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Must Have It Vocab 90

abandon 그만두다, 버리다 give up desert vacate

abolish 폐지하다 annul nullify do away with
abound 풍부하다, 가득 차다 overflow fill with
abrupt 급한, 갑작스러운 sharp sudden
absolute 완전한 unqualified complete (absolutely = completely 결코)
absorb 흡수하다 take in soak up
absurd 불합리한, 어리석은 ridiculous
abundant 풍부한 plentiful, ample, profuse, bountiful, teeming, rife
abuse 오용하다, 학대하다 misuse ill-use
accelerate 촉진시키다 speed u expedite precipitate hasten(=rush)
accessible 이용 가능한 available obtainable in hand
접근하기 쉬운
accommodate 수용하다 lodge make room for harbor shelter
accompany 동반하다 escort companion be with someone
accomplish 성취하다 achieve work out
accord 일치하다 agree assent VS 부여하다 give
accordingly (상황에) 부응해서 = correspondingly VS 따라서 = therefore
account for 설명하다 explain, justify VS 차지, 구성하다 comprise, make up
accumulate 모으다, 축적하다 build up collect compile
accurate 정확한 precise true exact correct pinpoint
accuse 고발하다, 비난하다 indict impeach
acquire 얻다 obtain earn (acquisition 인수 = purchase)
acute 예리한 keen sharp
adaptable 융통성 있는 flexible adjustable
적응성 있는
adequate 양이 알맞은 sufficient, enough VS 적절한 suitable (cf. 많다는 뜻 아님)
adhere ~에 달라붙다, 고수하다 stick cleave
adjacent to ~에 인접한 nearby, neighboring, adjoining, close to, next to
adjust 맞추다, 조절하다 fit adapt control
administer 관리하다, 집행하다 manage conduct
admit ~을 들이다, 인정하다 let in accept
adopt ~을 채택하다, 차용하다 begin to use, take up, choose 1
adore 숭배하다, 존경하다 worship esteem awe admire
adroit 숙련된, 능숙한 skillful adept proficient dexterous
advent 출현 arrival, emergence =rise , appearance, introduction
adverse 적대적인 negative not favorable harmful
advocate 주장하다, 지지하다 urge support
aesthetic 미적인 artistic beautiful visually pleasing
affinity 친근감, 유사점 attraction for something, similarity
affluent 부유한, 풍족한 wealthy plentiful well-to-do
afford 주다 provide give VS ~할 여유가 있다
aggravate 악화시키다 worsen exacerbate compound
aggregate 모으다 collect (aggregated=combined, 총계의, 다 합쳐진)
agile 기민한 민첩한 quick and active nimble quick
akin to ~와 유사한 similar to
alarm 놀라게 하다 upset surprise
albeit ~하기는 하지만 even though, though, although
alert 경고하다 warn alarm
allege (근거 없이)주장하다 suppose assert claim
alleviate 완화하다 relieve ease soften reduce temper
allocate 배분하다 distribute allot (allocation = assignment)
ally 동맹하다 link connect
allude 넌지시 말하다 suggest refer imply
allure (마음을) 끌다, 유혹하다 appeal attract
alter 변화시키다 modify change adapt transform revise adjust
alternative 대안 choice option (cf. alternate = take turns)
altitude 고도 elevation height
amenity 편의 시설 facility pleasant situation
amplify 증가시키다 increase, strengthen (ample풍부한=more than enough)
an array of 다양한 a range of an assortment of a host of a plethora of
analogous 유사한 comparable similar likened
anchor 고정시키다 hold in place secure
ancient 고대의, 옛날의 prehistoric antique
annihilate 무효화하다 completely remove, destroy
announce 발표하다, 알리다 proclaim publish
anonymous 익명의 unidentified unnamed unknown
antagonize 대항하다 counteract 2
antecedent 선조 predecessor ancestor precursor
anticipate 예견하다 foresee predict
apart from ~을 제외하고 except for, besides, in addition to, aside from
~뿐 아니라
apparatus 기구 device VS 기관 organ
apparent 명백한 evident clear obvious
apparently 외관상, 겉으로 보기에 seemingly outwardly VS 분명히 obviously
appeal 매력 attraction charm
applicable 적용 가능한, 적절한 capable of being applied(used=employed)
appreciate (진가를)인정하다 recognize value acknowledge
appreciable 감지할 수 있을 정도의 noticeable
apprehend 이해하다 understand grasp
approach 접근법, 방법 methodway system mechanic
architecture 구조 structure system organization
ardent 열정적인 enthusiastic, avid, eager, fervent(keen), passionate
arduous 힘드는 difficult strenuous laborious taxing exacting
arid 건조한 dry (땅이) 메마른 barren
arouse 자극하다, 유발시키다 stimulate awaken
ascend 올라가다 climb mount
assault 공격하다 attack aggress
assemble 모으다 gather gather together
assert 주장하다 claim declare
assess 평가하다 evaluate estimate
asset 이점, 장점 advantage resource or 재산 property, premise
assort 분류하다 categorize classify (assorted: 잡다한 = various)
assume (역할을) 맡다 undertake take on VS 가정하다 = suppose
assure 확신시키다 convince persuade
astonish 놀라게 하다 stun(stunning=amazing), surprise, astound, amaze
asymmetric 균형을 잃은 unequal lopsided
at the expense of
~의 비용(대가)으로 at the cost of, giving up
atmosphere 공기, 분위기 air ambiance (ambient: 주변의)
attach 붙이다 stick fasten embed fix
attain 성취하다, 이루다 achieve reach
attempt 시도하다 try seek
attest 입증하다 confirm support 3
attribute 특성 quality trait characteristic feature nature property
attribute A to B: A를 B의 탓으로 돌리다 = ascribe A to B (attributable to =caused by)
augment 증가시키다 increase add to
authentic 진짜의 genuine TRUE
available 이용 가능한 obtainable accessible reachable
authorize 권위를 부여하다 empower accredit (authority 권한)
autonomy 자치권 independence (autonomous=self-ruling)
avenue 수단, 방법 means way measure method manner vehicle
awe 경외심 reverence amazement surprise
awkward 서투른 clumsy unskillful
barrier 방해물, 장벽 obstacle impediment hurdle obstruction
barter 교환하다, 교역하다 trade exchange
bear (무게를) 지탱하다 support hold
bestow 주다, 수여하다 give grant endow confer furnish
bias 편견 prejudice stereotype
bind 묶다 tie fasten (be bound to: ~해야만 한다)
