Common Language Runtime: Manages Running Code

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.NET Framework Architecture

VB C++ C# JScript Visual Studio.NET

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Common Language Runtime

Manages running code

n Verifies type safety n Provides garbage collection, error handling n Code access security for semi-trusted code

Common Language Specification ASP.NET Windows Forms

ADO.NET and XML Base Class Library Common Language Runtime Windows COM+ Services

Provides common type system

n Value types (integer, float, user defined, etc) n Objects, Interfaces

Provides access to system resources

n Native API, COM interop, etc.

Common Language Runtime

Base Class Library Support Thread Support Type Checker Security Engine IL to Native Compilers Code Manager Class Loader COM Marshaler Exception Manager Debug Engine

Exception handling

The CLR supports a standard exception- handling mechanism that works across all languages.
n Filters (lowest level) exceptions: [C#] try { //Some code that access a file }

Garbage Collector

catch(FileNotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("[Data File Missing] {0}", e); } n Prepare state for exception

Security support Debugging support

Page 2

The CLR checks to make sure that:

n The code is safe to execute n The code is not breaching any security requirements

The provided API for debuggers contains:

n Support for controlling program execution n Breakpoints n Exceptions n Control flow etc.

The security engine also supports:

n Code-access security n Declarative security checks
n Specified through administrative configuration or via attributes

n Imperative security checks

n Method code enforces security requirements

Interoperation Support

What is Assemblies

The Microsoft .NET Framework promotes interaction with:

n COM components n COM+ services n External type libraries etc.

Collection of functionality that is built versioned and deployed as a single implementation unit. The manifest: ( use MSIL disassembler Ildasm.exe to view)
n Establishes the identity, version, culture and digital signature. n Defines what files are included in the assembly n Specifies the types and resources that make up the assembly,

How to bridge the gap:

n COM Interop facility is a bridge between COM and the CLR n Platform Invoke (P/Invoke) facility makes it possible to call

included those that are exported from the assembly.

n Itemizes the compile-time dependencies on other assemblies. n Specifies the set of permissions required for the assembly to run

Windows API functions

properly. n

AssemblyInfo.cs sets the attributes

Single vs Multifile Private Assemblies
n Used by a single application n Stored in the same application directory as the application n Name does only need to be unique within the application scope n Guaranteed that the application will run with the bits it was built

Page 3


Shared Assemblies

Signing An Assembly

n Used by many applications at the same time n Must have a cryptographically unique strong name n Deployed in the global assembly cache %windir%\Assembly IL Metadata Manifest Assembly files (self & RUT.mod) Public assembly types (self & RUT.mod) Public Key Embedded in PE File Hash PE File Hash Value Signed with private key RSA Digital Signature

RSA Digital Signature

Embedded in PE File

Public Key

Satellite Assemblies How the Runtime Locates Assemblies

Page 4



.NET PE File

Zh-CN n One core assembly with the code n Different resource assemblies for each culture JIT Compilers CLRs Virtual Execution Engine

Versioning And Policy

How Assembly References are Resolved part 1

n n

Default: Bind to version built against Can be overridden with policy

n Application-specific policy n Publisher policy


Determines the correct assembly version by examining applicable configuration files.

1. Check the application configuration file for information that

overrides the version information stored in the calling assembly s manifest.

2. Examines the publisher policy file installed in the GAC with the

n Administrator policy or machine.config <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentityname="myasm" publicKeyToken="e9b4c4996039ede8" /> <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/> </dependentAssembly>

1. May be overridden with <publisherPolicy apply=yes|no> in the

app config. 3. Checks the machine configuration called Machine.config located

in the config subdirectory of the run-time installation. The version presented here is final and cannot be overridden. 2.

If the assembly has been bound to before, use the previously loaded assembly.



Main code

Class Loader


Managed Native Code

How Assembly References are Resolved part 2
Execution in the CLR
CLRs Virtual Execution Engine

Page 5

3. 4.

