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Department of Education


Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa

Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 9


· Define what is constellation.

· Identify constellations on a constellation map.

· Appreciate the importance and beauty of constellation.

Subject Matter

Topic: Arrangement of stars: Constellation

Reference: Grade 9 Book
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, LED TV or Projector, Visual

Teachers activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

I. Prayer
 Let us all stand and start with a
 (One student will lead the prayer)
II. Greetings
 Good Morning Class!

 Good Morning Sir!

III. Classroom Management

 Before everybody occupy their
seats, Kindly check the
alignment of your chairs and
pick up the pieces of papers and
plastics in your area.

IV. Attendance
 Mr./Ms. Secretary how many
are the absentees for today and
who are they?  None Sir.

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