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Fajar Nugraha, M.I.Kom

Etymologically democracy comes from
the word demos which means the
people and kratos or kretein which
means power. So democracy is "People's
Definition of Democracy
Kartini Kantono, “Democracy is people's power in the form of government with all levels of the people taking
part in the government.

Sukarna, Democracy is a form of government that will run the government without causing violations of human

Joseph A. Schmeter, democracy is an institutional plan to reach political decisions in which individuals gain
the power to decide how to compete competitively for the people's vote.

Sidney Hook, democracy is a form of government in which important government decisions are directly or
indirectly based on the free consent of the majority of the adult people.

Affan Gaffar (2000) defines democracy in two forms, namely normative meaning (normative democracy) and
empirical (empirical democracy). Normative democracy is democracy that ideally wants to be carried out by a
country. While empirical democracy is a democracy that is manifested in the world of practical politics.

Formal Democracy
Characterized by the opportunity to choose a leader
through elections at regular intervals and certain rules

Three Models of Surface Democracy

Demokrasi From the outside it looks democratic, but its substance
is undemocratic. This kind of thing is a low-intensity
(Jeff Hayness, dalam Indianto, 2021) democracy where democracy is just a polish that covers
the political structure

Substantive Democracy
In this type of democracy, all elements of the people,
including the common people, the poor, minorities, youth
and women, can place their interests on the political
agenda in their country.
Institutionalized peaceful settlement
of conflic;

Democratic Organizing a change of

leader/mastery regularly
Limiting the use of violence to a

Recognizing and taking natural diversity

Implementation of Democracy in
The period 1945-1959, a period of parliamentary democracy
that emphasized the role of parliament and parties

The period 1959-1965, the Guided Democracy period, which

in many aspects had deviated from constitutional
democracy and presented more aspects of people's

The period 1966-1998, the period of Pancasila Democracy

in the New Order era, which is a constitutional democracy
that emphasizes the presidential system

The 1999-present period, the Pancasila Democracy period,

was a reform era rooted in the power of multi-party which
seeks to restore the balance of power between state
institutions, between the executive, legislative and judicial
Scarrow (2005) states that political parties
are the most important actors in a
representative democratic system.

Classical political scientists Duverger

Democracy (1964), Michels (1915), Panebianco (1998),
and Political and Weber (2004) state that political
parties have a very dominant and
Parties prominent role in a democratic system.
The success or failure of democracy in
advancing society is the absolute
responsibility of political parties.
Functions of Political Parties
(UU Number 2 of 2008 Jo UU Number 2 of 2011)

Political education for members and the wider community to

become Indonesian citizens who are aware of their rights and
obligations in the life of society, nation and state;
Creating a conducive climate for the unity and integrity of the
Indonesian nation for the welfare of the people;
Absorbing, collecting, and channeling the political aspirations of
the people in formulating and determining state policies;
Political participation of Indonesian citizens;
Political recruitment in the process of filling political positions
through democratic mechanisms by paying attention to gender
equality and justice.
Power of Party Leader
Arbi Sanit (2009), Election is an institution
that embodies democracy. Elections are a
means to channel the rights of citizens who
are very principled

Democracy and Article 1 paragraph (2) of the 1945

Elections Constitution guarantees that elections are
one way to realize people's sovereignty

In a country that has a pluralistic society,

people's sovereignty is not exercised
alone, but requires representation
History of General Elections in Indonesia
1955 Election (Parliamentary Period)
Election 1971-1997
Pemilu Tahun 1971-1997 (New Order Period)
1977 Election
1982 Election
1987 Election
1992 Election
1997 Election
PElection 1999-2014 (Reformation)
1999 Election
2004 Election
2009 Election
2014 Election
2019 Election
District System
(Single Member Constituency)

In this electoral system, a country is divided

Election into several districts or electoral districts

where the number of elected representatives

is equal to the number of districts

Proportional System
the proportional system considers the proportion of
the number of seats with the number of
residents/voters in an electoral district. In this
system, an electoral district that has a large
population will also get a larger number of seats in a
representative institution
Election Challenge
Principles of Election Administration
(UU Numer 7 of 2017 concerning Elections)
UU Number 40 of 1999 and UU on Public
Information Disclosure Number 14 of 2008 state
that every citizen has freedom of information,
whether to create, access, convey and so on.

Alvin Toffler said that now society has entered the

Indonesian era of the information society after previously
people's lives passed through the era of an agrarian
Democracy in the society and an industrial society.
Digital Era According to Straubhar, the information society
has economic, social, political activities through the
process of producing, consuming and distributing
In the digital era, a new space appears
called cyberspace, which contains
various substitutions for people's real
Cyberspace is an imaginary space that
allows everyone to do whatever is done
in daily life, whether political, economic,
social, cultural, sexual and spiritual
activities artificially.
The world of cyberspace offers a new
culture of life that allows everyone to
"dive" in a world of unlimited reality

Many Indonesian internet users have become political

capital for democratization in Indonesia
e-government can improve the
exchange and reception of
information between governments,
Digital Democracy gives public administrations, institutions,
political organizations and citizens
rise to the idea of ​
e-government e-government support public debate
(Bryan, Tsaqarousianou dan Tambini,
dalam Indianto, 2021) and community building

e-goverment increase participation and

decision-making by citizens
Trends related to Democracy and
Information digitization

1. Distopia --> critical awareness and alert attitude towards the

threat of information technology in social and political life in the
hope of rediscovering the lost essential qualities
2. Neo-futuris --> optimism on technological progress as a giant
vehicle to realize democratic ideals by building virtual
communities as a substitute for people's power against the
monopoly of capitalistic media
3. Tekno-realis --> critical view regarding the role that information
technology plays in everyday life while looking at the
An absolute requirement in a digital media
democracy system is equal access to digital
media, as well as control over media that is free
from the power of a group of oligarchs.


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