Checks the GAC for the assembly, if found, use it. Probes for the assembly in the following steps:
1. If configuration and publisher policy do not affect the original JIT Compiler Verifier Class Loader

reference and the request was made using Assembly.LoadFrom(), then use this information
2. If a <codebase> is found in the application configuration file

Call to uncompiled code

Managed Native Code

then use it, if not found at that specified location the request fails.
3. Further probing using application base, culture, name and

private binpath. 5.


Execution Support And Management Class Libraries (IL & Metadata)

If not found ask windows installer to install it. It acts as an install on demand feature.

.NET Framework Architecture

VB C++ C# JScript Visual Studio.NET

.NET Framework Namespace

System.Web Services Description Discovery Protocols Caching Configuration UI HtmlControls WebControls Security SessionState Design System.WinForms ComponentModel

Common Language Specification ASP.NET Windows Forms

System.Drawing Drawing2D Imaging Printing Text System.Xml XSLT XPath System Security ServiceProcess Text Threading Serialization

ADO.NET and XML Base Class Library Common Language Runtime Windows COM+ Services

System.Data ADO Design SQL SQLTypes

Collections Configuration Diagnostics Globalization

IO Net Reflection Resources

Runtime InteropServices Remoting Serialization

Language Interoperability A Unified Programming Model
Consistent API availability regardless of language and programming model

Page 6

n The CLR specifying and enforcing a common type system n Inherit implementation from other types implemented in other

n Debuggers, profilers and other tools requires only to understand one

.NET Framework
RAD, Composition, Delegation Subclassing, Power, Expressiveness Stateless, Code embedded in HTML pages

environment, the MSIL

n Exceptions can be thrown across languages

VB Forms



Windows API

Languages that Support .NET

n Advanced multi-language features
n Cross language inheritance, exceptions

Windows Forms

n Over 20 languages support .NET

n APL n Cobol n Component Pascal n Eiffel n Haskell n Mercury n Oberon n Perl n Python n Scheme n SmallTalk n Standard ML n C++ n VB n JScript n C#

n n n

Uses virtual methods to override message responses No message loop Component model that supports events
MyButton.Click += new EventHandler (OnButtonClicked); private void OnButtonClicked (object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show ("Click!");}

n n

Event is using delegates as function pointers Main form is started and then it is up to the components to fire events

Programming model

Page 7

Example Windows API

HWND hwndMain = CreateWindowEx( 0, "MainWClass ", "Main Window", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, (HWND)NULL, (HMENU)NULL, hInstance, NULL); ShowWindow(hwndMain, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); UpdateWindow(hwndMain);

n Organized in hierarchical namespaces

Unified type system

n Everything is an object n Boxing converts value types to objects
n No need for special variant type

Component Oriented
n Properties, methods & events are 1st class n Design-time functionality

.NET Framework
Form form = new Form(); form.Text = "Main Window"; form.Show();

Everything Is An Object

Everything Is An Object

Traditional views of primitive types

n C++, Java: Theyre magic n Smalltalk, Lisp: Theyre full-blown objects

n Allocates box, copies value into it

n Checks type of box, copies value out

The .NET Framework unifies with no performance cost

n Deep simplicity throughout system

Improved extensibility and reusability

n New primitive types: Decimal, SQL n Collections, etc., work for all types

Dim i As Integer = 123 Dim o As Object = i Dim j As Integer = CInt(o) i o j 123 123 123

int i = 123; object o = i; int j = (int)o ;


From COM to .NET From COM to .NET

Page 8

COM Registration GUIDs .IDL files HRESULTs IUnknown AddRef /Release CoCreateInstance QueryInterface

.NET self describing components hierarchical namespaces source code to metadata structured exceptions Root object class Garbage collector new operator Type.GetInterface

n No registration required
n Code is completely self- describing n Simply xcopy components to application directory

n Zero-impact install
n Installing one application will not affect another

n Side-by -side execution

n Multiple component versions can co- exist

Integration with COM

Evolution of COM

n Deploy .NET classes as COM objects

n Register with RegAsm.exe



n COM objects can be imported

n No ref counting or COM API needed

n .Net classes utilize COM+ services

n Transactions, Object pooling, etc

n Easily call system functions

n No marshaling for common cases


Overview of COM+ Services Object Pooling

Page 9

Some COM+ Services:

n n n n

Pools are:
n n

Transactions Object Pooling Queued Components (MSMQ) Security

A group of resources. Shared between clients.

