Winter Booklet - AREA

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pre ay, & is og “4 . “bonaa "vnow * LEARN | ACHIEVE | SUCCEED 17/12/2022-08/01/2023 SD 1-1 & GROUP CLASSES AVAILABLE AT TSIM SHA TSUI, CENTRAL & ONLINE 4 EXAM BASED CURRICULUMS (IBDP, PRE IBDP, A-LEVEL, IGCSE, PRE IGCSE, GCSE, HSC, MYP. AP, PRE U, ONTARIO) Be YOUNG LEARNERS (YEAR 6 - YEAR 9) 4° SAT, ACT, UNIVERSITY CONSULTING, ISEB COMMON ENTRANCE (9-+, 11+, 13+, 16+) & BOARDING SCHOOL ENTRANCE PREPARATION CONTACT: +852 2724 4240 © +852 97549176 © +852 6348 8744 © OR TUITION@ALLROUND-EDU.COM TST: UNIT 107, MIRROR TOWER, 61 MODY ROAD CENTRAL: UNIT 601-2, 6/F CHEONG K. BUILDING, 84-86 DES VOEUX ROAD “CONTENTS & PRICING™ % on08 This booklet contains All Round’s group revision course schedules for our winter 2022 programmes. Lessons during this period can be conducted in person or online based on your preference. For 1-1 schedules do get in touch with us and we can schedule lessons based on your individualized needs. If there are any group courses you cannot find in this booklet do contact us at +85297549176/-+85263488744. PLEASE CLICK THE SUBJECTS BELOW TO GO DIRECTLY TO THE SPECIFIED PAGE Curriculums —_| Available Winter Courses by Subject IBDP (SL &HL) | Biology, Business & Management, Chemistry, Chinese, Computer Science, Economics, English Language & Literature, English Literature, ESS, Mathematics AA, Mathematics Al, Physics & Spanish IGCSE Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, English Language, English Literature, Mandarin, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, Spanish & World Literature SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing, Mathematics ACT English & Reading, Mathematics & Science COMPUTER Computer Science Ages 12+ SCIENCE Computer Science Ages 11 & Below YOUNG Year 9/Grade 8 English, Mathematics, Mandarin & Science LEARNERS. Year 8/Grade 7 English, Mathematics, Mandarin & Science Year 7/Grade 6 English, Mathematics, Mandarin & Science Year 6/Grade 5 English & Mathematics . “RPP COURSES wl IBDP ENGLISH SL LANGUAGE & LITERATURE COURSE (Y12 & Y13) © 12-19 ue @ 12pm vec z0:z wen @ 1230-2pm vec 20 ty @ 125m pec 2022. mon @ 230~3:30pm oeczo2z we @ 4-530pm © 5- 6:30pm 11:20am = 1pm IBoP(¥12 & 13) SL English Language and Literature Foundational Concepts (Pat 1 of2) Prisca (TCB) WC TB IBoP(Y12 813) SL English Language and Literature: Foundational Concepts (Part 2of 2) Prisca (TCB) WC TB 1BoP(¥12 & 13) SL English Language and Literatre: Visual Text Analysis (Part ¥of2), Prisca (TCB) WC TCE ToP(¥12 & 13) SL Engleh Language and Literature: Vieul Text Analysis (Prt 2of2), Prisca (TCB) WC TCE IBoP (Y12 813) SL Englah Language and Literature: Textual Analyse (Pat of}, Prizes (FCB) WE TCE TBOP(¥12& 13) SL English Language and Literature Textual Analysis (Part? of), Prisca (TCB) WC TCE IaoP(Y12 812) SL English Language and Literature: Past Paper Drie (Pat 1 of) Prisca (TCB) WC TCR 1aoP(Y12 813) SL Engle Language and itersture: Pat Paper Drie (Part 2 of 2) Prisea(TCB) WC TCS IBDP ENGLISH HL LANGUAGE & LITERATURE COURSE (Y12 & Y13) vec 2022.1 @ 3-430pm ec 202s, tue @ §30~630pm noi 2023, non @ 10:30am~ 12pm san 2023.198 © 4-S309m 10 (7126 1) HL English Language and Literatur: Foundational Concepts (art ¥of2), Prisca (TCB) WC TCR {0p (7126 12) HL English Language and Literatur: Foundational Concepts (Part 2 of 2), Pisa (108) WC TC 180 (7128 12) HL English Language and Literature: Visual Text Analysis (Part of 2), rgea (FCB) WE TCR 10 (7126 12) HL English Language and Literature: Visual Text Analysis (Part2of 2), rigea (FOB) WE TCB {OP (128 12) HL English Language and Literatur: Textual Analysis (Part 1 of 2) Prisca (TCB) WC TB 10 (7128 12) HL English Language and Literatur: Textual Analyse (Pat 2of 2) Prisca (TCB) WC TCR 180 (7126 1) HL English Language and ast Paper Dil (Pat 1 of) Prisca (FCB) Wo TB 10 (7128 12) HL English Languoge and Literature: Past Paper Die Part 2of 2), Praca (TC8) WC TOB LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IBDP ENGLISH SL LITERATURE COURSE (Y12 & Y13) 19 20 an 22 26 29 IBDP ENGLISH 19 20 21 22 26 29 349m 5~ 6pm 6~ 7:30pm “430 ~ 5:30pm 56pm 10:30am — 12pm 12 1:30pm 5:30~ 7pm DP (Y12.& 12) SL Englich Literature: Foundational Concepts (Part 1 of 2), Prgea (TC8) WE TCE 1BOP (¥12.& 13) SL English Literature: Foundational Concepts (Part 2 of 2), Prsea (TC8) WE TCB 1BOP (¥12.& 13) SL English Literature: Prose Analysis (Part 1 of 2), Prisca (TCB) WC. TCB 1BDP (¥12 & 12) SL English Literature: Prose Analysis (Part 2 of 2), Prisca (TCB) WC TCB BOP (¥12.8 13) SL English Lit re: Poetry analysis (Part 1 of 2), Prisea (TC) WC TCE 1BDP (Y12 & 13) SL English Literature: Poetry analysis (Part 2 of 2), Prisca (TCB) WC TCB |BDP (12 & 12) SL English Literature: Past Paper Drills (Part 1 of 2), Prisca (TB) WC TCR, IOP (¥12.& 13) SL English Literature: Past Paper Drills (Part 2of 2), Prisca (TB) WC CB: HL LITERATURE COURSE (12 & Y13) 4 Spm 6 = 7pm 34pm 5:30- 7pm 6-730pm 12- 1pm 230 apm 10:30am ~ 129m LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA) 1BOP (¥12.& 12) HL English Literature: Foundational Concepts (Part of2), Prisca (FCB) WC TC8 1BDP (712.6 13) HL English Literature: Foundational Concepts (Part 2of2), Prisca (TC) WC TC8 1BOP (¥124 13) HL English Literature: Prose Analysis (art 1 of 2), Prisca (TCB) WC TC 1BOP (712 13) HL English Literature: Prose Analysis (Part 2 of 2), Prisca (TCB) WC TC 1BOP (712.6 13) HL English Literature: Poetry analysis (art 1 of), Prisca (TC8) WC TCE, 180 (7126 13) HL English Literature: Poetry analysis (art 2 of 2), Prisea(TCB) WC TCE 'BOP (712. 13) HL English Literature: Past Paper Dis (Part 1 of 2, Prisca (TCB) WC TCB BOP (¥12.& 13) HL English Literature: Past Paper Drills (Part 2of 2), Prisca (TB) WC TC8: TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IBDP SL & HL AA MATHEMATICS CORE TOPICS COURSE (Y12 & 13) 21 23 26 28 @ 5-630 BOP (712 & 13) SL& HL Mathematics AA Core: Functions (Part 1 of 2), Darick (TB) WC TCS @ 5-630 BOP (12 & 13) SL& HL Mathematics AA Core: Functions (Part 2 of 3), Darick (TB) WC TCS © 5- 6pm BOP (12 & 13) SL & HL Mathematics AA Core: Functions (Part 3 of 3), Darick (TB) WC TCS © 7-89 BOP (12 & 13) SL & HL Mathematics AA Core: Trigonometry (Part 1 of 2), Darrick (TCB) WC TCB © 6- 8pm BOP (12 & 13) SL & HL Mathematics AA Core: Trigonometry (Part 2of 2), Darrick (TCB) WC TCB © 4-5309m BOP (12 & 13) SL & HL Mathematics AA Core: Probability (Part 1 of 2), Darick (TCB) WC TCB © 4- 6pm GDP (12 & 13) SL& HL Mathematics AA Core: Probability (Part 2of 2), Darick (TC8) WE TCE © 1am 1pm BOP (12 & 13) SL & HL Mathematics AA Core: Differential Calculus, Darick (TCB) WC TCB IBDP SL & HL AA MATHEMATICS CORE TOPICS COURSE (Y12 & 13) (ONLINE ONLY) 27 28 2 31 420 - 6:30pm 830 9:30pm 7 8m 420 - 6:30pm 459m 5- 6pm 1190 3pm LOCATION KEY: @ BOP (¥12 & 12) SL HL Mathematics AA Core: Functions (Part 1 of 3), lbaad (Online) WC Online BOP (¥12 6 12) SL HL Mathematics AA Core: Functions (Part 2of 2, lbaad (Online) WC Online IBDP (Y12.8 13) SL HL Mathematics AA Core: Functions (Part 3.of 3), baad (Online) WC: Online IBOP (Y12 813) SL HL Mathematics AA Core: Trigonometry (Pat 1 of 3), baad (Online) WC Online {BOP (¥12 & 15) SL & HL Mathematics AA Core: Tigonomety (Part 2 of 3), Ibasd (Online) WC Online [BOP (V12 813) SL& HL Mathematics AA Core: Trigonometry (Part 3 of 3), baad (Online) WC Online 180 (¥12 & 12) SL HL Mathematics AA Core: Probability (Part 1 of2)Ibaad (Online) WC Online BOP (¥12 & 12) SL HL Mathematics AA Core: Probably (Part 2 of 2) Ibaad (Online) WC Online 10 (¥12 & 12) SL HL Mathematics AA Core: Differential Caleuls (Part 1 of 2), baad (Online) WC Online IBDP (Y12 813) SLE HL Mathematics AA Core: Differential Calculus (Part 2 of 2} tbaad(Onlne) WC Online (TCA) =TSTBRANCH @ (TCB) e % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IBDP HL AA MATHEMATICS EXTENSION TOPICS COURSE (Y12 & 13) © 630- epm 1BOP (12.813) HLOnly Mathematics AA Extension: Number and Algebra (Part of 2), Darrick (TCB) WE. TCS. © 630-730pm 1BOP (Y12.