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first book of the Torah or Law of Moses

known as the Pentateuch

❑ a book of beginnings:
❑ "seed-plot" of the entire Bible
✓First man, first marriage, first
family, first sin, first murder, first
❑ Exit/ Departure
✓ the exodus of the Israelites from
Egypt marked the end of a period
of oppression for Abraham's
❑ relating to the Levites/ and He called
✓ a book (or manual) primarily
concerned with the priests and
their duties
✓ Because the Israelites had been held captive in
Egypt for 400 years, the concept of God had
been distorted by the polytheistic, pagan
Egyptians. The purpose of Leviticus is to
provide instruction and laws to guide a sinful,
yet redeemed people in their relationship with
a holy God.
❑ In the Wilderness
✓ referring to the numbering of the tribes of
Israel in chapters 1–4.
✓ The community of the redeemed forfeited
their part in the promised land. They were
condemned to live out their lives in the desert;
only their children would enjoy the fulfillment
of the promise that had originally been theirs
❑ Copy/Repetition/Second Law
✓ The speeches that constitute this address
recall Israel’s past, reiterate laws that Moses
had communicated to the people at Horeb
(Sinai), and emphasize that observance of
these laws is essential for the well-being of the
people in the land they are about to possess

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