bizarre 기괴한 odd erratic
blame 비난하다 incriminate reproach
blend 섞다 compound fuse amalgamate
block 막다, 방해하다 prevent hinder hamper stunt inhibit check
blur 무감각하게 하다 make vague, obscure, less clear
흐릿하게 하다
boast 자랑하다 brag, swagger, vaunt, show off (cf.가지다=possess)
bond 유대, 결속 tie connection rapport
boost 증대시키다 increase raise
bountiful 풍부한 ample, plentiful, abundant, profuse, copious, teeming, rife
breakthrough 약진, 큰 발전 advance progress discovery
brittle 부서지기 쉬운 breakable easily broken fragile
budding 신진, 신흥의 emerging=developing nascent burgeoning
bulk 대부분 main part, most VS 대량 mass
VS 크기, 부피 size volume
bustling 부산한 busy active
calculate 추정하다, 어림잡다 figure gauge measure
call for 요구하다 request demand ask for
camouflage 감추다, 위장하다 hide disguise conceal
capacity 용적, 용량 volume VS 능력 ability 4
capitalize on (좋은 기회,사실)을 이용하다 take advantage of
capture 붙잡다, 포획하다 seize catch
carry 운반하다 convey, transport, transmit, transfer or 지탱하다 uphold
cast 던지다 project throw
catastrophic 비참한, 비극적인 disastrous tragic (catastrophe 대재앙)
challenge 도전하다, 문제삼다 question cast doubt on
channel (의도하는 방향으로) direct guide
chaotic 무질서한 disorganized, disordered
characterize 특징 지우다 distinguish typify mark (characteristic = typical)
charge 책임을 부과하다 impose responsibility
cherish 소중히 여기다 value prize
chief 주로 =primary, chiefly mainly
principally, predominantly, largely, mostly
chronically 만성적으로 constantly persistently (chronicle 열거하다)
circumstance 상황, 배경 condition, context, situation, setting, surroundings
cite 인용하다 mention refer
cluster 모이다 group gather
coalesce 합체하다, 연합하다 combine unite
coarse 거친, 천한 rough crude
coat 입히다, 칠하다 cover apply
cognitive 정신적인, 인식의 mental thinking
coherent 논리적인, 일관성 있는 logical consistent
coincide 동시에 일어나다 exist(=occur) at the same time
collaboration 협동 cooperation teamwork
collective 집합된, 축적된 accumulated grouped
collectively 함께, 집합적으로 together with
collide with 충돌하다 hit each other smash
colonize 살다, 거주하다 populate inhabit settle occupy
commemorate 기념하다 celebrate observe remember
commission 주문하다, 위임하다 order
commodity 상품 goods product item (commerce 교역)
comparable 유사한 equivalent similar like analogous
compel 강요하다 oblige, force, mandate (compelling=forceful=convincing)
compensate 보상하다 make up, atone(속죄하다) (상쇄, 벌충= balance, adjust) 5
complement 보충, 보완 supplement
complex 복합단지 compound, group of buildings VS 복잡한 intricate, detailed
complicated 복잡한 complex intricate
compliment 칭찬, 경의 commendation(commendable칭찬할만한) honor
component 구성성분 element ingredient constituent part
composition 구성물, 조직 make-up formation
comprehend 이해하다 grasp perceive(=see)
종합적인, 포괄적인 complete extensive inclusive
compress 압축하다 compact condense (cf. contract: ~을 수축시키다)
comprise 구성되다 consist of, be made up of, include
compulsory 강제적인 obligatory, forced, compelling, impelling, mandatory
concern 관심 interest regard (우려하다 worry about)
conclusive (사실, 증거 등이) definite decisive clear
condense 압축(응축)하다 concentrate compress
conduct (빛, 열등을) 전도하다 transmit administer (conductor:전도체)
confederacy 연합, 동맹 ally alliance affinity
configuration 배치, 배열, 외형, 형상 arrangement, form, shape
confine 제한하다 limit, cramp, restrict (경계: boundary)
conflicting 상반(상충)되는 opposing contrary contradictory
conform 순응하다, 따르다 comply follow observe
confront 직면하다 face affront
congested 혼잡한 overcrowded crowded
conjecture 추측, 짐작 speculate, conclude, assume, guess, suppose, surmise
consecutive 연속적인 successive
consensus 합의 agreement unanimity (consent: 동의 = agree)
consequence 결과 ramification, result VS 중요성 importance, significance
conserve 보존하다 keep protect
considerable 상당한 significant substantial great
consistent 모순이 없는, 일관된 compatible harmonious
conspicuous 뚜렷한 noticeable obvious pronounced marked
constellation 별자리, 집합체 collection
constitute 구성하다 make up comprise
constrain 억제하다 bind inhibit limit
consume 소비하다 expend, use up (consumption=utilization)
VS 먹다 devour, gulp 6
contagious 전염성 있는 infectious
contaminate 오염시키다 pollute stain
contemplate 심사 숙고하다 consider ponder meditate
contemporary 동시대의 coexisting VS 현대의 current modern
contend 싸우다, 논쟁하다 argue (contention= debate, contentious=disputed)
continuous 연속적인 uninterrupted unceasing
contour 윤곽 outline silhouette
contradictory 모순된 opposite paradoxical (cf. contract 수축하다)
contrive 고안해내다 invent concoct devise produce
controversy 논쟁 disagreement, dispute, debate
convention 관습, 관례 usually practiced custom (conventional = customary)
converge 한데 모이다 meet come together (convoke:소집하다)
conviction 신념 strong belief strong opinion
cope with ~에 잘 대처하다 deal with handle
core 핵심, 중심지 center heart hub
correct 고치다, 바로잡다 remedy amend
correspondence 일치 agreement conformity
counter 대항하다, 반박하다 combat oppose (counteract 맞서다)
counterpart (동등한 자격의) 대응물 complement, equivalent VS 상대방 match
cover 포함하다 include contain
crack 쪼개다, 깨뜨리다 break snap
craft 솜씨 있게 만들다 skillfully produce fabricate
cram (쑤셔)넣다 jam stuff wedge squeeze
critical 중요한, 필수적인 key, crucial, indispensable, essential, necessary, vital
crude 천연[있는]그대로의 primitive, unsophisticated, rough, raw, less processed
crust 표면, 외피 exterior surface
cultivator 경작자 farmer grower