& 13) HL Only Mathematics AA Extension: Number and Algebra (Part 2 of 2) Darrick (TCB) WC TC 26 otcavzz, mow @ 4-59m IBOP (12. 13) HL Only Mathematics AA Extension: Functions (Part 1 of 2), Darick (TCB) WC TCB wo @ 4-5pm IBOP (712. 13) HL Only Mathematics AA Extension: Functions (Part2of 2), Darick (TCB) WC TCB 30 otcavzzrn — @ 4-69m 1BOP (12. 13) HL Only Mathematics AA Extension: Trigonometry, Darrick (TCB) WC TCS 2 siwze23.mon @ 530-7pm 1BOP (V12. 13) HLOnly Mathematics AA Extension: Callus (Part 1 of 3), Darck (TCB) WC. TCB 4 sanzers. we @ 6= 8pm IGP (712. 13) HLOnly Mathematics AA Extension: Caleulus (Par? of 3), Darick (TCB) WC TOR Mam 180 (Y12.8 13) HL Only Mathematics AA Extenslon:Calelus (Part 3 of 3), Darick (TCB) WC. TCB LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (ICB) CENTRAL BRANCH = @ = ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IBDP SL & HL Al MATHEMATICS CORE TOPICS COURSE (Y12 & 13) 1” a 24 26 28 31 3 4pm 23pm 2-330pm 3-409 2-2309m 2-339m 3 430pm 2-3309m 23pm 2-330pm 2-3209m BOP (712.813) SL & HL Mathematics Al Coe: Functions (Part 1 of 2), Muaz (TCB) WC CB {BOP (712.613) SLLHL Mathematis Al Core: Functions (Part 2of 2), Muaz (TCB) WC TC BOP (Y12.&13) SL&HL Mathematics A Core: Geometry and Trigonometry (Part 1 of), Muaz (TCB) We TCB 1BDP (7126 13) SL.& HL Mathematics Al Cre: Geometey and Trigonometry (Part 2 of 2), Muaz (TCB) WC TCB BOP (712. 13) SL&HL Mathematics Al Core: Probailiy and Statistics (Part 1 of 4), Muaz(TC8) WC TCS BOP (712. 13) SL & HL Mathematies Al Core: Probability and Statistics (Part2 of), Muaz(TC8) WC TCB BOP (Y12.& 13) SL AHL Mathematics Al Core: Prbabiliy and Statistics (Part 3 of 4), Muaz (TC) WC TOS IBOP (Y12& 13) SL.& HL Mathematics Al Core: Probability and Statisties (Part 4of 4), Muaz(TCB) WC TCB BOP (Y12.8 13) SL& HL Mathematics A Cre: Differential Calculus (Part 1 of 3), Muar (TCB)WC TCS BOP (712.613) SL &HL Mathematics Al Core: offeretial Callus (Part 2of 3), Muse (TC) WC TCS BOP (V12.613) SL & HL Mathematics A Core: bfferentil Callus (Part 3 of 2), Muse (TCA) WC TCS IBDP HL Al MATHEMATICS EXTENSION TOPICS COURSE (Y12 & 13) 1” a 24 2% 28 a1 4 S30pm 3 430m 330 Spm 430-6 330 Spm 330 Spm 430 69m 230 Spm 3- 430m 330 Spm 30P(Y12.8 12) HL Only Mathematics A Extenson: Number and Algebra (Part of 2). Muaz (FCB) WC TB OP (¥12 & 13) HL Only Mathematics Al Extension: Number and Algebra (Pat 2of 2), Muaz (TB) WC TOR 1BP(Y12& 13) HL Only Mathematics Al Extension: Functions (Part 1 of 2), Muaz(TCB) WC TCS oP (V2 & 13) HL Only Mathematics Al Extension: Functions (Part 2of 2), Muaz(TCB) WC TCS BOP (¥12 & 13) HL Only Mathematics Al Extension: Geometry and Trigonometry (Pat 1 of 2), Muaz (TC8) WC TOB TBOP (V2 & 13) HL Only Mathematics Al Extension: Geometry and Trigonometry (Part 2of 2), Muaz (TCB) WC TOB 1BoP (Y12 812) HL Only Mathematics Al Extension: Probabilty (Pat 1 of), Musz (TC8) We TCR 1B0P (Y12 813) HL Only Mathematics Al Extension: Probably (Pat 2of ), Muaz (FCB) WC TCR 30 (Y124 13) HL Only Mathematic Al Extension: Probably (Part 3.4), Muss (TCB) WC TCB 1B0P(¥12& 13) HL Only Mathematics Al Extension: Probably (Part 4 of ), Muaz (TCB) WC TCR LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IBDP SL & HL BIOLOGY COURSE (Y12 & 13) 7 20 an 23 26 7 29 30 19 aa 2 2% 2 28 29 IBDP SL & © stm fe (8). lg el ga hens TE) WE To © nim toe (12615 9.4. bg alla 20} ern TEE Te © 2-7 to (1281592. keg eee Pa a. eh TEE eR © ata wor (NZ NEEM gr came a7 ets OTE © 1250-13tpn P1288) ALAM. Begin ay Pa 2 me TE TER oom tor 91281)6£ py ki Bey Pa 2a enn TERE TR © 1200-2pn ——_—OP(2818) SLAM. Barmy Peo ene 8) ME 28 © 2-23mpm oP (7I41)SL AM Blo Moan Psy (a 262) Uma THE TR HL CHEMISTRY COURSE (Y12 & 13) 1:30am 1230pm__180P (Y12.8 13) HL Only Chemistry: Tople 3 -Periodety Atuya (TCA) WC TCA 430-5209 1BOP (112818) SL & HL Chemistry: Topic 4 Energetics, Atlya (TCA) WC TCA 45pm 1BOP (V2 13) HL Only Chemisty: Topic 4 Energetics, Atulya (TCA) WE TCA 11:30am 1230pm__IBDP (Y12.8 13) SL& HL Chemistry Topi S- Chemical Bonding and Swucture (Par 1 of 2), Aula (TCA) WC TCA 11:30am 1230pm__IBDP (Y12. 13) SL& HL Chemistry Topi 5 - Chemical Bonding and Structure (Part2of 2), Aula (TCA) WC TCA 130-230pm 1BOP (V2.8 13) HL Only Chemisty: Topic §~ Chemical Bonding and Structure, Aula (TCA) WC TCA 130 3pm TBOP (V2 & 13) SL&ML Chemistry: Topic 6 - Chemical Kinetics, Atulya (TCA) WC TCA 569m 3 (Y12. 13) HL. Only Chemisty: Topic 6 Chemica Kinetics, Asya (TCA) WC TCA, LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IBDP SL & HL PHYSICS COURSE (Y'12 & 13) 7 29 6 02022, Mon @ 2:30 4.30pm vec 2022 ue @ 46pm veczoz, ray @ 430 530pm © 530- 630m saw 72023,mon @ 230 430m vanzo2s, tue @ 46pm san2023, wen @ 46pm sawz02a,tny — @ 430-530pm san 2023,¢m1 @ 4= 6pm IDP (¥12 813) SL& HL Physics: IOP (¥12 8 13) SL & HL Physics: 'BoP (¥12.813) SL & HL Physics: IOP (¥128 13) SL & HL Physics: IDP (V12 813) SL& HL Physics: BOP (¥12.& 13) SL & HL Physics: 1DP (¥12.& 13) SL & HL Physics: IOP (¥12.8 13) SL& HL Physics: IOP (¥12.& 13) SL & HL Physics: ‘Measurements & Uncertainties, Shourya (TB) WC TCB ‘Mechanics (Part 1 of 2), Shourya (ToB) WC TCB ‘Mechanics (Part 2 of 2), Shourya (TCA) WC TCA Thermal Physics (Part 1 of 2),Shourya (TCA) WC TCA Thermal Physics (Part 2 of 2),Shourya (TCB) WC TCS Waves, Shourya (ToB) We TCB Electricity & Magnetism (Part 1 of 2), Shourya (TCB) WC TCR. Electricity & Magnetism (Part 2of 2), Shourya (TCA) WC TCA Circular Motion & Gravitation, Shourya (TCA) WC TCA LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IBDP SL & HL ECONOMICS COURSE (Y12 & 13) (ONLINE ONLY) 7 28 29 31 IBDP SL & 2% @ 1230-1:30pm @ 1230-2pm @ 1230-29 @ 1230-29 © 12-2pm @ 1230-1305 @ 1230- 2pm @ 1230-2pm © 1230-1:30pm © 12-29m {BOP (¥12.8 13) SL & HL Economics: Market lure (Part 1 of 2), baad (Online) WC Online {BOP (¥12.8 13) SL & HL Economies: Market lure (Part 2of2), baad (Online) WC Online BOP (12.812) HL Only Economics: Market Structures/Power (Part 1 of 3), baad (Online) WC Online RDP (¥12 813) HL Only Economics: Market tructures/Power (Part 2of 3), baad (Online) WC Online RDP (12.812) HL Only Economics: Market Structures/Power (Part 3 of 3), baad (Online) WC Online BOP (¥12 & 13) SL & HL Economics: Macro objectives (Part 1 of 4), Ibaad (Online) WC Online BOP (¥12.& 13) SL & HL Economics: Macro objectives (Part 2of 4), Ibaad (Online) WC Online IBDP (¥12.& 13) SL & HL Economics: Macro objectives (Part 3of 4), Ibaad (Online) WC Online BOP (¥12.& 13) SL & HL Economics: Macro objectives (Part 4of 4), Ibaad (Online) WC Online {BOP (¥12.& 13) SL & HL Economics: Macro policies, baad (Online) WC Online HL BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT COURSE (Y12 & 13) 4-530 \eoe (V12 8 12)SL HL Busnes and 190? (¥12 £1) HL ony Business lope (v128 13) SL ML Busnes and \Wop(v128 12) SL ML Busnes and Managerent Unt - Busines Organization & Envienment Pat 3), Nel (TCA) WE TA lobe (v12 8 1) SL.8 HL Busnes and Managment Ut} - Busines Organization & Enwronmant Pat 2 of 3), Neal (TCA) WE TA sven Unt -BusnssOrganzation& Environment (Par So}, Ned (TCA) WE TCA Management Unt 1 Business Organization &Gnvtnment Ned (TCA) WE TCA 180? (V12 13) SL& ML Busnes ond Management Ui 2-Human Resource Management (Part 1 of}. Neel (TCA) WE TCA \aop(v12 812) SL. 8 ML Busnes and Management Unit 2- Hunan Resource Management (Part 20 Neel (TCA) WE TOA 10D? (V12 12) SL. HL Busnes and Management Ut 2-Hunan Resource Management (Part 303. Neal (TA) WE TCR Bp? (v12 £13 ML Ont Busnes and Management Unt 2- Haman Resource Managment Nea (TEA) WC TCA lobe (V12 81) SL HL Busines and Management Unt 3: Finance Account (Part of), Nal (FCA) WE TCA agement Unit Finance & Accounts Pat 2 of 3}, Nel (TCA) WE TOA 180? (V12& 12) SL HL Busnes and Management Unt 3:Finance & Accounts (Par of 3) Neel FCA) WC TCA 180° (¥12 £13) ML ony Business and Management Unt -Fnane& counts, Nel (TCA) WE TCA LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE . “RPP COURSES wl IBDP COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSE (Y12 & 13) © 12-19 ‘oP (¥12 813) SLa HL Computer Sclence:Invoducton to Computer Architecture [Pat 1 of2), Sean (TCH) WE TCS © rem 126m oP (¥12 813) SL.