Tema 7 2022 Baru

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KURIKULUM MERDEKA a. Good night b. Good bye c. Good day

TAHUN PELAJARAN : 2022/ 2023 7. The Indonesian of see you later is ….
a. saya baik – baik saja b. selamat berpisah c. sampai jumpa lagi
Nama / No.Absen : .................................. Tanggal : …………………..
8. Edo : Good bye, Udin.
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : I (satu)
Udin : …, Edo.
a. Good bye b. Good afternoon c. Good evening
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, or c! 9. are – how – you. The correct sentence is ….
1. Aji : Good morning, Beni. a. Are you how? b. How are you? c. You how are?
Beni : Good …. Aji. 10. Lani : Hello, Dayu.
a. morning b. afternoon c. evening Dayu : …. , Lani.
a. Fine b. Hello c. Thank you
2. Desi : Hello, my name is Desi.
Rina : Hello, my name is ….
11. I have …. oranges.
a. Rudi b. Rina c. Robi
a. three b. four c. five
3. o – r – t – n – f – a – e – o
12. The English of dua is ….
The correct arrangement for the letters is ….
a. one b. two c. three
a. night b. evening c. afternoon
13. are – books – these – six. The correct sentence is ….
4. It is in evening. The correct picture is ….
a. These are six books
b. Books are six these
c. Six are these books
a. b. c.
14. Ari : What is your number, Ira?
5. Sari : How are you?
Ira : My …. is seven.
Tuti : I am …, thank you.
a. number b. finger c. ruler
a. hi b. fine c. hello

Penilaian Tengah Semester Ganjil 2022/2023SDN MAGERSARI SIDOARJO

15. Meli : …. II. Fill in the blank with suitable answer!
Siti : It is number ten. 21. Susi : Good afternoon, Dita.
a. Number is it what? Dita : …. , Susi.
b. It is number what? 22. Aldi : Where do you study?
c. What number is it? Eko : I study in ….
16. One, two, three, …, five. 23. Teacher : Is it number ten?
a. four b. six c. eight Student : …., it is.
17. Anita : Is it number seven?
Ratna : …, it is not. 24. is – six – it – number. The correct sentence is ….
a. Yes b. No c. Oke
18. My house is number three. The correct picture is ….

There are …. books.
a. b. c.

19. It is number ….
a. six b. seven c. eight

20. These are two apples. The correct picture is ….




Penilaian Tengah Semester Ganjil 2022/2023SDN MAGERSARI SIDOARJO

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