curb 제한(억제)하다 control repress check
curiously 신기하게도 surprisingly
customary 관례적인, 습관적인 typical habitual
cycle 주기 sequence
debris 조각, 파편 remains, bits, fragments
deception 속임수, 사기 fraud cheating
decisive 결정적인 definite definitive
decline 하락하다, 쇠퇴하다 = lessen =decrease = fall VS 거절하다 refuse
deem ~라고 여기다 consider, regard, view, conceive of, believe, think of
defeated 패배한 conquered 7
defect 결점 shortcoming blemish
definite 명확한 decisive unambiguous VS 결정적인 conclusive
degree 정도, 단계 measure extent
deliberate 의도적인 intentional designed or 느린, 조심스런 slow, careful
delicate 섬세한, 여린 dainty exquisite, brittle, fragile, frail
delineate 윤곽을 그리다 trace outline
demanding 힘든, 큰 노력을 요하는 difficult exacting
demise 멸망, 서거 end fall decline deterioration
demolish 파괴하다 destroy wreck ruin devastate
density 농도, 밀도 concentration
deny 부인하다 negate gainsay
dependent 의존하는 reliant relying on
depict 묘사하다 represent portray
deplete 고갈시키다 exhaustempty use up
depose 쫓아내다, 폐위시키다 oust, dismiss, displace, demote, remove from office
deposit 비축하다 save store lay down place
depressed 우울한 downcast melancholy
derive from ~에서 유래하다 originate, trace, stem, arise + from vs 얻다 obtain
descent 하강 falling
deserved 당연히 받아야 할 due earned
designated 지정된 specified assigned defined identified
desire 열망하다 covet long for
desperate 절망적인 hopeless critical
detach 분리하다 separate disconnect
detect 발견하다, 인지하다 find discover
deter 막다, 방해하다 preclude prevent
detrimental 해로운, 불리한 harmful damaging
deviate 벗어나다, 빗나가다 turn aside, diverge, wander, digress, depart
devise 고안하다, 구상하다 design, contrive or 만들다 make, invent
devoid of ~가 없는 lacking in free from empty
devote 헌신하다 dedicate commit
dictate (조건, 방침 등을) require prescribe
differentiate 구별하다 distinguish discriminate
diffuse 퍼뜨리다 spread distribute pervade disperse
dilemma 곤경 difficult situation predicament
diminish 줄다 lessen decrease dwindle 8
diminutive 작은 small modest minute tiny
disassemble 분해하다 break apart dismantle
discard 버리다 throw away abandon dump dispose of
discern 구별하다 distinguish, differentiate
discernible 인식할 수 있는 noticeable, detectable, observable, distinguishable
discharge 방출하다 release radiate excrete expel extort emit
disclose (사실 등을) 밝히다 reveal divulge unveil unravel uncover
discover 확인하다, 찾아내다 ascertain determine
discrete 구별되는 distinct
discriminate 식별하다 distinguish discern
disdain 경멸하다 despise scorn mock derision
disguise 속이다, 감추다 conceal hide camouflage
dismiss 거부하다 reject vs 해체하다, 해산하다 disband
disorder 무질서 chaos disorganization
disperse 흩어지게 하다 spread out scatter distribute diffuse
displace 대체하다 supplant replace
display 보여주다 show exhibit demonstrate
dispose of 처리하다 get rid of
disposition 성질, 기질 temperament temper tendency
dispute 논쟁 argument disagreement
disrupt 중단시키다, 혼란 시키다 interrupt interfere with
disseminate 퍼뜨리다 spread out, distribute, diffuse, disperse, dissipate, scatter
distinct 별개의 separate different unique definite
distinguish 구별하다 differentiate, tell apart (distinctive = characteristic)
distinguished 두드러진 marked prominent
distract 산만하게 하다 divert sidetrack
distress 고통 pain agony
distribute 분배하다 parcel out allot
disturbance 동요, 혼란 agitation disorder
diverge 갈라지다 separate deviate divergent=different
divert ~의 (방향을) 바꾸다 redirect reroute
document 기록하다 record keep track of
domestic 가정의 home family household vs 국내의
dominant 우세한, 지배적인 supreme, prevailing, leading, widespread, prevalent
donation 기부(금), 기증(물) contribution gift
dormant 활동하지 않는 inactive latent inert 9
dramatically 극적으로, 엄청나게 greatly (dramatic = powerful)
drain 배수하다 remove water water off
drastic 과격한, 극단적인 extreme severe desperate
drawback 결점 disadvantage problem defect downside
drive 억지로 ~하게 하다 propel force VS 야망 = ambition
drought 가뭄 a prolonged lack of moisture aridity
duplicate 복사하다 copy imitate replicate reproduce
durable 지속되는 lasting enduring
dwindle 줄다, 감소시키다, diminish, wane, shrink, decline, reduce, contract, recede
eccentric 정도를 벗어난 unusual
eclectic 다방면의, 절충주의의 diverse, various, dissimilar, varied
elaborate 복잡한, 정교한 complicated, complex, detailed, intricate, refined
elegant 우아한, 세련된 sophisticated delicate
element 구성요소 component part
eliminate 제거하다 remove get rid of eradicate wipe out
elongate 연장하다 lengthen stretch
embed 박아 넣다, 심다 implant, insert, enclose, fix, fasten
embody 구현하다 incarnate exemplify
emerge 나타나다 appear loom come up spring up arise
emergent 떠오르는, 신흥의 emerging nascent
emit 발산하다 give off exhale
emphasize 강조하다 stress underscore underline
employ 이용하다 use, utilize, harness, exploit, implement, exercise, avail oneself of
emulate 모방하다 imitate copy simulate
enact 제정하다 pass adopt
enclose 에워싸다 surround circle
encompass 포함하다, 둘러싸다 include embrace enclose surround
encroach 침입하다 invade trespass intrude
~ 안으로 들어가다
endangered 멸종 위기에 처한 jeopardized imperiled
위험에 처한
endeavor 노력하다, 애쓰다 strive struggle seek to
endorse 보증하다, 지지하다 support back
endure 견디다 survive suffer withstand
enhance 향상시키다, 강화하다 improve, enrich, intensify, strengthen 10
enigmatic 알기 어려운 puzzling mysterious (enigma=mystery)
enlarge 확대시키다 amplify extend
enrich (질, 가치 등을) 높이다 enhance improve
ensue 뒤따라 일어나다 follow result
entail ~을 수반하다 involve require
