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an of the Night)

(Xv. Pinning of the sash to the Lady and Gentlem

: And for the Gentleman of the Night, the award goes to _-——

__ : May we callon_

for the pinning of the sash to our Gentleman of the Night.

ers to the Lady of the Night, may we call

: To give a bouquet of flow f

: t of Flowers to the Lady of the Night)

i Say (XVI. Giving Bouque

: Congratulations to both of you !

ce for another award. Your efforts

: Ladies and gentlemen get loud and rejoi

off for being so wondertul.

would not be in vain. You deserve a pay


d handsome as you are, only a pair has to stand

: But beautiful, gorgeous, an

n! So do your best

out and gain the title Most Promising Lady and Gentlema
and let the judges take charge of the rest . Good luck !

: And now, the announcement of the Most Promising Lady and Gentleman.
They are . Congratulations! Let us give thema big hand!

: May we call on

: As the program is about to end, may we call on the Junior class President,
, for the closing remarks.

(XII. Closing Remarks)

: Thank you for the inspiring remarks.

: We hope that you enjoyed the program that we ha

ve set for you. B is i
yet the end of the night for the Juniors. A dinner and a party follow Se eit,

: So to all of you, we would li i

eo anes : uld like to express our thanks for witnessing the HCA
: Thank you very much and God bless us all ! Till we meet again

: Once again, we are your hosts,

ee a ks aye

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