Imee Pearl D.mosquito - Final Exam As - BSMT1H Q3

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Student Exam 1 Exam 2

1 60 60
2 75 100
3 70 80
4 72 68
5 54 73
6 83 97 Exam 1 Exam 2
7 80 85 Exam 1 1
8 65 90 Exam 2 0.629531757 1

Correlation Coefficient :

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.62953
R Square 0.39631
Adjusted R Square0.29563
Standard Error 11.8085
Observations 8

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 549.2364 549.2364 3.93888 0.094412
Residual 6 836.6386 139.4398
Total 7 1385.875

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Intercept 18.7748 31.94198 0.587779 0.578116 -59.3844 96.93403
Exam 1 0.89947 0.4532009 1.984661 0.094412 -0.2095 2.008428

Test Stat is t = 1.98

p-value = 0.0944
m (slope) = 0.899466028
b (y-intercept) = 18.77481127

y = mx + b
y = 0.90 x + 18.77
y = 0.90 (75) + 18.77
y = 86.27

HA = There is a linear relationship exist between the scores on the two exams
HO = There is no linear relationship exist between the scores on the two exams

There is a linear relationship exist between the scores on the two exams

a. Yes, there is a linear relationship between the scores on the two exams
b. There is a positive moderate correlation between the scores on exam 1 and exam 2 (Coefficient 0.089)

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