entangle 뒤얽히게 하다 complicate involve
enterprise (모험적인) 사업 undertaking
entertain 즐겁게 하다 divert amuse
enthusiastic 열성적인 eager ardent fervent
entice 유혹하다 allure tempt
entity 개체, 실체 object thing
episode 하나의 사건 event occurrence
equip 갖추어 주다 furnish provide
equivalent 동등한 equal even identical comparable(비슷)
era 시대 epoch period
erect 세우다 build construct
erode 침식하다, 부식되다 wear away
erratic 불규칙적인, 변덕스러운 irregular unpredictable vagarious
erroneous 잘못된 incorrect mistaken
escalate 차츰 확대되다, 오르다 increase intensify
essential 필수적인 vital necessary prerequisite indispensible
in essence 본질적으로 fundamentally, basically, essentially, intrinsically
establish 설립하다 organize constitute
estimate 평가하다 assess evaluate
evaluate 평가하다 judge assess
evenly 고르게, 일관되게 equally uniformly consistently
evoke 일깨우다, 자아내다 draw arouse
evolve 서서히 발전하다 developprogress
exacerbate 더욱 심하게 하다 intensify worsen aggravate
exaggerate 과장하다 enlarge overstate
examine 정밀 조사하다 inspect probe investigate research
excavate 발굴하다 dig out unearth burrow uncover
exceed 능가하다 go beyond surpass excel outrun
excel 능가하다, 빼어나다 be superior to surpass
exceptional 예외적인, 흔치 않은 abnormal unusual extraordinary superior
excessive 지나친 extreme undue
excite 자극하다, 고무하다 stimulate encourage 11
exclude 배제하다 expel leave out rule out
exclusively 오로지, 전적으로 only, solely, entirely
execute 수행하다 perform produce carry out achieve
exercise 실행하다 wield, exert, practice, apply, use
exhaust 지치게 하다 tire, weary (exhausted = used up) cf) exhaustive철저한
exhibit 보여주다, 나타내다 display, show, represent, present, set forth
exotic 기묘한, 못 보던 unusualstrange
expand 확장하다 increase, extend, bloat (expansion = inflation: 폭등)
expend (시간, 노력 등을) use spend
쓰다, 들이다
expediency 이점, 편리한 점 advantage (expedient = convenient)
expertise 전문 기술 art craft
explicit 명백한 clear obvious (↔ implicit = tacit 암묵적인)
exploit 이용하다, 활용하다 take advantage of, utilize (exploitation:개발 use)
exponential 급격한, 기하급수적인 explosive
expose 드러내다 exhibit subject disclose reveal display
extend 확장하다, 늘리다 lengthen, stretch, expand, enlarge
extensive 넓은 wide far-reaching (extended = long)
extant 현존하는 existing remaining existent
extent 범위 scope stretch range degree
exterminate 근절하다 extirpate annihilate (terminate = end)
extinct 멸종된 died out vanished
extinguish 소멸시키다 abolish destroy
extract 이끌어내다, 추출하다 derive draw obtain remove
extol 칭찬하다 praise exalt compliment
fabricate 만들어내다 make build fashion devise
facilitate (일을) 용이하게 하다 aid, help, ease, make easy
facility 재능, 소질 aptitude skill talent ability capability
faculty 능력 ability capacity
fade 약해지다, 사라지다 wane wither
faint 희미한 indistinct dim
fairly 꽤 reasonably moderately
fame 명성 renown reputation repute
fashion 만들다 shape create fabricate craft
far-reaching 널리 미치는, 광범위한 widespread extensive
feasible 실행할 수 있는 practicable, possible, viable, plausible, achievable 12
feat 업적, 성취 achievement, accomplishment, success VS 기술 skill
feed 먹이를 먹다 graze
fertile 비옥한 bountiful productive prolific reproductive
fervent 열정적인 passionate ardent
fit 적응시키다, 맞추다 adjust customize tailor cater
flake 파편 fragment bit fraction
flash 번쩍이다 flame flare
flawless 흠 없는 perfect impeccable
flee 피하다, 도망하다 escape evade
flexible 융통성 있는, 유연한 pliable adjustable bendable
flock 무리, 떼 group herd
flourish 번성하다 thrive prosper bloom boom burgeon
fluctuate 변동하다 change vary oscillate move up and down
for the sake of ~를 위하여 for the purpose of
forage (식량을) 찾아 다니다 search rummage hunt for
forbid 금하다 ban inhibit
forestall 미리 막다, 미리 손쓰다 prevent hinder
forge 만들다 create make
formerly 이전에 previously before
formidable 무서운, 가공할만한 dreadful threatening impressive
formulate (명확히, 체계적으로) state express
forsake 버리다 leave, abandon, desert, discard
그냥 두고 떠나다
fortify 강화하다 strengthen reinforce
foster 기르다, 촉진시키다 promote, rear, raise, encourage
fragile 연약한 delicate weak easily broken
fragment 조각, 부분 piece, particle (fragmentary=incomplete=fractional)
frantic 미친(광란의) hectic desperate
frigid 몹시 추운 cold
frugal 절약하는 economical thrifty
frustrate 좌절시키다 disappoint thwart
fuel 지지하다, 자극하다 encourage stimulate energize
fulfill 성취하다 accomplish achieve
function 기능하다 act work serve (목적=purpose)
furnish 공급하다 provide supply endow bestow accord
fuse 녹다, 녹이다 melt dissolve VS 합치다 weld connect 13
futile 쓸모 없는 useless ineffective
game 사냥감 animal
gauge 평가하다, 판단하다 measure calculate estimate
generally 대부분, 주로 largely, chiefly, mostly, mainly, principally
generate 발생시키다 give rise to produce create churn out
genetic 유전(학)적인 hereditary inborn
genuinely 정말로 actually truly (genuine=authentic: 진짜의)
give way to 물러가다, 양보하다 retreat withdraw
glance 흘끗 봄 glimpse a brief look
gleaming 반짝이는, 빛나는 shining luminous
glean 모으다 gather collect garner
glue 접착시키다 stick fix
govern 통제하다 regulate monitor rule control
gradually 점진적으로, 천천히 slowly, little by little, by degree
grasp 이해하다, 파악하다 catch understand
grounds 근거, 이유 reasons rationale cause(=determinant)
groundless 근거 없는 unfounded without a reason
guarantee 보증하다 insure warrant ensure
guard 지키다 protect defend safeguard
habitat 거주지 home dwelling
habitual 습관적인, 평소의 customary regular
halt 멈추다 stop cease pause
hamper 방해하다, 지연시키다 prevent, impede(slow down), stunt, inhibit