& HL Computer Sclence:Invodueton to Computer Architecture [Pat 2of2), Sean (TCB) WE TC © 5-65 oP (¥12 812) SL& HL Computer nce: Invodction to Computer Networking (Part 1 of 2) Sean (TCB) WC TOR © 12-19 'BoP (¥12& 13) SL&HL Comper Scene: nrodction o Computer Networking (Part 20f2), Sean (TCB) WC TB © 1230-29m 'B0P (Y126 13) SL&HL Computer Science: Data Stucture & Algorithm n Python Part 1 of 2, Sean (TCE) WE TCS, 30 veer: @ 4-S300m oP (Y128 13) SL&HL Computer Sclence: Dat Stucture & Algorithm n Python Part 2 of 2, Sean (TCE) WE TS 3 snwanes, we @ 12-1300m oP (¥12& 13) SLHL Computer Science: oduct to Artal ntligence (Pat of), Sean TCB) WC To A suwz02s,weo © 1290 2pm OP (¥12 813) SL& HL Computer Sclence:Invoducton to Artif telignce (Part 2of 2) Sean (FCB) WC TB LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE IBDP SL & HL ESS COURSE (Y12 & 13) (ONLINE ONLY) 10- 11200m 180" (12815) 5 SS: Topi “Foundation 180 (128 15) SES: To 10- 11200 19D (¥1248 15) St ESS: Topie2-Eeoy WBOP (v128 18) SLESS: Topi? 18DP (1128 12) SES: To 180P (12415) SL ESS: Topics 180 (128 15) SESS: Topi 4 Wate Food Prod WBDP (V128 19) SLESS: Topi 10- 11200m Woe (124 19) SESS: Topi S05 iy Pars 0-11200m 18DP (¥124 12) SESS: Topi So Systems and Society (Part 202), Varsi(Onine) WE One LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IBDP SL & HL CHINESE B COURSE (Y12 & 13) 20 a 23 7 28 30 12-19 ‘0 (7128 19) SL. HL Chinese B: Thame 1 (80 (7124 13) SL LHL Chines B: Theme 1 190° (7128 19) SLBHL Chinese B: Thame 10P (7124 1) SLBHL Chinese B: Thame? 190P (7128 19) SLBHL Chinese B: Thame 3 10P (7124 19) SL HL Chess Thame ‘0P (7124 1) SL BML Chnes9 Thame ‘80 (7124 13) SL AHL Chinese: Theme ‘oP (7128 19) SLRHL Chess B: Themes. ‘oP (7128 13) SLBHL Chinese: Theme Chinese utr & Language Sty Heath & Les Part 1 of 2) Heather (TOR) WE TCE Chinese cur Language Sty Hash & ieee Pat 2 of), Hesther(TCB) WC TCR “rations and Casts (art 1 of Heater Te) We TC ‘rations and Custos (art 202 Heater (708) WE TC Selene, Technology and Social Meda (arto 2 Heater (FCB) We TC Selene, echelon and Social Mela Part 2 of 2) Heather (TCB) WC TOB Sci Relatonshps, Voluntser Carty Work Pat of 2), Heather (TC8) WC TCR Soci Relatonship, Volunteer &Charty Wok (Part of 2) Heater (7C8) WC TC Enitonmental sues & Globalisation (Part of) Heater (FCB) WE TCS Envtemantl sues & Global ton (Part 202, Heater (FCB) WE TC LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IBDP SL SPANISH B COURSE (Y12 & 13) 19 22 24 26 29 31 vec 2022, 3:30 - 5pm 34pm 1- 2pm 3:30 - Spm. 4~ 5pm 1- 2pm 4= 5pm 4- 5pm ‘am - 12pm 1BDP (¥12 & 13) SL Spanish B: Writing Skills (Part 1 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA IBOP (Y12.& 13) SL Spanish 8: Writing Skills (Part 2 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC. TCA IBDP (¥12 & 13) SL Spanish B: Writing Skills (Part 3 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA IBDP (Y12.& 13) SL Spanish B: Reading Skills (Part 1 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA IBDP (¥12 & 13) SL Spanish B: Reading Skills (Part 2 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA IBOP (Y12& 13) SL Spanish B: Reading Skills (Part 3 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA IBDP (¥12 & 13) SL Spanish B: Listening Skills (Part 1 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA IBDP (Y12 & 13) SL Spanish B: Listening Skills (Part 2 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA IBoP (¥12.& 13) SL Spanish B: Listening Skills (Part 3 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA IBDP SL SPANISH AB INITIO COURSE (Y12 & 13) 22 24 26 29 31 2- 3:30pm 2- 3pm 12-1pm 1- 20pm 3- 4pm 12=1pm 3- 4pm 3- 4pm 10- 11am 1BDP (Y12.& 13) SL Spanish AB Initio: Writing Skills (Part 1 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA IBDP (Y12.& 13) SL Spanish AB Initio: Writing Skills (Part 2 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA IBDP (Y12.& 13) SL Spanish AB Initio: Writing Skills (Part 3 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA 1BDP (V12.& 13) SL Spanish AB Initio: Reading Skills (Part 1 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA IBDP (12 & 13) SL Spanish AB Initio: Reading Skills (Part 2 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA 1BDP (V12.& 13) SL Spanish AB Initio: Reading Skills (Part 3 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA 1BDP (Y12.& 13) SL Spanish AB Initio: Listening Skils (Part 1 of 3), Softa (TCA) WC. TCA 1BDP (Y12.& 13) SL Spanish AB Initio: Listening Skils (Part 2 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC. TCA 1BDP (V12.& 13) SL Spanish AB Initio: Listening Skils (Part 3 of 3), Sofia (TCA) WC. TCA LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IGCSE CIE ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSE (Y10 & 11) IGCSE EDEXCEL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSE (Y10 & 11) cinnamon Pet oft EE TE 20 scons © T-T3hm Won imal nm peor anon Patt HE 8 27 couse © 19-409m rod i Ege Perey Pot TH He 2 cane © Non-tiem Yad elt pane pent P28 HET BL cones 1-t8om Yond lic Eiger own Pee TENET 2 name @ 13-23 Yr Eta eon Eft RT 4 sanzois.weo @ 1-20m ‘Year 10 and 11 Eden ICSE Engh Language: Paar 2- Post & rose tere (Pa SoS) Jee (To8) WC TCR LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (ICB) e % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IGCSE EDEXCEL ENGLISH LITERATURE COURSE (Y10 & 11) 28 cso © Yien-ton Yr al al 6th A thy a Pu ri EE 29 wesw 9 Hoon sn nel gh Ate it Pt ETA 2 sosuoe © 1250-13 Yen tl ht: Ag al Pu EET IGCSE CIE ENGLISH WORLD LITERATURE COURSE (Y10 & 11) 2a 22 26 27 29 2) vec 2022, mon @ S~ 6:30pm Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE World Literature: Paper 2 vecz022, weo © 10:30-11:30am Year 10.and 11 CIEIGCSE World Literature: Paper 2 eoz022, thy @ 10:30am 12pm Year 10.and 11 CIEIGCSE World Literature: Paper 2 ec 2022, Mon @ 10:30am 12pm Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE World Literature: Paper 2. ec z022, tue @ 10:30am 12pm Year 10-and 11 CIE IGCSE World Literature: Paper 2 - vecz022,tHy @ 2~3:30pm Year 10 and 11 CIE 1GCSE World Literature: Paper 2 - Jaw 2023,mon @4~ 5:30pm Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE World Literature: Paper 2 LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB) = CENTRAL BRANCH Unseen (Part1 of 7), Prsea (FOB) We ToB Unseen (Part2 of 7), Prsea (TOB) WC TCR Unseen (Part’3 of 7), Prisca (TCB) WC TCB Unseen (Part of 7), Prisca (TCB) WC Tos Unseen (Part of 7), Prisca (TCB) WC TC Unseen (Part 6 of 7), Prisca (TCB) WC TCE Unseen (Part7 of 7), Prisca (TCB) WC TCB @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IGCSE EDEXCEL MATHEMATICS COURSE (Y10 & 11) 19 20 21 23 27 28 Mam ~ 12pm 12:30 - 1:30pm 2- 3pm 4> 5pm 5~ 60m 11:30am ~ 12:30pm 2pm 1:30 - 2:30pm 2:90 - 3:30pm 12- 1pm 130 - 2:30pm 2- 3pm Year 10 and 11 Edexcel GCSE Mathematics: Quadratics (Part 1 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel GCSE Mathematics: Quadratics (Part 2 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel GCSE Mathematics: Trigonometry (Part 1 of 2), Dalsy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics: Trigonometry (Part 2 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel GCSE Mathematics: Circle Theorems, Daisy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics: Sequences and Series, Daisy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics: Functions (Part 1 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel |GCSE Mathematics: Functions (Part 2 of 2), Dalsy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics: Statistics (Part 1 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA. Year 10 and 11 Edexcel GCSE Mathematics: Statistics (Part 2 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel GCSE Mathematics: Probability (Part 1 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel GCSE Mathematics: Probability (Part 2of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA IGCSE EDEXCEL MATHEMATICS COURSE (Y10 & 11) (ONLINE ONLY) 7 28 29 31 LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA) 130 2:30pm 2:30 3:30pm 23pm 23pm 830- 9:30pm 78pm ‘Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics: Quadraties (Part 1 of 2), 12d (Online) WC nine ‘Year 10 and 11 Edexcel GCSE Mathematics: Quadraties (Part 2 of 2), baad (Online) WC. Online ‘Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics: Trigonometry (Part 1 of 2), baad (Online) WC Online ‘Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics: Trigonometry (Part 2 of 2), 124 (Online) WC Online ‘Yeor 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics: Circle Theorems, tbaad (Online) WC Online Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics: Sequences and Series, baad (Online) WC Online Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics: Funetions (Part 1 of) Ibaad (Online) WC Online ‘Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics: Functions (Part 2 of 2) baad (Online) WC Online Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics: Statistics (Part 1 of 2, baad (Online) WC. nine Yeor 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics: Statstis (Part 2of 2), baad (Online) WC: One ‘Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics: Probably, bead (Online) WC Online TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IGCSE CIE MATHEMATICS COURSE (Y10 & 11) 19 20 23 26 27 28 30 6 12-1pm 130 ~ 2:30pm 10am - 12pm, ‘am ~ 12pm. 12330 1:30pm 3-dpm 3:30 ~ 4:30pm 430 5:30pm 12pm am ~ 1pm Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Mathematics: Algebra and Graphs (Part 1 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Mathematics: Algebra and Graphs (Part 2 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Mathematics: Coordi Geometry Daisy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE GCSE Mathematics: Geometry (Part of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CiE IGCSE Mathematics: Geometry (Part 2 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC. TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Mathematics: Trigonometry (Part 1 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC. TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Mathematics: Trigonometry (Part 2 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC. TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Mathematics: Probability (Part 1 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Mathematics: Probability (Part 2 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Mathematics: Statistics, sy (TCA) WE TCA IGCSE CIE ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS COURSE (Y10 & 11) @« 20 oe 24 26 vee 22. on a7 31 LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (ICB) 565m em = tom 130m 12pm Year 10 and 11 CEIGCSE Addonal Mathematics: Functions (Part f 2), Danish (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE 1GOSE Adetional Mathematics: Functions (Part 2 of 2),Danish (TCA) WC TCA 11 CIE ICSE Addional Mathematics: Tagonomety (Pat 1 of2),Daieh (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Adeional Mathematics: Tagonomety (Part 2 2),Daieh (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Adetional Mathematics: Series (Prt 1 f2),Daish (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Adetional Mathematics: Serie (Part 2 of 2), Danish (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Addons! Mathemstic: Differentiation an Integration (Pat 1 of 2), Danish (TCA) WE TCA Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Adcional Mathematics: iferentistion and Integration (Pat 2 of), Danish (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Adeonal Mathematics: ferentiation an Integration (Part 3 of 2), Danish (TCA) WE TCA % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IGCSE EDEXCEL FURTHER MATHEMATICS COURSE (10 & 11) © 11an- 1pm © 785m © Nam 3pm © 7-89 © Nam 3pm © 785m © 9 1030—m Year 10 and 11 EDEXCEL IGCSE Further Pure Mathomatcs: Logs and Quadtatis (Part 1 of 2) Danish (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 EDEXCEL GCSE Further Pure Mathematics: Logs and Quadtatis(Part2of 2) Danish (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 EDEXCEL IOCSE Further Pue Mathematics: Series Danish (TCA) WC TCA, Year 10 and 11 EDEXCEL GCSE Further Pure Mathematics: Calculus Part 1 of 3),.Danish (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 EDEXCEL 1OCSE Further Pure Mathematics: eleulue (Part 2 of 3), Daneh (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 EDEXCEL IGCSE Further Pure Mathematics: Celeuue (Part 2 of 3), Daneh (TCA) WE TCA Year 10 and 11 EDEXCEL GCSE Further Pure Mathematics: Tigonomety (Pat 1 of2), Danish TCA) WC. TCA Year 10 and 11 EDEXCEL GCSE Further Pure Mathematics: Tiganomety (Part 2 2), Danish TCA) WC TCA LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE fe“. “IGCSECOURS EQ wl IGCSE CIE BIOLOGY COURSE (Y10 & 11) © © 1-35 > © 3-430—m © 24pm © 1-20m © 2-39 Year and 1 CE IGCSE Biology (Core and Extended: Cha of ving exgnims Fala (TB) WE TCS 13S ology (core Year and 1 CE 1GCSE Biology (Core and Extended): Moves ts Faia 708) We To Year 10 and 11 CE 16CSE Biology (Cor and Extended) Boia (18) we 8 8) We 8 Year 12nd 11 CEIGCSE Biology (Cre and Extended (ree) we Te8 Year 10 and 11 CE 1OCSE Biology (Core and Extended ‘Year 10nd 11 CE 16CSE Biology (ore and Extended) Tanoprin anima Fata (TB) WE Ts IGCSE EDEXCEL BIOLOGY COURSE (Y10 & 11) ng ras, dy TEA) WE TCA at Ata TEA) WE TCA LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IGCSE CIE CHEMISTRY COURSE (Y10 & 11) 20 oc amss, we 22 vee so. 23 ore avea,em 27 wcoav, we 30 ore anea.em 3 saan ue 4 smnz0n, we 5 suze. 11:30am ~ 309m 430 530pm 1220-1306 1220-1306 ‘Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Chemis (Cove and Extended} The Parclte Nature of Matty, tly (TCA) WE TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE 1ASE Chemistry (Core and Extended: Experimental Techniques (Pat 1 of 2, Ala (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE16C3E Chemistry (Cre and Extended): Experimental Techniques (Prt 2of2) Aula (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE ICSE Chemistry (Core and Extended): Atoms, lemons, Compounds and Mixtures Ata (TCA) WC TOA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Chemisty (Cre and Extended} The Mole Concept Part 1 of2), tay (TEA) WE TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE16CSE Chemistry (Cre and Extended}: The Mole Concept Part 2of2) Atul (TCA) WE TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE GCSE Chemist (Core and Extended: Eletcty and Chemistry Ata (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 1 and 11 CIE ICSE Chemistry (Core and Extended: Chemical Energetics (Part 1 of 2), Aya (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE GCSE Chemistry (Core and Extended): Chemical Energetics (Part 2 of 2), Aya (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE1GCSE Chemistry (Core and Extend: Chemical Reaction (Pat 1 of 3), tla (TCA) WE TOA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Chemie (Core and Extended}: Chemical Resction (Pat 23), tly (TCA) WE TOA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGE Chemist (Core and Extended): Chemica Reactions (Part of 3), Atuya (TCA) WC TCA IGCSE EDEXCEL CHEMISTRY COURSE (Y10 & 11) 19 cee 23 we 26 cece now 30 ccczeenr LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA) 130-2309 430-5200n ‘Yoo 10and 11 Edencl GCSE Chem (Dut and Tepe Awad): Tople | -Prineles of emi (Part 1 2), tay (TCA) WE TCA, ‘Year 10 0811 Edel GCSE Chem (Double an Te Ana: Tople 1 - Pines of emis (Par20f 2), taCTEA) WC TA ‘Yoo 10 and 1 Edencl GCSE Chemisty paar On Tp - Pn of Chemistry, Alaa (TCA) NE TCA ‘Yoo 10 and 11 Edencel GCSE Chemistry (Due and Tle Aad): Tople?