Methods used for object pooling in .NET:


For a class to exploit COM+ Services, it must:


CanBePooled(), lets you tell COM+ whether your object can be pooled when this method is called. Activate( ) and Deactivate( ) to perform initialization and cleanup.

Derive from the ServicedComponent class

n n

Attribute-Based Programming

Collections of operations that form a single logical unit of work are called transactions. Transaction must be atomic (i.e., either all or none of the operations in the transaction are completed).

Attributes are placed to signal characteristics about the code

n Either predefined or custom

n n

By taking advantage of COM+ Services transactions are easily implemented in .NET (as we shall see).

Interceptor programs look for special attributes and provide additional service if they are present. Used for accessing COM+ Services from within the .NET framework. The programmer does not need to know the details of how this is implemented to use COM+ Services. The .NET Reflection API can be used to implement

n n

Example: Transactions (C#)
Example adapted from OReillys .NET Framework Essentials

Page 10

Example: Transactions (alternative C#)

Example adapted from OReillys .NET Framework Essentials

using System; using System.EnterpriseServices; // Installation options omitted [Transaction(TransactionOption.Required] Public class Customer : ServicedComponent { public void Add(...) { try { // Add new customer to the system and update dbs ContextUtil.SetComplete(); // Commit } catch(Exception e) { ContextUtil.SetAbort(); } } }

using System; using System.EnterpriseServices; // Installation options omitted [Transaction(TransactionOption.Required] Public class Customer : ServicedComponent { [AutoComplete] public void Add(...) { // Add new customer to the system and update dbs } }

Overview of the Exercises

Exercise 1

1 2 3 Windows Application

Private Assembly

n Get to know WinForms and how to create applications in .NET

using C# n
Shared Assembly

n Must have Visual Studio.NET and the framework

1 2 3 Web Application

n Know C++/Java or C#

Web Service

n A simple window based application

Exercise 1

Page 11

Exercise 2

Example view from exercise 1


n Implement an interface that will be used in the following labs n Add a strong name to the interface and put it in the GAC n Get to know private assemblies

n Lab 1 finished

n An assembly that provide a common interface for the successive

n A private assembly that use the common interface

Useful tools
n COM Interoperability
n TlbImp.exe Imports a COM type library into a proxy .NET assembly n RegAsm.exe Enters a .NET component into the registry n TlbExp.exe Exports a .NET components type information n AxImp.exe Creates a .NET proxy for an ActiveX control so that the control

Useful Tools
n Assembly management
n ildasm.exe examines assemblies and shows the manifest n Gacutil.exe adds and removes assemblies to the Global Assembly Cache n sn.exe generates and manages private and public keys XML n Al.exe Assembly generation utility is used to generate assemblies with

can be used in a .NET WinForm n Class Viewer

n WinCV.exe Used to view classes available in the GAC including all base

manifests and key manipulations

n NGEN.EXE The native Image Generator creates a native image and installs

it in the cache allowing assemblies to load faster n XML

n XSD.exe Used to work with XML Schema Definitions

classes n CLR resource loading

n Fuslogvw.exe helps to analyze the resource loading process

For example: Classes to XSD, XML to XSD

n .NET Configuration
n Mscorcfg.msc manages publication polices and assemblies

Additional Resources
n n n n n n n n n

Page 12 NET Framework Essentials
n THuan Thai & Hoang Q. Lam, OREILLY 2001
n Source for many papers/tutorials/tools etc.

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