haphazard 되는 대로의, 우연의 randomcasual unsystematic
harness 이용하다 utilize implement employ use
harsh 가혹한 severe rigorous extreme
haul 끌어당기다 pull tug
have nothing to do with
~와 관계가 없다 be not related to
hazard 위험 danger peril risk jeopardy
hectic 매우 흥분한 full of excitement feverish
height 고지, 정점 culmination, summit, apex, pinnacle, peak, heyday, crest, acme
heighten 늘리다 increase enhance
henceforth 이제부터는, 그 후로는 from this time onwards, from now on
heritage 전통, 유산 tradition inheritance
hiatus 중단, 단절 break interruption
hibernation 동면 sleep dormancy 14
hinder 방해하다 stunt hamper prevent inhibit
hollow 텅 빈 empty
homogenous 동종의 unvarying (heterogeneous 이종의)
hue 빛깔, 색 tint, tinge, shade, pigment, color
huge 거대한 immense, massive, enormous, gigantic, tremendous, colossal
hunt 뒤지다, 찾다 scour seek
hustle 서두르다 rush hurry
hybrid 잡종, 혼합물 combination cross
hygiene 위생 cleanliness sanitation
ideal 이상적인, 전형의 perfect model (vs 추상의: abstract)
identical 동일한 same indistinguishable
ignite 불을 붙이다 set on fire kindle
illicit 불법적인 unlawful illegitimate
illuminate 밝게 하다 light up brighten
illusion 착각, 오해 false impression, delusion(망상)
illustrate 묘사하다 represent picture
imaginative 창의적인, 독창적인 ingenious, creative, original, inventive
immediately 즉시, 당장 straight away instantly
immoral 부도덕한 improper corrupt
immunity 면제 exemption impunity (immune system: 면역체계)
impair 손상시키다, 약하게 하다 damage injure
impart 알리다, 전하다 confer give provide
impartial 공정한, 공평한 disinterested unbiased
impediment 장애, 방해물 obstruction, barrier, hurdle (impede = slow down)
impervious 불 침투성의 resistant
impetus 자극 stimulus spur motivation
implement 도구 tool, appliance, apparatus or 실행하다 put A into effect
imposing 인상적인 impressive, heavy (impose: 강요하다 = force)
impression 영향, 효과 influence impact
improper 부적당한 unfit
improvise (연주, 연설 등을) extemporize ad-lib
즉흥적으로 하다
in keeping with ~와 일치하여 in agreement with consistent with
in operation 실시중의, 효력을 가지는 being used being underway
in opposition to ~에 반대하여 counter to con
in progress 진행 중인 unfinished ongoing
in proximity to ~에 가까운 close to, adjacent to, in the vicinity of 15
in retrospect 되돌아보면, 회상하면 looking back
in terms of ~에 관하여 with regard to with respect to
in vain 헛되이 unsuccessfully
inaccessible 접근하기 어려운 unreachable
incessant 끊임없는 continuous unceasing relentless(=perpetually)
incise 새기다 carve cut engrave
inclined 경사진, 기울어진 slanted tilted lopsided
inconceivable 상상도 못할 unimaginable unthinkable
incorporate 통합하다 combine include integrate assimilate
indifference 무관심 unconcern apathy
indigenous 토착의 native aboriginal endemic
indispensable 필수적인 essential necessary vital
induce 유도하다: bring, stimulate, persuade, instigate,
inert 자동력이 없는 motionless inactive
움직일 수 없는
inevitable 피할 수 없는 certain unavoidable necessary
infectious 전염성의 contagious
intense 극도의, 강렬한 extreme strong (강화하다 intensify = strengthen)
infinite 무한한, 끝없는 unlimited limitless
influx 유입 arrival inrush
infrastructure 제반시설, 기반 foundation base
ingenuity 독창성, 창의력 creativeness inventiveness cleverness
inhabit 거주하다 live occupy dwell reside populate
inherent 유전적인, 내재된 essential, inborn, built in, innate, intrinsic, hereditary
inhibit 억제하다 hinder limit stunt hamper restrain
inhospitable 비우호적인, 황폐한 unfavorable unfriendly
initiate 시작하다 commence, pioneer, innovate, launch, embark on, begin
initial 처음의 original first
innovative 새로운 new novel creative original unprecedented
innumerable 무수한 countless numberless
inquiry 조사 scrutiny examination quest research
insight 통찰력, 직관 understanding perception
inspire 고무하다 motivate
instant 순간 moment
institute 수립하다, 설립하다 establish start 16
instrument 기구, 도구 apparatus appliance
intact 손상되지 않은 undamaged, whole, not broken into pieces
integrate 통합하다 unify, synthesize, incorporate, interconnect
intensify 강화시키다 strengthen reinforce amplify
intentional 고의적인 deliberate designed on purpose planned
intertwine 뒤엉키다 interweave intermingle
interval (시간, 거리의) 간격 space distance
intervention 간섭, 개입 influence
intimate 친숙한 close familiar
intolerant 옹졸한, 편협한 bigoted illiberal
intricate 복잡한 complex complicated elaborate
intrigue (주의, 관심을) 끌다 attract. fascinate or 음모를 꾸미다 ploy
intrude 침범하다 trespass encroach invade
inundate 물에 잠기게 하다 flood deluge
invaluable 매우 귀중한 precious priceless
invariable 불변의 constant consistent even
involve ~을 수반하다 include entail
irreparable 돌이킬 수 없는 irremediable permanent
irresistible 저항할 수 없는 overwhelming
irreversible 되돌릴 수 없는 unable to undo permanent
jeopardy 위험 danger venture hazard peril
justify (정당성을) 증명하다 support, prove, confirm
keen 예리한 sharp bright (열정적인=eager, fervent)
kindle 불을 붙이다 ignite fire (rekindle = renew)
laborious 근면한 diligent hard-working
lament 슬퍼하다, 애도하다 grieve regret
landscape 풍경, 전망 scenery outlook
lavish 낭비하다 expend waste
lead 단서 clue hint
legacy 유산 tradition inheritance
legitimate 합법적인 lawful legal official
lenient 관대한 tolerant generous
limited 제한된 narrow confined
linger 남다 remain stay
literally 실제로 really actually
livelihood 직업, 생계 occupation job (cf. likelihood: 가능성)
long (for) 바라다 desire crave pine (for) 17
lucrative 돈이 벌리는, 유리한 profitable
lure 유혹하다 attract draw
