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Main Campu, Roxas City

College of Engineering and Architecture

Second Semester 2021-2022


Name: Khint Nica Elebare Course,Yr &Sec: BSCE-2B Date: 03/19/2022

It is defined as that of applied science which deal with the application

of geology for a Safe, stable and economic design and construction of a civil
engineering project.

Engineering geology is almost universally considered as essential as

that of soil mechanics, strength of material, or theory of structures. The basic
objects of a course in engineering geology are two folds. It enables a geologist
to understand the nature of the geological information. That is absolutely
essentially for a safe design and construction of a civil engineering Projects.

The scope of geology can be studied is best studied with reference to major
activities of the profession of a civil engineer which are:


-Water resources

-Town and regional Planning


Geology is a relatively recent subject. In addition to its core branches,

advances in geology in allied fields have led to specialized sciences like
geophysics, geochemistry, seismology, oceanography and remote sensing.


Physical geology:
A scientific discipline that is concerned with all aspects of the Earth's
structure, composition, physical properties, constituent rocks and minerals,
and surficial features.


A scientific discipline that is concerned with all aspects of minerals,

including their physical properties, chemical composition, internal crystal
structure, and occurrence and distribution in nature and their origins in
terms of the physicochemical conditions of formation.


Petrology deals with the study of rocks- (Igneous, metamorphic, and

sedimentary). The earth’s crust also called lithosphere is made up of different
types of rocks. Hence petrology deals with the mode of formation, structure,
texture, composition, occurrence, and types of rocks. This is the most
important branch of geology from the civil engineering point of view.

Structural geology:

The rocks, which from the earth’s crust, undergo various

deformations, dislocations and disturbances under the influence of tectonic
forces. The result is the occurrence of different geological structures like
folds, fault, joints and unconformities in rocks. The details of mode of
formation, causes, types, classification, importance etc. of these geological
structures from the subject matter of structural geology.


Stratigraphy is a branch of geology concerned with the study of rock

layers (strata) and layering (stratification). It is primarily used in the study of
sedimentary and layered volcanic rocks.

Economic geology:

Economic geology is concerned with earth materials that can be used for
economic and/or industrial purposes. These materials include precious and
base metals, nonmetallic minerals and construction-grade stone.

Engineering geology:

Engineering geology is the application of geology to engineering study for the

purpose of assuring that the geological factors regarding the location, design,
construction, operation and maintenance of engineering works are
recognized and accounted for. This deals with the application of geological
knowledge in the field of civil engineering, for execution of safe, stable and
economic constructions like dams, bridges and tunnels.

Mining geology:

This deals with the application of geological knowledge in the field of mining.
A mining engineer is interested in the mode and extent of occurrence of ores,
their association, properties etc. It is also necessary to know other physical
parameters like depth direction inclination thickness and reserve of the
bodies for efficient utilization. Such details of mineral exploration, estimation
and exploration are dealt with in mining geology.


The study of physical properties like density and magnetism of the earth or
its parts. To know its interior, form the subject matter of geophysics. There
are different types of geophysical investigations-based ion the physical
property utilized gravity methods, seismic methods, magnetic methods.
Engineering geophysics is a branch of exploration geophysics, which aims at
solving civil engineering problems by interpreting subsurface geology of the
area concerned. Electrical resistivity methods and seismic refraction
methods are commonly used in solving civil engineering problems.


This may also be called hydrogeology. It deals with occurrence, movement

and nature of groundwater in an area. It has applied importance because
ground water has many advantages over surface water. In general, geological
and geophysical studies are together taken up for groundwater

Geochemistry is the branch of Earth Science that applies chemical principles

to deepen an understanding of the Earth system and systems of other
planets. Geochemists consider Earth composed of discrete spheres — rocks,
fluids, gases and biology — that exchange matter and energy over a range of
time scales. This branch is relatively more recent and deals with the
occurrence, distribution, abundance, mobility etc., of different elements in
the earth crust. It is not important from the civil engineering point of view.

Core, mantle, and crust are divisions based on composition. The mantle is hot
and represents about 68 percent of Earth’s mass. The asthenosphere is
partially molten upper mantle material that behaves plastically and can flow.
This animation by Earthquide shows the layers by composition and by
mechanical properties. Crust and Lithosphere

Earth’s outer surface is its crust;

Oceanic crust is composed of magma that erupts on the seafloor to create

basalt lava flows or cools deeper down to create the intrusive igneous rock
gabbro. Sediments, primarily muds and the shells of tiny sea creatures, coat
the seafloor. Sediment is thickest near the shore where it comes off the
continents in rivers and on wind currents. Continental crust is made up of
many different types of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. When
filled with water, these basins form the planet’s oceans.


Plate Tectonics – the theory that proposes that Earth’s lithosphere consists of
individual plates that interact in various ways producing earthquakes,
volcanoes, mountains, and the crust itself

Plate – segment of the lithosphere, which moves and continually changes


What is plate tectonics?

A theory that states that Earth’s rigid outer shell is broken into plates made
up of the crust and upper mantle, also known as the lithosphere. A plate
moves as a unit with respect to the surrounding plates.

Types of Plate Boundaries

The three main types of boundaries are convergent, divergent, and transform
fault boundaries

Divergent Boundaries – two plates moving apart and producing new


Convergent Boundaries – two plates move together and destroy old


Transform Boundaries – two plates grind past each other without the
production or destruction of lithosphere.

GEOLOGY PROCESS ON EARTH: Exogenous and Endogenous

Exogenous Process

Occur on or near the surface of Earth

Usually influenced or driven by gravity, water, wind and organisms. In

extreme cases, it can wipe out majority of the organisms inhabiting that area.

1. Weathering

- The disintegration of rocks, soil and minerals together with other materials
through contact with Earth’s subsystem.

2. Erosion

Process by which earth’s surface is worn away by wind, water or ice. Moves
rock debris or soil from one place to another. Takes place when there is
rainfall, surface runoff, flowing rivers, seawater intrusion, flooding freeing
and thawing, hurricanes, wind, etc.

3. Mass Wasting
Movement of large masses of materials (rock debris, soil, mud) down a slope
or steep sided hill or mountain due to the pull of gravity, Very destructive in
areas with increased water flow.

4. Sedimentation

Accumulation of materials such as soil, rock fragments and soil particles

settling on the ground. Usually occurs in stream or sea erosion. Over time, the
sediment load because think and forms a new layer of ground.

Endogenous Process

Takes place within or in the interior of Earth

The driving force is the thermal energy of the mantle

Responsible for earthquakes, development of continents, mountain building,

volcanic activities, etc.

1. Magnetism

Magma is the original material that make up igneous rocks. Magmatism

happens when a magma is generated and develops into igneous (magmatic)
rocks. The process can tale place wither under the surface or on the surface
of earth.

2. Volcanism (plutonism)

Process that usually happens after the magma is formed, Magma tries to
escape from the source through opening such as volcanoes or existing cracks
on the ground. As soon as magma reaches the surface on the earth it is now
called lava.

3. Metamorphism

Process of changing the materials that make up a rock. Chemical components

and geological characteristics of the rock changed due to heat and pressure
that are increasing or decreasing Note: rock changing due to weathering and
sedimentation are NOT considered to have undergone metamorphism.

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