- organ Chemisty (art of 2), At (TOA) WE TCA, ‘Yoo 10nd 11 Edencl GCSE Chemisty (ae and Tle Aad): Tople2- organi Chem (Pa 2012), tj (TOA) WE TCA ‘ose 10 an 1 Eden GCSE Chart Tie On op? gare Caml. a TCA) TCA ‘Yee 10and 11 Edsel SE Chery (Ones Tle A: Top 3- Pye Chey Par of 3). Aya TCA) ME TCA ‘Yer 10ond 1 Edsel 18S Chemry (buble and Tele Anh Top 3 Pal Chey Pa 203). Ata TCA) ME TCA ‘or 10 nd 1 Eden OCS Carty Be nd Tre nar Tpe Pyles Chemisty Pa.) ya TEA) WE TCA ‘Yer 18and 1 Edsel HSE Chemsry ipl ar ny Tope 3 Py hes Pa of 2). Ata TCA) ME TCA ‘Yoo 10and 11 Edencel GCSE Chest [pe Award On Tp 3-Pypical Chen (Par 22) lua (TCA) MC TCA =TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRAL BRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IGCSE CIE PHYSICS COURSE (Y10 & 11) 2 oo re IGCSE EDEXCEL PHYSICS COURSE (Y10 & 11) LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IGCSE CIE ECONOMICS COURSE (Y10 & 11) © 1” 20 2 24 2% 2 31 12-1:0pm 230 4pm 230-3:30pm 230-330pm 130-3pm 4-5209m 430 530pm ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Economics: Basic Economic Problem, Neel (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Economics: Allocation of Resources, Neel (TCA) WC. TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Economics: Microeconomic Decision Makers (Part 1 of 2) Neel (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Economics: Meroeconomie Decision Makers (Part 2of2),Neel (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Economics: Macroeconomy (Part 1 of2), Neel (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Economics: Macroeconomy (Part 2 of2), Neel (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Economics: Economic Development (Part 1 of 2, Nee (TCA) WO TOA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Economics: Economie Development (Part 2of 2, Nee (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Economics: Intemational Trade and Globalisation (Part 1 of2) Neel (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Economics: Intemational Trade and Globalisation (Part 2 of) Neel (TCA) WC TCA IGCSE EDEXCEL ECONOMICS COURSE (Y10 & 11) 9 20 22 24 26 29 31 LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (ICB) = © 10:30am ~ 12pm © 12-1:30pm © 12-1:30pm © 12-1:30pm © 12- 1:30pm © 230- 4pm © 3-430pm © 1230-2pm Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Economics: Microeconomics (Part 1 of 2),Neel (TCA) WC. TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 Edexcel GCSE Economics: Microeconomics (Part 2 of 2), Neel (TCA) WC. TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 Edexcel GCSE Economics: Business Economics (Part 1 of 2), Neel (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Economics: Business Economics (Part 2of 2), Neel (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Economics: Macroeconomics (Part 1 of 2), Neel (TCA) WC TCA. ‘Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Economics: Macroeconomics (Part 2 of 2), Neel (TCA) WC TCA, ‘Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Economics: Global Economics (Part 1 of 2), Neel (TCA) WC TCA, ‘Year 10 and 11 Edexcel GCSE Economics: Global Economies (Part 2 of 2), Neel (TCA) WC TCA % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IGCSE CIE BUSINESS STUDIES COURSE (Y10 & 11) 20 2 2% 29 31 130am ~ 12pm 10303 ~ 12pm 130am ~ 12pm 12-1:209m 12pm 1:30am ~ 12:30pm 1230 25m 12- 1pm 12- 1pm 11:20am = 12:20pm Year 10 and 11 Cl 16CSE Business Studies: Understanding Business Activity (Part 1 of2), Neo (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Business Studies: Understaning Business Activity (Part2of 2) Neel (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE GCSE Business stules: People n Business (Part 1 of 2), Neel (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Business Studies: People in Business (Part? of 2), Neel (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE GCSE Business Studies: Marketing (Pat 1 of) Neel (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10.and 11 CIE GCSE Business Studies: Marketing (Pat 2of 2) Neel (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Business Stules: Operations Management (Part 1 of 2), Neel (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE GCSE Business Stules: Operations Management (Part? of 2), Neel (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIEIGOSE Business Studies: Francia Information & Decisions (Part 1 of 2 Neel (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Business Studies: Financia Information & Decisions (Part 2of 2) Neel (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE GCSE Business Studles: External Influences on Business Activity (Part of), Neel (TCA) WC TCA. ‘Year 10 nd 11 CIE GCSE Business Stiles: External Influences on Business Activity (Pat 2 of), Neel (TCA) WC TCA, IGCSE CIE COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSE (Y10 & 11) 22 24 29 31 330~ 5309m 5- 69m 10-M1am 4 Spm 9 10am 330 5309m 5-69m 10-11am 40am ~ 129m ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Computer Science: Data Representation, Damn (TCA) WC. TCA ve 0 and 11 CIE IGCSE Computer Science: Data Transmission (Patt 1 of), ami (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Computer Science: Data Transmission (Part 2of2), Damm (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Computer Science: Hardware (Part 1 of 2), Damn (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Computer Sclence: Hardware (Part 2 of 2), Damn (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Computer Science: Software, Damni (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Computer Science: The Internet and te Uses (Pat 1 of 2), an (TCA) WE TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Computer Science: The Internet and ts Uses (Par2 of 2), Dari (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Computer Science: Automated and Emerging Technologies, Damn (TCA) WC TCA LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE . “IGCSECOURS EQ wl IGCSE CIE MANDARIN (FIRST LANGUAGE) COURSE (Y10 & 11) "of 3) Athy Te8) We Tes YE GCSE Chnee (Fst 9) Abby (TB) WET by Tes) we TB of), Abby (TB) We To by (708) We To of 4, Abby (TCH) WE Te of 4 Atby(TEB) WE To of Ab (FEB) WE To pt of 8) Abby (TCB) WE TR IGCSE CIE MANDARIN (SECOND LANGUAGE) COURSE (Y10 & 11) © 220- 49m © 10-1130am © 230-49 © am= 129m © Nam= 129m 9 Heather (ToB) WC TCs ‘Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Chinese (Second Language): Topi 1-F 8) we Tos ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE 16CSE Chines Language): Tope 2 Year 10 and 11 CIE GCSE Chinese (Second Language): Tople 3 Lelsure Actives, Health and Fness, Heather (TCB) WC TCS snd Technology eather (708) WC TCS ‘Year 10 and 11 CIEIGCSE Chine (Second Language): Topi