luster 광채 sheen brightness (lust:윤기)
magnificent 굉장히 멋진 gorgeous beautiful
magnify 확대하다, 증대하다 amplify intensify (magnitude=size)
mainly 주로 principally chiefly primarily generally largely
maintain 주장하다 claim, affirm, contend VS 유지, 보존 preserve, sustain, retain
manageable 관리할 수 있는 controllable
감당할 수 있는
mandatory 필수의 required compulsory compelling obligatory
manifest 증명하다, 보이다 demonstrate, evidence, show (분명한=clear=patent)
manifold 가지각색의 various multiple
manipulate 조종하다 operate, control (manipulation: 조작 = deliberate alteration)
manufacture (대규모로) 제조하다 make build
margin 가장자리, 경계 edge, fringe, boundary, border, periphery
marked 현저한, 두드러진 pronounced, noticeable, considerable
match 필적하다, 동일하다 equal peer
maximum 최대, 최대량 large quantity, great size
measure 측정하다 gauge calculate estimate
mechanism 방법 means method way
meddlesome 간섭하는 meddling interfering
meditate 숙고하다 think deeply ponder weigh contemplate
merely 단지 simply, just, only, no more than
merge 결합(융합)하다 combine unite
migrate 이동하다, 이주하다 travel move around
milestone 획기적인 사건 an important event
mingle 섞이다, 혼합되다 unite mix
minor 중요치 않은 less important, insignificant, secondary, trivial, frivolous
minute 미세한, 작은 tiny, diminutive, miniscule, microscopic, miniature
mirror 반영하다 reflect echo
misconception 잘못된 생각, 오해 misunderstanding, false belief
misleading 현혹시키는, 오해된 mistaken, inaccurate, deceptive, deluding
moderate 온화한 gentle temperate
modest 겸손한 humble, / 많지 않은 small, / 예의 바른 decent
momentous 중대한 significant
monitor 조사하다 check examine observe
monopolize 독점하다 dominate occupy 18
monotonous 단조로운 tedious boring
monumental 거대한 enormous, great and significant
more and less어느 정도, 다소 fairly approximately
mount 오르다 ascend climb scale surge
multiplicity 다수 plurality plenty myriad
multiply 증가하다 increase expand surge
mundane 평범한 ordinary routine
mutation 변이, 변화 change alteration
mutilate 훼손시키다 intentionally damage
mutual 상호간의 reciprocal
myriads of 무수한 innumerable, unnumbered, manifold, multiple, numerous
nevertheless 그럼에도 불구하고 however nonetheless yet still
Notable 주목할만한, 튀는 pronounced, remarkable, important, marked, conspicuous
notion 개념, 믿음 concept idea belief thought theory
(every) now and then
때때로 sometimes occasionally
novel, novelty
신기한, 진기한, 참신함 unusualrare original new
noxious 유해한 toxic harmful noisome venomous
nurture 양육하다 raise rear breed foster bring up
oblige 강요하다 require compel impel force
obscure 애매한, 불확실한 uncertain, unknown, ambiguous, indefinite (가리다=hide)
observe 준수하다 conform to, follow, comply with, abide by
obsolete 시대에 뒤진, 안 쓰이는 out of date outdated
obstruct 막다, 방해하다 block bar oppose hamper impede
offset 상쇄,무효화하다 balance, counterbalance, counteract, countervail, neutralize
offspring 후손, 자손 descendent, posterity, future generation,
omit 생략하다, 제거하다 exclude, eliminate, erase, rule out, leave out
omnipresent 어디에나 존재하는 ubiquitous found everywhere
onset 시작 embark beginning opening outset commence inception
opaque 불명료한, 불투명한 obscureunclear
oppress 억압하다 maltreat persecute
optimal 최선의, 최상의 ideal, most satisfactory (optimize = make the best use of)
original 독창적인 imaginative creative new
ornament 장식하다 decorate adorn embellish beautify
outbreak 폭발 eruption explosion 19
outdo ~을 능가하다 surpass excel outperform
outlive 살아남다 survive outlast
~보다 더(오래) 살다
outlying 외곽에 위치한 situated far from the center, remote (cf. underlying 바탕의)
output 결과물 production outcome result consequence
outrageous 지나친, 엄청난 shocking offensive (outrage: 화나게 하다 =anger)
oversee 감독하다 supervise manage
overshadow 가리다, 어둡게 하다 dim, outshine, eclipse, overtake
overwhelmingly 압도적으로 primarily
parallel ~와 유사한 corresponding comparable similar
paramount 최고의, 주요한 supreme sovereign
partial 부분적인 incomplete fractional
patron 후원자 고객 protector supporter
pattern 도안, 무늬 design figure
peak 정점, 절정 summit maximum height apex heyday
peculiar 특이한 distinctive special unique strange
penetrate 관통하다, 스며들다 go through pierce percolate pervade
periodically 주기적으로 at intervals, regularly, by periods, intermittently(간헐적)
peripheral 주변의 outer exterior
perishable 상하기 쉬운 spoilable likely to decay
permanent 불변의, 영구적인 lasting constant
permit 허락하다 allow let enable
perpetual 끊임없는 constant ceaseless recurring
persist 지속되다 endure, continue (persistent: long-lasting, enduring)
pertinent to ~와 관련된 relevant to
pervade 널리 퍼지다 spread permeate
~에 스며들다
pervasive 퍼지는 widespread prevalent(=most common: 유행하는)
phase 시기, 단계 period stage
phenomenal 현상의, 뛰어난 extraordinary
pierce 관통하다 puncture perforate penetrate
pile 쌓다 heap
pinpoint 정확한 precise VS 정확하게 알아내다 precisely identify
pioneer 개척하다 first develop start innovate
pit 구멍 hole cavity (pitfall = trap: 함정, 덫)
plain 꾸밈없는, 간소한 unadorned, undecorated VS 명백한=patent
plausible 그럴듯한, 가능한 believable, possible, feasible 20
pledge 맹세, 약속 promise oath
plunge 떨어뜨리다, 던져 넣다 drop dip
portion 부분 part segment fragment fraction
portray 묘사하다 depict picture
pose (자세를)취하다, 제안하다 present, indicate, cause the formation of
positive 확신하는 sure certain
postulate 요구하다 =claim VS 주장=propose VS 가정하다=posit, hypothesize
potent 강력한 powerful mighty strong
potential 가능성 있는, 잠재적인 prospective possible promising
