee} 25 Np = Maat = 10025 6 10,1646 pu a oa (23.24 Reactance of transformer 7,, 2s x, = Rand, = Jas (meee 25 (10) y= sas) «nat aan (i) ie rene | f type) « p25 23{1) «paar eel of Power. ‘Bol. A base of 30 MVA, 33 kV at transmission line, so 30 MVA base power in all other ‘Greuit and following base voltage, Generator side base voltage =33x 42 = 11 kV Motor side base voltage 3352 = 6.24V Now px. reactance value of different system are : ‘ot. Transformer F posed of Line voltage of star connected sh ae ( rove at transfor bank = ‘A baw of 80 MYA, 18 KV In Ing bawe voltages = 30KY Hine ste bawe votes 19x42 « tHOKY ” Motor sds base voltage 180/22 6 45.14V ue ina Reactance value of dil Reactance of gen rent ystem are (MYA) V9, Epes Ee, Coden * hd Cae OV) 50 (is) 4, -702088-(3) «029 is, Reactanee of tranalormer I, sory x, «008 ) «oases Impedance of tranwmission tine, 1 Ermag (254 {79 0 2 ‘aa a AVR tt ro vA,” 90 i % Sg =k 2584 113) aS Zen AS MS xereiee = OURS JOLT pw Reactance of transformer 1, a cern) 1! Ny = 0 of Power, Reactance of transformer T;, 20, X,, = 0.1 ny G Reactance of motor 1, = 02x20, 2 4, = 02a 2S = jo2spu Reactance of motor2, 2 a = 02x (as) 10-S6pa 100, Max a ” Y= ssi Renctance of n = /0N264 pu 108, (22)' jaasoone 50 "Un = 10.0000 ee sresentation of Power GATE ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS® ar, ACADEMY PUBLICATIONS. ce a (MVA), 100 Zyaus _ (132+ JO512),.199 = (1.09+ 0.423) pu Zn aD Reactance diagram : xaos ‘Question 24 ‘The one line diagram of 3-9 power system is shown in figure. Select a. 100 MVA and 22 kV on generator side. Draw impedance diagram with ‘mark in per unit. Gonertor 90 MIVA, 22 KV, X=18% MVA, 22/220 kV, X= 10% T, :40 MVA, 220/11 KV, X= 69% T, 40 MVA, 22/110 kV, X= 6.4% T, :40 MVA, 110/11 kV, X=8% ‘ m 2665 MVA, 1045 KV, X= 18.5% * ‘The3~ load absorb 57 MVA the 0.6 power factor at 10 reactance of 48.491 and 6543 “A base of 20 MVA, IL KV in generatorG,, 50 20 MVA base power in all other circuit ‘and following base voltages, “Transmission line side bse voltage =11

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