Examen de Practica para El Recuperatorio

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NAME: ___________________________SURNAME:________________________________


Time allowed: 2 hs
SECTION A: Reading Comprehension
Read the text and circle the correct option, true (T) or false (F).

Field trips for school children

For many years, school children in the US have been taken on ‘field trips’ to cultural institutions such as
museums of art and of science, as well as theatres, zoos and historical sites.
Despite these trips involving some spending a lot of money and disruption to class timetables, educators arrange
them in the belief that schools exist not only to teach economically useful skills, but also to produce civilised
young people who appreciate the arts and culture.
While there are parents who will take their children to cultural places and events in their free time, there are
plenty of other children who will never have this kind of opportunity unless schools offer it. So you could say that
taking school students on field trips is a means of giving everyone equal access to their cultural heritage.
However, there have been increasing signs in recent years that the attitude towards field trips is changing, with
the number of tours organised for school groups falling significantly in museums all around the country. Take the
Field Museum in Chicago, for example. It used to have over 300,000 students each year through its doors. That
number has dropped to below 200,000 more recently.
A survey exploring the trend carried out by a group of school administrators found that over half the schools they
asked had decided to cancel trips planned for the next academic year. So what are the reasons for this change?
The most obvious one is the issue of finance. Because there are increasing demands on their funds (computers
and sports facilities aren’t cheap), schools are forced to make a difficult choice about how to spend the limited
money they have.
A significant number of school heads also consider days spent away from the school a waste of time, believing
that the only worthwhile use of the students’ time is spent preparing for exams in the classroom.
Although school trips do still happen, the nature of these field days is also changing. Schools now use trips as a
treat for students who work hard, rather than as an opportunity for cultural learning. The researchers warn that if
schools cut field trips or switch from ‘reward’ trips to less educational destinations, then valuable opportunities to
broaden and enrich children’s learning experiences are lost.
Adapted from Pet Booster

AACI use
1. School trips give all kids the same cultural opportunities. T F only
2. The number of school trips has decreased only in Chicago. T F
3. The main reason for cancelling trips is economic . T F
4. For some school heads school trips are more valuable than exam preparation. T F 2n
5. Researchers believe that schools should encourage reward trips. T F
SECTION B: Language in Use
I) Choose the best option.
1. Did you _______ walk to school when you were a child?
a) use to b) used to c) went to

2. Minneapolis is the city_______ Prince was born.

a) which b) where c) when AACI use
3. This town only has _______cinemas.
a) plenty b) a little c) a few 1st

4. My house is very easy_______. 2n

a) to find b) finding c) find d

5. _______to go to university abroad can be complicated.

a) Apply b) Applying c) Applied 3rd

II) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Use modals if necessary.
Coming second, pleasure or pain?

Every ambitious athlete hopes to (1)________________ (achieve) their
dream of winning a gold medal at
AACI use
the Olympics.
However, not everyone can win, and often talented
athletes (2)_______________ (not only

accept) second place. A team of
psychologists (3)__________________ (recently / do) some 1st

on the emotional responses of those finishing second.


For certain individuals, when they (4)_______________ (give) a silver medal, they feel delighted and
celebrate it. They may also enjoy surprising experts and journalists who (5)_______________ (not
believe) in them when the competition started. R

However, if the athlete who everyone assumed (6)________________ (win) with ease suffers a terrible
defeat, they (7)________________ (not celebrate) their silver medal. This reaction differs sharply from the
athlete who (8)________________ (come) second but finished a long way behind the winner. There is
evidence in the research that shows such a person (9)_________________ (feel) significantly happier.

To a certain extent these findings (10)________________ (not be) surprising. Silver medalists who were
close to victory reflect on what might have happened if they had trained harder, or done things differently.

Adapted from Pet Booster

III) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. You
must use the WORD GIVEN and cannot change it.
1. “I haven’t seen Mary since last year,” Jean told her mother. SAID
Jean ___________________________________________________________since the year before.
2. The moment I get to school I will pick up the envelope. SOON
______________________________________________________________________the envelope.
3. Did Olivia make the reservations? KNOW
___________________________________________________________________the reservations.
4. The institution will give the exam results 15 days after the test. BY
The exams results________________________________________________15 days after the test.
5. It’s possible that this is a photo of the south of France MIGHT
______________________________________________________________of the south of France.
6. I’m sorry my kids missed your birthday party. They will call you tonight to apologize. HAVE AACI
_________________________________________________. They will call you tonight to apologize.
7. She is such a responsible teacher. She even works on Teacher’s day. SO s
She_______________________________________________________________on Teacher’s day. 2
8. They will lend her the money only if she promises to pay back. UNLESS d
They____________________________________________________________________________. r
9. I got really annoyed. She lied to me about her school grades.
10. The Mona Lisa has been stolen several times. It’s no longer on display. WHICH
The Mona Lisa,____________________________________________________________________.
SECTION C: Writing

Choose ONE of the following and write 100-120 words.

a) You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that the story must end
with the following words: “That little thing she did for me that day meant the world to me.”
Write your narrative.

b) The local newspaper has organised a writing contest which you have decided to enter. Write an article
about the following statement: “Finding the right job for you is a matter of luck.” Do you agree?















AACI use




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