precarious 불안정한, 위험한 insecure dangerous
precede 앞서다, 우선하다 come before, antecede
predominate 우세하다 outweigh prevail
predominately 주로 primarily predominantly mainly
preeminent 탁월한, 저명한 foremost, outstanding, distinguished, primary
preliminary 서두의, 예비의 initial introductory
premise 전제 assumption
preoccupied 몰두한 concerned engrossed absorbed interested
preordained 예정된 determined beforehand
prestige 지위, 명성 status influence
presumable 있음직한 probable likely (추측상 presumably = supposedly)
prevail 이기다, 압도하다 triumph, dominate (prevailing=widespread)
prevent ~을 방해하다, 막다 preclude avoid deter hamper
previous 이전의 prior earlier
primary 근본적인 fundamental elementary (primarily = mostly 주로)
primitive 원시적인 ancient primeval uncivilized simple
principal 주요한 main, dominant, most important, central, major
pristine 오염되지 않은 unspoiled innocent pure
probe 정밀조사 exploration inquiry investigation search
proceed 나아가다 advance progress
process 공정 methodprocedure mechanism way
procure 얻다 획득하다 obtain acquire buy purchase
proficient 숙련된, 능숙한 adroit dexterous expert skilled adept
profound 깊은, 심오한 significant, far-reaching, deep, abysmal
progressively 점차적으로 increasingly
prohibit 금지하다 forbid proscribe ban bar
prolific 결실이 많은, 다작의 abundant, productive, fertile 21
proliferate 급증하다 increase greatly, multiply, increase
풍부하게 만들다
prolong 연장하다 extend lengthen (protracted = lengthy :긴)
prominent 탁월한, 돌출, 중요한 conspicuous, remarkable, outstanding, important
promising 유망한 likely encouraging
promote 촉진하다 advance further encourage
prone ~하는 경향이 있는 tending, susceptible, apt, inclined
pronounced 명백한, 뚜렷한 notable, striking, marked , significant
propel 추진하다, 밀어내다 push force out
property 자산 estate havings
proponent 지지자 advocate supporter (↔ 반대자 opponent)
proportion 비율, 크기 ratio size (disproportionate = unequal)
prospect 가망성, 전망 possibility chance
prototype 원형, 모델 model
protrude 튀어나오다 stick out extend project bulge
provided 만약~이라면 if on condition that
provoke 자극하다, 화나게 하다 incite irritate
proximity 근접 가까움 nearness closeness vicinity
prudent 조심성 있는, 신중한 cautious discreet ↔ imprudent
punctuality 시간 엄수 promptness
purge 정화하다, 깨끗이 하다 clear purify cleanse remove
pursue 추구 seek, follow VS 종사하다, 착수 engage in, perform, practice
radiant 빛나는 bright vivid (radiate – emit, give off)
radical 급진적인, 극적인 extreme, drastic or 근본적인 fundamental, basic
random 무작위적인, 임의의 haphazard, unpredictable, unplanned
ratify 승인하다 endorse confirm
rather 오히려, 대신에 instead (rather than=instead of)
reach 구역, 범위 area expanse
readily 쉽게 easily
realm 범위, 영역 area sphere domain
reap 수확하다 harvest gather obtain
reasonable 이치에 맞는 rational logical
reassuring 용기를 북돋는 encouraging refreshing
recall 회상하다 remember recollect
recede 물러나다 withdraw retreat
reckless 무모한, 부주의한 careless rash
reconcile 화해시키다, 조정하다 conciliate settle 22
recur 재발하다 return reappear
redundancy 여분 superfluity extra capacity unnecessary thing
refine 정제하다, 개량하다 improve (refinement = small improvements)
reflect 나타내다 indicate, display, show VS 심사 숙고하다 ponder, contemplate
reform 개정하다, 개선하다 amend improve
refrain 삼가다, 중단하다 pause stop
refuge 피난처, 은신처 shelter sanctuary den
regulate 조절하다 control adjust
regime 정권, 제도 government authority(당국)
reinforce 강화하다 strengthen fortify
relate 연관시키다 associate connect correlate
release 해방시키다 free liberate discharge
relieve 경감하다 reduce ease alleviate mitigate
reluctant 꺼리는 unwilling disinclined
remnant 잔재, 자취 trace, remains, relics, residue, leftover
remote 외딴, 멀리 떨어진 secluded distant
render ~가 되게 하다 make ~을 주다(render aid:원조하다)
renowned 유명한 famous celebrated
repel 물리치다 drive away repulse keep off
repercussion 영향, 반동 effect consequence
replace 대체하다 supersede supplant
replenish 보충하다 restore renew put back recharge refill
represent 묘사하다, 표현하다 depict portray
reproduce 번식하다 breed multiply procreate
resilient 탄력 있는 rebounding elastic
resist 저항하다 withstand confront oppose
resolve 결정하다 determine decide VS 해결하다 solve
resort to 의지하다 turn to draw on depend on rely on
respectively 각각 separately particularly each
restrict 제한하다 limit confine
retard 지체시키다 slow down
retrieve 회복하다, 되찾다 recover restore
reverence 존경 worship veneration awe respect (revere 존경)
reverse 뒤집다 invert inverse
rigorous 혹독한, 엄격한 severe demanding rigid strict
ripe 무르익은, 성숙한 mature mellow
robust 튼튼한, 강한 strong vigorous 23
rotten 썩은, 부패한 decayed decomposed
roughly (수치가) 대략 approximately, nearly, or so (추정: approximate = estimate)
routinely 일상적으로 commonly generally normally ordinarily
rove 배회하다 roam wander
rudiment 기초, 기본 basic element
runoff 범람, 넘쳐흐름 overflow overspill
rupture 파열 burst breach
save for ~이외에 except for
scarce 부족한 rare, scant, scanty, sparse, meager, insufficient
deficient, inadequate
scatter 퍼뜨리다 disperse widely spread diffuse
scope 범위 extent range
scorching 몹시 뜨거운(더운) exceedingly hotboiling
scrupulous 양심적인, 정직한 honest
scrutiny 정밀조사 examination investigation probe
secrete 분비하다 produce discharge release
secure 얻어내다, 확보하다 get, obtain, acquire
sedentary 움직이지 않는 stationary still stagnant static unmoving
seek 노력하다, 시도하다 try out strive (seek to = try to)
seep 스며들다 go through slowly pass through slowly
segment 부분 portion division