Comm Heater (roa) We 18 Heather (Tos) We TCs ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGOSE Chinese (Secand Language: Reacng Skis (Part 1 2) Heather (8) WC TB ‘Year 10and 11 CIE GCSE Chinese (Second Language): Reacng Skil (Part 2 of 2), Heather (C8) WC TS LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IGCSE CIE MANDARIN (FOREIGN LANGUAGE) COURSE (Y10 & 11) 17 occas @ 10-110 ‘Yow 10and 1 CIEE Chinese (Fxeig anguage): Tope Self Fay. penance nd Personality Meter (C8) WC TCS 2 (© 1130nm= 1pm Yar and1 CIE 1GCSE Cine Freon Language: Tepe 2- al Route, eho Facies Lig Envonment Heater (1B) WC TCS 22 ces © 11304m~1230pm Yew 1Band 1 CIE IOCSE Chinese (Foren Language Tpie9- Schoo Subjects, Seo! Actes nd Hobbie Heute 7CB) WO C8 27 cece @ 10-1300 ‘Yeo 10and 11 CIEICSE Chinese (Foteig Language): Tole 4- Weather Transportation, Holy and Travel Meter (TC8) WC TOS 28 co @ W-Tam ‘Year T0and 11 CIEIESE Chinese Fre Language: Tope Future Cae, Shopping, it nd Daly Essel, Heather (C8) WC TCS 30 occsmnem 10 1tam ‘Yow 10end 11 CIECSE Chinese (Frig Language): stein hl, Hater (TCB) WE TCS 3 seaman @ 10-1am, ‘Yow 10end 11 CIECSE Chinese Foreign Language): Resting Sil, Heather (TC8) WC TCS eto ey ‘Yew T0and 11 CIEICSE chinese (Frei Language): Wing Sklar f 2), Heater (TCE) WE TC 6 sovasanens — @ 10-119, ‘Yee T0and 11 CIEIESE Chinese (Forel Language: Wing Shar 2of 2), Hater (TCB) WE TCS IGCSE EDEXCEL CHINESE COURSE (Y10 & 11) 20 occa0a2, tue © @ 10-11:30am Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Chinese: Topic A- Home and Abroad, Heather (TC#) WC TCH 21 vec 2002. weo © 10-11:80am Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Chinese: Topic B - Education and Employment, Heather (TCB) WC TCS 22 vec 022, 1ny © 5- 6:30pm Yeor 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Chinese: Topic C- Personal Life and Relationships, Heather (TC8) WC TCB. 23 occ 2002,rR — @ 11:30am 1pm Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGOSE Chinese: Topic D- The World Around Us, Heather (TCB) WC TOB 27 occaoaa,1e © 5~ 6pm. Year 10 and 11 Edexce! IGOSE Chinese: Writing Paper Exam Skils (Part 1 of 2), Heather (TB) WC TCB 28 occ 2022, wo @ 1-2pm Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Chinese: writing Paper Exam Skils (Part 2of 2), Heather (TB) WE TCB 30 occaea2.en — @ 1-2pm Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Chinese: Listening & Reading Exam Skills (Par 1 of 2), Heather (TCB) WC TCR. 3 a.1ue @ 430-530pm Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Chinese: Listening & Reading Exam Skills (Part 2 of 2), Heather (TCB) WC TCS LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED IGCSE EDEXCEL SPANISH COURSE (Y10 & 11) 19 22 24 26 29 31 1230 - 2pm 2pm 10:30am ~ 12pm 12- 1pm 1:90 = 3pm ‘am ~ 12pm 1230 - 2pm 2pm. Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Spanish: Reading Drills (Part 1 of 2), Sofa (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Spanish: Reading Drills (Part 2of 2), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Spanish: Writing Drills (Part 1 of 2), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Spanish: Writing Drills (Part 2 of 2), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Spanish: Listening Drills (Part 1 of 2), Sofa (TCA) WC TCA. Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Spanish: Listening Drills (Part 2 of 2), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA. Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Spanish: Speaking Practice (Part 1 of 2), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 Edexcel IGCSE Spanish: Speaking Practice (Part 2 of 2), Sofla(TCA) WC TCA IGCSE CIE SPANISH COURSE (Y10 & 11) 19 22 24 26 29 31 JAN 2023, MON. Tam ~ 12:30pm 12- 1pm 9~ 10:30am Tam ~ 12pm 12- 1:30pm 10- 11am, am ~ 12:30pm 12- 1pm ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGOSE Spanish: Reading Drills (Part 1 of 2), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA. Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Spanish: Reading Drills (Part 2 of 2), Sofia (TCA) WC. TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Spanish: Writing Drills (Part 1 of 2), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA, ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Spanish: Writing Drills (Part 2 of 2), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA. ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Spanish: Listening Drils (Part 1 of 2), Sofia (TCA) WC. TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Spanish: Listening Drills (Part 2 of 2), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Spanish: Speaking Practice (Part 1 of 2), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA Year 10 and 11 CIE IGCSE Spanish: Speaking Pract 1 (Part 2 of 2), Sofia (TCA) WC TCA LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED ACT ENGLISH & READING COURSE ene 0 a 2 2% 2 28 a 7 230~3309m 1230-1309 1230-1309 1230-1306 ACT English and Reading: ACT Engh - Grammar Bass and Review (Prt 1 of 2), Jcayn (TCA) WC TCA ACT English and Resdng: ACT English - Grammar Bas nd Review (Part 20}, Jocelyn (TB) WE TC8 ACT Engloh and Reading: ACT Engh Seton Practice (Part a), Josh (1) WC TCE Act Engl nd Resting: ACT English Section Pract (Par2 of 4, Jaca (TCA) WE TCA [ACT English and Reading: ACT English Section Practice (Part So §), Joely (18) WC TCB [ACT English and Reading: ACT Engh Section Practise (Prt of 4), Josh (TB) WE TCE ACT Engl nd Resting: Understanding he approschtoesdng, Joc (TCB) WC TC 19: ACT Reading Seton Practice (Part af) ocaya (TEA) WE TCA ACT Engl nd Resting: ACT Resding Section Practie (Part 2 of 4), cay (1B) WE TCR ACT Engl nd Reading: ACT Resdng Section Practice (Part 3 of 4), Joan (TC) WE TCR ACT English nd Reading: ACT Reading Seton Practice (Part of) cay (TEA) WE TCA ACT MATHEMATICS COURSE an 23 26 28 © A= 5pm © 45pm © 455m © 5~65m © 6-7pm © 5-69m © 78pm ‘ACT Mathematics: Number & Quantity, Darick(TCB) WC TC ACT Mathematics: Algebra, Darick (168) WC TCB [ACT Mathematics: Functions, Darick (7B) WC TCB [ACT Mathematics: Geometry Darick (FCB) WC C8 ACT Mathematce: Statistics & Probably Dark (TB) WC TCE [ACT Mathematics: Integrating Essential Sil Dak (TCB) WC CB ‘ACT Mathematics: Modeling, Darrick (78) WC TCS ACT SCIENCE COURSE 19 23 © 4- 59m @ 1230-130 © tam~ 12:30pm © 10-14:30am © 12-19m © 12-1pm ACT Science: Interpretation of Data (Part 1 of 2), Uchenna (FCB) WC TC [ACT Science: Interpretation of Data (Part 2 of 2), Uchenna (TC) WC TCB [ACT Sclence: Scientific Investigation, Uchenna (TC8) WC TCS ACT Science: Evaluation of Model inferences & Experimental Resuts, Uchenna (TC) WC TCB ACT Science: Passage formats on ACT Science, Uchenna (TCB) WC TCB [ACT Science: Exam Drils (Part 1 of 2), Uchenna (TCB) WC TC8 [ACT Science: Exam Dil (Part 2.of 2), chenna (TCB) WC TCB. @ =<(TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRAL BRANCH @ =ONLINE SAT READING & WRITING COURSE 20 a 24 27 28 31 7 1230 1:30pm 2:30 ~3:30pm 2pm 12:30 1:30pm 12:30 1:30pm 12- 1pm 9~100m 1:30 2:30pm 30 4:20pm Tam = 12pm 1230 2:30pm SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: SSAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: SSAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: SSAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: SSAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: SSAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: SSAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: SAT MATHEMATICS COURSE 20 2a 23 26 28 11:30am ~ 12:30pm 1- 2pm 34pm 1 = 2pm 12-1pm 11:30am ~ 12:30pm ‘Mam — 12pm 12:30 - 1:30pm % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED SAT Reading (Part 1 of 6), Jocelyn (TB) WC TCB SAT Reading (Part 2of 6), Jocelyn (TB) WC TCB SAT Reading (Part 3 of 