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1.1 Background of the Study

Vocabulary learning is an important part of foreign language learning.

Vocabulary is considered as central in language education and very important for

language learners. They will not be able to communicate well in English if they

have limited vocabulary to master (Baskarani, 2016). Beside that, without a

proportional number of words, they will have difficulty in reading, writing,

listening and speaking. By mastering vocabulary, students can understand the

means of sentence and text in the learning activity, form sentences in the writing

activity, understand data and keep them away from misunderstandings while

listening, and can also order and express sentences correct in the activity of

speaking (Bimas Reskiawan, 2020).

Lack of vocabulary knowledge will result in a lack of meaningful

conversation (Alizadeh, 2016). Several studies show that the problem experienced

by students is difficulty in remembering the words that have been taught (Sedita,

2005). Furthermore, some students claim that they cannot correctly pronounce the

word. Beltran (2001), attempted to investigate several problems in vocabulary

learning, such as the inability to find the wrong vocabulary being learned,

meaningless use of vocabulary, misuse of vocabulary, misuse of grammatical

forms, spelling, pronunciation, or stress.

Difficulties in mastering vocabulary are faced by students in all levels,

starting from elementary school, senior high school, including vocational high

school. In this case, vocational students in particular are required to be able to

have good English communication skills in the future as a provision in their

workplace. They should have good English communication skills, but in reality

many of them have lack of vocabulary mastery. The researcher found this

condition in one of the vocational schools in Pekalongan.

Based on the initial survey the researcher discovered that there were

several problems in teaching and learning. Most of students complained that

English learning is difficult. One of the reasons is that because they do not master

a lot of English vocabulary. When the teacher speaks in English, the students are

confused because they don’t understand what the teacher say. Moreover, some of

them also find difficulties in pronouncing and spelling some English words. This

condition makes students more unmotivated to learn English.

From the explanation above, it can be seen that the teachers has difficulties

in teaching English vocabulary. The lack of student motivation in learning English

makes it difficult for teachers, because many students think that English is a

difficult subject so they tend to be passive and hesitate to try it. Limited time in

teaching English also becomes obstacle in learning. Without enough time, the

teacher cannot introduce new vocabulary effectively because teaching vocabulary

requires a lot of attention.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in

investigating the problems about teachers’ challenges in teaching English

vocabulary for Vocational High School students.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

This study provides two research questions. The researcher explores about:

1.2.1 What are teachers’ challenges in teaching English vocabulary to

vocational high schools students ?

1.2.2 What are efforts done by the English teachers’ in teaching English

vocabulary to vocational high schools students ?

1.3 Operational Definition

To avoid misunderstanding about the terms used in this study, the researcher

gives several definitions related to research as follows :

1.3.1 Challenges : special effort, a request to explain, justify,

or trouble in an endeavor that stimulates one to engage in it

(Baporikar, 2020).

1.3.2 TeachingVocabulary : is an important aspect both teachers and

students in language learning is based on words. It's impossible to

learn a language without words; even human communication is based

on words (Alqahtani, 2015).

1.3.3 Vocational High School : a secondary education that uses skills and

education to prepare students for the field of work (Al Humaira,

1.4 Aims of the Research
This research aims to identify the difficulty of teachers’ and to know what

effort done by the English teachers’.

1.5 Significances of the Research

1.5.1 Theoritical use : this study will contribute to and support theories

related to Jeremy Harmer (2001) about how to teach English.

1.5.2 Empirical use : this study will give the empirical insights about the

teachers’ challenges in teaching english vocabulary and how to deal

with problem in teaching the English language.

1.5.3 Practical use : this study presents the information for the readers

what are the teachers’ challenges in teaching english vocabulary and

how to deal that with those problems.

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