segregate 떼어놓다, 분리하다 seclude separate
sequence 순서 order vs 일련, 연속 series succession string
sever 절단하다, 분리하다 cut separate split
severe 극심한, 가차없는 harsh extreme
shabby 초라한 ragged beggarly
shatter 박살 내다 break pulverize fragment
shed (빛 등을) 비추다 radiate (shed skin 탈피하다)
shift 바꾸다 switch change
shortcoming 결점 limitation, disadvantage, defect, downside, drawback
shorten 줄이다 abbreviate abridge
shortly 곧 soon presently immediately
shred (갈기갈기) 찢다 tear apart cut
shun 피하다 elude(elusive) avoid evade dodge
signal 신호하다, 신호로 알리다 indicatebeckon
simulate 흉내 내다 imitate copy mimic emulate
simultaneously 동시에 concurrently at the same time 24
situate 위치시키다 place locate
skepticism 회의(론) doubt suspicion (skeptical = doubtful)
soak 적시다 drench saturate
soar 높이 솟다 tower rise surge
solidify 결속시키다 unify harden
spark 야기하다 bring about trigger
spectacular 멋진, 장엄한 splendid impressive
speculate( about)
추측하다, 가정하다 suppose, conjecture, hypothesize, guess
sphere 분야 area field domain
spoil 망치다, 손상시키다 mar hurt
spontaneous 자발적인 voluntary uncompelled
spot 발견하다 see detect locate scan
spring up 갑자기 나타나다 suddenly arise emerge
spur 자극, 촉발시키다 stimulus incitement trigger
stagger 비틀거리다, 동요하다 totter, falter (staggering=shocking)
staple 주요상품, 주요요소 basic item, regular feature
startle 깜짝 놀라게 하다 astonish surprise
stationary 정지한 unmoving motionless static still calm
stem from ~에서 유래하다 arise from originate from derive from
sterile 불모의 barren unproductive lifeless
stingy 인색한 parsimonious miserly
stir 자극하다 agitate provoke
strain 팽팽함, 긴장 tension stress pressure
stray 벗어나다, 이탈하다 wander deviate deflect digress
stride 진보, 발전 progress
strikingly 두드러지게 remarkably conspicuously noticeably
strip 제거하다 remove divest rid purge
struggle 싸우다 strife contend fight
subdue 진압하다, 가라 앉히다 reduce conquer
submerge 물에 담그다, 물속에 넣다 plunge inundate
submit 복종(굴복)하다 yield surrender
subordinate 종속적인 inferior subject
subsequently 이후에 later successively afterward then
subsidize 후원하다 assist encourage
subsist 존속하다 survive endure(endurance=stamina)
substantial 상당한 considerable, significant, noticeable 25
substitute 대체하다 exchange replace
subtle 알아채기 어려운, 미묘한 hardly perceived imperceptible
successive 연속적인 consecutive sequential
suggest 암시하다 imply implicate point to allude to
superb 뛰어난, 훌륭한 outstanding excellent supreme
superficial 외면의 external outward
supervise 감독하다 direct oversee
supplement 보충하다 add to
surge (급)증가하다 sudden increase, rise (resurgence: 재기, 부활)
surmount 극복하다 overcome conquer (insurmountable: 극복 못하는)
surpass 능가하다 exceed outrun (unsurpassed: 능가 못하는)
surplus 나머지, 잔여 excess extra redundancy reserve
susceptible (영향을) 받기 쉬운 prone vulnerable
감염되기 쉬운
suspend 중지하다 interrupt cease
sustain 지탱하다, 유지하다 support bear
sustenance 음식, 양식, 생계 fare food provision nourishment
swell (크기, 수량 등) 증가하다 enlarge expand
swift 빠른 quick speedy
symmetrical 균형이 잡힌, 대칭적인 proportionally balanced, even
synchronize 동시에 일어나다 coincide, occur at the same time
synthesis 통합체, 통합 unit union
tactics 전술, 책략 strategy maneuver
tailored 맞추어진 adapted fitted suited geared
tangible 실질적인 material concrete physical touchable
tedious 지루한 tiresome irksome boring
tempt 유혹하다, (마음을) 끌다 attract decoy allure
tend (to) 돌보다, 보살피다 take care of
tenet 원칙 principle doctrine
tension 긴장, 팽팽함 pressure strain
terminal 최종의 final rise ultimate eventual
testify 증명하다, 입증하다 provide evidence, attest, prove
thereby 그 결과, 그 것 때문에 consequently, by that, by that means
thoroughly 철저히, 완전히 completely, meticulously, in detail, comprehensively
thrive 번성하다 prosper flourish boom succeed
track ~을 쫓아가다 follow chase
transcend 초월하다 go beyond 26
transfer 이동하다 move remove
transition 변화 change(=convert) alteration
transmit 전달하다 communicate send convey
transparent 명백한,투명한 clear obvious (↔ opaque:불투명한)
transport 운송하다 carry convey
trigger 일으키다 activate cause initiate stimulate
turbulence 동요, 혼란 agitation tumult upheaval turmoil
ubiquitous 어디에나 존재하는 omnipresent
unanimity (만장) 일치 total agreement accord
underlying 근원적인, 기저의 fundamental basic
undertake 착수하다 attempt set about assume
uneasy 불안한 apprehensive unstable unrest
uniform 일관성 있는 consistent even
universally 도처에, 널리 everywhere generally
unparalleled 비길 데 없는 unrivaled, unequaled, unique, matchless, incomparable
unprecedented 전례가 없는, 신기한 not seen before, new, novel, initial
unravel 해명하다, 풀다 explain solve VS 흐트러지다
urge 충동 compulsion impulse desire VS 촉구하다=demand
urgent 긴급한 pressing, imperative imminent = impending(임박한)
utilitarian 실용적인 practical pragmatic functional
utterly 전적으로, 철저히 completely altogether= fully(완전히)
valid 타당한 just sound
vanish 사라지다 disappear fade
variation 변화 variance fluctuation
velocity 속도, 신속함 speed rapidity rate pace
versatile 다재다능, 다용도의 flexible adaptable
vestige 흔적 remnant trace evidence
viable 생존 가능한 able to survive vs 실행 가능한 feasible, practical
vigorous 힘찬, 강력한 strong energetic (vigor = energy: 활력)
virtually 사실상 in effect practically VS 거의 nearly, almost
virtuous 덕 있는 righteous good
vulnerable (영향을) 받기 쉬운 easily damaged susceptible
withstand 버티다 resist endure bear stand
yield 산출하다, 야기하다 produce generate 27

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