6), Jocelyn (TB) WC TCB SAT Reading (Pat 4 of 6), Jocelyn (TCA) WC TCA SAT Reading (Part Sof 6), Jocelyn (TeB) WC TB SAT Reading (Part 6 of 6), Jocelyn (TeB) WC TCS SAT Writing & Language (Part 1 of 5), Jocelyn (TCA) WE. TCA SAT Writing & Language (Part 2of 5) Jocely (TCB) WC TCE SAT Wrtng & Language (Part 3 of 5), Jocelyn (TB) WC: TOB SAT Wing & Language (Part 4of 5), Jocelyn (TCA) WC TCA ‘SAT Writing & Language (Part § of 8), Jocelyn (TCA) WC TCA ‘SAT Mathematics: Heart of Algebra (Part 1 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA ‘SAT Mathematics: Heart of Algebra (Part 2 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA SAT Mathematics: Passport to Advance Math (Part 1 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA ‘SAT Mathematics: Passport to Advance Math (Part 2 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA SAT Mathematics: Problem Solving & Data Analysis (Part 1 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA SAT Mathematics: Problem Solving & Data Analysis (Part 2 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA ‘SAT Mathematics: Additional Topics in Math (Part 1 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA [SAT Mathematics: Additional Topies in Math (Part 2 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC TCA @ =(ICA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRAL BRANCH @ = ONLINE COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSE (AGES 11 & BELOW) @ LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED YEAR 9/ GRADE 8 ENGLISH COURSE 7 28 20 YEAR 9/ 19 21 23 26 27 30 LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA) 1030-100m GRADE 8 © 1- 2m © 12-19m © 12-19m © 2-3m © 12-19 © 230 4pm © 10~ 11:30am Year and Grade 8 ng: Sentence CnstrctionSam (TEA) WE TCA ‘ear and Gade English Ivofuctono Wing Sam (TCA) WE TCA Voor and rade ng: Crestve Wein Preposlons, Pronouns & Determiner), Sam (TCA) WC TOA er ané rade nglnh Creative Wing (Tenses & Word Ending), Sam (TCA) WC TCA ear and rade Engh Pasuashe Esty Writg Sam (CA) WE TCA Interven Preparation Sam (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 9 and Grade 8 Enlh: Creative Vtg (Phrasal Vebs, Sam (TCA) WE TA Voor and rade Engh Cast & Naative ting (Descriptive Wing & Literary Techlques), Sam (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 9 and Grade Englh- Literary Arai (teary Tetnigues, Close Tenul Anse &PEEParpach) (Part 1 2) Sam (TCA) WC TCA Yr an rade Engh Literary Anlle(Ueray Techique, le Ter nays & PE Paragraphs) (Par 2 of 2), Sm (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 9 and Grade # English: Contemporary Socal ests Oe sum (TCA) We Tea MATHEMATICS COURSE ‘Year 9 and Grade 8 Mathematice: Number, Daisy (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 9 and Grade 8 Mathematics: Triangles, Dalsy (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 9 and Grade 8 Mathematics: Linear Relationship, Daisy (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 9 and Grade 8 Mathematics: 30 Shapes, Daisy (TCA) WC. TCA ‘Year 9 and Grade 8 Mathematics: Bivat te Data, Daisy (TCA) WC TCA ‘Year 9 and Grade 8 Mathematics: Geometric Transformations, Daisy (TCA) WE TCA ‘Year 9 and Grade 8 Mathematics: Linear Systems, Daisy (TCA) WC. TCA ‘Year 9 and Grade 8 Mathematics: Quadratic Equations & Trigonometry (Part 1 of 2), Daisy (TCA) WC. TCA ‘Year 9 and Grade 8 Mathematics: Quadat Equations & Trigonometry (Part 2 of 2), Dalsy (TCA) WC TCA =TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRAL BRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED YEAR 9/ GRADE 8 SCIENCE COURSE 19 a 23 % 1220-1:30pm 1220-1399 Year 9 an Grae 8 Sclence: Biology DNA, Sean (TCB) WE TCB Year 9 and Grade 8 Sconce: Biology - Protein Sythe, Sean (TCB) WC TCB = 4om Year 9 ad Grade 8 Scene: Biology - Genetics Sean (TCB) WC TCB 459m Year 9 and Grade 8 Science: Bciogy- Cell Dvson, Sean (TOB) WC TCB 1250~130pm Year and Grade Sclence:Chemisty-Aelds and Adal, Sean (FCB) WC TCS ‘30am 12305 Year and Grade 8 Science: Chemistry - Reactivity Seis, Sean (708) WC TCS 34pm Year and Grade &Sclence: Chemisy-Akanes an Alkenes, Sean (TCB) WC TCB 1230~130pm Year and Grade 8 Science: Chemistry - Alcohol Sean (TCB) WC TCH ‘s0am~ 12305 Year9 and Grade Science: Physics -Eletical Cicul, Curent, Voltage & Resistance (Pat 1 of 2),Sean C8) WC TCS 459m Year 9 an Grae 8 Science: Physes Electrical Crcult Curren, Voltage & Resistance (Part of), Sean (TCB) WC OB 560m Year ane Grade 8 Sconce Physics - Properties of Magnes & Electromagnets (Part 1 of) Sean (TCB) WC TCB ‘Yam 125m Year and Grade 8 Sclence: Physics - Properties of Magnes & Electromagnets (Part 2of 2), Sean (TCB) WC TCS YEAR 9/ GRADE 8 MANDARIN COURSE 20 22 24 27 29 31 vec 2022, vec 2022, vec 2022, vec 2022, sar LOCATION KEY: 12- 1pm 10- Mam 9- 10am 12- 1pm 10- Mam 9- 10am 10- 11am 6-7pm ‘am ~ 12pm 2-3pm @ (TCA) =TSTBRANCH @ (ICB)= Year 9 and Grade 8 Mandarin: Topic 1 - Customs, Abby (TCB) WC. TCB Year 9 and Grade 8 Mandarin: Topic 2 - Culinary Diversity, bby (TCB) WC TCB Year 9 and Grade 8 Mandarin: Topic 3 - Social Networking, Abby (TCB) WC. TCB Year 9 and Grade 8 Mandarin: Topic 4 - Charities, Abby (TCB) WC. TCB Year 9 and Grade 8 Mandarin: Topie 5 - Young People, Abby (TCB) WC TCB Year 9 and Grade 8 Mandarin: Topic 6 - Urban Life, Abby (TCB) WC TCB ‘Year 9 and Grade 8 Mandarin: Topie 7 - School and Education, Abby (TCB) WC TCB Year 9 and Grade 8 Mandarin: opie 8 - Environment, Abby (TCB) WC TCB ‘Year 9 and Grade 8 Mandarin: Topie 9 - Entertainment, Abby (TCB) WC. TCB Year 9 and Grade 8 Mandarin: opie 10 - Relationships, Abby (TCB) WC TCB INLINE. ENTRAL BRANCH = @ = % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED YEAR 8/ GRADE 7 ENGLISH COURSE 2 2 2 30 © 235m seczem, me @ 1290-130 eecimrn © Item ovauen neo @ 229m © 46m my © 1200-1pm ‘Year and Gade 7 Engh: Sentence Contin Sam (TCA) WE TEA ‘Year and Cade 7 Engh ntacucton ong, am (TCA) WE TCA ‘Yoo and Gade 7 np: Crave Wiig Prapetions, Pronouns & Determines) Sam (TCA) WE TEA ‘Yer and Gade 7 Engh: Crave Wiig Tenses Wor Enns, Sam (TCA) WE TR ‘Year nd Gade 7 Engh: Pervasive ana Wing, Sam (TCA) WC TA ‘Year and Gade 7 Expt: Speking sinter Preprton Sam (TEA) WE TCA ‘Yer and ade 7 Engh Crate Wiking Pea Verb) Sr TCA) WE TOA sh: rate & Nara Wing Desrpve Wing & Leary Tecngues). Sam (TEA) WE TCA Yoo nd Gade 7 ng Ltr nay Ltr Tetg ose Tet rye PE Paragraphs) (Part 2), Sam TCA) WE TCA ‘Yoo and Gade 7 np: Lr doa Ley Tecngues, Cos Tet rae & PEE Paragraphs) (Part? of 2), Sam TCA) WC TCA ‘Year an cade 7 Engh Contaorry Soil sen Dest, Sum (TEA) NC TA YEAR 8/ GRADE 7 MATHEMATICS COURSE an 2 23 ec 2022, Mon @ 1245-215pm © 120-39m ec aazs,tmy — @ 12pm ec aoee.rm — @ 17 3pm saw 2023, mep— @ 195~2-15pm san 2003.14 @ 190 2310pm © 230-3309m an 2ozs.em — @ 125m LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (ICB) 1nd Grade 7 Mathematics: Ratios and Proportions, Anupiya (18) WC TC ‘Year 8 and Grade7 Mathematics: Probably Anupriya(TCB) WC TCB ‘Year and Grade7 Mathematcs: Fraction, Decimals, Percentages & Indices (Pat 1 of 2), Anupiya(TCB) WC. ToB ‘ear 8 and Grade 7 Mathematics: Fractions, Decimals, Percentages & Indices (Part 2 of 2), Anupriya(TCB) WC TCS. ‘Year Band Grade7 Mathematics: Algebraic expressions and equations (Part of 2), Anupiya (TCB) WC TCR ‘Year 8 and Grade7 Mathematics: Algebraic expresions and equations (Part 2of 2), Anupiya (TCB) WC TCE ‘Year 8 and Grade7 Mathematics: 2D and 3D geometry, Anupriya(TCB) WC TC nd Grade 7 Mathematics: Rats, Anupriya (TCH) WC TCH Year and Grade 7 Mathematics: Univariate data, Anupiya (TB) WC TC nd Grade7 Mathematice: Statistics & Probe oupriya (78) We Tos % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED YEAR 8/ GRADE 7 SCIENCE COURSE 19 a1 23 26 28 30 11:30am - 12:30pm 11:30am ~ 12:30pm 12-19m 1 2pm 11:30am ~ 12:30pm 11:30am ~ 12:30pm 12-19 1 2pm 11:30am = 12:30pm 11:30am = 12:30pm 1 2pm 2-3pm ‘Year 8 and Grade 7 Science: Biology - Animal Cells and Plant Cells, Sean (TCB) WC. TCB ‘Year 8 and Grade 7 Science: Biology - Plants and Photosynthesis, Sean (TB) WC. TCB ‘Year 8 and Grade 7 Science: Biology - Blood System, Sean (TCB) WC TCB ‘Year 8 and Grade 7 Science: Biology - Skeletal Muscles and Bones, Sean (TCB) WC. TCB ‘Year 8 and Grade 7 Science: Chemistry - The Particle Model of Matter jean (ToB) WC TCB ‘Year 8 and Grade 7 Science: Chemistry - Atoms, Elements and Compounds, Sean (TCB) WC TCE ‘Year 8 and Grade 7 Science: Chemisty - Periodic Table, Sean (TCB) WC TCE ‘Year # and Grade 7 Science: Chemistry - Pure and impure Substances, Sean (TCB) WC TCE ‘Year 8 and Grade 7 Science: Physics - Forces, Sean (TCB) WC TCB ‘Year 8 and Grade 7 Science: Physics - Motion, Sean (CB) WC TCB ‘Year 8 and Grade 7 Science: Physics - Newtoris 1st and 2nd Law, Sean (TCB) WC TCS: ‘Year @ and Grade 7 Science: Physics - Newtoris 3rd Law & Work Done, Sean (TCB) WC TCE YEAR 8/ GRADE 7 MANDARIN COURSE 19 21 22 24 26 28 29 LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA) 56pm 6~ 7pm 3 4pm 2- 3pm 5~ 6pm 6- 7pm 3 = 4pm 12-1pm 44> Spm 3 4pm Year @ and Grade 7 Mandarin: Topic 1 - Family Relationships, Abby (TCB) WC TCE Year 8 and Grade 7 Mandarin: Topic 2 - Role Models, Abby (TCB) WC TCB Year 8 and Grade 7 Mandarin: Topic 3- My Dream, Abby (TB) W TCE Year 8 and Grade 7 Mandarin: Topic 4 - Health and Diet, Abby (TCB) WC TCB Year 8 and Grade 7 Mandarin: Topic 5 - Modern Technology, Abby (TCB) WC TCB Year 8 and Grade 7 Mandarin: Topic 6 - Leisure and Entertainment, Abby (TCB) WC. TCB. Year 8 and Grade 7 Mandarin: Topic 7 - Volunteer Work, Abby (TCB) WC TCB Year 8 and Grade 7 Mandarin: Topic 8 - Environment, Abby (TC) WC TCR Year 8 and Grade 7 Mandarin: Topic 9 - Chinese Food, Abby (TCB) WC TCE. Year 8 and Grade 7 Mandarin: Topic 10 - Summer Activites, Abby (TCB) WC TCB =TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRAL BRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED YEAR 7/ GRADE 6 ENGLISH COURSE 27 28 2 30 ‘Your? and Grade Engi Sentence Construction Sam (TOA) WE TCA, ‘You? and Grade Engh oductono Weng, Sam (TA) WC TCA ‘Yoor7 and Grade Engi Creatine Weng (Prepositions Preneuns & Determine yn(TCA) We TCA ‘Yao? an rade Engi Creative Wing (Tenens & Word Ending) Sm (TCA) WE TCA ‘Year? an rade Engi Pesta Esay Wing, Sam (TCA) WE TCA ‘Yeo? an Grade Engi Spaking and nerve Preparation Sam (TCA) WE TCA ‘Your? and Grade Engh Create Weng (Pra Vere} Sam (TOA) WC TA ‘Yeu 7 an rade Sng Create & Naa Weng (Desai Wing teary Tete), Sm (TCA) WE TCA ‘Yaar? and rade Eng Leryn (UiterryTehniquns, Cle Testa Arle & PEE Paragraphs) (Pr 12), Sam TCA) WC TA ‘907 an rade Eng Leary A (UiterryTecniques, Cle Testu rae & PEE Praraphs) (Part 22), Sam TCA) WC TA ‘Year? and rae Engh Contomporay Social iss Debate, Sam TCA) WC TCA YEAR 7/ GRADE 6 MATHEMATICS COURSE © 115am— 12:45pm Year and Grade 6 Mathematics: Numbers and Number Systems, Anupriya(TCB) WC TCE 20 an 22 23 © 12-1309m Yeor 7 and Grade 6 Mathematics: Percentages, Anuprya (FCB) WC TCB (© 1:48am 12:45pm Year and Grade Mathematics: Algebraic Expressions and Equations (Part 1 of 2), Anupriya(TCB) WC TCS © 11:30am ~ 1pm © Mam~ 12pm © 12-19 Year 7 and Grade 6 Mathematics: Algebralc Expressions and Equa ns (Part 2of2), Amupriya (FCB) We TB ‘Year and Grade 6 Mathematics: Geometric constructions, Anupriya (TC) WC TCB ‘Year and Grade 6 Mathematics: Fraction, Anupriya(TCB) WC TCH © 114sam~ 1:15pm Year7 and Grade 6 Mathematics: Data management, Anupriya(TCB) WC TCB © 1230- 130pm © Mam - 1pm Year 7 and Grade 6 Mathematics: Perimeter, area and volume, Anupiya(TCB) WC TC Year 7 and Grade 6 Mathematics: Statics & Probably, Anuprya(TCB) WC TCB LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ =ONLINE % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED YEAR 7/ GRADE 6 SCIENCE COURSE 7 2 23 24 7 30 34 Mam = 129 1230 4209 am = 126m Tem = 125m 239m Tam = 126m Tam = 125m 230 -2209m Tam = 125m 12-19 ‘Year 7 and Grade 6 Science: Blology - Ecosystems, Sean (FCB) WC TCS ‘Year 7 and Grade 6 Science: Bolgy- Evolution -Darwi'sJoumey, Sean (TCB) WC TC ‘Year 7 and Grade 6 Selene: Bology Plants nd the growth, Sean (TCB) WC TCB ‘Year 7 ond Grade 6 Science: Bology - Ccuatry and Digestive System, Sean (TCB) WC TOR ‘Year 7 and Grade 6 Science: Chemisty - Atoms, Sean (7C8) WC TCB ‘Year 7 and Grade 6 Science: Chemisty -Petode Table, Sean (7C8) WC TCE ‘Year 7 and Grade 6 Science: Chemisty -lonle Compounds, Sean (TCB) WC TCS ‘Year 7 and Grade 6 Science: Chemisty - Covalent Compounds, Sean (TCB) WC ToS ‘Year 7 and Grade 6 Selene: Physes-Lightwaves & The Vile Spectrum, Sean (TCS) WC TCE ‘Year 7 and Grade 6 Science: Physes-Propete of Light (Reflection & Refraction and ror mages), Sean (TCB) WC ‘Year 7 and rade 6 Science: Phys Convex and Concave Lenses and Sight, Sean (FCB) WC TCS ‘Year 7 and Grade 6 Science: Physics Earth nd Space, Sean (TCB) WE TC YEAR 7/ GRADE 6 MANDARIN COURSE 19 2a 22 24 26 28 29 © 459m © 4-5pm © 2-39m © 3-4pm © 459m © 4-5pm © 2-39m © 5-6m @ Nam~ 129m @ 10-11am Year 7 and Grade 6 Mandarin: Topic 1 - My School Life, Abby (TCB) WC TCB Year 7 and Grade 6 Mandarin: Topic 2 - Buying Stationaries, Abby (TCB) WC. TCB Year 7 and Grade 6 Mandarin: Topic 3 - Shopping, Abby (TCB) WC. TCB Year 7 and Grade 6 Mandarin: opie 4 - Personalities, Abby (TCB) WC TCB Year 7 and Grade 6 Mandarin: Topic § - Household Chores, Abby (TCB) WC TB Year 7 and Grade 6 Mandarin: Topic 6 - Keeping Pets, Abby (TCB) WC. TCB Year 7 and Grade 6 Mandarin: Topic 7 - Birthday Celebrations, Abby (TB) WC TCB Year 7 and Grade 6 Mandarin: Topic 8 - Vegetables and Fruits, Abby (TCB) WC TCB Year 7 and Grade 6 Mandarin: Topic 9 - Eating Out, Abby (TCB) WC TCB Year 7 and Grade 6 Mandarin: Topic 10 - Traveling in China, Abby (TCB) WC TCB LOCATION KEY: @ (TCA)=TSTBRANCH @ (TCB)=CENTRALBRANCH @ = ONLINE YEAR 6/ GRADE 5 ENGLISH COURSE @ » 2 2 2 28 a 20 21 22 23 % on08 LEARN | ACMEVE | SUCCEED 904m ‘ar San de hah: ene Consractn Jct (TCA WE TCA 190-23%—m Year and Gade Eng duet Wiig, ee (FO) ME To 390-42mpm Year and Grae Eng ang epssins, Panne Dt Joan 78) WC TCE ‘an=129m Year ante eg Crete wing Tenses Ward Eng) Joe TEA) WE TCA 130-23M—m Year an Ge gi Pose ey Weigel (TA) NE TEA 190-23%—m Year Gand Gade eg Speaig an ete nein Preparation, eee (TQ) ME To 129m ‘Yer and rade Engle: reste ting Pha Vas Jc (TB) WE TCE 10- tte ‘Year an rade nh: rave &Narae wing Dect Wing Lea Tenge) co (TCA) WC TC 230-3:pm Year ar Gade Ley Ams (str Tecgue, clo Tstut ass PEE Pgh) (Pa of) Je TB) WE TOB "Yam =Yzpm Yer Sand rade nh: eA Literary Tecnu le Ter Anal 8 PEEPuaaps) (Part et 2) Joe (C8) WE TCS 12190 ‘Yer and rade nla: Contamporay Scales Dette, Jee TEA) WE TCA GRADE 5 MATHEMATICS COURSE @ 1015-11:15am © 10am - 12pm © 10:15am — 11:45pm @ 10:30- 11:30am @ 9-10am © 10-1am © 10:15~11:45am, © 10:30am ~ 12:30pm @ 9-1am @ =(CA)=TSTBRANCH @ (ICB Year 6 and Grade § Mathematics: Year 6 and Grade 5 Mathematics: Year 6 and Grade § Mathematics: Year 6 and Grade § Mathematics: Year 6 and Grade 5 Mathematics: Year 6 and Grade 5 Mathematics: Year 6 and Grade 5 Mathematics: Year 6 and Grade 5 Mathematics: Year 6 and Grade 5 Mathematics: Number and Place Value, Anupriya (TCB) WC TCR Addition and Subtraction, Anupriya (TB) WC TCB “Multiplication and Division, Anupriya (TB) WC TCB Fractions, Anupriya (TCB) WC TCB Decimals, Anupriya (TCB) WC TCB Measurement, Anupriya (TB) WC TCB Shapes, Anupriya (TB) WC TCB Data Handling (Part 1 of 2), Anupriya (TCB) WC TC. Data Handling (Part 2 of 2), Anupriya (TCB) WC TCR. CENTRAL BRANCH = @ = ONLINE

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